Swingrowers - Educated feet (Official MV)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 220

  • @FreshlySqueezed
    @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +194

    Who listened twice?

    • @zoxqwwe6354
      @zoxqwwe6354 Год назад +16

      Four times

    • @electroswing642
      @electroswing642 Год назад +5

      @@zoxqwwe6354 me too... 🙂

    • @Heothbremel
      @Heothbremel Год назад +7


    • @eamonnclabby7067
      @eamonnclabby7067 Год назад +4

      Me and Mrs C had a couple of jigs around the living room, much to the embarrassment of son and daughter...😅😅😅...excellent..loved it...❤❤❤❤...E....ps not saying I,m getting on a bit, but just seen a segment on Wigan casino ( Northern Soul) ,on Granada TV...now that was freestyle dancing...😊😊😊...

    • @Arik72.
      @Arik72. Год назад +3


  • @amiari3048
    @amiari3048 11 месяцев назад +30

    This was quite the feet! You guys toe-tally nailed it ^^

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  11 месяцев назад +9

      LOL - new pun alert! Nice one!

    • @amiari3048
      @amiari3048 11 месяцев назад +1

      What can I say, it’s a challenge worth stepping up for! You guys really shook up the place;)

  • @arielcahn7728
    @arielcahn7728 Год назад +37

    What a toe-tally beautiful music video! 🦶❤

  • @syedhaider1675
    @syedhaider1675 Год назад +80

    Quentin Tarantino would love this video :D
    Anyways, awesome awesome song!

  • @tessfairfield6435
    @tessfairfield6435 Год назад +108

    Focusing on their fancy footwork makes me wanna get more committed to learning how to learn to dance in swing and jazz styles.

    • @FortunateJuice
      @FortunateJuice Год назад +3

      Do it. It'll change your life. Look for Lindy Hop around your area.

  • @zoxqwwe6354
    @zoxqwwe6354 Год назад +31

    Baby, I'm not made of money
    I'm rich inside my soul
    My bank accounts are frozen
    But I've got a heart of gold
    I'm so tired of complaining
    Now there's just one place to go
    It's a place that's kinda boomin'
    Where you know I am the show
    It's a kinda romance
    It's a secret I can't hide
    I can't keep it from you
    Cause you'd catch me in a lie
    My life is for the living
    Tomorrow's for forgiving
    Life's not wait and see
    I'm living all my dreams
    Hey look at me
    Like what you see?
    Just look at me
    My two feet have a PhD
    Hey look at me
    For what you need
    Cause you and me are perfect harmony
    Let's dream of a casino
    Where you give my heart a spin
    If you hit my lucky number
    We can let the games begin
    Can you feel vibrations
    Is this room about to shake
    To make me feel what I've been missing
    Cause it's feelin' like a quake
    That chemical reaction's
    Satisfaction guaranteed
    There's thunder, there is lightning
    Right before you feel the breeze
    Life is for the living
    Forgive the unforgiving
    Today's not wait and see
    So get up and follow me
    Hey look at me
    Like what you see?
    Just look at me
    My two feet have a PhD
    Hey look at me
    For what you need
    Cause you and me are perfect harmony
    You and I are so together
    Baby make it last forever
    (Just say you agree)
    Underneath the stars together
    We can stay until whenever
    Just say yes and feel
    Our perfect harmony
    Hey look at me
    Like what you see?
    Just look at me
    My two feet have a PhD
    Hey look at me
    For what you need
    Cause you and me are perfect harmony
    Take a look at me
    I'll tell you what I see
    Take a look at me
    All my toes got a PhD
    Take a look at me
    Dancin' fast as you can see
    I got the perfect education
    For my educated feet

  • @doplard6146
    @doplard6146 9 месяцев назад +5

    Hello I really like your music, keep it up please 😁

  • @bonnybuns689
    @bonnybuns689 22 дня назад +1

    This song has so many elements and amazing feelings to it, I can not describe how much I love this song as well 😁👍👍

  • @user-ad9yb1ud
    @user-ad9yb1ud 4 месяца назад +10


  • @argyalydon9875
    @argyalydon9875 Год назад +19

    Welcome back Swingrowers 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 At last, a song to celebrate feet and all foot work to keep the rest of our bodies up and especially to dance! 😉😉😉 💃🕺💃🕺
    Big up to all Educated Feet in the world! 👣👣👣👣
    Another Freshly Squeezed banger 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @georgekingstown7395
    @georgekingstown7395 Год назад +12

    I m very Happy to hear the Swingrowers song again! Thanks Beautiful

  • @kuma7337
    @kuma7337 Год назад +28

    What a feel-good song❤‼️ The rhythm makes me want to do a little dance and the lyrics are wonderful‼️
    Thank you for rewarding me for a hard day's work❣️I'll listen to it every day!

