Just to add, “Unknown Tawnaverse” and “Dynamic Duo” are unofficial names I’ve given those two tracks. However, I spent a few hours rewatching the cutscenes thinking where they would fit. Dynamic Duo felt like something that would’ve been used for an ultimate finale against the Tropies, signifying that Crash and Coco are just a really good duo alongside the other three (I think the theory of the N. Tropy boss fight being too short could lie here as well, since Fem Tropy does mention what they can do as a “pack”. “Unknown Tawnaverse” is also an unofficial title I gave it, since it couldn’t possibly fit anywhere and also being a very sinister track for a Crash game. Tawna came to mind about her dark timeline that happens within her universe. But, RUclips identified the track for me with a name and artist, so I was bummed out that it wasn’t used, since well... we don’t know anything about her universe and what happened; hence why I fit it right with Tawna. If you want my personal opinion, a dimension that goes deep story wise (as a side story or something) into Tawna’s dimension would’ve added so much more depth to her character as to why she prefers doing things alone for the most part. “I fly solo” is written all over her... the only question for that would be “why?”. The game does obviously explain the events for her, but nothing that gives off a vibe that you’ll explore that aspect, which begs the question of whether or not we can expect DLC for this game. Sorry for the confusion on the track names x) but theorizing too much with them just made sense when it came to connecting it to the game’s actual story and events.
Have you ever wondered why Jess Harnell does not voice Crash in Crash 4? Well, there's actually an interesting explanation. The role had to be handed over to Scott Whyte so that Harnell could be Wakko again in the Animaniacs rebbot. Similarly, the role of N. Brio was given to Roger Craig Smith due to Maurice LaMarche, the previous voice actor for Brio in Crash: Mind over Mutant and the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, reprising his role as the Brain in the Animaniacs reboot.
To be honest, it's kinda dumb when you have an incredibly difficult game that doesn't offer any significant reward to fully complete, considering you often don't get anything for going above and beyond when "100%+ing" games
There was a concept art with a unknown level when Crash is about to grab the unknown mask in the top and being chased by caveman-like yetis. Sadly, we never got to see the unnamed enemies in the game with the unknown level.
I like to believe they removed Ripper Roo because there was no reason for Ripper Roo to be in the story since it would’ve been weird with Ripper being an boss for what seems like out of nowhere and they may have wanted a more fitting character or nothing, also it seems so far in the crash lore, ripper Roo might be going through a Dingodile type arc of retiring from evil as seen in crash 1’s secret ending and 2’ s boss for him.
I think those skulls for the N sanely perfect relic sounds to me like how fast can one complete the level without dying and breaking all boxes. Under the "platinum relic" time, you would earn the last skull. But I believe they split them so players can earn time relics separately from this
You can tell something is missing in Run It Bayou, since in every other World where you meet a mask there's some sort of mini boss except for when you meet Kupuna-Wa Giant Ghost Tiki for Lani Loli Louise for Akano Red T-Rex for Ika Ika And then Kupuna Wa just chilling there on the swamp
Salty Wharf clearly isn't part of the Tawnaverse. Tawna travelled over there somehow and met Crash and Coco during her own adventure, no matter whether she just followed the quantum rifts like everyone else or she can do it on her own due to some technology from her dimension.
@@VtnVivi And that's because the plot is all around Crash and Coco, since they are the main characters of the story; by doing this, they have made a story that is still simple and easy to follow, but some characters get less screentime than they should (except Cortex, who is definitely the 2nd most important of the playable characters, although his best moments come from his role as a villain). Merry Xmas!
