Coming Out to My Asian Mum 🥺 A Heartfelt Chat

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @camomiletea6708
    @camomiletea6708 18 часов назад +34

    Tekky & his Mum are really brave and honest. Congratulations on confronting one of the greatest fears about coming out.

  • @tommydema86
    @tommydema86 5 часов назад +4

    Guys, I'd like to say you're making wonderful and mature (no, not that kind) content here. You should be proud of what you do, and you're very brave at showing the vulnerable sides of yourselves.
    The supportive, rational, and respectful way you engage in discourse is really a breath of fresh air. Thank you!
    Hugs from Europe!

  • @Blueeeemerallddd455
    @Blueeeemerallddd455 18 часов назад +27

    Your mom is really amazing she has my heart ❤️
    Love your mom and both of you Peter and tekky 😊😊 I'm happy to see you both having conversation with mom..hope your Love stays forever and be together ❤
    I MISS YOU guy's alot

    • @peterandtekky
      @peterandtekky  17 часов назад +3

      Missing you also blueemerald! Always one of the first to watch our videos! Glad you enjoyed it

  • @aedwards720
    @aedwards720 15 часов назад +8

    Wow, this mother embodies all a mother should be and more. Well done, mother.

  • @posthumorous
    @posthumorous 7 часов назад +2

    this is one of the sincerest things i have seen on the internet lately. thank u a lot for making & sharing this video. i really appreciate these realistic topics incl. sexuality, culture, family, social norms and neurodiversity, as well as the honesty with which you continue to speak about them. i especially enjoyed listening to your mother's mindset. in this superficial money focussed world it is very comforting & encouraging to see people taking a different path to something better, something meaningful. ultimately, true "success" is not about how well adjusted we are to a faulty society, but about living by values that have actual meaning, such as happiness, authenticity, morality & community.

  • @Squirel
    @Squirel 13 часов назад +11

    Tekky's Mum is very wise and a lot of people could learn from her. Peter and Tekky - the content you make and share is real and honest and I think it does a lot of good. Thank you so much for sharing this video.

  • @DanielleReed-gs1hv
    @DanielleReed-gs1hv 18 часов назад +8

    Amazing chat and thank you to you both and your mum for being so honest and caring 😊

  • @suzannerobertson3128
    @suzannerobertson3128 15 часов назад +6

    Your mum is one in a million. This is how it should be.doesnt matter what sex he or she prefers, they are still the same person love them❤❤❤

  • @hoonirene7534
    @hoonirene7534 8 часов назад +2

    Mama is so sweet and understanding! Be blessed! ❤

  • @xxuuiix
    @xxuuiix 13 часов назад +6

    A wise and touchy conversation. You all 3 are inside, outside so beautiful guys. This makes life so precious. Greetings from Vienna, Austria, Europe.

  • @iamNDCai
    @iamNDCai 12 часов назад +4

    I seldom comment on videos. But love the honest talk you had with your mum and it's definitely not easy. Wish you guys a forever lasting relationship.

  • @MyKfactor
    @MyKfactor 18 часов назад +6

    Your mom's English is so good. Clearly an intelligent family

  • @aDanielproductions
    @aDanielproductions 16 часов назад +8

    Thank you for this honest, sincere and heartfelt video. I teared up and am in awe of your intelligent, caring mom. Keep up the videos! I’ve shared this video to my own mom and hope she takes it well😂

  • @EidosTrantorianum
    @EidosTrantorianum 10 часов назад +2

    This was wholesome in so many ways. Tekky's mom has a beautiful heart :)

  • @development122
    @development122 7 часов назад +1

    Seeing tekky cry really tugs at my heart he's a sweetheart ❤

  • @lululucaschae
    @lululucaschae 18 часов назад +11

    Just 30 seconds in and I'm already so excited to watch the whole thing. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest guys - I'm confident it'll help tens of thousands of people out there.
    + your mom looks so majestic on that chair. queen energy

