I’m actually slightly surprised the film makers didn’t have the Mexicans all wear sombreros and zapata moustaches and say arriba arriba all the time. They clearly don’t know or care about Mexicans and Mexico
It's so frustrating to me that she ends up murdered not because of her involvement in an NGO looking for bodies, but rather because of personal family drama.
Fantastic analyses this movie just keeps blowing my mind. I feel like we are absolutely living in some funky quantum timeline that was not supposed to happen lol
I have felt that wat since 9/11. And I wonder of older people felt that way after JFK's assassination. We live in a beautiful world. Why do some people work so hard to tear it down and cause pain?
The director stated that Spanish is a language of third world countries and for poor and ignorant people. I did more research on the narco situation for a college paper than a director did for a major film. There’s a priest who became a saint who is mainly venerated by people in the drug trade. I want to assume that the final scene is based on that
I thought that was the star who said that but either way...wooooow. Was that a dig at Spain as well because holy crap, the hate is so thicc with that comment you can't cut it with a chainsaw.
French people... They see themselves as nobility since French is a difficult language to learn, this is why English was born, because it was more of a popular language for day to day life, the aristocracy kept French since it was direct evolution of Latin, another difficult language I may be wrong on something, I am not an historian, the best is that I am an Italian, so I know how some French people perceive themselves so high and magnificent And I really do not understand the "Spanish is third world language" goofy aah debacle since Spanish and Italian are the closest languages to old Latin
As a Brazilian, I find this movie absolutely disgusting and disrespectful. I've seen countless American films and series portraying Latin America as some kind of exotic zoo, where Latinos are displayed like animals for tourists to take pictures and laugh at. It’s disheartening to see how Latin America is depicted in American and European cinema, but I know there are amazing Latin films and series that truly deserve recognition! One great example is the masterpiece "I'm Still Here" by director Walter Salles. I also loved your content and just discovered your channel-it's amazing! ¡Un abrazo para ti! :)
Just in case anyone wants to comment without watching the video: The insult is specifically about how the movie portrays the tragedy of missing people in Mexico. Also, showing Mexican people literally worshiping the protagonist of your movie is insulting too, but it's also evidence of such an ego that it ends up working as evidence against the writers' intelligence I know people will criticize this movie for all the wrong reasons, but that shouldn't mean we ignore all the things it actually does wrong
no mexican in their right mind would do a virgen de guadalupe with Emilia's face, like i was joking when i put a cut out of Taylor Swift on top of the little house of my mom's nativity scene (eras tour joke) and she GROUNDED me... i'm in my thirties, living on my own with a whole ass child and my mother grounded me...
Even if you take away the mexican set up, the movie is bad, terrible even, a Mary Sue character is absolutelly horrible, and that's what Emilia is. The movie is an insult to the viewer and two fold for us mexicans.
There are many other things this movie does wrong that I couldn't mention in the video because they weren't as big of a deal. I'll put them here as I remember them: 1.- "Bingo": I've never ever heard someone use "bingo" as an expression when talking Spanish. An expression like "ese mero" would have been better 2.- Laptop at the street market: Who does that? 3.- Street market at night: They all close by like, 4 pm. Since they close streets to operate they are only allowed to stay for a short period of time 4.- So many servants: I'm too working class to know this from experience, but I found the number of servants at Emilia's house to be excessive. As far as I know rich people hire usually one or two people to clean and cook for them, but Emilia had like 6 or 7 5.- The lyrics of ever song are bafflingly bad, musically and narratively. For example when Rita sings "these people talk but now they are gonna pay", is that supposed to be a victory over them? Also, in the London song she repeats the same lyrics like five times, I legit thought Netflix was glitching for a second
I'm sorry to barge in, but I want to ask about a subject that we have in common as culturas, as in Brasil we also have processions, druglords, and people disappearing. In my view we (as a majorly catholic country too) would simply never forgive a child killer. No use denying it, as Emilia knew exactly where to find those responsible for the killings, they had done at least a good ammount of those jobs for her too. Is Mexico different in this aspect? I mean, you consider possible that Emilia could redeem herself from that kind of stuff? I say only in the next life, talking to God himself, but not by us, not just because she helped mothers find the corpses of the murdered children. I at first thought this was very offensive, to consider mexicans would just don't care how bad EP had been towards them, but seeing your video, I had the feeling you were considering a possibility of making that arc. Seeing a mother kissing the hand of her child's assassin made me quit the movie in disgust, but maybe you guys can actually take this to a whole new level and actually consider it. What's the truth behind this?
@HighlyEntropicMind You missed that Emilia Perez house is in Las Lomas, and Her ex-wife wants to move to Polanco. People that are not familiar with Mexico City, think that they are talking about two places far away, but they are not. Las Lomas and Polanco are neighborhoods that are only 5 minutes apart from each other. Children living in Las Lomas usually go to the schools in Polanco or Viceversa. There is no need to change schools, they are extremely close. Emilia could pick the kids or visit daily, they'd be almost next door neighbors. That's how you know the filmmakers didn't do any research, they just asked for the name of two wealthy neighborhoods and didn't bother to look for them in a map.
Post and rail (that type of wooden fence construction) is a very costly and somewhat labour intensive way of building fences. Especially going back pre- industrialisation. Post and wire is much cheaper *and* less labour intensive in the modern age, and stone walls are highly labour intensive but have zero cost if using material that was lying around. Here in the south of England, where we don't have stone handily lying around, the traditional solutions were mainly hedgerows and ditches. Same idea as stone walls, take something that's free (bushes and/or dirt) and turn it into a containment system/boundary marker.
On Top of that , all of this is supposed to take place in Mexico City , which is not a rural place at all and there is no desert there . As you mentioned, references to specific places highlight the fact that they don’t know what they’re talking about. Emilia is in Lomas de Chapultepec and she’s very confused about what Polanco might be like. Which would be completely impossible if these were real people living in this place for real. And certainly neither of those places look even remotely like the places they’re portraying. Oh, and something else, there are no criminal jury trials in Mexico, and they would certainly not be held in the middle of the night. This man really didn’t bother to do any research of any sort.. I love your video and I agree with everything you say.
Great analysis! For those interested in an analysis focused on the trans asepct of the story, by a trans creator, I'd recommend Jessie Gender's essay (be warned though: its quite lengthy)
When you got passionate talking about how rich neighbourhoods have good schools, the way you say rich sounds like how my friends and family with heavy Chinese accents say rich. Weird coincidence since the languages are completely different. Thanks for providing the Mexican perspective.
@HighlyEntropicMind I WISH it were so we wouldn't be expected to see this dumpster fire as some sort of "true to life" trash or whatever tone It's going for. But even if it were a comedy, it has all the graces of a Dan Marh sketch. 🙃
The insinuation that mexicans will just venerate the first rich person to start an NGO... The silly song with the lyrics "these people talk but now they're going to pay" followed by these people... Presumably donating to the charity? What?
