Last Chance: Opportunity of a Lifetime Awaits

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @AML-q2y
    @AML-q2y 10 часов назад +2

    You FULLY deserve to receive! Enjoy it! ❤ And thank you for the words of encouragement!

  • @GuidedMedz777
    @GuidedMedz777 10 часов назад

    I had a really good day with my daughter today and I totally didn’t expect it. I am truly grateful for our connection and divine guidance and protection ❤️⚡️

  • @High_Priestess_RoseMari
    @High_Priestess_RoseMari 10 часов назад

    This makes my heart smile in real physical life.

  • @KellyScott-m1y
    @KellyScott-m1y 19 часов назад +3

    You made me get teary eyed. I'm so glad you had a good day. I know you do so much for others. It feels good when out of the blue God does something to show you that he sees you. I love you. Thank you for sharing a part of you I love a good story with a happy ending. Thank you for all the work you put in to help guide me & steer me in the right direction. God bless you. You made me smile

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад

      @@KellyScott-m1y send you all the love and happiness!! 🧚🏽‍♀️💖🫶🏽🦋🌻 happy to share in this journey of life with you!

  • @llaflair333
    @llaflair333 20 часов назад +3

    Releasing what no longer serves my highest self and greatest good, including my control over everything in my life, Surrendering & Submitting to Spirit & walking in complete faith bc I believe in the promises He made to me! Asé!~ Bless you abundantly for sharing this message!~

  • @kingdombusinesswiththemess2858
    @kingdombusinesswiththemess2858 13 часов назад

    It’s not walking through faith and not by sight. It’s walking by faith and not by sight.

  • @Inara_Persephoney
    @Inara_Persephoney 20 часов назад +1

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder with us all!! I choose bliss and fun. I am open and I am ready! ❤❤❤

  • @JuliaIrene111
    @JuliaIrene111 16 часов назад

    what a beautiful message ❤ thank you so much!! I accept my love, peace, bliss, joy, prosperity and abundance universe! Show me how loved and adored I am ❤ I am ready to receive it all 🎉❤🥰

    @WHREIKI_EARTHING_ET_ALIAE 14 часов назад

    Infinite gratitude intentionally! ASÉ Ajé! ASÉ ALL Ancestors! ASÉ The Fairy Medicine Woman!

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад

      @@WHREIKI_EARTHING_ET_ALIAE Ase!! 🧚🏽‍♀️💖🫶🏽🦋♥️

  • @raphalafalarkgame9943
    @raphalafalarkgame9943 16 часов назад

    Thank you for this beautiful serene message. Love your softness and pureness on the delivery of your messages! Love and Cosmic Light 💚💚💚💚

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад

      @@raphalafalarkgame9943 thank you!!! 🧚🏽‍♀️💖♥️🌻🦋🫶🏽 enjoy your peace and prosperity ✨🌟

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Absolutely faith over fear yes trusting where I'm led 🙏 ❤️

  • @Anna-ValentineLeeBeneficiary
    @Anna-ValentineLeeBeneficiary 18 часов назад

    Thank you for this very perfect in every way message!!! I can't wait to do big things with you!!!🥰

  • @makk6389
    @makk6389 16 часов назад

    Tysm to TMH 💐🙏✨🤲🙌💫💟🌟 n u🌷💕 for this message.❤️🧡💜💚💙

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Aligning you with your soul tribe Sis ✨️❤️

  • @AannaRea
    @AannaRea 13 часов назад

    Thank you love ❤🪽

  • @patriciagarland2155
    @patriciagarland2155 16 часов назад

    Thank you 🙏✨🪽🪅💠💐

  • @VirginiaNgwangqa
    @VirginiaNgwangqa 18 часов назад

    Thank you very much your the best God bless you ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Hey my beautiful sister sending so much love and light your way ✨️ ❤️

  • @42Divine53ColUniqueCF
    @42Divine53ColUniqueCF 7 часов назад

    Thank you very much ❤❤❤❤

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад +1

    Absolutely I wake up with an attitude of gratitude and abundance and yes I do understand 🙏 ✨️ 🙌 ❤

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    It's divinely orchestrated Sis and yes stay in your flow state and be open and receptive to what the universe has for you ✨️ 🎶 ❤🙏

  • @lynncurtissgibson
    @lynncurtissgibson 13 часов назад

    So good and I just signed up for your class on Jan 9 2pm... thank you sweetheart

  • @KCrow32
    @KCrow32 20 часов назад

    Amen Thank You Jesus Thank You Ancestors, In Jesus Name I Receive This Bliss That Is Flowing Through Right Now, All Glory Honor And Praise To Father God Amen 🕊️🙌✨🙏

