Warcraft Movie 2016 Final Battle Full 1080 HD

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @Saicofake
    @Saicofake 6 лет назад +122

    Was I the only one who wanted a sequel? I felt that this movie had potential to do well. While there were flaws, I really liked the movie.

    • @StarInbound
      @StarInbound Год назад +5

      Maybe they should have followed the games storyline instead of, and I quote, "go in a different direction."

    • @alexissly8951
      @alexissly8951 Год назад +1

      @@StarInbound It is more of do you recreate a story everyone knows and expects or do you take source material and alter it so people don't know the outcome, yes there are issues, but there are issues with both approaches

    • @StarInbound
      @StarInbound Год назад

      @@alexissly8951 It that kind of jackass mentality that lead to the creation of this abomination of a movie.

    • @benjackson5411
      @benjackson5411 10 месяцев назад +2

      It was this movie that introduced me to the World of Warcraft and I’ e loved it ever since.

    • @richardm7713
      @richardm7713 5 месяцев назад

      @@StarInbound the movie was fine but nearly 50 minutes was cut.

  • @jermall9778
    @jermall9778 4 года назад +119

    I know it is just a story (game) but when the King says "we are few then" you can see the realization that he knows they are going to be defeated in the end, but to maintain control of his army and his army continuing to their objectives and succeeding in freeing a large portion of their countrymen is impressive. (And I realize as well that is how the script was going to play out ... but there are enough highlights in human history where armies / commanders do what needs to be done against incredible odds)

    • @Andrew-kz5ew
      @Andrew-kz5ew 2 года назад +1

      we are fewer then*

    • @youtubenightcrawler9571
      @youtubenightcrawler9571 4 месяца назад

      @@Andrew-kz5ew pretty sure the actual quote is we few then, but still cool. even if not proper english grammar uhmmm if i do say so myself good sir

  • @josephbutler545
    @josephbutler545 3 года назад +103

    I really like how the orcs are portrayed in the movie especially in scenes of pure physical strength.

  • @TheguyfromJurassicpark3
    @TheguyfromJurassicpark3 2 года назад +142

    4:22 That guy who jumped through is the smartest man in human history

    • @mut-x8k
      @mut-x8k 2 года назад +12

      I think he just ended up in the middle of nowhere.

    • @t0m653
      @t0m653 Год назад +23

      @@mut-x8k he might be ripped into pieces bc the portal is not stable

    • @cashewnuttel9054
      @cashewnuttel9054 4 месяца назад +1

      Why is it in movies, guys who have guns charge in instead of discharging their guns from a safe distance?

    • @lucendus_the_descendus3463
      @lucendus_the_descendus3463 2 месяца назад

      The gun may only be effective in short range.

  • @dylee312
    @dylee312 6 лет назад +45

    Even though this movie was heavily flawed and had numerous plot holes. I still loved it. I'm a huge fan of the Warcraft franchise. This is one of my favorite battles. Even though the orcs are bigger and stronger, there are random human warriors that fight pretty well. For example, at 1:07, to the right of the screen, you see a random human warrior stab his sword into a wounded orc killing it while it was busy fighting other human warriors. From 2:16-2:19, you see a lot of random human warriors killing a lot of orcs with their gun powder weapons. From 2:23-2:32, you see more random human warriors gunning down and killing waves of orcs with their gunpowder weapons. These human warriors have pretty good aim with their hand cannons while running forwards hordes of orcs. And I love how at 2:34, another random human soldier shoots and kills an orc with his hand cannon. Next, at 2:41 to the bottom left. You see two random human footmen teaming up on an orc and thrusting their swords into it killing the orc warrior. At 2:43, you see to the left of the steed ridden by the orc hybrid woman and the human King, you see a random human footman fire his hand cannon that has like a bayonet axe at an orc killing it. Then the human footman duel wields his sword and cannon bayonet axe and fights another orc up close. The footman dodges the orcs swipe attack and slices his sword into the orc's gut and hack his bayonet axe at the orc. You see orc blood being splattered after the orc is hacked by the human footman's hand cannon bayonet axe to the right. Then the human thrusts his sword into the orc most likely finally killing it. That random human was badass. Killing one orc and crippling/killing a second orc while duel wielding a sword with a hand cannon axe bayonet. Then at 2:45 to the top left, you see an orc smashing his giant hammer into a fallen human warrior. But from behind that orc, you see another random human warrior run towards behind him and thrust his sword deep into the orc's back. But even though the orc is stabbed deeply from behind by that random human warrior, the orc turns around like "is that the best you got puny human!!?" and is about to swing his hammer at the human who stabbed him. At 4:48, you see that African-American human captain hack his hand cannon bayonet axe into an orc's neck before getting his neck snapped by that other orc. But if you continue to look to the left of the orc that got hacked by that African-American captain, you see that another random human warrior stabbed his sword into that orc and pulls his sword out. So that's a shared orc kill between that random human warrior and that human African-American captain. The humans fought pretty well.