Emilia Perez, In case you like this movie... ok. Agree, we all have different taste for films and then I would assume that you are not Mexican. You want to talk about the facts, well, here are the facts: *This movie only shows all the cliches about Mexican culture and use them/exploits them in the cheapest "Hollywood Representation" to show/display Mexican Culture/Society. *There are Mariachi bands and dangerous streets in every city in Mexico, Yes... really ? *This film is about Mexico and yet has no Mexican actors. Yes, no good actors in Mexico... really ? *What is the best way to show Mexico's social problems ? Yes, a Narco Musical... really ? *A film about a Mexican family and the mother does not speak Mexican spanish... really ? *This movie is about the reality of life in Mexico and was shot in Paris... really ? *If you go to a restaurant or coffee shop in any city in Mexico, you will be kidnapped... really ? *The songs in this movie have nothing to do with Mexican culture. Mexican singers... naahh. I can't freaking understand why this movie has more Oscar nominations than Casablanca, The Lord of The Rings, Chicago, The Revenant, Forrest Gump and Schindler's List... Why ? FYI TRUE STORY: The Mexican journalists and students of cinematography had scheduled a meeting with director Jacques Audiard at Cineteca Nacional located in Mexico City on January 14th, needless to say everybody was waiting for him and guess what... he canceled at the last minute.... COWARD. Please talk about the facts, that's why most people in Mexico do not like this film. In short, this movie is stupidity at its finest.
This was an extremely interesting analysis as a non-Mexican and art student. Especially your discussion of the "Mexican" environments compared to the non-Mexican production design.
I'm Brazilian, so I don't have a place to talk about our Mexican hermanos, but for the love of Virgin Mary, I'm second hand offended by this. They tackled every single topic in the worse and wrongest way possible.
i feel the reason Emilia wasn’t given any struggles was fear of being seen as transphobic; online masses will gladly jump at the chance to say “so and so is transphobic, look at how much this character suffered! the writers *must* have done this intentionally!” i say this as a trans person: no, it’s not. writing your VERY CLEARLY IN NEED OF REDEMPTION CHARACTER struggling to EARN her redemption is not transphobia, it’s just following through on the plot you’ve devised. great video, your criticisms were spot on
Thank you! I've been wondering why the writers made everything so easy for Emilia and I hadn't considered that they were afraid of being seen as transphobic
I hadn't thought about it but a picket fence is... like if one was an artist & one wanted to make a quasi surrealist installation remarking on the ties between Mexico & the USA one would put a picket fence; not only because of its association with Gringo individualism but because they are alien to the cultural landscape of Mexico. Like the image of someone putting a picket fence around their property is farcical. The longslatted fence is pulled from westerns.
LOLLLL the ex famous fearsome drug lord doesn’t know if they have good schools in Polanco. And it’s apparently quite close to where Emilia’s house was, so there could have been some arrangement to visit the kids since they grew so close. But they’re acting like she’s moving across the damn country 😂
imagine youve been searching for your family member for years and suddenly someone finds not only their body but every other body of a missing person killed by cartel members.... I'd be at least a little suspicious that they had some kind of dubious connection to the deaths at the very least. Really makes people in mexico, especially the impoverished, seem pretty stupid and inept. Even I can see how bad and insulting that is and I'm Canadian.
He is based on Chapolin Colorado, a mexican creation and an idol for south America, so that single character represents Mexico better than this whole movie
This is the exact same problem with Hollywood's depiction of my country (India). Its either a Slumdog Millionaire style hyper focus on poverty, or just people dressed in the most tacky clothes breaking into a dance with bobbling heads.
I hope "Im Still Here" wins the oscars, unlike Emilia Perez it isnt a stereotipical movie and it treats people in global south with dignity. The movie exemplifies the struggles of the people under US backed dictatorships in South America as a whole, not only Brazil. I doubt a movie made in Latam might win any real categories, if it wins its probably gonna be best international feature, only a participation trophy...
i feel like selena gomez is trying hard to understand her heritage but she doesn’t have anyone to properly guide her, and that’s how she ends up in garbage projects such as this one. it’s a pity because she’s talented, and if her paternal family wasn’t so distant towards her, this would have never happened
The film feels like caricature of trans people from the point of conservatives. Sadly, all the academy cares about is propping up films that make them seem proggresive while not actually doing anything for the cause.
This was a very emlightening analysis of the movie. I have been looking for more on how bad it is from a Mexican pov, but All I get is , the trans pov, because.... that's MOREE important, right? smh. This was great. You unlocked points I would have never seen because, I'm not from Mexico, I'm from L.A. And they were important because in order to portray a setting in Mexico, it has to be believeable, and that whole warehouse thing... wow!!! I hated it too. Wonderful job.
As a Brazilian I just though how would I feel to see a sad historical event portrayed in such a disrespectful way. No only the movie by itself but how the director reacted and talked about Mexico. Not ok. And... Let's be honest, the movie is BAD, the acting is BAD, the music is bad, 13 indications? How?
As someone who lives in Ecuador, where it also deals with sicarios and missing people like Mexico, I feel like Emilia Pérez isn't even worth pirating as a shitty film. 😂 But I'm morbidly curious enough ever since KSG's disastrous interview with CNN En Español. Great video!
Man, I miss Guadalajara and it's lovely shades of pee colored light everywhere. I thought all of us Tapatios had liver issues because of how yellow-green everything is. It's so trippy the moment you cross a border and OMG the yellow disappears!
i'd never heard of this movie even 2 months ago, and now the more i hear, the worse it gets. it sounds like everything wrong with halfhearted "representation" by white creators. i appreciate the numerous audio options on this video!
por decadas varios filmes de hollywood passaram uma imagem super negativa e distorcida do mexico mas foi só aparecer um filme estrelado por uma mulher trans indicada ao oscar e que transicionou na meia idade dai esse filme é atacado por transfobicos com a desculpa do filme ser ruim e passar uma imagem ruim do mexico. interessante que o unico motivo do neonazismo estar sendo aceito pela sociedade americana atual é porque o neonazismo de trump é declaradamente antitrans, e a sociedade cisnormativa se identificou com essa bandeira, e toda vez que tem uma mulher trans em algum filme, musical ou cargo politico inventam mil desculpa para ataca-la
Honestly, this is just a really good video analyzing how racist this movie really is. I'm both trans and Mexican (I also love musical theatre but all I'll say about that here is that music's awful and I'm tired of these movies constantly just doing speak singing instead of actual singing) and while I haven't seen this film for myself, I feel like I've seen enough clips to know how I feel. I find it just weird that they display Mexico visually. Like yes, some parts of Mexico do look more poor and will sometimes have a similar feel to some of these environments, but with how little diversity in the settings that are in Mexico in this film, it just gives a big red flag. I do think it possibly could've been done to also make the redemption work, but it would've been incredibly hard. Especially with this team considering how it feels like they use Emilia's transition as redemption when it honestly just makes the story feel transphobic. So they likely wouldn't be able to make it done right. But I still agree with you that they should've put more focus into the problem of the cartel and try to better improve. Especially with how bad of an issue it is. This movie is just such a disgrace and insult as a movie about Mexican culture, the trans experience, as a musical, and even just as a movie...
You made me realize something. The movie pretends that by simply transitioning Emilia has already redeemed herself, and the more I think about it the more transphobic that attitude seems, because it denies the continuity of the person
@ Yeah, bingo! When I first started looking into this film, I started to realize it thinking I was crazy… turns out a lot of the trans community has this same opinion. But yeah, exactly. It tries to use her transition as a means of her redemption. It just acts like she is forgiven for all of this simply cause she’s transitioned.