I've finally got The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time the concept artbook from the Amazon Prime package since my Mom ordered it for me. Now I've got both "The Art of Spyro: Reignited Trilogy" and "The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time" the concept artbooks both made by Toys for Bob developers and Activision Blizzard Entertainment published company! Like: both Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon the concept arbooks! Or make it "Crash & Spyro" the concept artbooks for short. LOL 😃 Anyway, but wow, I had no idea that Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has the cut contents. Well, Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy has two DLC levels like "Stormy Ascent" for Crash Bandicoot (1996) and "Future Tense" for Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (1998). And Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled has the eight DLC race tracks and 30 DLC playable characters. But except that Spyro: Reignited Trilogy dosen't have the DLC levels for Spyro the Dragon (1998), Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (1999) and Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (2000), and I still wanted to see to know what's behind the Artisans door in the Artisans homeworld at the beginning of the gameplay of Spyro the Dragon (1998) as a DLC so badly. But anyway, I would love to see the DLC skins for Dr. Cortex, Dingodile, and Tawna, and the brand new skins for Crash and Coco,... I would love to see the DLC level about Ripper Roo's level with includes Ripper Roo,.... and I would love to see a DLC level: like Tawnaverse to see (alternative version) Tawna's backstory about how did the alternate dimensional versions of Crash and Coco had been killed by Tawna's arch-enemy: Female Dr. Nefarious Tropy long before Alternate Tawna met regular versions of Crash and Coco and then she'd fly solo to take Female N. Tropy down to avenge the alternate Crash and Coco's death in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time for the updates into the future eventually. I don't want to spoil it, and please forgive me for this; in my concept artbook of The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, I saw a mysterious female bat character that's right next to Cortex, Dingodile, Tawna and Crash in the Esport Tournament when Coco became an Esport champion during in the epilogue of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, and I believe this mysterious female bat character will appear in the future Crash Bandicoot console games like a brand new Crash Bandicoot PVP game: probably "Crash Wumpa League" as a brand new character of Crash Bandicoot franchise into the future. Oh, and by away, I really love that when The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time the concept Artbook with a third Spyro the Dragon hidden Easter egg reference is hinting or teasing a future Spyro the Dragon game: a brand new Spyro the Dragon 2021 game: a true direct sequel to Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (2000): "Spyro 4" in almost 2021 that I knew it all along! Oh, and speaking of new Spyro the Dragon 2021 game and new Crash Bandicoot PVP game, I could imagine that Activision company will drop the two teaser trailers of both "Spyro 4" and "Crash PVP game" in the extras menu of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time for the update in 2021 just like Activision just dropped a teaser trailer of Spyro the Dragon original trilogy remake: "Spyro: Reignited Trilogy (2018)" in the secret code of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (1998) in the main menu of Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy (2017) for an update dated April 5th 2018. I don't know yet. Just my thoughts and theary for what I imagines. But I'm still looking forward to see the announcement reveal trailer of a Crash Bandicoot PVP game: probably called "Crash Wumpa League" as a probably brand new Crash Bandicoot party game in 2021,... and the announcement reveal trailer of a brand new Spyro the Dragon game: a true direct sequel to Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (2000): "Spyro 4" in 2021. Because I'm still getting excited for both of them. 🙂
i member feelin the hype when the spyro 3 code seemed to do a mysterious kind of nothing when nsane trilogy first arrived(you could make text disappear or something, almost forgot what that was) but the fact that it only happened over crash 3 had me convinced something would happen eventually.. that door in the artisans also had me convinced of some kind of reference or surprise but...... i feel like that didn't play out as intended . they totally put that there to cause wild speculation whether their were significant plans or not... actually I'm still convinced it's existence will facilitate a yet unforeseen purpose (even if not in the original release of reignited)
@@VtnVivi Well, this weekend, I'm gonna see a new Pixar movie called "Soul" on Disney Plus for world premiere theater rental when it comes out by tomorrow. 🙂
Even though I haven’t unlocked all the skins in it’s about time, I really do love all the different skins. They’re so cool I think! My favourites are the superheroes ones. Not sure of the name of them though...
@@MMkillsINCTV ikr? Believe me I’m not that kind of gamer. Just wasn’t worth it for me but I could try again without getting all the n sanely perfect relics. That was the big struggle for me!
A cut mini boss, cut music for cut levels and cut costumes if they were add in the game would be too long and 110% would be a nightmare. What if Ripperoo was the one who ordered the bats to blow up Dingos diner? Also I noticed something no one really brought up in Crash 3 while you're racing down the road you will see a Dingos diner in the 1950's so that means Dingo already opened up a diner. Also what ever happened to Tiny?
Just out of interest, who do you think that bat character is next to cortex in the 100% ending? When it’s showing the epilogue and coco winning and Nina just sighing? You get what I mean?