    • @IGotYourBackBROTHER
      @IGotYourBackBROTHER 2 года назад +8

      Thank you for this comment man, fucking awesome

    • @michaelolmos8257
      @michaelolmos8257 2 года назад +7

      nice essay long analytical comment 😎👍
      you have a brilliant mind of a true scholar 🍻

  • @robertwarrior
    @robertwarrior 6 лет назад +74

    What I like about this movie is how it shows the contrast between the orcs and the humans. The orcs are brutal in close combat and easily overpower the humans. But the humans have firearms and good weapons and armor

    • @kapitan19969838
      @kapitan19969838 3 года назад +6

      And courageous hearts ❤

    • @T3rm3nator
      @T3rm3nator 2 года назад +1

      @@kapitan19969838 its the stuff they drinking that turned them green.

    • @kapitan19969838
      @kapitan19969838 2 года назад +1

      @@T3rm3nator Excuse me?

    • @T3rm3nator
      @T3rm3nator 2 года назад +1

      @@kapitan19969838 meant to respond to Robertwarrior how orcs easily overpower humans.

    • @CrabDougnut
      @CrabDougnut 2 года назад +1

      @@T3rm3nator no what turned them green was the exposure to fel magic

  • @stillbrian9448
    @stillbrian9448 6 лет назад +51

    With thousands of soldiers he aims to rescue thousands of civilians, thousands of civilians he does indeed save but all the soldiers and himself he loses on the way

    • @lsthero5863
      @lsthero5863 Год назад +1

      Six years have passed since the first war between orcs and humans…

  • @joefill6640
    @joefill6640 3 года назад +93

    A king who fights his own battles… wouldn’t that be a sight to see…

    • @prussianboi6381
      @prussianboi6381 3 года назад +14

      You might be surprised how many kings actually did this.
      My Highlight is the Leper King.

    • @buffboy738
      @buffboy738 3 года назад +4

      I think he's talking a Troy Reference

    • @admirkuljanin5156
      @admirkuljanin5156 2 года назад +9

      Richard Lionheart, Salahudin, Baldwin or the Leper King as they call him, Alexander the Great, Leonidas. There have been so many trust me.

    • @joefill6640
      @joefill6640 2 года назад

      @@buffboy738 it is

    • @gonyx4
      @gonyx4 2 года назад +1

      Well Kings usually went to battles in old times and low middle age BUT they usually were in the rear with fucking heavy armor surrounded by the best of the men with the heaviest of the armors, usually at horse, in a world where real trained soldiers didnt really exist except for the kings bodyguards since the Roman Empire times, so its not like the actually were in a great risk, except for some times.

  • @daldan66
    @daldan66 9 месяцев назад +4

    2:15 “LEGION FORWARD!” Why does this dude have the most badass voice of all time 😂

  • @superdudellr6217
    @superdudellr6217 5 лет назад +191

    wow this gameplay is so realistic

    • @iam_f0und502
      @iam_f0und502 3 года назад +10

      Do you know this custom campaign? Seems pretty cool

    • @gouziking9320
      @gouziking9320 3 года назад +1

      Who said it's a gameplay... Dumbass... It's a movie

    • @CLX5913
      @CLX5913 3 года назад +4

      @@gouziking9320 r/wooosh

    • @rickytherohirrim
      @rickytherohirrim 3 года назад +2

      @@gouziking9320 r/wooosh

    • @Leon_S._Kennedy
      @Leon_S._Kennedy 2 года назад

      @@gouziking9320 your the dumbass here cant even understand a game

  • @JhonathanMoran
    @JhonathanMoran 4 года назад +28

    I loved the game when I was in high school and loved to watch this movie with my little son. I really hope for Warcraft 2 soon.

    • @solwen
      @solwen 3 года назад

      How could there be a Warcraft 2 movie if the orcs did not raze Stormwind and destroy Azeroth like they did in Warcraft 1 ?

  • @Tunghancock
    @Tunghancock 4 года назад +76

    these soldiers are much more stronger than soldiers in Asgard ( in MCU)

    • @ezekielhavoc9659
      @ezekielhavoc9659 3 года назад +4


    • @ezekielhavoc9659
      @ezekielhavoc9659 3 года назад +16

      Humanity is strong than Mini-god soldiers I guess😅

    • @giodominguez365
      @giodominguez365 Год назад

      Eh I don’t think so, them facing the frost giants can say otherwise

    • @karma0253
      @karma0253 5 месяцев назад

      The asgardians in the thor the dark world intro were good then shit in every movie after

  • @Jake-cy7to
    @Jake-cy7to 7 лет назад +18

    Love how you can see characters like Kargath and Grom fighting in the background as if they were normal orcs but we the fans can easily recognize them. A cool Easter egg

  • @bigfnrab
    @bigfnrab 7 лет назад +546

    It's sad that people so easily dismissed a film that has great action, lot's of humour, actual stakes and great cinematography.

    • @christophernolan2514
      @christophernolan2514 7 лет назад +52

      MillerCrosses good CGI, horrible HORRIBLE acting, rushed fight scenes and lack of any form of impact. Plus horribly written script and story

    • @ShaggyTheAwakened
      @ShaggyTheAwakened 7 лет назад +18

      well good CGI , the soldiers in the background where pretty blurry and the background looks like it was hand drawn to me , maybe its just me but at to me something seemed off . Also plastic looking armor.

    • @ZenAndPsychedelicHealingCenter
      @ZenAndPsychedelicHealingCenter 7 лет назад +17

      It was a piece of shit movie put together by a committee.