I went to see the movie with a bunch of friends and none of us liked it for many many reasons. I am Italian so I didn't really get all the sublte mexican's poor representations but your commentary gave me other reasons to not like this movie. I believe that people who like it only care about the redemption arc (i didn't like it) and how Emilia "decided" to make good things for her community. It has so many plot holes and incongruities, especially if we talk about Rita, that I couldn't believe it won that many prizes. Did we see the same thing?
I sometimes see mexicans on the web saying they are being too harsh on the no sabo kids. This film proves you are not being harsh enough. Because the issue here is not that they didn't consult with any mexican on the culture, but that they probably consulted a few yanks with 3 Gonzales in their family tree, whom think that's enough to call themselves mexicans.
Hard disagree. For starters, we have no idea who they consulted, it at all, and second Mexicans are born wherever we want and we speak whatever languages we feel like
@HighlyEntropicMind You know what: you're absolutely right. I let my prejudice to assume things when I don't have the whole picture. I'll try to do better. That said: I do think the problems with this movie stem from a very specific and misguided yankee conception about what means to be a mexican. And you know what I mean by that.
@ Wow, congratulations for changing your mind, it's not easy to admit you were wrong, but that's the only way to always end up being right And yes, there are many stupid ideas people have about Mexico and they coagulated into this movie
I just wanted to say that this movie, with all its absurdity and fuss about it drew the world's attention to México and its problems like no other. I liked the movie. I took it as a tragicomic one with emphasis on human nature with its hypocrisy. I didn't expect it to be a perfect representation of the real México (by the way, cinema is full of stereotypical representations of nations, occupations, gender roles, etc. All those portayals of Italian or Russian mobsters, Hindu families, lawyers, doctors, stock exchange, military men, the list could go on and on and on, whenever there is a character in a movie coming from Eastern Europe, they usually mix nationalities and languages, even in acclaimed movies - and no one makes a lot of fuss about it). Hypocrisy was everywhere - in the conduct of the protagonists and in the people's reaction to this movie. For instance, in comments about how the movie is disrespectful to different groups of people, people oftentimes tend to insult and disrespect others. People rage at how the movie, esp. the (in)famous song about vaginoplasty simplifies transition procedures - but somehow so many accounts of actual trans people (not all, for sure) show their transition and their new life in a lovie dovie, pink and blue, unproblematic way. Showing how onesided and hypocritical humans are - this movie did it in a perfect way (I don't know whether it was intentional or not).
You are right that this movie reflects the problems of our society, but I don't think that's enough to make it good art, because it doesn't say anything about those things For example, it's not enough to show that people are hypocritical, you have to say something about it
@ La academia quiere premiar esta película por ser "woke" (por apoyar a los trans), mucha gente critica a la película por eso mismo Mi punto es que lo "woke" de esta película es irrelevante para su calidad Además, el apoyo a los trans de esta película es puramente performativo, solo hecho para ganar puntos, no me parece genuino. Me encantaría que lo fuera
The look isn’t because they didn’t record in Mexico and rather in a studio in France. Movies have been doing this for ages, with authentic results, and we are none the wiser. You can totally get a fuller/realer space, if the director wants it, has done his research and wants to respect the culture being portrayed (and has the budget, bc things do cost money). The issue here isn’t where it was filmed nor that it’s a studio, it’s the creative direction, THE DIRECTOR. Jacques is the sole creative hand and the one to blame for all of these creative choices. He himself said he didn’t research Mexico, that he already knew what he needed to know. He didn’t honor the culture he was supposed to represent with the utmost respect and authenticity.
You know, when Americans make movies about european countries they also are so far away from how it really looks and what the culture really is. I also remember the one silent hill game from japan taking place in germany but EVERYTHING was american. So this misrepresenting of countries is very normal but since its rarely happens to non European countries, you just do not notice it.
minority group used as a prop, as uzhe, but sacrilegious disregard is contempt even if sloppy writing thought to put it there, leave it there. As you said, insulting
I didnt see the movie but the plot looks like somethinf that could be a good movie I guess? Bit as with SW Acolyte, you can have millions of budget for best of actors and people that seem like they have interesting ideas and I believe there was (probably) some attempt to create a movie that will be a showcase of talent and creativity and effort of many people, while main actor has a potential to turn even absolute crap into something that is fun to watch at least because of one person visibly strugglingg and probably struggling while knowing you will get same amount of money so... Acolyte is simply bad who cares lol but Emilia Perez i find even worse (I mean interesting if you like to analyse stuff, I do, my opinion is that Emilia Perez is a movie that is more a result of many people working but in the end what really matters is that movie go ABSOLUTE MADMAN with the message. The message is controversial and you may not like it but still...forgiving others is kinda good message right? Right! Okay, so now add only a bit of details like main character asking for forgiveness just after they changed the gender (!) -this should be info of not relevant value anyway because it matters more if the person is feeling guilty and shows that they probably were thinking much about that murders, you know a stuff that is pretty much the biggest crime and punishment is depending on the details and what society you live in. But it is pretty much "worst" thing to do, still people like Emilia deserve to be forgiven even if they were gangster in the past. Even more interesting and the movie would actually show some character growth and character arc? Plot twist WRONG! Why? Lets say that our main character shows that they kinda not care that much when they meet with someone that lost their family to you, they still decide to forgive you if you show that you really mean it aaaanyway Emilia just goes "umm bro i said sorry do you want me to say sorry one more time? Umm whatever (wimks to camera) (people laugh) Okay I think It didnt really went like that because my version could be actually something that has absolutely deranged humor but it is fine, it is just satire and this is a joke. Except you literally decide that maybe this is something that should be taken seriously because literally murder is bad and if you changed your gender - cool - i guess but still how about showing that you have responsibility and deserve forgiveness. "Umm come on, you are just transphobic am i rite?" Literally wtf who made this movie, did they make full movie somehow with stuff like this accepted lol Absolutely shows how degenerate you can be in hollywood and that you can literally probably buy yourself oscar nominations with no problems. I mean wtf, at least can the movie be good? I think that the plot is totally fine but for some reason you got the idea executed...poorly i guess. Yeah it is probably normal that if you suggest Emilia as character is a bit...not getting any sympathy by being absolute dick that speedruns changing your hard past as (repeat they are now woman so it is good!) ex gangster. Wew, what a mess, probably even worse if you are native spanish or mexican, i am not but i send my condolences to anyone seeing this in cinema. I dont know what is more shocking the fact this movie is real or the fact that it has 13 oscar nominations for no reason other than "woke message good lol" "forgiving is good, especially you should forgive if someone changed their gender. What a great message!
Also, narcos famously have big expensive trucks, not old ratty ones. You're more likely to encounter a narco playing golf or at Pujol than at a street market.