I think they have to have a dlc. They make ripper roos model, track, his jumping animations, probably even voice lines, and then just throw it all away for some weird fish? Edit: the original perfect relics could have been spaced in 1/3, 2/3 and at the end of the level. If you didnt die and collected all the crates in that segment, the skull would appear for you to collect. The small one for 1/3, medium for 2/3 and the last for finishing the level all the way like that
I would’ve liked Tawna a lot better if she did wore a cropped jacket and ripped jeans. I think that makes her look good and more tough from her dimension. I even like that Aku Aku purse she had there. I’d really like to have more skins as DLC someday. Because the skins they have now just aren’t enough.
But Vivi are you surprised that nothing was not announced for crash or Spyro at the game awards last week? Personally I wasn’t just surprised at all. It seemed like way too soon for anything. My guess is early to mid-next year when we’ll find out about Spyro 4 or even the crash pvp game for that matter.
From what I've heard; gold relics are 2%, platinum relics are another 2% and the perfect relics are another 2%. Meaning you can just skip those if you only want the 100% ending. Also one issue I have with the perfect relics is the fact that they count any and all deaths even BEFORE you reach the first checkpoint which is pretty much a downgrade from how the 1st game handled it.
That caveman Neo Cortex "skin" is just an outfit change, not for the prehistoric levels, but for the opening cutscene where he and N Tropy are stuck in a prehistoric time before using Uka Uka to escape. The design is supposed to show that some time has passed since the ending of Crash: Warped, he's visibly aged and has had to make some makeshift clothing because clothes aren't gonna last forever - especially if you're trying to survive alongside the dinosaurs. :p It's a shame they completely scrapped the idea
I hope the following video games happen at some point: Avatar 2 the video game since the 2nd movie releases December of next year, spongebob movie game rehydrated since battle for bikini bottom got rehydrated last year, LEGO star wars the Skywalker saga, and spyro 4 since crash 4 it's about time came out last year
I really have to agree with you about the gem where you can only die 3 times or less in order to get it. There really wasn’t any point to those ones I don’t think. Sometimes I’d on purposely run through the level after getting all the crates the first time just to get that gem. You get what I mean at all? Lol
I basically agree with you. Only thing I would suggest is they were probably intended as practice. It's like you build up to being able to do perfect runs and having a secondary reward for 'almost' doing it could be seen as encouragement/incentive.- it is pretty rough to just jump into a level and expect to not die without practice. If we make the same argument for redundant wampa fruit gems; this supports my belief about encouraging incentive for progression even if redundant in terms of full completion. (EDIT: now that I think about it, even the nverted stages, while seen as creative presentation but mostly padding; functionally serve the player as more practice whether they want/need it or not)
I've been avoiding spoilers like the plague and now I find out Ripper Roo isn't in the game. I'm not dissapointed I just kinda miss the insane kangaroo.
Well, two things, @@VtnVivi. One: who is your celebrity crush if you have one? And two: if you're going to have a regular crush on a girl, you know what you should worry about first?
We might still get it, in Wrath of Cortex we never got the reason on how Cortex and N. Tropy escaped their predicament in Warped but It's about time did, so there's still hope.
Ripper Roo was my favourite character in the original games.. Don't ask why.. Maybe the madness was kind charming/amusing to me. I doubt I'm alone on this but I really disliked the interpretation of the character in the remakes and nitro fueled to the point where zero of the qualities that I liked about the original character remained.. Curious how the crash 4 styling might have interpreted him, but if it was going to be any continuation of the characters new form.. I'm very okay if not happy with him being cut.. :P
@@jbktpl1245 Okay, I haven't tried to describe it, I've always just reacted/rejected the new one at surface level when I see it., But the more I think about it, I believe with the old voice and animation; he seemed more 'charming' and quirky to me. Now I basically find him over the top silly / annoying to put it politely. I feel like whoever interpreted this version, didn't recognise some of the aspects in the same way that made him likeable. At first I thought it was the voice sample but even the animations and movements (eg.twisting his neck around while driving his kart in ctr:NF), are just offputting to me. I dunno, I guess I'm just attached to the original design and that original voice sample might have a more familiarity to it. I'm fine with many of the re-designs but just always felt this one missed the mark somewhere.
