Outside of the mainstream comics, Arkham Batman is the most powerful version of Batman imo. The things this man has taken, endured, can do and has done would make your nightmares look like fairytales His gadgets alone make him OP as hell. Not to mention he is a master at combat and stealth Here’s a list of just SOME of his feats: Defeated his entire rouges gallery 4 times over 4 seperate nights Defeated Lady Shiva (who is said to be the greatest martial artist in the world), Deathstroke (The worlds greatest assassin), Bane and Raś Al Ghūl, a man who has lived for over 600 years and perfected every form of combat, and yet still beat them all in *hand to hand combat* Dismantled and annihilated both the Tyger forces and The Malitia, two separate armies specifically trained to counter him, in one night Created a cure to Copperhead’s poison, Man-Bat’s serum, the Titan formula and gained a natural immunity to Scarecrow’s more potent fear toxin and the Joker’s disease Has survived being injected with enough fear toxin to drive ten men insane, being poisoned, stabbed, shot, thrown out a window, a point blank gunshot to the abdomen, an RPG, multiple explosions and being beaten to near death Dies to Harley Quinn. What bullshit
@seth1712 I just don't understand why they thought we'd want this. We really should've gotten a Justice League or Batman Beyond game. wb just suck ass. they cancelled the Batman Beyond animated movie that was going to be made by the same people that did Into The Spider-Verse and it actually looked badass but wb said NAH and gave us this shit This whole being allergic to money trend is getting annoying. Sony is literally doing the same, instead of giving us what we want, for example TASM 3, they want to produce shit like madame web.
-Arkham Batman has not once defeated his entire rogues gallery in a single night, every single game practically has a list of villains that Batman doesn't encounter during those nights. You're severely underestimating just how big Batman's rogues gallery actually is. -He didn't defeat Bane nor Ra's with hand-to-hand combat. Both required copious gadget use and Bane absolutely would've killed Batman if he tried beating him in CQC. -Arkham City trailers show that Hugo Strange is well aware that the TYGER guards are not fully equipped or prepared to take on Batman, they're a distraction at best. As for the Arkham Knight's militia, no amount of training is doing anything about the Batmobile's tank mode. -Synthesizing cures for Copperhead and Man-Bat aren't major feats for Batman, chemical and DNA analysis is child's play for any given version of this character. I'm not satisfied with Arkham Batman being killed off either, but I've never understood this mentality of exaggerating every single thing he does like he's some kind of God. Batman gets knocked out seven times in Arkham City and could've been killed during any of those moments. He's not invincible, that's damn near the whole point of the character. Even if everything you said was true, which it isn't, I still don't see how any of that implies that Arkham Batman could beat Harley Quinn, Deadshot, a speedster, and a literal Demigod all at the same time.
Her and that quad had the most diabolical plot armor I ever seen Didn’t even know what plot armor was until that game showed up and people told me they had that
@@Man08ytbro, have you played the Arkham games. This Batman was poison, kicked out a window, literally almost died seeing his parents, had a building dropped on him, and immediately got up, stopped protocol 10, beat Hugo and Ras just kill’s himself, beat clayface, got stabbed and left Arkham City like nothing happened. All in one single night. This isn’t even mentioning the side quests.
@@Peashooter908 I know very well, I played all Arkham games and platinum each one except origins, only time I seen this Arkham Batman with plot armor is Arkham knight because of Jason Todd especially when Todd stood over him but let him live
@@Man08ytsame with the platinums, it sucks Origins is now unattainable. I love this Batman but he is covered in plot armor, like I said multiple times in AC he should’ve been dead but he’s not. And that’s not a bad thing. The game would be boring if you died of a bad blood transfusion. Or if Batman had his hand blown off in Asylum. My point is every character in the history of media has plot armor.
@@Peashooter908 well you have a point but I mean just wow Knowing this Batman Arkham knight died like this? I just hope that the rumors that he’s a clone is true man We didn’t even get games for the other characters relating to the Arkham universe and they could just tie it in with Arkham and make it similar guarantee it would be amazing Just maybe if they did so and gave a proper sequel to Arkham knight maybe this game could’ve been justified For example like a Superman game and green lantern game etc Then this happened it would make sense
I remember getting this game's platinum and that of Arkham City for the PS3 back in the day... Then a couple of years ago I bought the PS4 rerelease just so I could get the trophies again but in the order I SAID so. And for City I took around 10 days, but for Asylum? Literally less than 48 hours.
this reminds me of completing all the arkham knight trophies, riddler stuff, new game+ and every single ar challenge with every character/batmobile 3 stars, it was awful. but well worth it. btw asylum is the best arkham game (:
oh, wait, people used the electric barriers to beat a Titan without batarangs? I just walked into the visitor center and used the 2 guard Titan's to beat each other up. Am I insane?
Bro I literally was the same after playing this I watched Batman begins n after that scarecrow always been my fave villian the design in this game was so cool n cillian Murphy nailed the role
Harleys thighs are exposed. I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion
Harley's thighs are exposed. I can use the Batcamera to trigger an uncontrolled payload.
i have a feeling something is exploding...