I think what makes this movie worst is that it came out in 2024 If this movie came out in the 1920 to 1960s i can let it slide because film making was still not as big or didn't have a lot of resources and travling wasn't that common but with this film had no excused it came out in 2024 when there more resources and accessibility then ever yet they couldn't flim in mexico couldn't hire a single Mexican to consultant for the film didn't bother doing any research in Mexican culture or did but messed it up badly and butchering the Spanish language so badly that it sounds like a language from a different planet that don't even sound like Spanish at all
My point is that every city has rich people, and rich people always go to good schools Also, as someone else pointed out, Emilia is explicitly said to be living in Las Lomas, which is literally five minutes away from Polanco
The geopolitical context currently surrounding the relationship between Mexico and the United States offers much for Mexicans to consider regarding this film and its potential political agenda. One thing that the allied nations of France and the United States share is a history of neocolonialist and imperialist tendencies, underpinned by Eurocentric ideas rooted in white supremacist ideologies. These ideologies place the West as superior to the Global South, maintaining a paternalistic vision and dominance over the latter. This mindset is reflected in the creation of this film, which is one of the reasons many Mexicans are upset. For example, the film addresses a serious issue in a biased manner, failing to acknowledge that the problem isn't solely Mexico’s; it's also the responsibility of other countries. A critical detail, such as the fact that over 70% of the weapons fueling violence in Mexico originate from the United States, is glaringly omitted. Mexico’s image has been tarnished by the media for decades, particularly by Hollywood, which has perpetuated an anti-Mexican narrative and contributed to a negative portrayal of the country and its people. Many Hollywood films, for instance, have used sepia-yellow filters to make Mexico appear backward, dirty, inferior, and underdeveloped. Nearly all films focusing on Mexico dwell on its negative aspects, and this movie is no different. The lack of nuance in its portrayal of Mexico contributes to an anti-Mexican discourse driven by a Eurocentric, white supremacist perspective. It's troubling that in a world where white Western countries dominate, these very nations are the ones applauding and awarding this film, further perpetuating the negative stereotypes of Mexico. This movie is deeply offensive and insulting to Mexico. This criticism stems from various aspects, including the selection and casting choices. In an interview, the casting director was asked why, if the movie is set in Mexico and revolves around the country, there was no Mexican cast. She responded by saying they traveled to Mexico but couldn't find any talented actors for the film. Considering that Mexico has millions of residents, claiming they couldn't find suitable actors is not only highly discriminatory but also more troubling when you think about the fact that the film profits from portraying the pain and suffering of Mexico.
In the end this is a movie, and is the vision of the writers and director. It isn’t obligated to be honest or respectful about any culture or any section of society. Cinema isn’t a safe space. We risk being offended insulted and sickened. Most consumers have been dumbed down by the current crop of movies. Look at a list of movies currently out there and Emilia Perez stands out in a huge way. Right or wrong good or bad it is at minimum a movie that took a big swing.
As someone living about 15 minutes from Cd. juarez and having many family ties to Mexico i loved the movie. I thought it was a fantiscal romp . also mexico DOES glorify and sancifty narco culture. So why not add some song and dance to it too? People are just being offended becuase it didnt have actresses that look and sound like la india maria
No, es porque mucha gente a perdido la vida y familiares a raíz de ese tipo de situaciones, maravilloso que nunca hayas experimentado, pero para las personas y familiares que le han ocurrido, es ofensivo al creer que es tan fácil resolver un problema que se ha llevado la vida de incontables personas. Y las producciones de los narcos en nuestro país tampoco es algo que nos gusta, simplemente es parte del día, así como en Estados Unidos de América es común los tiroteos escolares, pero no por ellos hay que hacerle un musical.
Just fyi... you can use clips lol. Your little blurb about how "corporations have power and we don't use ours" is just wrong lol. You can use clips my dude. You're just making an excuse to only put screenshots
I uploaded this video like 7 times. This is the only version that RUclips allowed me to publish. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't have the experience to back it up
As for veneration of saints who may or may not deserve it, in America sometimes politically-powerful groups will gin up a procession for a man who has run fatally afoul of the police. George Floyd, for instance. The aim is to impress upon the citizenry that they are powerless, effectively daring them to object. That is what this movie - a product of the French Left - has done to Mexicans.
_"Hola amigo! I want Taco Bell! Gracias! Cinco de Mayo!"_
That would've been less insulting than whatever that chingadera of a film was 😂
I’m actually slightly surprised the film makers didn’t have the Mexicans all wear sombreros and zapata moustaches and say arriba arriba all the time. They clearly don’t know or care about Mexicans and Mexico
@@rbarnett3200 Studio is french? thats it have heard enough
Bienvenido! 😂
Got DAYUM! 😂
It's so frustrating to me that she ends up murdered not because of her involvement in an NGO looking for bodies, but rather because of personal family drama.
Excellent point
Fantastic analyses this movie just keeps blowing my mind. I feel like we are absolutely living in some funky quantum timeline that was not supposed to happen lol
I have felt that wat since 9/11. And I wonder of older people felt that way after JFK's assassination. We live in a beautiful world. Why do some people work so hard to tear it down and cause pain?
The director stated that Spanish is a language of third world countries and for poor and ignorant people. I did more research on the narco situation for a college paper than a director did for a major film. There’s a priest who became a saint who is mainly venerated by people in the drug trade. I want to assume that the final scene is based on that
I thought that was the star who said that but either way...wooooow.
Was that a dig at Spain as well because holy crap, the hate is so thicc with that comment you can't cut it with a chainsaw.
French people...
They see themselves as nobility since French is a difficult language to learn, this is why English was born, because it was more of a popular language for day to day life, the aristocracy kept French since it was direct evolution of Latin, another difficult language
I may be wrong on something, I am not an historian, the best is that I am an Italian, so I know how some French people perceive themselves so high and magnificent
And I really do not understand the "Spanish is third world language" goofy aah debacle since Spanish and Italian are the closest languages to old Latin
So I guess the director thinks Spain is an ignorant third world country then 🙃
As a Brazilian, I find this movie absolutely disgusting and disrespectful. I've seen countless American films and series portraying Latin America as some kind of exotic zoo, where Latinos are displayed like animals for tourists to take pictures and laugh at. It’s disheartening to see how Latin America is depicted in American and European cinema, but I know there are amazing Latin films and series that truly deserve recognition! One great example is the masterpiece "I'm Still Here" by director Walter Salles.
I also loved your content and just discovered your channel-it's amazing! ¡Un abrazo para ti! :)
Just in case anyone wants to comment without watching the video:
The insult is specifically about how the movie portrays the tragedy of missing people in Mexico. Also, showing Mexican people literally worshiping the protagonist of your movie is insulting too, but it's also evidence of such an ego that it ends up working as evidence against the writers' intelligence
I know people will criticize this movie for all the wrong reasons, but that shouldn't mean we ignore all the things it actually does wrong
no mexican in their right mind would do a virgen de guadalupe with Emilia's face, like i was joking when i put a cut out of Taylor Swift on top of the little house of my mom's nativity scene (eras tour joke) and she GROUNDED me... i'm in my thirties, living on my own with a whole ass child and my mother grounded me...
Even if you take away the mexican set up, the movie is bad, terrible even, a Mary Sue character is absolutelly horrible, and that's what Emilia is. The movie is an insult to the viewer and two fold for us mexicans.
There are many other things this movie does wrong that I couldn't mention in the video because they weren't as big of a deal. I'll put them here as I remember them:
1.- "Bingo": I've never ever heard someone use "bingo" as an expression when talking Spanish. An expression like "ese mero" would have been better
2.- Laptop at the street market: Who does that?