    • @philj212
      @philj212 7 лет назад +1

      how do you know they didn't analyse it thoroughly? don't be so quick to judge yourself

    • @philj212
      @philj212 7 лет назад

      what makes you say that?

  • @FiendMatadorSlayerOfNoobs
    @FiendMatadorSlayerOfNoobs Год назад +4

    One thing I love about this movie is that if you are a lore nerd like me, you can tell exactly which Orc hails from which clan.
    The ones with trinkets of bone and white war paint for instance, are from the Bleeding Hollow Clan who lean way more towards the tribal side of the Orc race than the others. Most of them are also missing an eye which they always sacrifice during their coming of age to see a vision of their own death, which is why they are never afraid even when that same moment comes to pass.

  • @discotech6178
    @discotech6178 4 года назад +50

    Actually human units are almost gonna win but guldan opened that damned portal to get backup

  • @burnbobquist8999
    @burnbobquist8999 7 лет назад +304

    I don't care what the critics said, i loved this movie! Hope to see the Bloodelfs in the next one.

    • @warbossgrotsmasha23
      @warbossgrotsmasha23 7 лет назад +11

      whoa dude get yer pants on...belfs wouldn't make an appearance (if they continue with this movie series) until a 4th or 5th movie...keep in mind this was set during the 1st war with the orcs...many decades before the invasion of the scourge

    • @aethewulf4787
      @aethewulf4787 6 лет назад +8

      High elves*

    • @cyfertea8707
      @cyfertea8707 6 лет назад +1

      warbossgrotsmasha23 I'm still waiting for the blood elves and the scourge😂

    • @aethewulf4787
      @aethewulf4787 6 лет назад +2

      Christian Cusi high elves*? :)

    • @cyfertea8707
      @cyfertea8707 6 лет назад

      nikola prcic no. There is a campaign about blood elves in warcraft 3. Its about those elves in the Human faction. They rebelled and made their own army called the blood elves

  • @infernothelastelemental514
    @infernothelastelemental514 7 лет назад +1272

    4:23 now that guy on the left is smart

      @BALLARDTWIN 7 лет назад +213

      Ahaha ha
      I only realised that right now!
      What a legend
      That guy deserves a medal

    • @kulkalkul
      @kulkalkul 7 лет назад +135

      Teleportation is one of the dangerous spells. Certain things must be clear before teleportation. So, one of those things is the stability of portal. Especially long distances. So that guy probably stuck in a tree, wall or even a mountain. :P

    • @infernothelastelemental514
      @infernothelastelemental514 7 лет назад +242

      Belial where ever he ended up it's better then in front of a hundred orcs

    • @kulkalkul
      @kulkalkul 7 лет назад +47

      It might be, but it might not be :P Bein killed by Orcs looks better than dying slowly and painfully because of lost body parts.

    • @infernothelastelemental514
      @infernothelastelemental514 7 лет назад +77

      Belial well what are the chances of that happening most likely he ended up on some field or maybe Kalimdor either way being axed down is not a pleasant thought

  • @iseeyotoes6739
    @iseeyotoes6739 6 лет назад +30

    😂😂the orcs trying to hit the people from behind the portal

  • @Natedawg38
    @Natedawg38 10 месяцев назад +2

    This movie was awesome and the king was badass. Its incredibly refreshing to see a king actually FIGHT his battles and not just sit on his ass.

  • @dampgrave
    @dampgrave 5 лет назад +20

    At 5:12 everything in the background is in slowmotion, but Llane and Garona aren't. What kind of sorcery is that?

  • @brickassaultanimations8529
    @brickassaultanimations8529 3 года назад +14

    4:19 That one lucky person who jumped through to the left

  • @solarwardenvxghost9979
    @solarwardenvxghost9979 4 года назад +10

    This is one of my favorite movies as it's from one of my favorite games of all time. They need a CGI cinematic movie of a Diablo storyline that is interesting and really cool and they need a new World of Warcraft movie to update the storyline. Movies like this especially with things like expansion releases is good promotion of your game and title - it's a smart investment if you think about it.

  • @lanceawesomeness6730
    @lanceawesomeness6730 3 года назад +25

    This was a better battle than The Long Night

  • @VernariaTofu
    @VernariaTofu 7 лет назад +25

    Honestly its sad that the entire army was killed just to trying to save a couple of villagers, but oh well, a kings gotta do what a kings gotta do.

    • @abhigyanshreyas2895
      @abhigyanshreyas2895 Год назад +1

      What did you expect seeing average human soldiers going against an army of hulks

    • @armandobracero3725
      @armandobracero3725 Год назад +1

      I don't think all of them were killed it looked like the few dozen, including Karos, were taken prisoner.

  • @jasonburnett5713
    @jasonburnett5713 4 года назад +2

    Seriously, this is very underrated. It just breaks my heart to see this movie continuously being pummeled by critics

  • @LuckySmurf
    @LuckySmurf 7 лет назад +422

    I didn't notice it on my first few viewings but @2:42 you can see in the back a Stormwind soldier shooting an orc into the portal.

    • @ericjr8371
      @ericjr8371 7 лет назад +87

      yeah and you can see in 4:21,a guy escaped the through the portal just as it was about to fade

    • @DavisProductins
      @DavisProductins 7 лет назад +80

      First movie I see that has a background fight that makes sense, lol.