    • @peterandtekky
      @peterandtekky  17 часов назад

      HAHA even that chair has a story itself :P

    • @mariuskhunt1988
      @mariuskhunt1988 Час назад

      @@peterandtekky just don't tell me that you're on this chair poke-poke 🙈😂

  • @localboi75
    @localboi75 8 часов назад +1

    Thank you for the sharing your struggles and both of your outlook of life. So real and so true. You all are amazing on why happiness is so important and that we all deserve to be happy. Your mom is the bomb. Her view on life is amazing and so understanding. Love you both Aloha Hawaii

  • @yeungmatty
    @yeungmatty 9 часов назад +1

    Love the fact that your mom emphasized over and over again how she just wants you to be happy. You all have beautiful souls. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Absolutely love this video.

  • @srivani_4j
    @srivani_4j 7 часов назад +2

    Tekky 😢😢 i cried tooo❤❤, lots of love to you both 🫶🫶

  • @warrenchen3756
    @warrenchen3756 4 часа назад +1

    Both of you and Mama are amazing ❤❤❤Lot’s of love!

  • @ianphillips6176
    @ianphillips6176 7 часов назад +2

    I’m tearing up watching this. Came out at a really late stage in life, now divorced but have 2 boys (26 & 15, adopted/ fostered) both with ADHD and other complex issues. I’m so glad you have strong family ties. Good luck to you both. ❤❤❤

    • @peterandtekky
      @peterandtekky  2 часа назад

      Thanks so much @ianphillips6176
      Hope you’ve found your place in life! It sounds like you’ve made a lot of good progress 🙂

  • @jeffjk4401
    @jeffjk4401 17 часов назад +4

    This is such a wonderful and meaningful conversation, love you all 😊😊❤❤

  • @keefery79
    @keefery79 12 часов назад +2

    Gosh you guys put out such a sensitive & difficult topic that afflicts so many gay Asians & their families - so brave of you. Kudos to Tekky & your mom!

  • @dumper2dust
    @dumper2dust 18 часов назад +6

    i love your mom! she is the best, reminds me of mine oh my god the tears!

  • @kimemerson5732
    @kimemerson5732 9 часов назад +1

    Your mom has such a lovely soul! I agree with everything she says, 100%!
    I strive to follow her path with my children and grandchildren, and I'm certain they trust me to want what is best for them and for them to be happy, whether straight or gay. I am a safe place for all!
    Sending you all much love, thank you for this moving video!

  • @ScottPearigen-o1x
    @ScottPearigen-o1x 18 часов назад +7

    Guys, this was great. Hang in there, I support you both. Peter, you are quiet…..and so cool! Take care of yourselves.

  • @adamlowe9093
    @adamlowe9093 15 часов назад +3

    Thank you for making this video, i think it is very important and there is a lot of people that need to see it ❤

  • @LoeloeHappiny-yr4vv
    @LoeloeHappiny-yr4vv 18 часов назад +5

    Love you guys ❤❤❤❤ Thank you for sharing. Your mom is amazing person.😊❤

    • @peterandtekky
      @peterandtekky  17 часов назад +1

      Thanks for the support loeloe! Miss you :)

  • @robbrent
    @robbrent 8 часов назад +1

    I’ve been watching you adorable guys for a while and found this the most helpful and heartwarming video out here. I’ve got really emotional a few times, you are doing a lot to help our community and have really deserved my subscription. All the very best and wishing you a lifetime of happiness together. Huge hugs from 🇿🇦🏳️‍🌈 South Africa.

  • @raymondfligel3166
    @raymondfligel3166 52 минуты назад

    Tekky watching this and your story I am crying with you. I think you and Peter are wonderful and for you maybe this doesn't mean much being you do not personally know me but I am proud of you! you are an amazing young man and you are making a difference in this world! You have found a wonderful partner who understands and cares about you. These videos are so open and honest and most people are not brave enough to put themselves out there like you both do. your own happiness is the first and most important is nice it opens doors but your personal happiness is priceless. Hugs thank you and Peter for such wonderful videos that make us smile, laugh and cry. Peace and Love

  • @nedward6633
    @nedward6633 17 часов назад +3

    Thank you for making this video. I watched the entire video and the content is quite inspiring and warm.