3.- Street market at night: They all close by like, 4 pm. Since they close streets to operate they are only allowed to stay for a short period of time
4.- So many servants: I'm too working class to know this from experience, but I found the number of servants at Emilia's house to be excessive. As far as I know rich people hire usually one or two people to clean and cook for them, but Emilia had like 6 or 7
5.- The lyrics of ever song are bafflingly bad, musically and narratively. For example when Rita sings "these people talk but now they are gonna pay", is that supposed to be a victory over them? Also, in the London song she repeats the same lyrics like five times, I legit thought Netflix was glitching for a second
@@ThatGuyUpThere I should have said she should have called herself Mary Sue instead of Emilia Perez
I'm sorry to barge in, but I want to ask about a subject that we have in common as culturas, as in Brasil we also have processions, druglords, and people disappearing. In my view we (as a majorly catholic country too) would simply never forgive a child killer. No use denying it, as Emilia knew exactly where to find those responsible for the killings, they had done at least a good ammount of those jobs for her too. Is Mexico different in this aspect? I mean, you consider possible that Emilia could redeem herself from that kind of stuff? I say only in the next life, talking to God himself, but not by us, not just because she helped mothers find the corpses of the murdered children. I at first thought this was very offensive, to consider mexicans would just don't care how bad EP had been towards them, but seeing your video, I had the feeling you were considering a possibility of making that arc. Seeing a mother kissing the hand of her child's assassin made me quit the movie in disgust, but maybe you guys can actually take this to a whole new level and actually consider it. What's the truth behind this?
don't French people know you only need a yellow filter to transfer any place into Mexico???
that would have been less racist than what they actually did
@@HighlyEntropicMind French need to learn that latinos are just normal people with a different filter on
@@HighlyEntropicMind 🤣 I know right??
@@HighlyEntropicMind Right, it's crazy to me that even that would've been better than all of this XD.
Hermano, has ilustrado magistralmente los problemas de la pelicula con respecto a México. Mucho respeto. Gran análisis.
@HighlyEntropicMind You missed that Emilia Perez house is in Las Lomas, and Her ex-wife wants to move to Polanco. People that are not familiar with Mexico City, think that they are talking about two places far away, but they are not. Las Lomas and Polanco are neighborhoods that are only 5 minutes apart from each other. Children living in Las Lomas usually go to the schools in Polanco or Viceversa. There is no need to change schools, they are extremely close. Emilia could pick the kids or visit daily, they'd be almost next door neighbors. That's how you know the filmmakers didn't do any research, they just asked for the name of two wealthy neighborhoods and didn't bother to look for them in a map.
good point, I should have mentioned that
In Brazil we have plenty of wood, but we use barbed wire fences too. I don't know why. Maybe because the farms are so big.
we do that as a cost cutting measure!
vdd né nunca tinha pensado nisso
I imagine it depends on where in Mexico. There's plenty of wood on the Guatemalan border, but not along the northern border.
Post and rail (that type of wooden fence construction) is a very costly and somewhat labour intensive way of building fences. Especially going back pre- industrialisation. Post and wire is much cheaper *and* less labour intensive in the modern age, and stone walls are highly labour intensive but have zero cost if using material that was lying around.
Here in the south of England, where we don't have stone handily lying around, the traditional solutions were mainly hedgerows and ditches. Same idea as stone walls, take something that's free (bushes and/or dirt) and turn it into a containment system/boundary marker.
cheaper an easier to maintain
I'm thankful the algo rec'd your video! _Emilia Pérez_ is SUCH an insult, on so many levels. Thank you for speaking (& illustrating) the truth.
I watched some Videos and reviews about the worst movies of 2024 and this film was ranking high.
I 100% agree with the comment about Sideways :P I miss that channel
He made a community post recently about some of the videos he's been working on. So I hope he gets back to posting soon.
One of the few videos that actually walks thru the possible offenses. Kudos.
Everyone else is generically offended for subs and likes.
On Top of that , all of this is supposed to take place in Mexico City , which is not a rural place at all and there is no desert there . As you mentioned, references to specific places highlight the fact that they don’t know what they’re talking about. Emilia is in Lomas de Chapultepec and she’s very confused about what Polanco might be like. Which would be completely impossible if these were real people living in this place for real. And certainly neither of those places look even remotely like the places they’re portraying.
Oh, and something else, there are no criminal jury trials in Mexico, and they would certainly not be held in the middle of the night. This man really didn’t bother to do any research of any sort..
I love your video and I agree with everything you say.
I saw a Spanish/ Argentinian low budget ghost story movie. Guess what: you could even find the filming locations in google street view.
Great analysis! For those interested in an analysis focused on the trans asepct of the story, by a trans creator, I'd recommend Jessie Gender's essay (be warned though: its quite lengthy)
When you got passionate talking about how rich neighbourhoods have good schools, the way you say rich sounds like how my friends and family with heavy Chinese accents say rich. Weird coincidence since the languages are completely different. Thanks for providing the Mexican perspective.
This movie is a Tropic Thunder trailer but the audience is expected to take it seriously.
You can't honestly think this is comedy
@HighlyEntropicMind I WISH it were so we wouldn't be expected to see this dumpster fire as some sort of "true to life" trash or whatever tone It's going for.
But even if it were a comedy, it has all the graces of a Dan Marh sketch. 🙃
Glad this is back up
I made many versions of this video, in the end this one is the only one RUclips would allow me to publish
@@HighlyEntropicMindthat's criminal. This content is too important to go unpunished.
The insinuation that mexicans will just venerate the first rich person to start an NGO...
The silly song with the lyrics "these people talk but now they're going to pay" followed by these people... Presumably donating to the charity? What?
I know, the lyrics of all the songs make no sense. I thought about covering the lyrics in the review, but I wanted to keep it short
Emilia Perez, In case you like this movie... ok. Agree, we all have different taste for films and then I would assume that you are not Mexican.
You want to talk about the facts, well, here are the facts:
*This movie only shows all the cliches about Mexican culture and use them/exploits them in the cheapest "Hollywood Representation" to show/display Mexican Culture/Society.
*There are Mariachi bands and dangerous streets in every city in Mexico, Yes... really ?
*This film is about Mexico and yet has no Mexican actors. Yes, no good actors in Mexico... really ?
*What is the best way to show Mexico's social problems ? Yes, a Narco Musical... really ?
*A film about a Mexican family and the mother does not speak Mexican spanish... really ?
*This movie is about the reality of life in Mexico and was shot in Paris... really ?
*If you go to a restaurant or coffee shop in any city in Mexico, you will be kidnapped... really ?
*The songs in this movie have nothing to do with Mexican culture. Mexican singers... naahh.
I can't freaking understand why this movie has more Oscar nominations than Casablanca, The Lord of The Rings, Chicago, The Revenant, Forrest Gump and Schindler's List... Why ?
FYI TRUE STORY: The Mexican journalists and students of cinematography had scheduled a meeting with director Jacques Audiard at Cineteca Nacional located in Mexico City on January 14th, needless to say everybody was waiting for him and guess what... he canceled at the last minute.... COWARD.
Please talk about the facts, that's why most people in Mexico do not like this film. In short, this movie is stupidity at its finest.