Outside of the mainstream comics, Arkham Batman is the most powerful version of Batman imo. The things this man has taken, endured, can do and has done would make your nightmares look like fairytales His gadgets alone make him OP as hell. Not to mention he is a master at combat and stealth
Here’s a list of just SOME of his feats:
Defeated his entire rouges gallery 4 times over 4 seperate nights
Defeated Lady Shiva (who is said to be the greatest martial artist in the world), Deathstroke (The worlds greatest assassin), Bane and Raś Al Ghūl, a man who has lived for over 600 years and perfected every form of combat, and yet still beat them all in *hand to hand combat*
Dismantled and annihilated both the Tyger forces and The Malitia, two separate armies specifically trained to counter him, in one night
Created a cure to Copperhead’s poison, Man-Bat’s serum, the Titan formula and gained a natural immunity to Scarecrow’s more potent fear toxin and the Joker’s disease
Has survived being injected with enough fear toxin to drive ten men insane, being poisoned, stabbed, shot, thrown out a window, a point blank gunshot to the abdomen, an RPG, multiple explosions and being beaten to near death
Dies to Harley Quinn. What bullshit
@seth1712 I just don't understand why they thought we'd want this. We really should've gotten a Justice League or Batman Beyond game. wb just suck ass. they cancelled the Batman Beyond animated movie that was going to be made by the same people that did Into The Spider-Verse and it actually looked badass but wb said NAH and gave us this shit
This whole being allergic to money trend is getting annoying. Sony is literally doing the same, instead of giving us what we want, for example TASM 3, they want to produce shit like madame web.
-Arkham Batman has not once defeated his entire rogues gallery in a single night, every single game practically has a list of villains that Batman doesn't encounter during those nights. You're severely underestimating just how big Batman's rogues gallery actually is.
-He didn't defeat Bane nor Ra's with hand-to-hand combat. Both required copious gadget use and Bane absolutely would've killed Batman if he tried beating him in CQC.
-Arkham City trailers show that Hugo Strange is well aware that the TYGER guards are not fully equipped or prepared to take on Batman, they're a distraction at best. As for the Arkham Knight's militia, no amount of training is doing anything about the Batmobile's tank mode.
-Synthesizing cures for Copperhead and Man-Bat aren't major feats for Batman, chemical and DNA analysis is child's play for any given version of this character.
I'm not satisfied with Arkham Batman being killed off either, but I've never understood this mentality of exaggerating every single thing he does like he's some kind of God. Batman gets knocked out seven times in Arkham City and could've been killed during any of those moments. He's not invincible, that's damn near the whole point of the character. Even if everything you said was true, which it isn't, I still don't see how any of that implies that Arkham Batman could beat Harley Quinn, Deadshot, a speedster, and a literal Demigod all at the same time.
Officer Balls
The Jerker
@@dagoofymeistermasterThe Giggler
The green haired funny guy
5:02 officer balls
Crazy how the dark feeling of this game got even darker when you know Jason was here at the Asylum somewhere.
Officer balls
Officer Balls
Just to die to Harley Quinn
Her and that quad had the most diabolical plot armor I ever seen
Didn’t even know what plot armor was until that game showed up and people told me they had that
@@Man08ytbro, have you played the Arkham games. This Batman was poison, kicked out a window, literally almost died seeing his parents, had a building dropped on him, and immediately got up, stopped protocol 10, beat Hugo and Ras just kill’s himself, beat clayface, got stabbed and left Arkham City like nothing happened. All in one single night. This isn’t even mentioning the side quests.
@@Peashooter908 I know very well, I played all Arkham games and platinum each one except origins, only time I seen this Arkham Batman with plot armor is Arkham knight because of Jason Todd especially when Todd stood over him but let him live
@@Man08ytsame with the platinums, it sucks Origins is now unattainable. I love this Batman but he is covered in plot armor, like I said multiple times in AC he should’ve been dead but he’s not. And that’s not a bad thing. The game would be boring if you died of a bad blood transfusion. Or if Batman had his hand blown off in Asylum. My point is every character in the history of media has plot armor.
@@Peashooter908 well you have a point but I mean just wow
Knowing this Batman Arkham knight died like this?
I just hope that the rumors that he’s a clone is true man
We didn’t even get games for the other characters relating to the Arkham universe and they could just tie it in with Arkham and make it similar guarantee it would be amazing
Just maybe if they did so and gave a proper sequel to Arkham knight maybe this game could’ve been justified
For example like a Superman game and green lantern game etc
Then this happened it would make sense
alls I’m sayin is vorpal and Batman have never been seen in the same room together
They’re always in the same room together
Why is Man getting the platty in Man: Return to Ham: Ham Aslume?
Is he stupid?
Maybe the real "Going For The Arkham Asylum Platinum In One Night… (Am I stupid?)" is the friends we made along the way.
Jonkler has returned to Aslume
My boy had suffered through battlefront wait times, and now he can have his reward of playing the Arkham games.
Oh my god, did he actually keep his promise and are we now finally getting weekly uploads
0:32 too fucking real
Lord Vorp spoiling us with the juicy content 😩
What the discord glaze
After the “(am I stupid?)” should’ve put “or am I the night?”