@@jbktpl1245 Basically, the character has always been a bit of a dag. And now I'm on the other side of that; so maybe it's not as inconsistent as I first imagined. XD
@@VtnVivi Sorry i meant only the story. Like introduce more characteres from previous games (in a logical way) and put all the mask in the cutscenes that you already had them. Not put Cortex and Brio as friends. How did N.Trophy meet the other Trophy? Like the more details the better. I guess im really severe on the story.
If not for DLC will there at least be update to fix hitbox on Bears repeating and Crash Landed ? I agree that requirement for 106% needs platinum relics is unfair as game is alredy hard and it fells like chore Not everyone can achieve Platinum relics Also when it comes to Warped 100% ending it required even gold relics Wich is forgiving and enjoyable
Definitely those hitboxes and the controls for the bear and slug creature, my own experiences and Caddicurus's video present that problem throughly....
Just to add, “Unknown Tawnaverse” and “Dynamic Duo” are unofficial names I’ve given those two tracks. However, I spent a few hours rewatching the cutscenes thinking where they would fit. Dynamic Duo felt like something that would’ve been used for an ultimate finale against the Tropies, signifying that Crash and Coco are just a really good duo alongside the other three (I think the theory of the N. Tropy boss fight being too short could lie here as well, since Fem Tropy does mention what they can do as a “pack”. “Unknown Tawnaverse” is also an unofficial title I gave it, since it couldn’t possibly fit anywhere and also being a very sinister track for a Crash game. Tawna came to mind about her dark timeline that happens within her universe. But, RUclips identified the track for me with a name and artist, so I was bummed out that it wasn’t used, since well... we don’t know anything about her universe and what happened; hence why I fit it right with Tawna.
If you want my personal opinion, a dimension that goes deep story wise (as a side story or something) into Tawna’s dimension would’ve added so much more depth to her character as to why she prefers doing things alone for the most part. “I fly solo” is written all over her... the only question for that would be “why?”. The game does obviously explain the events for her, but nothing that gives off a vibe that you’ll explore that aspect, which begs the question of whether or not we can expect DLC for this game.
Sorry for the confusion on the track names x) but theorizing too much with them just made sense when it came to connecting it to the game’s actual story and events.
Thanks for clarifying Abdul and thanks for your work!!!!! I agree with you when it comes to Tawna....It's like stuff just happens.
Love your videos!
We need the cut content my god there's soo much interesting stuff that needs to be implemented in some way or another
Would whether have this than the flash back tapes.
Have you ever wondered why Jess Harnell does not voice Crash in Crash 4? Well, there's actually an interesting explanation. The role had to be handed over to Scott Whyte so that Harnell could be Wakko again in the Animaniacs rebbot. Similarly, the role of N. Brio was given to Roger Craig Smith due to Maurice LaMarche, the previous voice actor for Brio in Crash: Mind over Mutant and the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, reprising his role as the Brain in the Animaniacs reboot.
It really is crazy the amount of cut content from this game. I would’ve loved to see Ripper Roo as a proper boss or even mini boss for that matter.
I know, right? I never would've guessed from just how much was already in the game that so much was left on the cutting room floor.
You know it’s a very good point you made about the Ripper Roo music in run it bayou. I always thought it was just a nod or Easter.
0:37 I knew they were planning to do something with Ripper Roo. You can hear his boss theme in that level.
To be honest, it's kinda dumb that an ending is locked behind 106% completion, considering how incredibly difficult the game is to fully complete
To be honest, it's kinda dumb when you have an incredibly difficult game that doesn't offer any significant reward to fully complete, considering you often don't get anything for going above and beyond when "100%+ing" games
Completion aspect is something they'll have to tweak for a future game.
I want the cut content so bad
There was a concept art with a unknown level when Crash is about to grab the unknown mask in the top and being chased by caveman-like yetis. Sadly, we never got to see the unnamed enemies in the game with the unknown level.