This was an extremely interesting analysis as a non-Mexican and art student. Especially your discussion of the "Mexican" environments compared to the non-Mexican production design.
Thank you! I wonder if they even noticed they were presenting Mexican and non Mexican spaces so differently
I'm Brazilian, so I don't have a place to talk about our Mexican hermanos, but for the love of Virgin Mary, I'm second hand offended by this. They tackled every single topic in the worse and wrongest way possible.
loved the analysis and also the shoutout to sideways!
This video deserves more views. Thanks for showing that Rita's character is by itself a plot hole.
Thank you! And if you shared the video it would help it a lot to get views, because it helps the algorithm to learn what people like
i feel the reason Emilia wasn’t given any struggles was fear of being seen as transphobic; online masses will gladly jump at the chance to say “so and so is transphobic, look at how much this character suffered! the writers *must* have done this intentionally!”
i say this as a trans person: no, it’s not. writing your VERY CLEARLY IN NEED OF REDEMPTION CHARACTER struggling to EARN her redemption is not transphobia, it’s just following through on the plot you’ve devised. great video, your criticisms were spot on
Thank you! I've been wondering why the writers made everything so easy for Emilia and I hadn't considered that they were afraid of being seen as transphobic
I hadn't thought about it but a picket fence is... like if one was an artist & one wanted to make a quasi surrealist installation remarking on the ties between Mexico & the USA one would put a picket fence; not only because of its association with Gringo individualism but because they are alien to the cultural landscape of Mexico.
Like the image of someone putting a picket fence around their property is farcical. The longslatted fence is pulled from westerns.
Me imagino el patatuz que le daría al arzobispo que la Santa Emilia le ocurriese. Rapidito reabre el santo oficio y saca los capirotes.
Which is even funnier when you consider that the best westerns were filmed in Sicily and Spain.
LOLLLL the ex famous fearsome drug lord doesn’t know if they have good schools in Polanco. And it’s apparently quite close to where Emilia’s house was, so there could have been some arrangement to visit the kids since they grew so close. But they’re acting like she’s moving across the damn country 😂
imagine youve been searching for your family member for years and suddenly someone finds not only their body but every other body of a missing person killed by cartel members.... I'd be at least a little suspicious that they had some kind of dubious connection to the deaths at the very least. Really makes people in mexico, especially the impoverished, seem pretty stupid and inept. Even I can see how bad and insulting that is and I'm Canadian.
I miss sideways so much!
2 hours of the Bumblebee Man from The Simpsons would have been a better depiction of Mexico than Emilia Perez
unironically, at least the bumblebee man is a parody of a mexican superhero, the Chapulin Colorado (the red grasshopper)
He is based on Chapolin Colorado, a mexican creation and an idol for south America, so that single character represents Mexico better than this whole movie
This is the exact same problem with Hollywood's depiction of my country (India). Its either a Slumdog Millionaire style hyper focus on poverty, or just people dressed in the most tacky clothes breaking into a dance with bobbling heads.
I hope "Im Still Here" wins the oscars, unlike Emilia Perez it isnt a stereotipical movie and it treats people in global south with dignity. The movie exemplifies the struggles of the people under US backed dictatorships in South America as a whole, not only Brazil.
I doubt a movie made in Latam might win any real categories, if it wins its probably gonna be best international feature, only a participation trophy...
woooow... i would be so miffed if a film portrayed my country with this much lack of care.
Primeira vez que vejo essa opção de "dublagem automática" 😮
eu tambem
Great review, thanks for explaining the situation to the English speaking people ❤
i feel like selena gomez is trying hard to understand her heritage but she doesn’t have anyone to properly guide her, and that’s how she ends up in garbage projects such as this one. it’s a pity because she’s talented, and if her paternal family wasn’t so distant towards her, this would have never happened
The film feels like caricature of trans people from the point of conservatives. Sadly, all the academy cares about is propping up films that make them seem proggresive while not actually doing anything for the cause.
Conspiration theory: Hollywood actually does not care the worth of a vegan burrito about Mexiko.
The timing couldn't be funnier
what happened?
@@HighlyEntropicMind I wonder if he's referring to El Presidente, recently declaring gender-ideology to be a fad that is over and done with up here.
This was a very emlightening analysis of the movie. I have been looking for more on how bad it is from a Mexican pov, but All I get is , the trans pov, because.... that's MOREE important, right? smh.
This was great. You unlocked points I would have never seen because, I'm not from Mexico, I'm from L.A. And they were important because in order to portray a setting in Mexico, it has to be believeable, and that whole warehouse thing... wow!!! I hated it too. Wonderful job.
You're welcome! Please share this video with more people who could find it useful
Thanks for the analysis, it's really eye opening
sideways supremacy 🫶🏼
As a Brazilian I just though how would I feel to see a sad historical event portrayed in such a disrespectful way. No only the movie by itself but how the director reacted and talked about Mexico. Not ok. And... Let's be honest, the movie is BAD, the acting is BAD, the music is bad, 13 indications? How?
4:38 How do you know those plants aren't Guatemalan?
Live a little ways north of Mexico and we use wire or stone fences here too. Not a whole lot of wood here!
As someone who lives in Ecuador, where it also deals with sicarios and missing people like Mexico, I feel like Emilia Pérez isn't even worth pirating as a shitty film. 😂 But I'm morbidly curious enough ever since KSG's disastrous interview with CNN En Español.
Great video!
I didn't know about that interview, I have to check it out
Sic 'em, Johanne Sacreblu.
Man, I miss Guadalajara and it's lovely shades of pee colored light everywhere. I thought all of us Tapatios had liver issues because of how yellow-green everything is. It's so trippy the moment you cross a border and OMG the yellow disappears!
i'd never heard of this movie even 2 months ago, and now the more i hear, the worse it gets. it sounds like everything wrong with halfhearted "representation" by white creators.
i appreciate the numerous audio options on this video!
por decadas varios filmes de hollywood passaram uma imagem super negativa e distorcida do mexico mas foi só aparecer um filme estrelado por uma mulher trans indicada ao oscar e que transicionou na meia idade dai esse filme é atacado por transfobicos com a desculpa do filme ser ruim e passar uma imagem ruim do mexico. interessante que o unico motivo do neonazismo estar sendo aceito pela sociedade americana atual é porque o neonazismo de trump é declaradamente antitrans, e a sociedade cisnormativa se identificou com essa bandeira, e toda vez que tem uma mulher trans em algum filme, musical ou cargo politico inventam mil desculpa para ataca-la
Honestly, this is just a really good video analyzing how racist this movie really is. I'm both trans and Mexican (I also love musical theatre but all I'll say about that here is that music's awful and I'm tired of these movies constantly just doing speak singing instead of actual singing) and while I haven't seen this film for myself, I feel like I've seen enough clips to know how I feel. I find it just weird that they display Mexico visually. Like yes, some parts of Mexico do look more poor and will sometimes have a similar feel to some of these environments, but with how little diversity in the settings that are in Mexico in this film, it just gives a big red flag. I do think it possibly could've been done to also make the redemption work, but it would've been incredibly hard. Especially with this team considering how it feels like they use Emilia's transition as redemption when it honestly just makes the story feel transphobic. So they likely wouldn't be able to make it done right. But I still agree with you that they should've put more focus into the problem of the cartel and try to better improve. Especially with how bad of an issue it is. This movie is just such a disgrace and insult as a movie about Mexican culture, the trans experience, as a musical, and even just as a movie...