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Definitely my will to thy will 🙏❤️

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Absolutely I've been trusting that everything is happening for my highest and greatest good and I've been keeping myself grounded and meditating out in nature 🙏❤️

  • @disneyfamilymagic
    @disneyfamilymagic 18 часов назад

    Thank You ❤️

  • @colorfulwings777
    @colorfulwings777 21 час назад

    ✨Thank you 🙏🦄🌈🩵✨

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Thank you so much for this beautiful message and confirmation Sis love ya ✨️❤️

  • @sanikapadalikar4698
    @sanikapadalikar4698 20 часов назад

    Perfect message dear.👍❤💜⭐🌈Thank-U🙏🌹🙏Universe,my dear❤Dad/Anscentors and my Spirit Team.I am blessed.🙏🌹🙏

  • @NdoniYaManzi333
    @NdoniYaManzi333 17 часов назад

    I just got out of prayer and this is confirmation of the message the spirit gave me 🎉 I am soooooooo excited, to the point of wanting to cry tears of joy❤ aaaaaah maan

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад +1

      @@NdoniYaManzi333 🫶🏽🥹💖🧚🏽‍♀️♥️🌟🦋!! You deserve the world!

  • @llaflair333
    @llaflair333 20 часов назад

    You are talking to me baaaby!!! It’s My Time to Shiiine! Yes LAWD! Asé!~ Thank you 🙏🏼😇 for being obedient to Spirit and sharing this message! Gratitude ~

  • @laurabahena1175
    @laurabahena1175 17 часов назад

    I had that kind of day on Monday! Thanks 🙏

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад

    Absolutely Sis 💯

  • @frankmoreno1284
    @frankmoreno1284 20 часов назад +1

    I love how I feel it all before your posts pop up and you put the words to it. Thanks for the confirmation! Pretty cool. 🤙🏽 cheers to hot cocoa! 😂

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад

      @@frankmoreno1284 haha!! Always right on time!! 💖🧚🏽‍♀️♥️🌻🦋🫶🏽 Cheers ☕️

  • @shannonm3799
    @shannonm3799 19 часов назад

    I receive it

  • @JuanitaSF
    @JuanitaSF 16 часов назад

    I love this 1234 on my clock 🖤 6:19

  • @roshnimalla6869
    @roshnimalla6869 20 часов назад

    I trust you and I trust your divine timing my lord ❤I am allowing and open to receive this pure genuine love for myself my lord ❤thank you God for you this genuine love gift for me thank you❤🧿🙏I love you God ❤❤🙏🧿

  • @divinelyguided7707
    @divinelyguided7707 18 часов назад


  • @RebirthoftheSpiritualChosenOne
    @RebirthoftheSpiritualChosenOne 21 час назад

    Hello, Fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏼🛐☪️✝️✡️😍😲😮🙏

  • @KominidAzmolds
    @KominidAzmolds 21 час назад

    Hey Sunshine 😊 Greetings ❤

    • @KominidAzmolds
      @KominidAzmolds 20 часов назад

      You are very Special🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад

      @@KominidAzmolds 💖🧚🏽‍♀️♥️🌻🫶🏽🦋

  • @CarlojayManasis-u5g
    @CarlojayManasis-u5g 19 часов назад

    Morning Ma'am,im Catherine C.Mendoza thank you.and hope you helping me to understand me

  • @PhantomBroadworth
    @PhantomBroadworth 7 часов назад

    Ok. But weighting. For. ❤ really. Sucks. Still here. Still waighting. Ok. Love 😍

  • @kaylav3342
    @kaylav3342 12 часов назад


  • @CarlojayManasis-u5g
    @CarlojayManasis-u5g 19 часов назад


  • @carmenlo2391
    @carmenlo2391 12 часов назад


  • @Dmarsh1391
    @Dmarsh1391 20 часов назад


  • @DieNumeroWerkstatt
    @DieNumeroWerkstatt 18 часов назад


  • @lukecage6140
    @lukecage6140 21 час назад


  • @parulbrahmbhatt5828
    @parulbrahmbhatt5828 15 часов назад

    🙏🏽🫶🏽 so helpful thank youuuu

    • @thefairymedicinewoman
      @thefairymedicinewoman  13 часов назад

      @@parulbrahmbhatt5828 happy to help! 💖🧚🏽‍♀️♥️🌻

  • @GuidedMedz777
    @GuidedMedz777 10 часов назад

    I had a really good day with my daughter today and I totally didn’t expect it. I am truly grateful for our connection and divine guidance and protection ❤️⚡️

  • @DieNumeroWerkstatt
    @DieNumeroWerkstatt 20 часов назад