the calm before the storm TVD unhinged recap (Season 8 Part 3)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @zpurplex
    @zpurplex 9 месяцев назад +2

    The switch is singlehandedly the most convenient plot device. I remember in the beginning when it was more of a concept but then it became a very literal thing. Just ✨turn it off✨

  • @lilyshadbolt29
    @lilyshadbolt29 9 месяцев назад +1

    getting to episodes 12, 13, and 14 through episode 11 is simply just going to hurt so much

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад

      like i WANT to get there so badly but also pls don't make me watch her cry 😭 my sweet witchy girl deserved so much more 😭

  • @coffinpuffs4539
    @coffinpuffs4539 9 месяцев назад +2

    If you have time you should definitely do a Buffy the vampire slayer Recap Because that show is utter chaos but has Episodes that are So well written

  • @suprsparx
    @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад +3

    Cade insinuated that Elena is actually evil because Stefan took her off the right path and steered her into the median. He was selfish and inserted himself into her life and interfered and that those who were good and could be turned wicked are evil to their core. He spoke a bar with that one because I always thought Elena was evil lmao. They turned her into a self-obsessed victim who hid behind her "grief" and was prioritized for having lost so much despite others around her losing as well and usually for her benefit. Cade spoke a word with that, I'll tell you.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +3

      i agree dude she's definitely put up on a pedestal and that doesn't help make it easy to root for her. it would have been reeeeeally interesting if they'd taken her down a darker path with damon beside her. like imagine they become antagonists together and the rest of the gang has to decide what to do with both of them ?? that could have gotten insane 😂

  • @suprsparx
    @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'm dumb and didn't realize that the reason Selene even wanted to work for Ric in the first place was to find the bell. The twins were a happy accident she stumbled upon and decided to use them as bargaining chips.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      don't feel dumb dude i think this is probably one of those things they added in as the episodes were happening lmao it's so easy to miss her in the garage because she's working with a box labeled "bank records" and we never see the stupid bell 😂

  • @lorihaga2437
    @lorihaga2437 9 месяцев назад +1

    You Grow Girl ❤

  • @suprsparx
    @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад +1

    Bonnie and Enzo looked so good together and I love that line she threw at him about falling in love with a vampire who made her feel alive. I'll die on the hill that she was talking about Damon and Enzo. Fight me, I don't care. lmao You can't tell me a thing especially once we get into that letter that Damon memorized and recited to Bonnie YEARS after he'd written it. Honestly, 8x10 is such a good episode because Damon drops all pretenses. He's earnest and open and sincere with Bonnie and Stefan and it's really the most human we've seen him thus far. And you can't tell me that he wasn't in love with Bonnie a little bit too because that woman had WAY too much of an affect on him, by his own admission, for anyone to convince me otherwise. I can't wait for the next gossip sesh!

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      i hear you dude you'll never get backlash from me over the bamon theories 😂 i'm SICK over going from episode 10 to 11 next week we're not going to survive the whiplash of emotions dude 😭

    • @suprsparx
      @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад

      @@fantasyfixations I'm anticipating and dreading it at the same time because holy hell is this gonna be super cute and then super soul crushing. I tell you if I ever met Julie plec in person.....I might be going to jail for at the very least tossing my drink in her face. With extra aggressive ice included.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      lolololol not the extra aggressive ice i love it

  • @Dreadwyrm
    @Dreadwyrm 9 месяцев назад +1

    Stefan is my favourite character, but the shows insistence that he is a good person, no matter what is the most hilarious thing. The guy commits genocide and the shows like yeah, but he's still a good person. Are you serious?
    Ah, I'm pretty sure if Elena doesn't meet Stefan, and Damon ends with her dead at Klaus' hands or Katherine's.
    I didn't realise Josie and Lizzie's dorm was the room Stefan made for them. Probably because bybtome I started Legacies, it had been years since I watched season 8.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      i can't even tell you how much this comment made me laugh 😂 i read it to my husband and he said "see at least they understand at some point if you kill enough people you've gotta be considered at least a little bad" 😂
      i agree!! i think klaus would have swooped in and taken her out. maybe we would have ended up with a repeat of the elijah/Katherine romance tho and he would have saved her?
      ugh i know !!!! how precious is that ??

  • @suprsparx
    @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'm gonna watch this again so that I can repeat my comments since I'm sure the same thoughts are gonna come to my head.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      you're the best!! i don't know if you saw my comment before the video was archived but i did copy the OGs so i could put them into one big comment over here for you lol there were too many good points i didn't want to miss anything when i answered! 😂

  • @suprsparx
    @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад +1

    If you wanna talk about someone being made into a monster it's our guy who was called an abomination for being born different, which he had zero control over. Then he was isolated and forbidden human freaking contact which means no physical displays of affection of any kind and then he was denied his freaking birthright and snapped before being isolated completely and having every trace of his existence erased from his family history.
    Stefan was a psychopathic blood addict who forced his brother to turn and then ate a bunch of people, tore them to shreds only to try and put them back together again because he felt.....guilty. He also took advantage of people using his compulsion to terrorize people when he wasn't on a ripper binge. I'm not buying this Selene seeing that he was innocent and suffering so she decided she wanted to turn her life around. No. Sorry no sale.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      lolol Y E S
      the hill i will die on is "if one single person in that house had treated him with decency we'd have a different show" lmao he was floating around with nothing to hold on to and everything internalized and we end up with our little chaotic mess that doesn't know how to self regulate 😂
      the scenes where stefan is forcing damon to turn have always felt like No Humanity stefan to me, and as far as i remember he's "himself" at that point just regulating from turning. but that means his baseline vampire personality is Evil lmao so all of that angry, conniving, greedy energy is just inside of human stefan (and we see it with him being willing to be with katherine knowing damn well damon loves her). i'm by no means saying damon is perfect, we watch him do HORRIBLE things. but i do believe that he "gave in" to his vampire nature, i don't think it was traits he already had. i think he had to learn to be a predator, whereas stefan was born to be one.

  • @suprsparx
    @suprsparx 9 месяцев назад +1

    Why all of a sudden does Matt need a deep tie to this damn town when he never really mattered and didn't matter much after the reveal anyway? I just find it funny that his mom routinely ran off to go be with some guy named Pete......and his father's name is Peter. So was she running away from the kids to see the baby daddy? If so, poor form, Kelly Donovan.

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +1

      😂😂😂😂😂 that detail about pete is so funny pls i feel like they didn't think it through 😂😂😂😂😂
      i agree - it's definitely like a "the show is ending let's hail mary wrap it up and since we killed tyler we gotta drag matt back in to make it make sense why he survived" lmao

  • @farquadvii
    @farquadvii 9 месяцев назад +2

    What made you reupload?

    • @fantasyfixations
      @fantasyfixations  9 месяцев назад +2

      there was an editing issue with the first file that i missed! :)

  • @lucyairapetian407
    @lucyairapetian407 9 месяцев назад +1

    Please vegetarian recipes as a separate types of videos 🙏