  • @user-kou_ika_san
    @user-kou_ika_san Год назад +5

    WAAAAAAA!!!!!!NEW SONG!!!!!!! I like this!!!!!!!!!ありがとうございます!!!!!

  • @AceBadguy
    @AceBadguy Год назад +13

    This group is great.

    • @david_21century
      @david_21century Год назад +3

      They were much better with the original line up. Getting rid of Loredana is like Queen getting rid of Freddie.

  • @emily_dover
    @emily_dover Год назад +6

    Love the music and the video 🩰🩰👠👠👟👟

  • @outkasthackkrewsierravista9971
    @outkasthackkrewsierravista9971 Год назад +38

    I'm gonna miss Loredana's voice. 😢
    But I can't wait to hear more of this new vocalist!🤩

  • @Whina_Bell
    @Whina_Bell Год назад +7

    So excited for this!

  • @ちゃん-h8j
    @ちゃん-h8j 8 месяцев назад +11


  • @Deutsches_Bier
    @Deutsches_Bier Месяц назад +1

    feet fetishes will be having a feast with this one
    now for real this is AMAZING i love the swings and the instrumental had to instantly put it on repeat

  • @ExplosiveT-5
    @ExplosiveT-5 Год назад +8

    IDK about you guys, but when I listen to a Swingrowers song it creeps into my mind like a rot. A lot of songs from them, I like instantly; but most of the time when I think "yah, this song is okay I guess. I probably won't listen to it again though" I end up playing it again... and again... and on every replay, it gets better. IDK how you guys curse me like this, but thank you.

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад

      Ha ha. Thanks for that. I think a lot of people will recognise your description. For me, the songs are just beautifully crafted and it takes several listens to really appreciate the quality and detail.
      We recently had the vinyl test pressings of the Remote album back. Hearing this nearly 10 year old record for the first time on wax I realised again the incredible level of sound detail and quality of the songs. That’s what distinguishes great from just good.

    • @ExplosiveT-5
      @ExplosiveT-5 Год назад +2

      @@FreshlySqueezed I am desperately trying not to geek out, but I must call out that Remote is just full of winners. I think I like other songs like Wannabe and No Strings Attached more, but Remote is probably the best collection of songs in their roster.

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +1

      @@ExplosiveT-5 I'm sure everyone has their favourites, but yeah, hearing Remote on vinyl as I say, was a revelation. At the very least it's gonna make people sit up and listen again... I was really surprised how good it sounded! Can't wait to share it and see what other people think.

  • @Rumeel12708
    @Rumeel12708 Год назад +4


  • @ElleAndThePocketBelles
    @ElleAndThePocketBelles Год назад +8

    Soooooo good! Love it. It’s got my feet wanting to dance for sure! ❤ Elle x

  • @derpytaco1134
    @derpytaco1134 Год назад +3

    Absolutely amazing.

  • @drschonify
    @drschonify Год назад +4

    Awesome new track. Always a thrill so see you drop something new.

  • @rockhoundgraves
    @rockhoundgraves 4 месяца назад +1

    😊 As always! Song and Music 🎶 SwinGrowers TOTALLY DELIVERS Love it. 👍 applauding 👏 loudly !

  • @Uncle480
    @Uncle480 9 месяцев назад +3

    Their music is amazing! I would love to incorporate one of their songs into my book!

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  9 месяцев назад +1

      We’d love for you to do that too!

    • @Uncle480
      @Uncle480 9 месяцев назад

      @@FreshlySqueezed Is there anything I'd need to do to get permission to use their lyrics in the book I'm writing? (The song by them that I want to use lyrics from is "Love!")

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Uncle480 you just need to ask us… which you are doing! We’d be pleased to help. Send a DM via FreshlySqueezedMusic.com

    • @Uncle480
      @Uncle480 9 месяцев назад

      @@FreshlySqueezed I tried to send a message last week, but your website said there was an error in sending the message. I just tried again, and it gave me the same error message. Is there any other sort of method of contact you'd like?

    @KSCHREIN2 9 месяцев назад +7

    Quentin Tarantino's would love this.

  • @shadowphantomsoldier6876
    @shadowphantomsoldier6876 Год назад +7

    exelente! lo ame!!!