I like to believe they removed Ripper Roo because there was no reason for Ripper Roo to be in the story since it would’ve been weird with Ripper being an boss for what seems like out of nowhere and they may have wanted a more fitting character or nothing, also it seems so far in the crash lore, ripper Roo might be going through a Dingodile type arc of retiring from evil as seen in crash 1’s secret ending and 2’ s boss for him.
I think those skulls for the N sanely perfect relic sounds to me like how fast can one complete the level without dying and breaking all boxes. Under the "platinum relic" time, you would earn the last skull. But I believe they split them so players can earn time relics separately from this
Thanks for sharing!
Nicholas Kole is a legend
For sure!
You can tell something is missing in Run It Bayou, since in every other World where you meet a mask there's some sort of mini boss except for when you meet Kupuna-Wa
Giant Ghost Tiki for Lani Loli
Louise for Akano
Red T-Rex for Ika Ika
And then Kupuna Wa just chilling there on the swamp
Abdul is such an awesome guy I think! I subscribe to his channel. It’s really cool listening to all the unused tracks.
We all appreciate his detective work!
@@VtnVivi definitely!
Salty Wharf clearly isn't part of the Tawnaverse. Tawna travelled over there somehow and met Crash and Coco during her own adventure, no matter whether she just followed the quantum rifts like everyone else or she can do it on her own due to some technology from her dimension.
Yeah it's never been made clear, like how she randomly finds Dingo.
@@VtnVivi And that's because the plot is all around Crash and Coco, since they are the main characters of the story; by doing this, they have made a story that is still simple and easy to follow, but some characters get less screentime than they should (except Cortex, who is definitely the 2nd most important of the playable characters, although his best moments come from his role as a villain).
Merry Xmas!
@@crashtefano Merry Christmas!!!
The art
So beautiful
Merry Christmas
Same to you!
I wish crash 4 got more levels
They could've split long dragging levels into smaller ones :/
I hope crash 4 will get a dlc in the future
Who knows!
The unused n sanely perfect relics look so awesome!!
They do!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well too Vivi! I hope you have a good year ahead! 🙂
There's lots of cut content in this game
Makes me hope we get DLC for this game a lot
Oh I really hope so
Who knows :O
I've finally got The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time the concept artbook from the Amazon Prime package since my Mom ordered it for me.
Now I've got both "The Art of Spyro: Reignited Trilogy" and "The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time" the concept artbooks both made by Toys for Bob developers and Activision Blizzard Entertainment published company! Like: both Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon the concept arbooks! Or make it "Crash & Spyro" the concept artbooks for short. LOL 😃
Anyway, but wow, I had no idea that Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has the cut contents.
Well, Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy has two DLC levels like "Stormy Ascent" for Crash Bandicoot (1996) and "Future Tense" for Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (1998).
And Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled has the eight DLC race tracks and 30 DLC playable characters.
But except that Spyro: Reignited Trilogy dosen't have the DLC levels for Spyro the Dragon (1998), Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (1999) and Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (2000), and I still wanted to see to know what's behind the Artisans door in the Artisans homeworld at the beginning of the gameplay of Spyro the Dragon (1998) as a DLC so badly.
But anyway, I would love to see the DLC skins for Dr. Cortex, Dingodile, and Tawna, and the brand new skins for Crash and Coco,... I would love to see the DLC level about Ripper Roo's level with includes Ripper Roo,.... and I would love to see a DLC level: like Tawnaverse to see (alternative version) Tawna's backstory about how did the alternate dimensional versions of Crash and Coco had been killed by Tawna's arch-enemy: Female Dr. Nefarious Tropy long before Alternate Tawna met regular versions of Crash and Coco and then she'd fly solo to take Female N. Tropy down to avenge the alternate Crash and Coco's death in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time for the updates into the future eventually.
I don't want to spoil it, and please forgive me for this; in my concept artbook of The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, I saw a mysterious female bat character that's right next to Cortex, Dingodile, Tawna and Crash in the Esport Tournament when Coco became an Esport champion during in the epilogue of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, and I believe this mysterious female bat character will appear in the future Crash Bandicoot console games like a brand new Crash Bandicoot PVP game: probably "Crash Wumpa League" as a brand new character of Crash Bandicoot franchise into the future.
