i didn't expect the lyrics to be dark.. being an adult is fun because no one will say you're still a kid and outcast you out of the conversation. people will start listening to you seriously unlike your 'childish tantrum'. you can do more things without restrictions from parents/teachers but the choices you made will determine your future therefore being an adult is stressful. being an adult is stressful because you will have more responsibilities. school sucks. no need for a longer explanation.
Ngl when I first heard this song on tiktok video and didn’t know the title I just types September joushi wa doutai and I felt really good about myself for once lol
@@halt964 I had the song in my RUclips playlist and then the video got taken down or some shit and I couldn’t remember the name of the song for months. I finally found it today on a Instagram reel thank god 🙏🏽 missed this song
I really needed this song..I've suffering from anxiety. I got scared of myself getting into adulthood. The pressure to be succesful just got f*cking doubled😅
Hey, that's normal, you shouldn't worry too much, you will find people with the same situation all over6the world, and even the ones who not necessarily are in this situation will understand it, at least to some degree. I hope you'll get better over the years!
I don't really know why you all are saying this song is depressing and sad, i mean it kinda is. But when i read the lyrics for the first time, it made me feel some type of way..I felt like this meant that both childhood and adulthood can both be stressful, but each one in it's on way, so there is no need in wanting to escape. Just enjoy what you're living. What she said about school wasn't all depressing, but neither was adulthood all that happy. And as someone who is constantly being stressed at school, i felt some kind of warm, especially from the first part, i felt like this song was checking on how i'm doing at school. Then came ''Education exist for the sake of our future'', i think this song made me understand in a few minutes what mom tried to make me understand my whole life. It gave me motivation. It gave me motivation to work hard, enjoy my time, because pain will always follow you, so better make the best of it! idk if i forgot to mention anything, but good luck to everyone stuck at school! It will be alright, study hard, but dont forget to make these times a good memory
As someone said those years you wrote that comment, yeah, we all have different opinions of art. But you know? I thank you so much for writing your interpretation, because people that didn't understand the lyrics in a positive way can read your comment and some of them might give it a chance to think about how you reached that conclusion abs some might see it with a new light :3 I did too see it as a motivational song, due too the "daijoubu" part in the end taking a moment.. is like "that palm in the back" to our/her younger version saying "everything is all right" even after mentioning the stress and all we can have fun growing up, yeah it's hard and stressful but is worth living it, and is better if we don't worry about growing up in a extreme way, Maybe.. just trying to see the best in every young and old days we live, 3:09 "everything will be okay /daijoubu". growing up... is fun. :3
Thank you very much for the translate and how to pronounce the japanese words !! Arigatou !! The song is very good to listen especially when you are feeling down about school.
Dunno if she is. I personally felt it's more of a neutral-positive stance on adulthood (she listed the sucky stuff about both but it ended on a very hesitant yet satisfied "being an adult is... Fun".