  • @gregrowles1960
    @gregrowles1960 16 часов назад +2

    We each have a unique role in fostering love and justice and we can lead by example, showing love, in all its forms where everyone’s identity is respected and celebrated.

  • @jbhutcheon66
    @jbhutcheon66 11 часов назад +1

    Tekky, your mother is so gorgeous and I can tell she loves you both so much. I can see a lot of parallels to how my parents responded to my own coming out a few years ago, their most significant concern was my happiness more than anything else

    • @jbhutcheon66
      @jbhutcheon66 11 часов назад

      You also have such a unique brand on social media, not only as a same sex couple, but also how open you both are about your own neurodiversities and the way you negotiate and work through that as a couple, I really hope it works out for you!

  • @emiliehmij7549
    @emiliehmij7549 15 часов назад +2

    Thank you 😊 You are, indeed, helping . Yours videos will touch and help a lot of people I think, the ones who need encouragement in their path. And my advice if I may: don't put yourself to much pression, with money or goals. You can have so many jobs or experience in a life, the important is to feel that you are in our place where you are now.
    Be vigilant with social media, and thank you again for this wonderful video.💗

  • @vivianidelacerda9708
    @vivianidelacerda9708 15 часов назад +2

    He has such a childish face... it's like mommy's little boy...the cutest...

  • @lisagosnell6869
    @lisagosnell6869 8 часов назад +1

    Teky you should be very proud to have an awesome mum, who cherishes and loves you for you and your boyfriend

    • @AnnCummins-s4m
      @AnnCummins-s4m 3 часа назад

      You to are amazing and your mum is to keep up the work with your RUclips big hugs ❤️

  • @mirikai9859
    @mirikai9859 5 часов назад

    that was so healing and ❤. when your ma ever wants to adopt one: please me. such a considerate, calm, loving, caring person!
    thank you for charing this. 😊

  • @aissatasow5640
    @aissatasow5640 5 часов назад

    Waaaaw that was so heartwarming to Watch 😊😊
    I was just there crying with them 😢😢
    Wishing you the best and hope you'll be always together ❤❤

  • @Twinkle1613
    @Twinkle1613 10 часов назад +1

    I wants to brave like you Tekky 🫶
    You inspired me every day , hope one day i will be better person at least little like you 🥹🥹🥹
    And your mom so amazing person 🫶
    I love you guys so much ❤️❤️ you guys my safe place always 🥹🥹

  • @YEZH-NL
    @YEZH-NL 13 часов назад +2

    Great interview❤ Be happy. You both contribute so much to this world. You make this world a better place.❤ And about making money …it is nice but as long as you have enough to feed yourself, it is enough❤❤❤ Have a great 2025🎉🎉🎉

  • @demetriusteh
    @demetriusteh 16 часов назад +2

    Proud of you Tekky! God bless

  • @lollydollycrafts
    @lollydollycrafts 11 часов назад +1

    You are both sweet good people this was an amazing chat with your mum Tekky she should be proud of the young man you are and I am sure she is, thank you for doing this it is very inspiring especially for others watching this, your mum is an amazing lady, love you but. Be happy remember love has no gender, support each other you will get the there on social media,

  • @sandeepkaur2020
    @sandeepkaur2020 9 часов назад +2

    Hiii..... I m late here... But tekky please don't think too much.... Mama support you and your both family support .. It's okay to negative comments.... I love you both❤ and please don't cry tekky.. I love both smile ❤ god bless you both... I hope u guys miss me ? Take care both doing very well a lot of love❤

  • @marygracesabiaga7535
    @marygracesabiaga7535 13 часов назад +2

    That's why I love both of you guys💜💜 you have a good hearth and I salute for mom dahil napalaki ka nya tekky Ng maayos..ilove you mom🫰🫰💗💗💗

  • @cyriljamest.bualm.d.8867
    @cyriljamest.bualm.d.8867 10 часов назад +1

    Love how you used the rice spatula for the mic. So Asian! 😂 That aside, as a gay guy, this interview speaks a lot to me and brings me back to my own coming out to my mom. Big hugs to both of you! Tight hugs for Tekky for being so brave coming to terms with your ADHD. I'm rooting for you both. You are now a daily hobby for me on Facebook reels. More power! Love your content! Keep loving each other!