You made me realize something. The movie pretends that by simply transitioning Emilia has already redeemed herself, and the more I think about it the more transphobic that attitude seems, because it denies the continuity of the person
@ Yeah, bingo! When I first started looking into this film, I started to realize it thinking I was crazy… turns out a lot of the trans community has this same opinion. But yeah, exactly. It tries to use her transition as a means of her redemption. It just acts like she is forgiven for all of this simply cause she’s transitioned.
Sideways mention!! also great video!
Excellent points backed up with evidence.
3:49 i felt that sigh
if somebody did this to my country iʼd be livid
I went to see the movie with a bunch of friends and none of us liked it for many many reasons. I am Italian so I didn't really get all the sublte mexican's poor representations but your commentary gave me other reasons to not like this movie. I believe that people who like it only care about the redemption arc (i didn't like it) and how Emilia "decided" to make good things for her community. It has so many plot holes and incongruities, especially if we talk about Rita, that I couldn't believe it won that many prizes.
Did we see the same thing?
Great job
Man, trump did you dirty and now this. I'm sorry man, as a non-mexican.
Elon is doing everyone dirty right now. We are in this together
I sometimes see mexicans on the web saying they are being too harsh on the no sabo kids. This film proves you are not being harsh enough. Because the issue here is not that they didn't consult with any mexican on the culture, but that they probably consulted a few yanks with 3 Gonzales in their family tree, whom think that's enough to call themselves mexicans.
Hard disagree. For starters, we have no idea who they consulted, it at all, and second Mexicans are born wherever we want and we speak whatever languages we feel like
@HighlyEntropicMind You know what: you're absolutely right. I let my prejudice to assume things when I don't have the whole picture. I'll try to do better. That said: I do think the problems with this movie stem from a very specific and misguided yankee conception about what means to be a mexican. And you know what I mean by that.
@ Wow, congratulations for changing your mind, it's not easy to admit you were wrong, but that's the only way to always end up being right
And yes, there are many stupid ideas people have about Mexico and they coagulated into this movie
An excellent nominee for the Golden Raspberry Una excelente nominada para la Frambuesa Dorada.
I just wanted to say that this movie, with all its absurdity and fuss about it drew the world's attention to México and its problems like no other. I liked the movie. I took it as a tragicomic one with emphasis on human nature with its hypocrisy. I didn't expect it to be a perfect representation of the real México (by the way, cinema is full of stereotypical representations of nations, occupations, gender roles, etc. All those portayals of Italian or Russian mobsters, Hindu families, lawyers, doctors, stock exchange, military men, the list could go on and on and on, whenever there is a character in a movie coming from Eastern Europe, they usually mix nationalities and languages, even in acclaimed movies - and no one makes a lot of fuss about it). Hypocrisy was everywhere - in the conduct of the protagonists and in the people's reaction to this movie. For instance, in comments about how the movie is disrespectful to different groups of people, people oftentimes tend to insult and disrespect others. People rage at how the movie, esp. the (in)famous song about vaginoplasty simplifies transition procedures - but somehow so many accounts of actual trans people (not all, for sure) show their transition and their new life in a lovie dovie, pink and blue, unproblematic way. Showing how onesided and hypocritical humans are - this movie did it in a perfect way (I don't know whether it was intentional or not).
You are right that this movie reflects the problems of our society, but I don't think that's enough to make it good art, because it doesn't say anything about those things
For example, it's not enough to show that people are hypocritical, you have to say something about it
It’s giving “latinX” vibes
These are screenshots and not clips because corporations have power and we don't use ours
Indeed. I had to upload this video like 7 times because every time youtube blocked it, even though it fell squarely within fair use
@ i thought it was a beautiful sentiment with regards to "we don't use ours."
@ we certainly don't
Bro, what cartel boss names himself Manitas😭😭 el guantes viene a tu casa
Its not even Cinco de Mayo and already a few French people have incensed the Mexicans.
The Academy: how dare you question with straight facts our 13 woke nominations!!!
This is what I mean when I say that people criticize this movie for all the wrong reasons
@HighlyEntropicMind me estás regañando, wey? O me estás dando la razón?
@@HighlyEntropicMind Not the wrong reasons. He's right too.
@AlbertoFolres scolding you, I'm assuming. This is not "woke", we don't claim it, throw it out
@ La academia quiere premiar esta película por ser "woke" (por apoyar a los trans), mucha gente critica a la película por eso mismo
Mi punto es que lo "woke" de esta película es irrelevante para su calidad
Además, el apoyo a los trans de esta película es puramente performativo, solo hecho para ganar puntos, no me parece genuino. Me encantaría que lo fuera
Te falto mencionar lo de la lapto en el tianguis.
me faltaron mencionar muchas cosas, si ponía cada cosa que esta película hace mal duraría más que la película
The look isn’t because they didn’t record in Mexico and rather in a studio in France. Movies have been doing this for ages, with authentic results, and we are none the wiser. You can totally get a fuller/realer space, if the director wants it, has done his research and wants to respect the culture being portrayed (and has the budget, bc things do cost money). The issue here isn’t where it was filmed nor that it’s a studio, it’s the creative direction, THE DIRECTOR.
Jacques is the sole creative hand and the one to blame for all of these creative choices. He himself said he didn’t research Mexico, that he already knew what he needed to know. He didn’t honor the culture he was supposed to represent with the utmost respect and authenticity.
You are right. He could have gotten an authentic look even in a studio, he did that for London and Israel. In the end he didn't care to get it right
You know, when Americans make movies about european countries they also are so far away from how it really looks and what the culture really is. I also remember the one silent hill game from japan taking place in germany but EVERYTHING was american. So this misrepresenting of countries is very normal but since its rarely happens to non European countries, you just do not notice it.
You are right that this probably happens more with other countries, but bad art should always be criticized, no matter how often it is made
minority group used as a prop, as uzhe, but sacrilegious disregard is contempt even if sloppy writing thought to put it there, leave it there. As you said, insulting
I didnt see the movie but the plot looks like somethinf that could be a good movie I guess? Bit as with SW Acolyte, you can have millions of budget for best of actors and people that seem like they have interesting ideas and I believe there was (probably) some attempt to create a movie that will be a showcase of talent and creativity and effort of many people, while main actor has a potential to turn even absolute crap into something that is fun to watch at least because of one person visibly strugglingg and probably struggling while knowing you will get same amount of money so...
Acolyte is simply bad who cares lol but Emilia Perez i find even worse (I mean interesting if you like to analyse stuff, I do, my opinion is that Emilia Perez is a movie that is more a result of many people working but in the end what really matters is that movie go ABSOLUTE MADMAN with the message. The message is controversial and you may not like it but still...forgiving others is kinda good message right?
Okay, so now add only a bit of details like main character asking for forgiveness just after they changed the gender (!) -this should be info of not relevant value anyway because it matters more if the person is feeling guilty and shows that they probably were thinking much about that murders, you know a stuff that is pretty much the biggest crime and punishment is depending on the details and what society you live in. But it is pretty much "worst" thing to do, still people like Emilia deserve to be forgiven even if they were gangster in the past. Even more interesting and the movie would actually show some character growth and character arc?