  • @НатальяЦареградцева-й7х

    Excellent 👍

  • @generalpublic3744
    @generalpublic3744 5 месяцев назад +6

    No one does foot tappin' stuff quite like Swingrowers. 😋

  • @budgoodrich6000
    @budgoodrich6000 3 месяца назад +2

    I cannot stop listening to this.
    What have you done to me?

  • @SophiePastelz
    @SophiePastelz 10 месяцев назад +2

    awesome as always

  • @wikipedia2.061
    @wikipedia2.061 Год назад +2

    Great song. It really motivates me and cheers me up. Really really good track!

  • @magicmike1536
    @magicmike1536 5 месяцев назад +1

    Magic Mike 🎩 🪄 still listening to your music 🎶 🎵 swing ❤

  • @toffeekins74
    @toffeekins74 Год назад +3

    Catchy or what! A fabulous comeback single cannot wait for new album

  • @meghasingh4267
    @meghasingh4267 Год назад +3

    super creative video!!!

  • @Mr.Elti_z
    @Mr.Elti_z Год назад +5


  • @hainshuff
    @hainshuff Год назад +2


  • @virtulis
    @virtulis 6 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing song and music, and yes, nice feet sure, but can we also appreciate how well edited the video is. Love seeing a music video that is a _music_ video.

  • @plaguemontegue1537
    @plaguemontegue1537 Год назад +4

    I love your music ❤

  • @roxifinch9997
    @roxifinch9997 8 месяцев назад +1

    Shared roxi finch uk ❤🎉

  • @darthchuy20051
    @darthchuy20051 Год назад +2

    🐴🐴🐴always down for more wonderful swingrowers beats🐴🐴🐴

  • @井沢むかで
    @井沢むかで 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @Lapin-Hibou
    @Lapin-Hibou 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hoooo yeaaah🎹🎵🎶

  • @CallMePrawn
    @CallMePrawn Год назад +4

    Such a bop never thought a romance song about educated feet could be THIS good

  • @kigthing
    @kigthing Год назад +2


  • @moicrackk9671
    @moicrackk9671 Год назад +5

    Asombroso, me encanta el ritmo de este grupo y esta cancion no se queda para nada atrás, sin duda una gran regreso de Swingrowers que agradezco escuchar ❤❤

  • @ciupetta4105
    @ciupetta4105 Год назад +1


  • @IvnaMei-t7n
    @IvnaMei-t7n Год назад +1


  • @GroovyZingersmusic
    @GroovyZingersmusic 4 месяца назад +1

    Swing is liberating

  • @Tzar-TZ
    @Tzar-TZ Год назад +1

    woah, what a catchy and feel good song. what a banging track

  • @北センチネルマン
    @北センチネルマン 5 месяцев назад +4


  • @camilavallejo2972
    @camilavallejo2972 Год назад +6

    Muy emocionada por el nuevo comienzo de la banda, los nuevos integrantes son impresionantes. Les deseo un hermoso camino

  • @foranzo1582
    @foranzo1582 6 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing song!! One of my best YT random recommendations

  • @gasparid1143
    @gasparid1143 Год назад +2

    Me encantó la canción.

  • @delgarisdysonsphereah-tuk864
    @delgarisdysonsphereah-tuk864 Год назад +1

    i could listen to this all day long. oh wait i love this song too much, i enjoy your music so much

  • @J.R.Unbound
    @J.R.Unbound Год назад +1

    Help I've listened to this song 5 times in 1 hour I think I'm addicted.

  • @stuartthorpe
    @stuartthorpe Год назад +3

    Love it! 🤩

  • @sabinewiesbauer6716
    @sabinewiesbauer6716 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @AndrewTheRadarMan
    @AndrewTheRadarMan Год назад +4

    Amazing. Love the build up and bass!

  • @norbertvalterkalocsai6584
    @norbertvalterkalocsai6584 Год назад +1

    No problem, i can always wait for the album version

  • @kenlassiter3107
    @kenlassiter3107 Год назад +1

    LOVE those retro shoes

  • @Nalgax
    @Nalgax 8 месяцев назад +4

    need more of swingrowers in my life 🍷🗿

  • @GeeOneAnimated
    @GeeOneAnimated 4 месяца назад +1

    I watch this monthly

  • @alexzz7412
    @alexzz7412 Год назад +4

    Хорошая работа клипмэйкера и идеолога.

  • @SpruceHouse
    @SpruceHouse Год назад +3

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, this channel is super underrated, and its just keeps making better and better music! can't get enough!

  • @electroswing642
    @electroswing642 Год назад +63

    Is this their most addictive track yet?

    • @clemensfuchs5139
      @clemensfuchs5139 Год назад +13

      Only until the next one

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +10

      @@clemensfuchs5139 LOL - you may be right!