    • @Minez4free
      @Minez4free 7 лет назад +53

      And after that the soldier makes some awsome fighting moves xD

    • @CecilyThanador
      @CecilyThanador 7 лет назад +46

      Holy shit I didn't notice that. And after that he slices up another orc. He's the hero Stormwind deserves.

    • @ImperialKnight770
      @ImperialKnight770 7 лет назад +21

      Stormwind Champion: "BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF STORMWIND!!"

  • @696Ghost696
    @696Ghost696 7 лет назад +360

    4:51 - what that soldier on the right is doing?

    • @Fafancina
      @Fafancina 7 лет назад +182

      dance dance revolution

    • @rubricrune1236
      @rubricrune1236 7 лет назад +136

      twitching left to right, it confuses the enemy😂😂😂😂

    • @kelinnaidoo5290
      @kelinnaidoo5290 7 лет назад +56

      696Ghost696 glitch?

    • @shawnabraham7740
      @shawnabraham7740 7 лет назад +21

      you'd do the same if you found yourself in the presence of Killrog Dead-eye

    • @justcallme.n8
      @justcallme.n8 7 лет назад +50

      PvP sidestrafing

  • @Zombiesnyder13
    @Zombiesnyder13 7 лет назад +6

    This movie was surprisinly better than all the other videogame adaptations
    Unfortunately, it was made only for the Warcraft fans

    • @MrBlarginFlarg
      @MrBlarginFlarg 6 лет назад +1

      Except it wasn't though, they changed the story specifically for those who don't play Warcraft.

  • @Keilink
    @Keilink 7 лет назад +15

    The irony
    In todays cinema there's a general feeling that they use too much CGI in movies like for Battle of the 5 armies compared to LotR, but here for Warcraft it would have been so much better if humans were actually CGI'd with Blizzard's style :o

  • @dson978
    @dson978 7 лет назад +70

    For All the people who said this was a terrible movie, who gives a shit, be glad they made a Warcraft movie, I don't give a shit about the story, all I wanted to see was a epic battle

    • @pendraco2000
      @pendraco2000 6 лет назад +6

      and it was a Warcraft movie, not a WoW movie. most of the people bashing it forget this is also a good 20-30 years before the events of WoW.

    • @fabriziodavilaangles9206
      @fabriziodavilaangles9206 6 лет назад +2

      Glad ? It would been better if they didn't made this shit

    • @Venomine95
      @Venomine95 6 лет назад

      Would have been better if they made it about Arthas's odyssey. That's literally all they had to do. There was an audible demand for a fully fledged movie/series for it.

    • @bundleoffuck2986
      @bundleoffuck2986 6 лет назад

      D Son ikr

    • @bundleofhumble3119
      @bundleofhumble3119 6 лет назад +1

      Too bad allot of people killed the chance for a second movie.

  • @comical9587
    @comical9587 6 лет назад +11

    2:40 - the most awkward encounter

  • @gyronnax
    @gyronnax 4 года назад +7

    is that Grom Hellscream at 6:38 ?

  • @gymvaq1880
    @gymvaq1880 7 лет назад +4

    I've never played any warcraft games and this was epic. Decent character development, good action, cool creatures, good cgi and voice acting and amazing soundtrack.

  • @AurioDK
    @AurioDK 7 лет назад +8

    Loved it all the way, hoping for a sequel.

  • @KuugaT2
    @KuugaT2 4 года назад +7

    Kids: GoT
    Men: LoTR and Warcraft
    They should really continue the film making of Warcraft so that we can binge watch both this and LoTR

  • @mr.clorox7826
    @mr.clorox7826 6 лет назад +9

    6:37 is that the Legendary Grom Hellscream? Cause as a warcraft fan it is him...

    • @SamuraiMorshu
      @SamuraiMorshu 6 лет назад +1

      Right alongside Kilrogg Deadeye and Kargath Bladefist, assuming we see more Warcraft movies in the distant future they'll most likely see more prominent roles. Probably in the second movie to add further dynamics in the Horde so we're not just focusing on Gul'dan, Garona, and Ogrim from their perspective, though roughly around that time Cho'Gall and Zuljin should make their own appearances. Don't want too many named characters unless they're willing to make the movie long enough to give them detail, the Twilight Hammer Clan and the Amani need their own time for exposition given the roles either play in the future, the formermost especially.

  • @avonbarksdale889
    @avonbarksdale889 7 лет назад +751

    This is historically inaccurate where was Leroy Jenkins

    • @Armageddon11011989
      @Armageddon11011989 7 лет назад +16

      he was supposed to be in the movie but he got cut

    • @deni140492deni
      @deni140492deni 7 лет назад +4

      at blackrock mountain, the portal was in the swamp of sorrows

    • @jaromistrz
      @jaromistrz 7 лет назад +6

      well, propably he was getting some chicken...

    • @martincz1324
      @martincz1324 6 лет назад +2

      He already ran into the fray man.

    • @styxrakash4639
      @styxrakash4639 6 лет назад

      its bullshit they cut him out of the final edit

  • @spideryeet4636
    @spideryeet4636 4 года назад +5

    Wait, Gul'dan opened the portal so that the orcs from the other side can enter Azeroth right? So why didn't the humans did the same thing?

