the horse aggro is wild on that spot, if someone goes through the spot when the boss spawns he will go and chase them, wich would explain why sometimes he dissapears
goodness me, finally i spot where i can move and be stiffened and stunned every half a second, a chill, riskless grind for good money, that's what i was waiting for.
oh thats surprising , i thought dosa is just ok atm since i heard he is supposed to be slightly weaker than succ dosa right now , could be wrong , i also think his dmg is quite good , better than what i was able to do on tamer at least
lol right, theres no reason to grind anymore, nothing going on in the community no guild wars nothing but spending hours doing the same thing so you can do the same thing with a different location
Hi Duo!!! Great Vid! Quick question, any reason you're running rebellious over red spirit crystal for this spot? Youre a legend and thank you for this!! Im so tried of crescents!!! hahahahaa
i believe the boss can stun u but that can easily be dodged , mobs dont cc so u can run without cc crystals , i did that on dosa , just watch out when u drag the boss and he charges at u , go to a ball and stay protected with FG or in SA and u will be fine
I think it's crazy how rare Cadry rings are at this spot. Also my luck has been garbage here. 5 hours and not even a debo ring and I'm grinding 33k an hour and getting better each hour.
Probably just rng but I only got 2 debos from 11 hrs of cadry while my crescent experience is ~1.8 per hr avg. Am getting 34k at cadry and 37k at crescent.
Garmoth shows inaccurate trashloot bc you turned Agris on, but Garmoth doesnt know that the boss doesnt work with agris, so thats why its more then it should be
honestly if u have gear similar to mine , i started ignoring the circle for my last 2-3h , the 20ap buff seems irrelevant on awakening dosa at least , i saw no visual improvement in my wave clear speed , and i clear them too fast anyway since i have to wait in between every wave for the next one to spawn , the dmg from standing in red i just facetank it xD
Idk... For me cadry is much much better than crescent if talking about agris efficient, i can grind almost the double of the time that i will grind if i go to crescent, in the end it is more itens, more caphras, more devorekas, more money per agris
i also like it more than crescents but my point on agris is that is it barely 5% more efficient than crescents , at least the agris alone since at cadrys 33% of your total trash comes from the bosses where agris doesnt even apply where as at crescents bosses make up only 10% of the trash , like i said in the video xD Basically u use less points cuz u kill less mobs and the boss gives more trash than at crescents without needing agris , once u account for that and only calculate agris from the mobs and account for trash price differences then u get that 5% increase . Still ye slightly better spot than crescents , and more chill with the breaks in between monster waves :p
there isn't one , I had tested the spot twice and was supposed to make videos on it but in the end I didn't cuz I wasn't satisfied with the result , and I guess at this point the spot is kinda old so I figured there is no rush to review it since no one would care , I should retest it again xD
@@Duodecil thanks for reply, fast one. I thought DSR was pretty famous along high end gear players with good profit (at least before crescents) Nevermind will you do it or will not, its fine.👍
awww , i forgot about them , i told myself i will try them when the spot gets released but then forgot , that was back when i tried dosa and cadrys in glabs >.
it is , I added it to the chart 2 days ago , I just forgot of it ever since T2 dehkia spots came out since I never grinded there so I forgot it existed to update the chart with it
Love all the details and explanations! Thank you for the video
yes for backstory of moneys and numbers
the horse aggro is wild on that spot, if someone goes through the spot when the boss spawns he will go and chase them, wich would explain why sometimes he dissapears
Been waiting for this video since cadry release. Thx!
goodness me, finally i spot where i can move and be stiffened and stunned every half a second, a chill, riskless grind for good money, that's what i was waiting for.
jeeze dosa clears fast same ap as me with archer and its not even close XD. i also ran into the boss bug without killing nearly as fast.
oh thats surprising , i thought dosa is just ok atm since i heard he is supposed to be slightly weaker than succ dosa right now , could be wrong , i also think his dmg is quite good , better than what i was able to do on tamer at least
if only i had the reason to grind, i will grind there. thanks duodecil !