Oh, and by away, I really love that when The Art of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time the concept Artbook with a third Spyro the Dragon hidden Easter egg reference is hinting or teasing a future Spyro the Dragon game: a brand new Spyro the Dragon 2021 game: a true direct sequel to Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (2000): "Spyro 4" in almost 2021 that I knew it all along!
Oh, and speaking of new Spyro the Dragon 2021 game and new Crash Bandicoot PVP game, I could imagine that Activision company will drop the two teaser trailers of both "Spyro 4" and "Crash PVP game" in the extras menu of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time for the update in 2021 just like Activision just dropped a teaser trailer of Spyro the Dragon original trilogy remake: "Spyro: Reignited Trilogy (2018)" in the secret code of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (1998) in the main menu of Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy (2017) for an update dated April 5th 2018.
I don't know yet. Just my thoughts and theary for what I imagines.
But I'm still looking forward to see the announcement reveal trailer of a Crash Bandicoot PVP game: probably called "Crash Wumpa League" as a probably brand new Crash Bandicoot party game in 2021,... and the announcement reveal trailer of a brand new Spyro the Dragon game: a true direct sequel to Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon (2000): "Spyro 4" in 2021.
Because I'm still getting excited for both of them. 🙂
i member feelin the hype when the spyro 3 code seemed to do a mysterious kind of nothing when nsane trilogy first arrived(you could make text disappear or something, almost forgot what that was) but the fact that it only happened over crash 3 had me convinced something would happen eventually..
that door in the artisans also had me convinced of some kind of reference or surprise but...... i feel like that didn't play out as intended .
they totally put that there to cause wild speculation whether their were significant plans or not... actually I'm still convinced it's existence will facilitate a yet unforeseen purpose (even if not in the original release of reignited)
Thanks for sharing Tre' !!! Merry Christmas!
@@VtnVivi Thanks, VTNVIVI. And merry Christmas to you as well.
So what are you going to do for your Holiday vacation in this weekend? 🙂
@@tresheppard8942 Hmm... More work heheh :p
@@VtnVivi Well, this weekend, I'm gonna see a new Pixar movie called "Soul" on Disney Plus for world premiere theater rental when it comes out by tomorrow. 🙂
Ive feel like there cut dimensions like unknown twanaverse cut levels ntropy battle was short
N.Tropy battle was underwhelming I agree!
Even though I haven’t unlocked all the skins in it’s about time, I really do love all the different skins. They’re so cool I think! My favourites are the superheroes ones. Not sure of the name of them though...
Same, it's just way too hard for me to actually get the skins because you have to get every crate in the levels
@@MMkillsINCTV ikr? Believe me I’m not that kind of gamer. Just wasn’t worth it for me but I could try again without getting all the n sanely perfect relics. That was the big struggle for me!
@@BrennySpain so true
A cut mini boss, cut music for cut levels and cut costumes if they were add in the game would be too long and 110% would be a nightmare.
What if Ripperoo was the one who ordered the bats to blow up Dingos diner?
Also I noticed something no one really brought up in Crash 3 while you're racing down the road you will see a Dingos diner in the 1950's so that means Dingo already opened up a diner. Also what ever happened to Tiny?
You got a point about Crash 3!
Near to those cortex costumes (or different dimension cortex), theres even a good cortex from 10th dimension
So thats why ripper roo made a cameo
Tawna home is probably being saved for a sequel.
I'd assume so!
Just out of interest, who do you think that bat character is next to cortex in the 100% ending? When it’s showing the epilogue and coco winning and Nina just sighing? You get what I mean?
Hmm.... Maybe a re-imagined character from the series?
@@VtnVivi could be?
I think they have to have a dlc. They make ripper roos model, track, his jumping animations, probably even voice lines, and then just throw it all away for some weird fish?
Edit: the original perfect relics could have been spaced in 1/3, 2/3 and at the end of the level. If you didnt die and collected all the crates in that segment, the skull would appear for you to collect. The small one for 1/3, medium for 2/3 and the last for finishing the level all the way like that
i love your videos
Aww thank you!
N. Brio is officially dead.
Poor fellow.