    • @dylanstuart2432
      @dylanstuart2432 Год назад +5

      Nope. At least I think not. The video is great tho. Butterfly probably has my vote for best

    • @stevemarleau6709
      @stevemarleau6709 Год назад +3

      butterfly will never be dethroned in my opinion. might be my best song over all, not just this band.

    • @stevemarleau6709
      @stevemarleau6709 Год назад +3

      still this song is great!

  • @Widdershyn
    @Widdershyn Год назад +2

    Can't wait to get this as soon as it hits Bandcamp! Gonna be listening on repeat 🎶🎶🎶

  • @Mrryiel
    @Mrryiel Год назад +3

    I'm swinging my feet oh my goodness this is so good 😭

  • @creepbg
    @creepbg Год назад +2

    This music video was brought to you by Quentin Tarantino.
    Love the track guys, looking forward to seeing you on tour.

  • @InteractiveBUD
    @InteractiveBUD Год назад +1


  • @MrHuigen74
    @MrHuigen74 Год назад +1


  • @NLRevZ
    @NLRevZ 10 месяцев назад +2

    Is this going to end up on vinyl like other great tracks before it have? I really feel a strong need to add to the collection. Greetings from the Netherlands, and a belated thanks for the Christmas card! 🤗

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  10 месяцев назад +1

      We’d love to release more Swingrowers on vinyl but we’re waiting on the new material. As soon as we have an album it’ll be scheduled… in the meantime look out for some other new vinyl releases on Freshly Squeezed including some 20th anniversary compilations. :-)

  • @LukeHwarang
    @LukeHwarang Год назад +1


  • @totoru4ever
    @totoru4ever Год назад +2

    Those are happy feet ^_^

  • @IronTeddyBear
    @IronTeddyBear Год назад +1

    Three thumbs up!

  • @roc1817
    @roc1817 27 дней назад +1


  • @gonzalogimenez5891
    @gonzalogimenez5891 Год назад +2


  • @ibrahimbenghali7474
    @ibrahimbenghali7474 Год назад

    I love Loredana Grimaudo’s voice and style! She is such a talented and versatile singer, and she always delivers amazing performances with Swingrowers. Her songs are so fun and catchy, they make me want to dance and sing along. She is one of the best electroswing singers in the world, and I can’t wait to hear more from her and the band. Loredana Grimaudo, you rock!

    • @alessandrodolfi9041
      @alessandrodolfi9041 Год назад +1

      loredana left the band a couple months ago, this track is performed by a new singer

    • @ibrahimbenghali7474
      @ibrahimbenghali7474 Год назад

      ​@@alessandrodolfi9041 lol i dm Loredana and expressed my love for her and told her my fav songs one of them was this one and she said thats not my voice! 😅lol i cant believe i couldn't tell it wasnt her

  • @CamilaSacasa
    @CamilaSacasa Год назад +1

    never seen a whole video about feet like this :)

  • @Spectators_viewpoint
    @Spectators_viewpoint Год назад +1

    No cuz they need a bigger fan base 😭😭 this is pure gold 💜💜

  • @user-zw7ve1df9t
    @user-zw7ve1df9t День назад

    Baby, I'm not made of money I'm rich inside my soul
    My bank accounts are frozen
    But l've got a heart of gold I'm so tired of complaining
    Now there's just one place to go It's a place that's kinda boomin'
    Where you know I am the show
    It's a kinda romance
    It's a secret I can't hide
    I can't keep it from you
    'Cause you'd catch me in a lie
    My life is for the living Tomorrow's for forgiving
    Life's not wait and see
    I'm living all my dreams
    Hey, look at me Like what you see?
    Just look at me
    My two feet have a PhD
    Hey, look at me For what you need 'Cause you and me are perfect harmony
    Let's dream of a casino
    Where you give my heart a spin
    If you hit my lucky number
    We can let the games begin
    Can you feel vibrations
    Is this room about to shake
    To make me feel what l've been missing
    'Cause it's feelin' like a quake
    That chemical reaction's
    Satisfaction guaranteed
    There's thunder, there is lightning Right before you feel the breeze
    Life is for the living Forgive the unforgiving Today's not wait and see So get up and follow me
    Hey, look at me Like what you see?
    Just look at me
    My two feet have a PhD
    Hey, look at me For what you need
    'Cause you and me are perfect harmony
    You and I are so together
    Baby make it last forever (Just say you agree)
    Underneath the stars together
    We can stay until whenever
    Just say yes and feel Our perfect harmony
    Hey, look at me Like what you see?
    Just look at me
    My two feet have a PhD
    Hey, look at me For what you need
    'Cause you and me are perfect harmony
    Take a look at me
    I'll tell you what I see
    Take a look at me
    All my toes got a PhD
    Take a look at me
    Dancin' fast as you can see I got the perfect education For my educated feet

  • @TheBudkai
    @TheBudkai Год назад +1

    Wow hell yeah electro swing is back?