  • @zhonglishusband6988
    @zhonglishusband6988 9 часов назад +2

    Your mom made me cry having the support i never had in my life. My parents and siblings are all homophobic and im struggling.

  • @lhawangdorji6718
    @lhawangdorji6718 4 часа назад

    Hello guys, first of all shoutout to your fabulous momma! 🤩😘.Tekky, you were so precise but at the same time saw you very emotional today🥲. I know even when you are getting all the love and support from her and entire family, stuffs like this are hard to talk or share when the person sitting next to you is the most revered and important. But you guys are lucky, that's how I feel after having watched the talks. I wish you both lots of love and success.🥳 Thank you for choosing passion over money, I pray you bloom! 🌻You guys made me quite emo too so thank you for sharing a wonderful episode, I just love it. Sending you all love! 😍😘❤😘

  • @yveshelven9037
    @yveshelven9037 14 часов назад +1

    Beautiful video, guys. Thank you & continue doing what you do. You’re on the right path.

  • @baByjaWs24
    @baByjaWs24 13 часов назад +1

    Very honest people, am touched by this episode

  • @xJ9pQw2sR5
    @xJ9pQw2sR5 15 часов назад +1

    I knew what she was cooking the moment she started lol I’m originally from Singapore and I too had a supporting mother. It is truly a blessing. Alas I a very far away from home. Be glad you get to see your mother often :)

  • @Orixxo
    @Orixxo 14 часов назад +1

    A lot of Love of you guys and tekkys mum ❤🥺

  • @MizzBonna
    @MizzBonna 9 часов назад

    Understanding, love and acceptance, starts at home. What a great and wonderful mother … very inspiring content ❤

  • @francescaforneris4772
    @francescaforneris4772 14 часов назад +1

    Your mother Is fantastic! I admire her a lot. I understand why you are and intelligente, enpatic person

  • @belorgeylaurence2548
    @belorgeylaurence2548 18 часов назад +3

    Très émouvant . Ce dialogue est précieux, et j espère que d autres parents pourront s inspirer de la sagesse de cette maman. Vous faites du bon boulot tous les 2, je vous souhaite d être heureux, et de réussir. ❤

  • @_Katta
    @_Katta 11 часов назад +1


  • @TheUndeclaredNation
    @TheUndeclaredNation Час назад

    this is raw and real and really, really beautiful

  • @KrzysztofWójcicki-w8e
    @KrzysztofWójcicki-w8e 11 часов назад +1

    You guys are doing a great job. Greetings from Poland.

  • @rainingday168
    @rainingday168 9 часов назад +2

    aunty, although Tekky not become doctor but as a youtuber their channel is helping LGBT community especially asian LGBT community.

  • @kathleenwatkiss7518
    @kathleenwatkiss7518 14 часов назад +1

    tekkys mum has the same mindset as me my son is gay and married he’s my son and nobody else’s he lives in Australia I know he’s happy you love your child no matter what keep on being who you are love makes the world go round be happy ❤️❤️❤️🇬🇧

  • @Deep-t3e
    @Deep-t3e 15 часов назад +2

    I love you both.. peter and tekki ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.....stay happpy ....god bless you ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @djcat7184
    @djcat7184 6 часов назад +1

  • @ot7888
    @ot7888 10 часов назад +1

    I couldn't make my mouth stop watering. Just wanted a taste of that food. ❤❤

  • @benny-intime
    @benny-intime 16 часов назад +1

    I wish I had an amazing Mom like yours!💯❤

  • @turtlegeneral
    @turtlegeneral 17 часов назад +1

    aw mummy has so much wisdom❤

  • @rainingday168
    @rainingday168 9 часов назад +1

    your parent from Malaysia? gd conversation. your mom was so great!!