    • @Ensalada2008
      @Ensalada2008 4 года назад +5

      You need know , the orcs are from other galaxy and Guldan need more magic for do this portal , Medivh is only making a portal in the same planet

    • @MrBlarginFlarg
      @MrBlarginFlarg 3 года назад +5

      If you're asking why the Humans didn't use the portal to bring reinforcements like the Orcs did, it's because the Humans you saw here were all that were left from the kingdom of Stormwind. In the movie the King (The guy riding the horse here with the lion helmet) tried to unite all the Human kingdoms along with the Elves and Dwarves into fighting the Orcs, but they either didn't believe him about the Orcs or didn't see them as a threat.
      All throughout the movie until the end, Stormwind is trying to fight back the entire Horde (which consists of multiple Orc clans, basically the equivalent of several Human kingdoms) so they were not only outmatched physically, but numerically as well. So they basically exhaust their entire military force just to try and keep the Orcs from reaching Stormwind.

  • @Tuan__anh
    @Tuan__anh Год назад +2

    0:45 i love how all the soldier use hand cannon instead of little dwarf

    • @Tuan__anh
      @Tuan__anh Год назад

      4:54 really one neck snap to kill a knight

  • @ravenous-wolf3115
    @ravenous-wolf3115 5 лет назад +10

    I remember the first time I watched this! I was legitely more intruiged and more focused on the soldiers and orcs fighting in the background than the main characters in front that I had to reply the entire battle.

  • @bladewolfvii6383
    @bladewolfvii6383 6 лет назад +9

    They really should have sticked to 3D animation on this one.

  • @commandomaccoocooclone797
    @commandomaccoocooclone797 7 лет назад +7

    4:23 the one guy who was smart enough to know how to escape death😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂

  • @กีรติเอกอนันต์กุล

    Is the long hair orc on the 6.37 is Grom Hellscream?

    • @sergiosalazaraviles4616
      @sergiosalazaraviles4616 5 лет назад

      No, grom hellscream is a some weeks old in this part of history

    • @barator03
      @barator03 5 лет назад

      กีรติ เอกอนันต์กุล yes it is Grom

    @RRRRRRRRR33 7 лет назад +72

    5:13 why the battle slows down when the characters are talking, wtf man

  • @rickyspanish3668
    @rickyspanish3668 Год назад +1

    Best video game ever. 😮

  • @Calder90
    @Calder90 7 лет назад +8

    For Adamant! For Llane! For Varian! For Anduin! For the Alliance!

    • @SnakeA113
      @SnakeA113 4 года назад

      If you aren’t joining my Horde, you’re against us!

    • @satyrgrin
      @satyrgrin Год назад

      For gods sake!
      😉 Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Good on you for having fun!

  • @ElGuasón-o6z
    @ElGuasón-o6z Год назад

    Do part 2 please!!! I'm from Argentina and I'm waiting for you!!! :(

  • @harrygarcia4311
    @harrygarcia4311 6 лет назад +9

    Damn the humans never had any hope in winning this battle the orcs are way superior in strenght and numbers. Just the starting clash where you see the orcs sending the humans flying like it was nothing was proof they won't win there guns are pretty much the reason why they were able to kill many orcs and not there swords and melee weapons with the exception of the king and the orc girl the footman weren't able to kill much ors with there swords.

  • @CaptainDope
    @CaptainDope 7 лет назад +8

    Title says "1080 HD". Video only allows 720.

  • @BraveGuardian
    @BraveGuardian 7 лет назад +303

    4:04 my trigger moment :v epic scream from Warcraft 3

    • @zebest48
      @zebest48 7 лет назад +2

      9EelO StarS XD

    • @ArishVanNikon
      @ArishVanNikon 7 лет назад +5

      when a dwarven sniper die lmao

    • @EnjoyTheTechno
      @EnjoyTheTechno 7 лет назад +19

      when a humen worker die :D

    • @johnmonroe1771
      @johnmonroe1771 7 лет назад

      Did you actually pay 30 sheckals to see this moving picture? Yes-yes *Rubs Hands* Keep buying the expensive enrichment of the moving pictueres yes yes. Expensive taxes on food goes to a-a charties I swear! *Rubs Hands*

    • @VChong1991
      @VChong1991 7 лет назад

      Dat peasant scream xD

  • @WoWReforged
    @WoWReforged 2 года назад

    Please make a movie about the events in Warcraft III.

  • @ericward8459
    @ericward8459 7 лет назад +437

    We're gonna need some more guns. --- Random Alliance Soldier.

    • @withastickangrywhiteman2822
      @withastickangrywhiteman2822 7 лет назад +6

      But guns are not for Human foot solders to use in WW3.

    • @warbossgrotsmasha23
      @warbossgrotsmasha23 7 лет назад

      those are flintlocks, why not?

    • @withastickangrywhiteman2822
      @withastickangrywhiteman2822 7 лет назад +3

      Human footman do not have Guns in Warcraft3.

