찬송가343장 시험 받을 때에

  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2025
  • In the Hour of Trial
    1.In the hour of tri-al, Je-sus, plead for me,
    Lest by base de-ni-al I de-part from Thee,
    When Thou seest me wa-ver, With a look re-call,
    Nor for fear or fa-vor Suf-fer me to fall.
    2.With its witch-ing pleas-ures Would this vain world charm,
    Or its sor-did treas-ures Spread to work me harm,
    Bring to my re-mem-brance Sad Geth-sem-a-ne,
    Or, in dark-er sem-blance, Cross-crowned Cal-va-ry.
    3.If with sore af-flic-tion Thou in love chas-tise,
    Pour Thy ben-e-dic-tion On the sac-ri-fice;
    Then, up-on Thine al-tar Free-ly of-fered up,
    Though the flesh may fal-ter, Faith shall drink the cup.
    4.When my last hour com-eth, Fraught with strife and pain,
    When my dust re-turn-eth To the dust a-gain,
    On Thy truth re-ly-ing, Through that mor-tal strife,
    Je-sus, take me, dy-ing, To e-ter-nal life.
    [출처] 한영 찬송가 341장부터350장까지 NWC악보 PPT악보 반주MR 소프라노 엘토 테너 베이스 찬송가전곡악보|작성자 성경과찬송뉴

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