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +1

      Never went anywhere. Maybe it you who’s back!? :-)

  • @danoneill2846
    @danoneill2846 Год назад +5

  • @muine1299
    @muine1299 Год назад +2


  • @salamanderavem3782
    @salamanderavem3782 Год назад +2

    Going through a swing phase currently
    Diablo swing orchestra started it
    And this band with caravan palace confirmed it
    Im a swing fan

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад

      Welcome. You're listening to the good stuff! The great thing about coming to a genre that's a bit established is that there's a ton of cool releases to check out

  • @eamonnclabby7067
    @eamonnclabby7067 Год назад +8

    My feet are tapping already...😅😅😅...

  • @AndreBedrac
    @AndreBedrac 5 месяцев назад +1

    Me ❤

  • @FreshlySqueezed
    @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +18

    Special LIMITED EDITION socks out now here: swingrowers.bandcamp.com/merch/swingrowers-educated-feet-socks-christmas-card-bundle - EDUCATED FEET

  • @riverdasgard860
    @riverdasgard860 10 месяцев назад +3

    This is Quentin Tarantino's favorite music video

  • @ddiiiii61
    @ddiiiii61 Год назад +4

    Wow her voice sounds a lot like Loredana, nice :) both amazing singers❤️

  • @pizzag0d609
    @pizzag0d609 Год назад +2

    A masterpiece!

  • @WanRopezu
    @WanRopezu Год назад +1

    I'm glad for return of swingrowers, is not team original but this song is good.

  • @mareksatina
    @mareksatina 11 месяцев назад +1

    Loving it! When is the European tour?

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  11 месяцев назад

      I know they have dates lined up but not sure when they’ll be announced. Are you on their Facebook or Insta?

    • @mareksatina
      @mareksatina 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@FreshlySqueezedI am. They have the Italian tour schedule there. Haven't noticed anything about European tour.

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  11 месяцев назад

      @@mareksatina Well - you're in the right place to get the dates when they're announced.

  • @KbzucoElDestructorDeMundos
    @KbzucoElDestructorDeMundos Год назад +1

    Mmm patas

  • @eiernase
    @eiernase Год назад +5

    It's a good song, but I really miss Loredanas voice :(
    It always sounds so magical

  • @catsandwich1406
    @catsandwich1406 9 месяцев назад +10

    i don't even wanna see the comments

    • @rydekk-4644
      @rydekk-4644 8 месяцев назад +1

      Quentin only replied like 5 times, don't worry. :P

    • @catsandwich1406
      @catsandwich1406 8 месяцев назад

      @@rydekk-4644 what did he do?

  • @user27272727
    @user27272727 3 месяца назад +1

    I like this song, but what does "bac" mean?

  • @javierruiz7756
    @javierruiz7756 Год назад +12

    I miss Loredana´s voice....................😢

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +12

      Of course, but life goes on… Lore will be back for a solo outing on Freshly soon. In the meantime, we’re all loving the new Swingrowers. x

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +6

      And now there’ll be twice as much Swingrowers to enjoy 😊

    • @zoxqwwe6354
      @zoxqwwe6354 Год назад +6

      Me tooo❤
      This new singer Is very good, but, Is not Loredana 🥺

    • @snafuet
      @snafuet Год назад

      ​@@zoxqwwe6354the voices are similar, tho

    • @zoxqwwe6354
      @zoxqwwe6354 Год назад +1

      @@snafuet No para mi, pero me gusta que la nueva cantante tenga su propia voz, es muy bella de todas formas.

  • @snafuet
    @snafuet Год назад +1

    New vocalist 😭
    What happened to the old one?
    Still a great track, though, will be waiting for more with the new lineup😁

    • @FreshlySqueezed
      @FreshlySqueezed  Год назад +2

      Follow their FB or IG; Loredana and the band split up in 2022. Call it creative differences or maybe just what happens when you spend 10 of the most formative years of your life together. I think we can all relate to the difficulties of living and travelling together in a group - then imagine doing that non-stop! This is the bands first single since the new line-up. As their label, we are delighted they are carrying on, and add to that the fact that Loredana will also be releasing a ‘solo’ single in the very near future too, it’s all turned out pretty good!