    • @warbossgrotsmasha23
      @warbossgrotsmasha23 7 лет назад +8

      i know but that doesn't mean only dwarves get to use blunderbusses and flintlocks, i think its kinda cool the footmen use the flintlock when they charge right before engaging the enemy in meele combat

    • @withastickangrywhiteman2822
      @withastickangrywhiteman2822 7 лет назад

      But if so, what the dwarfs will use in next movie? Any chance for night elves? the Guns are too powerful.

  • @k.gamingplays
    @k.gamingplays 7 месяцев назад

    4:50 is the orc killog deadeye ?

  • @mikomido20
    @mikomido20 7 лет назад +8

    I just wish they would have toned down a little bit on the high fantasy aspects on armor and weapons. High fantasy stuff like those two mentioned usually tend to downgrade the quality of movies. It would only work nicely if the movie was full CGI ;) Nevertheless im glad to see warcraft movies are finally hitting the screen!

    • @emilyneel8977
      @emilyneel8977 4 года назад

      The game which its based off of is high fantasy.

    • @mikomido20
      @mikomido20 4 года назад

      @@emilyneel8977 I know that. Been playing it a lot. What I am saying, is that high fantasy has to be toned town to some degree, when being adopted into a live action movie. The screaming blue colours and the over designed engravings and lion mosaics in the armors only work in the games' setting. Not in live action. It doesn't look good, and even makes the movie look like a clown show from time to time. I thought the movie was decent, but the high fantasy armors killed it for me. They work great in the game. Not in live action

  • @LeSoleilRoyalXIV
    @LeSoleilRoyalXIV Год назад

    Never played any warcraft game but i think this movie was pretty cool

  • @wargeneralbonez
    @wargeneralbonez Год назад +3

    An army of Gondorians vs An army of Hulks.

  • @Kriegerdammerung
    @Kriegerdammerung 7 лет назад +1

    Have you tried to hold your shield in front of the orc? it should be better.

  • @Nielsje
    @Nielsje 8 лет назад +161

    best movie of 2016 cant wait for the next one

    • @rufinomiguel7031
      @rufinomiguel7031 7 лет назад +6

      Boba Fett when is that.

    • @jairomalakay2134
      @jairomalakay2134 7 лет назад +13


    • @TheHomerGE
      @TheHomerGE 7 лет назад +2

      mr unkown i love this film too but atm it looks bad for part 2 :/

    • @abaddon760
      @abaddon760 7 лет назад +1

      dalink.club/cjo Hey guys , i just tried this from my phone and got 1 netflix account , you can also check it . Like the comment if worked it for you . Good luck :)

    • @ericjr8371
      @ericjr8371 7 лет назад +3


  • @tychoderuiter1509
    @tychoderuiter1509 7 лет назад +589

    I though the movie was well..... good story, well made I am not hating at all.........
    But seriously.........

    • @c3lestialfloods
      @c3lestialfloods 7 лет назад +54

      In Upper Blackrock Spire, eating chicken, getting everyone killed.

    • @datemasamune2904
      @datemasamune2904 7 лет назад +1

      They said they edited it out.

    • @tychoderuiter1509
      @tychoderuiter1509 7 лет назад


    • @freddelarsson4434
      @freddelarsson4434 7 лет назад +3

      From what I heard they could't find an ideal place to fit it in since the storyline and the movie in general doesn't really have any 'fun moments'.

    • @tychoderuiter1509
      @tychoderuiter1509 7 лет назад +1

      they had a few troll moments...they could have fitted it in...

  • @meistereder6382
    @meistereder6382 7 лет назад +3

    I wish they had depicted the humans as more disciplined and as fighting in formation especially in the beginning. The orc's are the horde and they rely on their superior strengh and brute force to overcome their enemy.

    • @aethewulf4787
      @aethewulf4787 6 лет назад +1

      Meister Eder yah,lore wise humans are great warriors. Even lorderon has never fully fallen to the scourge.

  • @CustodianHadrian
    @CustodianHadrian 4 года назад +2

    I like this movie, too bad the final battle wasn't longer though.

  • @bomjus1706
    @bomjus1706 7 лет назад +15

    the human armor looked so sick in this.

    • @kenureavesfield8038
      @kenureavesfield8038 4 года назад +1

      Yeah. For me I think it's the best armor design perfect design against an orc with whole face headpiece broad diamond like shield etc.

  • @elsiemendoza7919
    @elsiemendoza7919 5 лет назад +4

    1:55 he resisted the orcs hit on the right (sorry i dont know how to change the 1:55 thing) :(

    • @discipleaj
      @discipleaj 5 лет назад

      He was set up as a tank on the previous nights raid and didn't have time to change before the battle.

  • @PleasantWhale
    @PleasantWhale 7 лет назад +5

    4:21 BAHAHAHA!!! I love that guy on the left!!! "Wait... U-uhm... W-wait hold on... Can I still go through this? Am I gonna die if I go through- Oh sh*t there's a lot of orcs... OK SCREW IT (Dives in)"
    Ahahahahaha! XD Good on ya'! Man, that little moment is gold.
    4:25 ALSO! Pale white skin, long black hair, one arm is a sword... DUDE! That's one of the Warlords from WoW Warlords of Draenor isn't it?! That's so cool!
    6:37 Grom Hellscream?!