At 13:22 it would be cool if they Add that Symbol and Character to a Future CTR and CrashBash.
I would have loved to see Disco Cortex.
And here i am still waiting for crash 4 and ctr on pc...
N sane trilogy skins or original CTR skins would be a dream come true.
I would’ve liked Tawna a lot better if she did wore a cropped jacket and ripped jeans. I think that makes her look good and more tough from her dimension. I even like that Aku Aku purse she had there. I’d really like to have more skins as DLC someday. Because the skins they have now just aren’t enough.
It’s no cut content if there are only some sketches pieces and never went into the production process
Nonetheless, as stated it's fun going over behind the scenes as well :)
Awesome and cool!
I want to see what Crash Mummy look like?
What?!?!?...Some of the contents of Crash Bandicoot 4 were cut😥🥺😅...
Indeed :(
@@VtnVivi Oh no :"( !
We need Ripper Roo
Hopefully in a future game!
But Vivi are you surprised that nothing was not announced for crash or Spyro at the game awards last week? Personally I wasn’t just surprised at all. It seemed like way too soon for anything. My guess is early to mid-next year when we’ll find out about Spyro 4 or even the crash pvp game for that matter.
It seemed too soon yeah...
I love cute little crash! It reminds of me baby crash from crash team racing nitro fueled! Lol
@@VtnVivi gotcha! :)
why did you take all these things away? 😢 it's so cool
Happens to lots of games, it's cool to realise these things nonetheless.
@@VtnVivi yes but "sad"
From what I've heard; gold relics are 2%, platinum relics are another 2% and the perfect relics are another 2%. Meaning you can just skip those if you only want the 100% ending.
Also one issue I have with the perfect relics is the fact that they count any and all deaths even BEFORE you reach the first checkpoint which is pretty much a downgrade from how the 1st game handled it.
You're right about the checkpoint thing!
merry christmas eve
Same to you!!!!
@@VtnVivi can you do a sly video
Games have cut content. That’s what sequels are for.
To some extent :)
That caveman Neo Cortex "skin" is just an outfit change, not for the prehistoric levels, but for the opening cutscene where he and N Tropy are stuck in a prehistoric time before using Uka Uka to escape.
The design is supposed to show that some time has passed since the ending of Crash: Warped, he's visibly aged and has had to make some makeshift clothing because clothes aren't gonna last forever - especially if you're trying to survive alongside the dinosaurs. :p
It's a shame they completely scrapped the idea
You're onto something!
Wow. I literally thought Run it Bayou's music reminded me of Ripper Roo as I was playing it.
There ya go!
When’s your next big video coming out? I’m guessing you have something big planned? Maybe kingdom hearts related?
Kingdom Hearts!!!!! This video was loooong overdue :P
@@VtnVivi yes!!!!! I can’t wait!! 💗💗💗💗💗
You know where Sonic the Hedgehog was filmed in 2018?
I don't know hmm...
Vancouver, Ladysmith, and Vancouver Island in Canada. You do live in Canada, right, @@VtnVivi?
Being hyped for Crash 4 is one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life and this only proves it further.
14:18 The design on the right is perfect why wasn't it used
I love it too!
I hope my fav dragon spyro ends up like crash bandicoot and gets a 4th entry I'm prepared 4 it bcuz I'm gittin da ps5
I hope so too!
I hope the following video games happen at some point: Avatar 2 the video game since the 2nd movie releases December of next year, spongebob movie game rehydrated since battle for bikini bottom got rehydrated last year, LEGO star wars the Skywalker saga, and spyro 4 since crash 4 it's about time came out last year
I really have to agree with you about the gem where you can only die 3 times or less in order to get it. There really wasn’t any point to those ones I don’t think. Sometimes I’d on purposely run through the level after getting all the crates the first time just to get that gem. You get what I mean at all? Lol
I basically agree with you. Only thing I would suggest is they were probably intended as practice. It's like you build up to being able to do perfect runs and having a secondary reward for 'almost' doing it could be seen as encouragement/incentive.- it is pretty rough to just jump into a level and expect to not die without practice.
If we make the same argument for redundant wampa fruit gems; this supports my belief about encouraging incentive for progression even if redundant in terms of full completion.
