Assalamualikum,,,for all guys the comentatar here..this guys ( qorry ) his from indonesia and his one level with muammar ZA. voices the same both of them ( IMRON ROSYADI ZA . AND MUAMMAR ZA. ) thats mean is one level or maters of qorry all over the world....alloh huakar 99x...yarrobbal`allamin....greeting from INDONESIA....WASSALAM
@BOBOXON Masha Allah. they are very good. and shaykh Rosyadi recites like his brother. thank you for your information. Insha Allah i will come in the future to Indonesia for further study about the Quran. i have practised the Melodies. Bayyati saba sika hijaz rast nahawand ajam and Jiharkah with my ustad. Abdul latif ash'ari from java Indonesia. I wanted to come this year in Indonesia but i dont think i will make it. I will come in th Future Insha Allah. Give the Qurra my Salam.Wassalamu Alaikum
@BOBOXON Aameen. whichh country do u live? i am from Holland. but i practised the tarannum in Suriname. a country in south america nearby brasil. thats my original country. but i am in real an indian from india. our grand grandparents did go to suriname from india. and there are many indonesian families there also and african. my ustad lives in indonesia. he came to suriname for work and da'wah. but unfortunately he returned. May allah bless you.
alchamdulillah semoga yg mendengarkan dan qorik nya mendapatkan syafaat nya alqur anul karim amin
Subhanallah walhamdulila Alloh Akbar
Masyaa Alloh..ustadz
Subhanawoh suaranya mirip kakak ny H.Muammarza
Iya mirip banget. Suara & gaya launya sama percis
Assalamualikum,,,for all guys the comentatar here..this guys ( qorry ) his from indonesia and his one level with muammar ZA. voices the same both of them ( IMRON ROSYADI ZA . AND MUAMMAR ZA. ) thats mean is one level or maters of qorry all over the world....alloh huakar 99x...yarrobbal`allamin....greeting from INDONESIA....WASSALAM
Amiiinn and thanks for your prayers. .... i wish ALLOH blessing you also
Alhamdulillah saya dapat memetik banayak pengalaman dengan blog ini. Terimakasih, semoga sukesa sealu. Amiin.
Surah apa ya yg di baca
Subhanallah mahasuci engkau ya Allah yang te;ah memberikan suara yang indah kepada hambamu ini , alaangkah merdunya suaramu.
@BOBOXON Masha Allah. they are very good. and shaykh Rosyadi recites like his brother. thank you for your information. Insha Allah i will come in the future to Indonesia for further study about the Quran. i have practised the Melodies. Bayyati saba sika hijaz rast nahawand ajam and Jiharkah with my ustad. Abdul latif ash'ari from java Indonesia. I wanted to come this year in Indonesia but i dont think i will make it. I will come in th Future Insha Allah. Give the Qurra my Salam.Wassalamu Alaikum
masha Allah,, shawtul jannah
sungguh sangat membuat bergetar hati ini, terima kasih ya Alloh aku masih di di beri kesadaran saat mendengar firmanmu
alhamdulilah smg mmberi brkh u sy dn yg yg mndgrkn smg hidayah terbaik buat kami insyaalah
mantap suara luar biasa menyentuh di hati ok bang perjuangankan sampai tetes pengabisan amin
Subhanallah wa bihamdi
Zulfahmi Ahmad koleksi Nanang
the best
Ada video ceramahnya
what is the za family line? because shykh muammar is za too
He is muammar's young brother.
@BOBOXON Aameen. whichh country do u live? i am from Holland. but i practised the tarannum in Suriname. a country in south america nearby brasil. thats my original country. but i am in real an indian from india. our grand grandparents did go to suriname from india. and there are many indonesian families there also and african. my ustad lives in indonesia. he came to suriname for work and da'wah. but unfortunately he returned. May allah bless you.
Abdul basit ?