  • @warbossgrotsmasha23
    @warbossgrotsmasha23 7 лет назад +1

    anyone else noticed how the orcs barely had any armor on them? i mean no plate or chainmail just bits of tanned leather, i love this small detail because i read that before the orcs were corrupted by the legion they lived a simple nomadic life following the herds of game animals and had no advanced knowledge of metalwork (only exception was the blackrock clan which was rather advanced for an orcish clan having knowledge how to forge simple chainmail garments)

  • @AD-rn1ti
    @AD-rn1ti 7 лет назад +224

    lot of men vs lots of hulks

    • @Militia_Captain
      @Militia_Captain 4 года назад +2

      "Men vs Hulks" He funny as hell 😅😂🤣😅🤣😂🤣

    • @Militia_Captain
      @Militia_Captain 4 года назад

      @@UkrainianHistVideo hulk is moor ripped then shrek

    • @arielabalos3046
      @arielabalos3046 4 года назад

      Lot of die..

  • @donovan1245
    @donovan1245 Год назад +1

    Well that handguns are too op

  • @Sharman166
    @Sharman166 7 лет назад +46

    2:43 One of the soldiers just sit on the stare on the right screen. and doing nothing but watch the orc killing his friend. lol

  • @honestcat8881
    @honestcat8881 6 лет назад

    As a fan of books and warcraft 1,2&3 and frozen throne (and I played WOW just until Cataclysm), I hope a great producer pick this franchise up to make netflix or HBO series or something. There are so many stories we need to see in action. The ancient war, the moment Orcs became green and destroyed their homeland, Deathwing, Panda and the tree of life and so on.

  • @ninjaelixir1015
    @ninjaelixir1015 6 лет назад +8

    I wish the king go to storm wind cause then he is safe

  • @naynaydabmemelord5236
    @naynaydabmemelord5236 7 лет назад

    Any battle formations? I'm kinda obsessed with those. Might be a problem.

    • @archyneverpicked
      @archyneverpicked 7 лет назад

      Actually reasonably realistic battles? In a hollywood movie? Are you insane? jk but I feel your pain

  • @athenian9795
    @athenian9795 5 лет назад +8

    So the humans ended up losing ALL their troops.Solid strategy

    • @GreatRajsel
      @GreatRajsel 3 года назад +1

      There's probably more. If they decide to make a second movie they will have the elves and dwarves and other human nations come together

    • @juliusgoatfanatic7305
      @juliusgoatfanatic7305 3 года назад +3

      This is just the army of human kingdom of storm wind(they still got reserves as lots of knights were in the ending) vs the entire might of the horde. Lordaeron(the strongest), Alterac, Stormgarde and others kingdoms and other races like high elves and dwarves are still yet to join the fight.

    • @Music_games_history
      @Music_games_history 4 месяца назад

      The human canonically lose this war even worse than what is depicted here. The humans get nowhere close to the portal until after Stormwind is razed and Lordaeron is invaded / the Alliance is formed.

  • @A_Baric
    @A_Baric 7 лет назад +19

    6:26 how did that guy hear the sword

  • @DiscothecaImperialis
    @DiscothecaImperialis 7 лет назад +16

    Damn orcs don't use spearmen. nor Humans use crossbows.
    Firearms didn't actually appear in WC1, the weapons made a debut in the ending of the Act2 of Human campaign. (not shown in game but in lore. presumably Dwarven handgunners/riflemen took the place of elven archers... in WC1 there was no weaponizations of gunpower in any form yet.)
    Also Garona didn't kill King Llaine in this battle. she committed a regicide WITHIN the capitol city.

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 6 лет назад +3

    0:10 Llane Wrynn, grandfather of King Anduin Wrynn. Years later, in Battle for Lordaeron (BFA) his grandson will wield the same armor (with lion-like helmet) ; ]

  • @lht9600
    @lht9600 5 лет назад +5

    What a great movie!! They should make a game based on this!!!!

  • @rubricrune1236
    @rubricrune1236 7 лет назад +107

    0:40-0:43 bodybuilding vs calisthenics

    • @rohanofelvenpower5566
      @rohanofelvenpower5566 4 года назад +1

      I can see you're an orc yourself
      we see calisthenics vs bodybuilding

  • @WoWFtw8
    @WoWFtw8 7 лет назад +3

    4:27 Kargath to the left and Grommash to the right at the front.

  • @firstcaptainvaleriusrensor463
    @firstcaptainvaleriusrensor463 6 лет назад +20

    At 1:08 you see a Warcraft game logic XD a grunt against two footmen always lose, just as a footmen on 1vs1 against a grunt lose

    • @TheSpydetector
      @TheSpydetector 6 лет назад +1

      That's pretty normal I think, considering orcs are pretty much mink-hulks !

    • @beafraidofinsectattack
      @beafraidofinsectattack 4 года назад

      The player in this battle did not research defend so his footies were paper

    • @beafraidofinsectattack
      @beafraidofinsectattack 4 года назад

      Oh wait sorry, wrong game that was warcraft 3 not the first

  • @ajcheaytelli4465
    @ajcheaytelli4465 6 лет назад +6

    We’re gonna need a bigger gryphon - Lothar

  • @ronalddalauidao7329
    @ronalddalauidao7329 6 лет назад +9

    0:51 Epic Song Remix!!!