  • @smjack2
    @smjack2 10 часов назад +1

    Thanks for sharing

  • @nigelbond4056
    @nigelbond4056 15 часов назад +1

    Tekky, your mama is awesome! Almost as awesome as you 🥰

  • @robertscott5895
    @robertscott5895 8 часов назад

    Hi guys. I am a 63 yr old African American bisexual man well- gay now, and I just started to watch your podcast a few months ago. I really enjoy how you guys interact with each other, but today-this episode really struck me! I came out to my family when I was just 15, and when it came to my siblings, it was NOT good, but my father-he was my champion! He told me that he didn't agree with me being BI, but he loved me NO MATTER WHAT, and until he died, he NEVER ONCE said ANYTHING to hurt me when it comes to my lifestyle. In the Black Family's culture, being gay is NOT accepted, and you dare not tell anyone-especially when you are young-so for me to watch your podcast, and see how loving your mom is, I'm GRATEFUL to see that there are still parents out there like her. I applaud her love that she has for the both of you, this made my day!!!! BIG UP"S to you guys!!!!! U S A

  • @MisterSpeck
    @MisterSpeck 17 часов назад +1

    Thanks so much for sharing. It really seems like a true piece of honest conversations. I can relate to so much you guys sharing and discussing. Love it

  • @ant..
    @ant.. Час назад

    PETER&TEKKY gracias por éste vídeo 📹 , solo decir que fué genial 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 mis respetos para la madre 👍👍

  • @docyael7509
    @docyael7509 15 минут назад

    I wish every parent is like her 🫶🏻

  • @ronr9423
    @ronr9423 18 часов назад +3

    I really love your content…… it’s honest and relatable and not blown up to be something it’s not. Keep it up and I’d love to see you two get married OR take your relationship further in some way. 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Keep making content!!!!

    • @peterandtekky
      @peterandtekky  17 часов назад +2

      Everyday we go a bit further together! Thanks for watching and for the support

  • @ivanperezlopez2062
    @ivanperezlopez2062 7 часов назад

    Muy buena entrevista a la madre.
    Very good interview to the mother.
    Of course, you will take care of her when she'll need you in the coming years,won't you?

  • @helenpinsent7742
    @helenpinsent7742 16 часов назад +2

    Hi guys such the lovely video. You both deserve the best.❤🎉😊UK

    @HAOKU_HAOKIP 17 часов назад +1


  • @KngGn
    @KngGn 13 часов назад +1

    Great video

  • @xJ9pQw2sR5
    @xJ9pQw2sR5 15 часов назад

    I knew what she was cooking the moment she started lol I’m originally from Singapore and I too had a supporting mother. It is truly a blessing. Alas I a very far away from home. Be glad you get to see your mother often :) Oooh I see the kiam neng that’s how I would eat it too if I was in Asia there’s no kiam neng here

  • @johnboterom638
    @johnboterom638 10 часов назад

    Que ejemplo tan hermoso de relaciones familiares. Los felicito a los tres.

  • @ElianeDonnadieu
    @ElianeDonnadieu 5 часов назад

    merci a tout les trois ;; une maman en or ; et deux jeunes tres beaux ; je vous souhaite que du bonheur ; cet avec beaucoup d emotion et les larmes aux yeux que je vous fait des bisous de france ; merci madame ;;

  • @ongheanseong3729
    @ongheanseong3729 16 часов назад +1

    You are very lucky to be in Singapore where you can afford to be openly gays.
    Most countries are anti gay and can be prosecuted.
    Always nice to see a happy accepting family.
    All the very best

  •  11 часов назад +1

    i literally cried watching this cuz my parents dont accept me the way i am they think that i need to be straight and im not