Bro I recently started playing the hell outa this game. What are the chances you drop a vid on it now. I’ve been blessed.
as someone who has tried to beat Arkham asylum in one night i can confirm it is not fun
Guys, he's Batman.
Officer Balls🗿
Boy in a band moment
I remember getting this game's platinum and that of Arkham City for the PS3 back in the day...
Then a couple of years ago I bought the PS4 rerelease just so I could get the trophies again but in the order I SAID so.
And for City I took around 10 days, but for Asylum? Literally less than 48 hours.
Daddy Vorpal back at it again!! Love you!!🖤🥰
They did him so dirty in the suicide squad game
hello father.
Why did Batman collect all those trophies, Is he obsessed?
best 5 euros ive ever spent. welcome back king
I really appreciate it man, it is good to be back. You have a great day!
doing this for Arkham knight would be suicide
they should make a squad for that
16:18 that joke where you lock the doors is absolutely hilarious
Lore accurate Arkham Asylum playthrough
Did Man return to the aslume For the platinum or did he just return to see Officer Balls or The Jonkler
Is there a lore reason for this?
Why won’t bone kiss man is he straight?
Officer balls, whaohobobobohohohohhohoh
this reminds me of completing all the arkham knight trophies, riddler stuff, new game+ and every single ar challenge with every character/batmobile 3 stars, it was awful. but well worth it. btw asylum is the best arkham game (:
Your batman impression is spot on
Liking this consistency
Why doesn't Batman just call the Justice League for help? Is he stupid?
I literally do this every couple of months just cuz I fucking hate my sleep schedule
Now knowing vorpal is a Arkham fan my life is complete I kinda had an idea from the audio tapes in the gamble videos tho
Your better at arkham memes then me great video!
6:54 lowkey Edward (some other word) the Rizzler
Vorpal i love all of your videos. I would love to see more. you fr are hilarious
A surprised to be sure, but a welcomed one.
Saying Gordon looked like a big Mac in a ziplock bag got me 😂😂
Its good to hear Conroy's voice again
10:15 Made me laugh to much 🤣
This guy broke his sleep schedule for a trophy. Is he the bold? The brave? The bat, or man?
Ah vorpal well known for his absolutly ripped physique uplouded
Ivy does do that stuff. Then Batman stops her and throws her in Arkham. So she goes after him
"what happens when I step in Jokers zaza? Do I get silly?" proceeds to die laughing
oh, wait, people used the electric barriers to beat a Titan without batarangs? I just walked into the visitor center and used the 2 guard Titan's to beat each other up. Am I insane?
You, my friend, are insane... I'd love to see City and Knight tho 😂😂
I was never taught what laws there are is a crazy reference 😭
I love this style of content dude
I always had an idea if this was possible, thought about streaming it but passed, can’t wait to see you do it. 🙂
In the intro of the video, those cinematic fights...where are they from?
Lmaoooo this was funny asf, you have to do city, maybe not platinum in one night but... maybe 3?
Bro I literally was the same after playing this I watched Batman begins n after that scarecrow always been my fave villian the design in this game was so cool n cillian Murphy nailed the role
The icing line killed me lmaooo
Yk it’s been canon that Harley slept with some of her thugs after joker died
Harley’s motion capture is a guy just so yall know
Damn, playing COD instead of doing homework, then rushing to get half credit on the last night.... That's too real.
Do the whole arkham series
Im almost done the game just need the combat challeneges but i suck at keeping a combo
Yoo perfect timing, I'm about to gobble down on some gulag food
honestly cudos to you i can't imagine how painful that was
i think Bruce Wayne MIGHT be Batman
19:32 he was the diversity hire
This was an awesome video! I would love to see a video based on Arkham City.
Would love to see this with the other games!
Please make an Arkham City vid! I found your channel from the how to max Lando video and find you hilarious, you're a legend 🍻
Def need a pt 2
Shut up
Definitely a great video! looking forward if you do Arkham city!
Beautiful video
Nothing for Killer Croc? Bummer
had something but decided to cut it lol
@@v_o_r_p_a_l7:45 at least you gave us the best Riddler roast ever
A video like this for City would be fucking gas (joker gas)
My Vorpie Worpie is doing trophy content now?
Vorp's finally uploading Arkham content. -🔥
I am the jonkler, ask me any question
Hello Jonker. What do you do
@@iAmScope2 with the drunken sailor
wait every arkham batman games are happening in 1 night?
Dinnaly an arkham video I have waited 4ever
The same vid with Arkham origins would be lit 👀
This man really playing without background music
Bros definition of 🗿💅
Officer Balls
Officer Balls 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This man is funny asf😂😂😂
honestly it’s the easiest plat out of the series by far so it shouldn’t be too difficult
That was really fun
5:31 I had like a seizure here
is he really back ‼️
6:04 me waiting half a year for a Vorpal upload:
Welcome back King
would love to see more dbd
He is that guy
The commentary made this video
Asylum is amazing (and cooks origins)
U gotta do this with city
When does the Overwatch gameplay drop?
Arkham City Platinum. Good Luck 👍