lol right, theres no reason to grind anymore, nothing going on in the community no guild wars nothing but spending hours doing the same thing so you can do the same thing with a different location
Hi Duo!!! Great Vid! Quick question, any reason you're running rebellious over red spirit crystal for this spot? Youre a legend and thank you for this!! Im so tried of crescents!!! hahahahaa
do you need cc resistance in dehkia cadry? what kind of cc resistance?
i believe the boss can stun u but that can easily be dodged , mobs dont cc so u can run without cc crystals , i did that on dosa , just watch out when u drag the boss and he charges at u , go to a ball and stay protected with FG or in SA and u will be fine
Ty for the indepth video m8
Oh shit I also got a dented fairy, mine's also the first skill it got. I thought it would be enough back then but it clearly is not enough
to be fair , it WAS enough back then ,but then PA decided to make the harmony elixirs use 15 slots , so dumb imo -_-
I think it's crazy how rare Cadry rings are at this spot. Also my luck has been garbage here. 5 hours and not even a debo ring and I'm grinding 33k an hour and getting better each hour.
oof , yeah at that point u start to question why even grind here cuz u make what ? 1.2bil ? not that impressive :/
Probably just rng but I only got 2 debos from 11 hrs of cadry while my crescent experience is ~1.8 per hr avg. Am getting 34k at cadry and 37k at crescent.
Ty for the video
feels for me boring spot ty 4 y guide
I have had it happen a lot that the boss takes a long time to spawn, not every time but multiple times every hour i grind there.
i hope its just a bug that will be patched soon :/
Garmoth shows inaccurate trashloot bc you turned Agris on, but Garmoth doesnt know that the boss doesnt work with agris, so thats why its more then it should be
Yes more excel and more numbers
good video as always:)
still no idea grind in this spot,324AP using dk succ only got 28-30k
the circle mechanic sounds like a cool idea but really annoying in the execution.
guess ill stick to other grind spots.
honestly if u have gear similar to mine , i started ignoring the circle for my last 2-3h , the 20ap buff seems irrelevant on awakening dosa at least , i saw no visual improvement in my wave clear speed , and i clear them too fast anyway since i have to wait in between every wave for the next one to spawn , the dmg from standing in red i just facetank it xD
@@Duodecil lmao fair enough
good work!
They should add more mid game spots
I was doing frenzy corrupt and khalk and it only got me 24k, im out of courage perfume 😂
24k is kinda low , i imagine u are below the AP cap o-o
Idk... For me cadry is much much better than crescent if talking about agris efficient, i can grind almost the double of the time that i will grind if i go to crescent, in the end it is more itens, more caphras, more devorekas, more money per agris
i also like it more than crescents but my point on agris is that is it barely 5% more efficient than crescents , at least the agris alone since at cadrys 33% of your total trash comes from the bosses where agris doesnt even apply where as at crescents bosses make up only 10% of the trash , like i said in the video xD
Basically u use less points cuz u kill less mobs and the boss gives more trash than at crescents without needing agris , once u account for that and only calculate agris from the mobs and account for trash price differences then u get that 5% increase . Still ye slightly better spot than crescents , and more chill with the breaks in between monster waves :p
Excuse my ignorance, but where is the DSR analysis?
there isn't one , I had tested the spot twice and was supposed to make videos on it but in the end I didn't cuz I wasn't satisfied with the result , and I guess at this point the spot is kinda old so I figured there is no rush to review it since no one would care , I should retest it again xD
@@Duodecil thanks for reply, fast one. I thought DSR was pretty famous along high end gear players with good profit (at least before crescents)
Nevermind will you do it or will not, its fine.👍
Fun fact you can use the normal marni stones at cadry, i think around 4 of them gave me .001% at 66 lmao
awww , i forgot about them , i told myself i will try them when the spot gets released but then forgot , that was back when i tried dosa and cadrys in glabs >.
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atlast bro nc
a video
Shouldnt Dhekia2 Oluns be the best spot for Agris Coin? You make over 1 billion in trash per hour with yellow
it is , I added it to the chart 2 days ago , I just forgot of it ever since T2 dehkia spots came out since I never grinded there so I forgot it existed to update the chart with it
cest pas serieux duodecil