  • @jamessin1118
    @jamessin1118 3 часа назад +1

    The conversation in this video is very good as it is so real and a conversation which might occur in the lives of families in the world. Key thing here is the happiness of life for every human being in the world. I adore the mother as she reminds me of my own mother which is care for her children. A lot of parents should learn from this video based on how the mother presents herself to her own children which is so caring and supportive. I have watch some of the videos showing this same sex couple. They do represent a very good image of a same sex couple and show the positivity of the next generation of gay people living the lives as normal . We from your generation of your mother will learn from videos like this as we learn to live with a better mindset on how to live a happy gay life. On money, it is needed to survive for everybody. As long as you are earning it to live and survive, you will remain happy too. I wish you and your family all the best in your future . I respect the dedication to family and also being gay presented in this video. Most gay people are loving and caring and supportive to all and that is why gay people now will get treated better as this image continues. Gay people are part of the family and have always been part of family for many families.

  • @likaSaidkylowa
    @likaSaidkylowa 17 часов назад +1

    Милая любимая нежная это мама у меня нет слов как выразить благодарность вашей маме ❤ мальчики вам удачи любви счастья здоровья успехов во всех начинаниях дел люблю вас ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @preladatenirankorn6984
    @preladatenirankorn6984 13 часов назад +1

    lot of love arounding ❤❤

  • @Alliyssa
    @Alliyssa 19 часов назад


  • @zitabiro5384
    @zitabiro5384 14 часов назад


  • @MisterSpeck
    @MisterSpeck 17 часов назад +1

    Also ... did you guys begin in your current relationship with all this honest talk ? How did your conversations (each individually) evolve with or during the past relationships, and in comparison to this one right now ?

  • @Denji.99
    @Denji.99 9 часов назад +2

    Great now tell her you're adding a bonus third while you're at it 😂

  • @fredricrobertbeney7945
    @fredricrobertbeney7945 2 часа назад +1

    continuer a faire ce que vous faite je pense que c'est très bien et que cela rendra fier vos parent, le financier suivra si vous aller dans le bon sens de la vie et que vous y mettiez l'amour des autres que vous avez . bise de suisse .

  • @trixy1823
    @trixy1823 8 часов назад

    ADHD… genetic? What a limiting idea that can lock us into a narrow path. I had ADHD. A psych test put me at top 1% WORST case. That was 8 years ago.
    Quite a situation to escape yet once I realized that my trauma was at its core I could in fact work my way out. My ADHD has pretty much disappeared and 😳 I can now even meditate😑. To me that’s as crazy as a story can get. Never shut yourself off to miracles.
    Since then I have worked to face all my fears in life. To examine all my survival strategies that I’ve created since birth. Too many of them created while coping with the grief from abandonment. My own and our common sense of abandonment that greed and brutality create. To me… this grief is the core to all destruction within us, and around us, today.
    I’m your mom’s age and the collective consciousness, of our younger years, was collectively committed to hiding from our fears through “hard work” and sacrifices. Thinking more money will save us from having to face our fear.
    Thinking that money, and the cult of toxic masculinity, is somehow a show of strength. The cult that uses forced hierarchies.
    Forced hierarchies that twist every aspect of humanity into making us feel safe by feeling “better than”. That this would somehow save us but all we did was give our own power away. A fear that uses tall to short, pretty to “ugly”, man to woman, straight to LGBTQ+, rich to poor, school educated to self educated, and the list goes on and on.
    Every sub group of humanity has them. The Fearists. Using religion, ethnicity, culture, gender, etc. to make them feel safe by feeling superior.
    We bought into this. Literally.
    Never giving much thought to what this strategy was doing to our children or the world our children are going to have to live in. Our children are standing up now.
    That is exactly what you two are breaking down. Our old paradigm that used fear as fuel. Your RUclips channel is a chisel to create a new world. One of 1000’s. That is what your generation is here to do. Create a new just and equitable world. Hard? This work is hard until you face your fears with love and respect. You sitting there, facing the fear of losing your mom’s love in front of the world, is proof of your purpose.
    The world, we have today, is the step needed to shed light into every corner of humanity. Needed so we can shed the way our fear dominates us. All the govts, who have gone insane, are doing, what they do, to show us what we don’t want.
    Boiled down… The opposite of love is judgement. We are chained by all our judgements. Judgements about ourselves and others.
    Love and mutual respect are the two survival strategies that give us the courage to face our fear. They are what got humanity up to this very moment in time.
    The bullies are those who were torn away from OUR original path. The one through love and a desire for mutual respect. The survival strategy we were all born with. Once we look at the world, this way, then a door opens up and we can see a way to save us all… including the fearists.
    We can choose between “faith in” ourselves, each other, and OUR survival
    choose to abandon ourselves and live in “fear of ME NOT surviving” which uses the survival tools of greed, brutality, and manipulation (against everyone and everything) as our motive and focus.
    It’s just that simple 💟&☮️.