  • @jerbear3915
    @jerbear3915 7 лет назад +18

    I've completely forgotten about this movie XD

    • @jerbear3915
      @jerbear3915 7 лет назад +2

      is the game actually like this all the time?

    • @drathick9390
      @drathick9390 7 лет назад

      Only in pvp.

  • @v.hamilton5679
    @v.hamilton5679 Год назад +1

    This story deserved a much better director.

  • @renznuegas
    @renznuegas 7 лет назад +7

    Wow the final fight was epic i dint expect it

  • @ashhfletcher3750
    @ashhfletcher3750 6 лет назад

    Where is the full movie this is really interesting

  • @reubidoo
    @reubidoo 6 лет назад +6

    The confusion of the piratey looking orc a 2:01 made me chuckle

  • @Sacredmelon114
    @Sacredmelon114 6 лет назад +5

    Anyone think they’ll make a sequel?

    • @Cinicraft00
      @Cinicraft00 6 лет назад

      That_random_guy they made a ton of money overseas, so they pretty much have no choice, at least I think so.

    • @johnvonshepard9373
      @johnvonshepard9373 6 лет назад

      Doubt it, it didn't make enough money in The USA.

  • @Venomine95
    @Venomine95 6 лет назад +3

    All we wanted was a movie about the Odyssey of Arthas, or a series if that's what it took. But NOOOOOOOOOOO.

    • @iandalauidao9807
      @iandalauidao9807 3 года назад +2

      The movie is about Warcraft 1: Orcs and Humans

    • @Music_games_history
      @Music_games_history 4 месяца назад

      Nah, starting with Warcraft 1 was a solid idea. They kinda just messed up the story and therefore any chance of sequels based off of Warcraft 2 and 3.

  • @Renkencen
    @Renkencen 7 лет назад +8

    4:22 That guy on the left had the right idea 4:27 Yes, that's right, stand there and let the orcs slash you instead of moving back from the portal!!!

  • @teoch5217
    @teoch5217 7 лет назад +5

    2:01 The brown ork becomes green

  • @mitrooper
    @mitrooper 7 лет назад +4

    I think I have watched this battle dozens of times, there's so much going on in the background, I still think I haven't seen everything.

  • @austinhorath4557
    @austinhorath4557 7 лет назад +14

    That 4:30 scene seems out of place like you watching orcs kill people and you just take off your helmet?

    • @dendenis4393
      @dendenis4393 7 лет назад +3

      Austin Horath because he knew that the helmet is useless against orcs muscle

    • @Hfsm33
      @Hfsm33 6 лет назад +3

      Den Denis what you said makes no sense

    • @Blacksherman20
      @Blacksherman20 6 лет назад +4

      He was getting ready to tell the orc lady to kill him. That's why he took his helmet off.

  • @henkarars
    @henkarars 5 лет назад

    This movie did the best it could. How could you make a start of WoW movies better? like please explain. Only thing missing was more of the other races.

  • @-giatao-1510
    @-giatao-1510 7 лет назад +89

    I hope there will be arthas on next movie

    • @tristantoole7363
      @tristantoole7363 7 лет назад

      You think they'll make another?!?

    • @kiporion2574
      @kiporion2574 7 лет назад

      Tristan Toole they will

    • @tristantoole7363
      @tristantoole7363 7 лет назад

      I didn't see the first one; heard it bombed.

    • @kiporion2574
      @kiporion2574 7 лет назад +4

      It was not bad imo, not perfect. But the guys that say it sucked are ultra fanboys, I've been playing wow for over a year and completed WC series few years ago, Imo movie was pretty nice, not 100% accurate but fun af

    • @Clydexyify
      @Clydexyify 7 лет назад +7

      Kiporion yeah there are many movies based on games that are shit but Warcraft is a good 7/10

  • @TheLoyalOfficer
    @TheLoyalOfficer 7 лет назад

    Was this movie watchable?

  • @Perhapsawiseman
    @Perhapsawiseman 7 лет назад +6

    2:38 That human in the middle on the left didn't even try to get out of the way of that orc's axe blow.

    • @ProstoyUser-gx2cs
      @ProstoyUser-gx2cs 16 дней назад

      I'm looking for comments on this and a question came up: At 2:36 the soldiers freed the prisoners despite the dangers from the orcs. What happened to them, it made me worried

  • @_flacko1k
    @_flacko1k Год назад +1

    WAIT A MINUTE I SPOTTED SOMETHING. When the knight shot the Orc in 2:44 when the king went up the stairs. What happened to that Orc because the knight shot the Orc through the portal. Btw, that Knight is MVP.

  • @riccardoriva993
    @riccardoriva993 7 лет назад +4

    6:50 Ner'zhul down left??

  • @andreasmuller5185
    @andreasmuller5185 7 лет назад +2

    When comes the next film?

    • @mitrooper
      @mitrooper 7 лет назад

      Chances for a sequel are slim at best, it was very badly received in the United States, worldwide it did much better, so maybe.
      But a Warcraft movie needs a good budget, I'm afraid the studios will not take a chance to invest in a sequel.

    • @andreasmuller5185
      @andreasmuller5185 7 лет назад

      mitrooper thanks for the info🙋

    • @andreasmuller5185
      @andreasmuller5185 7 лет назад

      skralxo ok