3 Epic Novak Djokovic Comebacks (Match Point Saves)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @mysteriouspainter198
    @mysteriouspainter198 9 дней назад +24

    Djokovic vs Murray 2012 Shanghai match is the best match of this rivalry! GOAT match! As a Nole and Andy fan, it is very exciting to see Djokovic Murray duo in 2025!

  • @novakdjokovic1996
    @novakdjokovic1996 9 дней назад +17

    Najveci svih vremena !

  • @federicotown8052
    @federicotown8052 9 дней назад +9

    Phenomenal !

  • @bozidardespotovic8544
    @bozidardespotovic8544 9 дней назад +3

    Ovakvi mecevi ce se proucavati jednom na teniskim treninzima kao predmet mentalna snaga pobeda iz poraza😊😊❤❤

  • @federicotown8052
    @federicotown8052 9 дней назад +6

    GOAT stuff right there !

    @CFBCBBFANS 5 дней назад +4

    2019 Rome Djokovic vs Delpo very underrated match

  • @bozidardespotovic8544
    @bozidardespotovic8544 9 дней назад +2

    I super sto mu je Marej sad treber bas pravi potez..da je potrajao duze marej bi mu bio veci problem nego ovi dvojica..i ne treba nj ne znam kakvo znanje a ko ga bolje poznaje nego endi..bravo za potez zaista😊❤

  • @tasaneewantanakul8382
    @tasaneewantanakul8382 9 дней назад +5


  • @Lucas51192
    @Lucas51192 8 дней назад +1


  • @elmokhtaranjar8577
    @elmokhtaranjar8577 6 дней назад

    Pour Djokovic,si on dirait que c'est un gladiateur.est bien c'est vrai.dans toutes sa carrière, chaque match pour lui est contre deux adversaires.celle de spectateurs et celui qui l'affronte c'est pour cela que je suis son fan depuis 2008 merci

  • @burakaamer888
    @burakaamer888 5 дней назад


  • @benjaminhenriquez1863
    @benjaminhenriquez1863 7 дней назад

    20:35 lucky shot number 287438
    A compilation with all "lucky shots" would be good

    • @rajeshsmusical
      @rajeshsmusical 3 дня назад

      Oh really then fedals have been more luckier should we need a video of that.

  • @michael8597
    @michael8597 8 дней назад +3

    Novak saves match points and Championship points; Federer squanders match points and Championship points.
    This is the veritable difference between a supreme GOAT and a distant third wheel. 😂😂

  • @veljkopetrovic3207
    @veljkopetrovic3207 8 дней назад +1


  • @ninjawarriorthesavage510
    @ninjawarriorthesavage510 9 дней назад

    🇪🇸 Rafael Nadal & 🇨🇭Roger Federer is my favorite tennis player of all time 100% indeed!!! Cheers!!! 🐐👑💎🎾🎾

  • @Lucas51192
    @Lucas51192 8 дней назад +1

    Great job with the content! Keep it up! 👏👏👏🫶🫶🙌

  • @ninjawarriorthesavage510
    @ninjawarriorthesavage510 9 дней назад

    🇪🇸 Rafael Nadal & 🇨🇭Roger Federer is a national treasure of tennis & hall of fame of tennis!!! Cheers!!! 🐐👑💎🎾🎾

  • @mikibenincasa9384
    @mikibenincasa9384 8 дней назад

    If we're talking about ATP matches ok , but the best one is Wimbledon 2019 final.

  • @NovakIndiaFans
    @NovakIndiaFans  9 дней назад +1

    Click here to watch ATP Matches in best quality: tnn.is/novakindiafans