(EDIT: now that I think about it, even the nverted stages, while seen as creative presentation but mostly padding; functionally serve the player as more practice whether they want/need it or not)
I've been avoiding spoilers like the plague and now I find out Ripper Roo isn't in the game. I'm not dissapointed I just kinda miss the insane kangaroo.
This would technically be the second time he was cut sadly... He was going to appear in one of the Crash of the Titan games too.
@@jbktpl1245 Really? That's interesting. Never thought they'd bring him back for titans.
If you had a crush on girl or a celebrity one, who would it be, VIVI?
Hmm.... I dunno :P
Well, two things, @@VtnVivi.
One: who is your celebrity crush if you have one?
And two: if you're going to have a regular crush on a girl, you know what you should worry about first?
It's sad we never got the Wrath of Cortex remake
It was fake the wrath of cortex remastered since 2020 but it was crash bandicoot 4 leaked
We might still get it, in Wrath of Cortex we never got the reason on how Cortex and N. Tropy escaped their predicament in Warped but It's about time did, so there's still hope.
@@jbktpl1245 no it won’t didn’t you see leaked crash pvp 😤😒
@@tylermatthew349 I only heard it was a possibility.
@@jbktpl1245 crash of wrath of cortex remastered and remake was fake the leaked man 😒 no offense but crash bandicoot 4 sucks I hate it a lot 😤😒
I never liked the way Crash looked back then cuz his human like teeth always bothered me.
Ripper Roo was my favourite character in the original games.. Don't ask why.. Maybe the madness was kind charming/amusing to me.
I doubt I'm alone on this but I really disliked the interpretation of the character in the remakes and nitro fueled to the point where zero of the qualities that I liked about the original character remained..
Curious how the crash 4 styling might have interpreted him, but if it was going to be any continuation of the characters new form.. I'm very okay if not happy with him being cut.. :P
How did the remakes mess up his character? Just curious why you fell that way.
@@jbktpl1245 Okay, I haven't tried to describe it, I've always just reacted/rejected the new one at surface level when I see it., But the more I think about it, I believe with the old voice and animation; he seemed more 'charming' and quirky to me.
Now I basically find him over the top silly / annoying to put it politely. I feel like whoever interpreted this version, didn't recognise some of the aspects in the same way that made him likeable.
At first I thought it was the voice sample but even the animations and movements (eg.twisting his neck around while driving his kart in ctr:NF), are just offputting to me.
I dunno, I guess I'm just attached to the original design and that original voice sample might have a more familiarity to it. I'm fine with many of the re-designs but just always felt this one missed the mark somewhere.
@@jbktpl1245 Basically, the character has always been a bit of a dag. And now I'm on the other side of that; so maybe it's not as inconsistent as I first imagined. XD
I've always been curious about Ripper Roo's backstory :O
I feel like they could have done so much better with that game... Louise but not Ripper Roo? Brio working again with Cortex?
I wouldn't say ''better'', but they can definitely tweak some gameplay aspects.
@@VtnVivi Sorry i meant only the story. Like introduce more characteres from previous games (in a logical way) and put all the mask in the cutscenes that you already had them. Not put Cortex and Brio as friends. How did N.Trophy meet the other Trophy? Like the more details the better. I guess im really severe on the story.
If not for DLC will there at least be update to fix hitbox on Bears repeating and Crash Landed ?
I agree that requirement for 106% needs platinum relics is unfair as game is alredy hard and it fells like chore
Not everyone can achieve Platinum relics
Also when it comes to Warped 100% ending it required even gold relics Wich is forgiving and enjoyable
Definitely those hitboxes and the controls for the bear and slug creature, my own experiences and Caddicurus's video present that problem throughly....
U shud have waited for the artbook and then have made this vid
The artbook does contain a lot of goodies I admit!
Anyone here knows bout the legendary sprash dragdicoot?😏
Ripper game
14:08 please don't. Generic cool looking mascots we have a galore in the ps2, leave boobly idiotic crash as is. We only have him :c
Alternate is the keyword here :P
Good content would be the treradactle brio boss fight in eggipus dimension
Dlc it.