Plot twist WRONG! Why? Lets say that our main character shows that they kinda not care that much when they meet with someone that lost their family to you, they still decide to forgive you if you show that you really mean it aaaanyway Emilia just goes "umm bro i said sorry do you want me to say sorry one more time? Umm whatever (wimks to camera) (people laugh)
Okay I think It didnt really went like that because my version could be actually something that has absolutely deranged humor but it is fine, it is just satire and this is a joke. Except you literally decide that maybe this is something that should be taken seriously because literally murder is bad and if you changed your gender - cool - i guess but still how about showing that you have responsibility and deserve forgiveness. "Umm come on, you are just transphobic am i rite?" Literally wtf who made this movie, did they make full movie somehow with stuff like this accepted lol
Absolutely shows how degenerate you can be in hollywood and that you can literally probably buy yourself oscar nominations with no problems. I mean wtf, at least can the movie be good? I think that the plot is totally fine but for some reason you got the idea executed...poorly i guess. Yeah it is probably normal that if you suggest Emilia as character is a bit...not getting any sympathy by being absolute dick that speedruns changing your hard past as (repeat they are now woman so it is good!) ex gangster. Wew, what a mess, probably even worse if you are native spanish or mexican, i am not but i send my condolences to anyone seeing this in cinema. I dont know what is more shocking the fact this movie is real or the fact that it has 13 oscar nominations for no reason other than "woke message good lol" "forgiving is good, especially you should forgive if someone changed their gender. What a great message!
Also, narcos famously have big expensive trucks, not old ratty ones. You're more likely to encounter a narco playing golf or at Pujol than at a street market.
I think what makes this movie worst is that it came out in 2024
If this movie came out in the 1920 to 1960s i can let it slide because film making was still not as big or didn't have a lot of resources and travling wasn't that common but with this film had no excused it came out in 2024 when there more resources and accessibility then ever yet they couldn't flim in mexico couldn't hire a single Mexican to consultant for the film didn't bother doing any research in Mexican culture or did but messed it up badly and butchering the Spanish language so badly that it sounds like a language from a different planet that don't even sound like Spanish at all
13:15 Manhattan and SF city have really terrible schools. Suburbs have way better schools
My point is that every city has rich people, and rich people always go to good schools
Also, as someone else pointed out, Emilia is explicitly said to be living in Las Lomas, which is literally five minutes away from Polanco
I haven't even heard of this movie but it seems like biting into an empanada that has nothing in it
It's like biting into an empanada that inside has a plushie in the shape of food
Esta pelicula apesta, punto. Lo siento por Selena y Zoe que me caen muy bien, pero fue un gran error haber aceptado participar en esta basura.
Don't you just love white people telling our stories for us 😔 the film industry hasn't changed
The geopolitical context currently surrounding the relationship between Mexico and the United States offers much for Mexicans to consider regarding this film and its potential political agenda. One thing that the allied nations of France and the United States share is a history of neocolonialist and imperialist tendencies, underpinned by Eurocentric ideas rooted in white supremacist ideologies. These ideologies place the West as superior to the Global South, maintaining a paternalistic vision and dominance over the latter. This mindset is reflected in the creation of this film, which is one of the reasons many Mexicans are upset.
For example, the film addresses a serious issue in a biased manner, failing to acknowledge that the problem isn't solely Mexico’s; it's also the responsibility of other countries. A critical detail, such as the fact that over 70% of the weapons fueling violence in Mexico originate from the United States, is glaringly omitted. Mexico’s image has been tarnished by the media for decades, particularly by Hollywood, which has perpetuated an anti-Mexican narrative and contributed to a negative portrayal of the country and its people. Many Hollywood films, for instance, have used sepia-yellow filters to make Mexico appear backward, dirty, inferior, and underdeveloped. Nearly all films focusing on Mexico dwell on its negative aspects, and this movie is no different.
The lack of nuance in its portrayal of Mexico contributes to an anti-Mexican discourse driven by a Eurocentric, white supremacist perspective. It's troubling that in a world where white Western countries dominate, these very nations are the ones applauding and awarding this film, further perpetuating the negative stereotypes of Mexico.
This movie is deeply offensive and insulting to Mexico. This criticism stems from various aspects, including the selection and casting choices. In an interview, the casting director was asked why, if the movie is set in Mexico and revolves around the country, there was no Mexican cast. She responded by saying they traveled to Mexico but couldn't find any talented actors for the film. Considering that Mexico has millions of residents, claiming they couldn't find suitable actors is not only highly discriminatory but also more troubling when you think about the fact that the film profits from portraying the pain and suffering of Mexico.
Oh cry me a river. I am Russian. Hollywood has been screwing us since forever.
Every time someone makes bad art it should be criticized, no matter how many times it has been done
In the end this is a movie, and is the vision of the writers and director. It isn’t obligated to be honest or respectful about any culture or any section of society.
Cinema isn’t a safe space. We risk being offended insulted and sickened. Most consumers have been dumbed down by the current crop of movies. Look at a list of movies currently out there and Emilia Perez stands out in a huge way. Right or wrong good or bad it is at minimum a movie that took a big swing.
You are right, movies don't have to please an audience, but similarly an audience doesn't have to respect a movie's vision, even if it took a big risk
and a miss. i don't give props to movies that were doomed from their inception.
As someone living about 15 minutes from Cd. juarez and having many family ties to Mexico i loved the movie. I thought it was a fantiscal romp . also mexico DOES glorify and sancifty narco culture. So why not add some song and dance to it too? People are just being offended becuase it didnt have actresses that look and sound like la india maria
No, es porque mucha gente a perdido la vida y familiares a raíz de ese tipo de situaciones, maravilloso que nunca hayas experimentado, pero para las personas y familiares que le han ocurrido, es ofensivo al creer que es tan fácil resolver un problema que se ha llevado la vida de incontables personas. Y las producciones de los narcos en nuestro país tampoco es algo que nos gusta, simplemente es parte del día, así como en Estados Unidos de América es común los tiroteos escolares, pero no por ellos hay que hacerle un musical.
Just fyi... you can use clips lol. Your little blurb about how "corporations have power and we don't use ours" is just wrong lol. You can use clips my dude. You're just making an excuse to only put screenshots
I uploaded this video like 7 times. This is the only version that RUclips allowed me to publish. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't have the experience to back it up
As for veneration of saints who may or may not deserve it, in America sometimes politically-powerful groups will gin up a procession for a man who has run fatally afoul of the police. George Floyd, for instance. The aim is to impress upon the citizenry that they are powerless, effectively daring them to object.
That is what this movie - a product of the French Left - has done to Mexicans.
Gracias por poner frente y centro el problema de los desaparecidos.
“These are screenshots and not clips because corporations have power and we don’t use ours” *chefs kiss* 🤌
I had to upload it seven times because it just wouldn't let me use any clips, and it complained about a different one each time
@@HighlyEntropicMind the censorship has gone too far. Hopefully it won’t be like this for too much more longer. Fingers crossed 🤞
@ Accelerationists were right, surprisingly enough