  • @robbie1445
    @robbie1445 51 минуту назад

    First off he has an amazing mother Not everyone does !!! BUT FOR me I did have great parents There was never a problem !! But To be honest I didn't care if my parents or other family members could cope or like or except me being gay !! First off I was born I didn't get asked what I wanted to be !!!!! As I told my family at a big gathering That if they didn't like it, their problem. I fine another family, very simple I said !! IT IS MY BODY MY LIFE MY HAPPINESS it has nothing to do with them !! Being gay is but a small part of who a person is. It has been around since year dot !! Plus NO ONE has the right to tell me who I may love !! I have always said you live your life and I will live mine !! I never understand why some people get so worked up about being gay !! Why it doesn't effect them !! Or does it, maybe they wish they could be who they are maybe they are gay as well lol

  • @christianeadusei495
    @christianeadusei495 13 часов назад

    Tekky ich liebe ihre Mama. Wenn mein Sohn schwul wäre hätte ich genauso gehandelt. Mein Ziel ist es das meine Kinder glücklich sind, egal ob in einer schulen, lespischen oder hetero Beziehung. Wünsche ihnen viel Glück und Gesundheit für die Zukunft. Grüße aus Berlin in Deutschland.

  • @MyKfactor
    @MyKfactor 18 часов назад +4

    Is social media all you do? Unfortunately that is not going to last. You have such good advice. Open up a counselling centre for gay Asian teens.

    • @peterandtekky
      @peterandtekky  17 часов назад

      Our inbox is always open for that

  • @jeffs-uw6hr
    @jeffs-uw6hr 4 часа назад


  • @_m3issa.prk_
    @_m3issa.prk_ 16 часов назад +2

    i just wanted to say that i support you two , you are my safe place now it's been 4 month now , don't listen haters you are the most humble people i know i love you two so much if someone will judge you don't listen you are stronger that
    i will always suport you ❤‍🩹

  • @TattoosLovers
    @TattoosLovers 8 часов назад +1

    Peter & tekky you guy's are so blessed & lucky to have a mom like her wish my ASIAN catholic mom could be open & accepting of me & my bf wish she could see me happy & not upset & unhappy .❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊 & i also wish & hope my mom will say fuck it what my family thinks bout you your still you & your not hurting anyone and i love you nomatter what .🤲🏻🙏👍🏻✌🏻🫰🏻🫶🏻😅🤣😆😂❤️‍🔥❣️🍾🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃🕴👬😇🥰😍🤩😘😋😜🤪😝🤗🤭💪🦾 watchin' ' ' your vid made me 😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧 load's like a river .

  • @Tonyvh
    @Tonyvh 10 часов назад


  • @TinotendatanyaradzwaMakuyana
    @TinotendatanyaradzwaMakuyana 19 часов назад


  • @ericav4561
    @ericav4561 17 часов назад +1


  • @Sshivani_xx
    @Sshivani_xx 17 часов назад +1