I don't think it's sad, I think it's a breath of fresh air. A reassurance that it's okay to feel this way. The singer states that while she wanted to be the "strong one," she decided that it wasn't healthy for her. That it's not that she wants other people to be upset, just that she wants to be happy and authentic to herself - that's exactly how I feel right now. She says "some people really enjoy school. I personally didn't, and to the people who also don't, just power through. While adulthood is more stressful, it's also lots of fun!"
歌:うじたまい 作詞:うじたまい 作曲:うじたまい ♩♪♬ おはよう こんにちは おやすみ 오하요- 콘니치와 오야스미 좋은 아침, 안녕, 잘 자 September調子はどうだい? September 쵸-시와 도-다이? September 요즘 어때? ちゃんと学校いってるかい? 챤토 각코- 잇테루카이? 학교는 제대로 가고 있어? あたしはね、ぶっちゃけ学校とかクソくらえだと思ってたよ 아타시와네, 붓챠케 각코-토카 쿠소쿠라에다토 오못테타요 난 있잖아, 솔직히 학교 같은 거 엿이나 먹으라고 생각했었어. 明日学校に行きたくないと思ったキミへ 아시타 각코-니 이키타쿠 나이토 오못타 키미에 내일 학교가기 싫다고 생각하는 너에게 大丈夫大人は楽しいぞ 다이죠부, 오토나와 타노시이조 괜찮아, 어른은 즐거워 ♩♪♬ 過去のあたしへ ねぇねぇ聞こえる? 카코노 아타시에 네-네- 키코에루? 과거의 나에게. 저기 있잖아, 들려? なにが苦しくて 逃げたくなったの? 나니가 쿠루시쿠테 니게타쿠 낫타노? 뭐가 그렇게 힘들어서 도망치고 싶었어? 気の強いあの子や先生たちも 키노 츠요이 아노코야 센세-타치모 기가 센 그 애나 선생님들도 好きだったよみんな 스키닷타요 민나 모두 좋아했었어 でも苦しかったんだ 데모 쿠루시캇탄다 그런데도 힘들었어 いつだって綺麗な態度のあたしでいたくて 이츠닷테 키레-나 타이도노 아타시데 이타쿠테 언제나 바른 태도의 나로 있고싶어서 『嫌』なんて言葉は言ったこともなかった 『이야』 난테 코토바와 잇타 코토모 나갓타 "싫어"라는 말은 해본 적도 없었어 みんな知らないくせに違うのになんて、 민나 시라나이 쿠세니 치가우노니 난테 다들 아무것도 모르면서, 그게 아닌데 라니 ホントは自分が1番、キライだった 혼토와 지분가 이치방, 키라이닷타 사실은 나 스스로가 제일 싫었어 ♩♪♬ September調子はどうだい? September 쵸-시와 도우다이? September 요즘 어때? 大人は大変苦しいぞ 오토나와 다이헨 쿠루시이조 어른은 굉장히 괴로워 教育や未来のためにある 쿄-이쿠야 미라이노 타메니 아루 교육이나 미래를 위해 있는 正義のことば 세이기노 코토바 정의의 말 明日の自分見えないあたしにとっては 아시타노 지분 미에나이 아타시니 톳테와 내일의 내가 보이지 않는 나한테는 壁を作られるようでした 카베오 츠쿠라레루 요-데시타 벽을 만드는 것 처럼 느껴졌어 それでもキラキラ輝く世界へ 소레데모 키라키라 카가야쿠 세카이에 그래도 반짝반짝 반짝이는 세계에 夢をみちゃった。困ったものね 유메오 미챳타. 코맛타 모노네 꿈을 꿨어. 나도 참 곤란하네 どん底人生『抜け出したい』よりも 돈조코진세- 누케다시타이 요리모 밑바닥 인생 "벗어나고 싶어"보다는 『輝きたいなぁ』そう思ったんだ 카가야키타이나- 소- 오못탄다 "빛나고 싶어-" 그렇게 생각했어 それから一個ずつやめました。 소레카라 잇코즈츠 야메마시타 그리고 나선 하나씩 관뒀어 誰かの後ろを歩くこと 다레카노 우시로오 아루쿠 코토 누군가의 뒤를 걷는 것 人に好きをもらうため、 히토니 스키오 모라우 타메 누군가에게 사랑받기 위해 無理に気持ちを曲げること 무리니 키모치오 마게루 코토 무리하게 의견을 꺾는 것 悪意に敏感我慢すりゃ 아쿠이니 빈칸 가만스랴 나쁜 마음을 억지로 참으면 みんな苦しむことないなぁ。 민나 쿠루시무 코토나이나- 다들 괴로울 일은 없겠다- そんなあたしじゃさぁ 손나 아타시쟈 사- 그런데 그런 나는 있지 幸せになれないな 시아와세니 나레나이나 행복해질 수 없겠다 ♩♪♬ なれるかな 나레루카나 될 수 있을까 ♩♪♬ 流行りの水色好きなフリ 하야리노 미즈이로 스키나 후리 유행하는 파란색을 좋아하는 척 했지만 ホントはピンクが好きだった 혼토와 핑쿠가 스키닷타 사실은 핑크색을 좋아했어 周りの器用なウサギになれない 마와리노 키요-나 우사기니 나레나이 주변머리가 좋은 토끼가 될 수 없어 ノロマなカメの性分で。 노로마나 카메노 쇼-분데 아둔한 거북이의 천성 そんなあたしの未来のことば 손나 아타시노 미라이노 코토바 그런 나의 미래의 말 ♩♪♬ おはよう こんにちは おやすみ 오하요- 콘니치와 오야스미 좋은 아침, 안녕, 잘 자 September調子はどうだい? September 쵸-시와 도-다이? September 요즘 어때? ちゃんと学校行ってるかい? 챤토 각코- 잇테루카이? 제대로 학교는 다니고 있니? あたしはね、 아타시와네, 난 있잖아, ぶっちゃけ学校とかクソくらえだと思ってたよ 붓챠케 각코-토카 쿠소쿠라에다토 오못테타요 솔직히 학교 같은 거 엿이나 먹으라고 생각했었어. 明日学校に行きたくないと思ったキミへ 아시타 각코-니 이키타쿠 나이토 오못타 키미에 내일 학교가기 싫다고 생각하는 너에게 大丈夫大人は楽しいぞ 다이죠부, 오토나와 타노시이조 괜찮아, 어른은 즐거워
Lord I did not expect THAT LEVEL of hitting hard like seriously every and I mean EVERY word is relatable what in the mental health issues world like I'm astonished by how much I relate to this it's honestly crazy how someone's else's words can help you express that much
I’ve listened to this song once when I was 17 (last year) and fell in love with it, I’m turning 18 on the 2nd of September, so in 3 days, and as I’m reading the meaning of the song it really hit home for me, I feel like I’m relating to everything being said… this is now officially my favourite song 🫶
*Ohayõ , konnichiwa , oyasumi ଫ* *September,choshi wa doudi? ☆* *Chanto gakkou itteru kai? °•* *Atashi wa ne, butchake gakkou ,,* *Toka kuso kuraeda to ometteta yo *** *Ashita gakku ni ikitakunai to omotto kimi e ^^* *Daijobu, otona wa tanoshiizo .. ♡* *ʚ♡⃛ɞ*
One of the other reasons I love Japanese songs is because I know the lyrics and anyone who listenes has no idea what I'm listening and they dont really care. btw thanks for the english lyrics
I love how it transitions from normally talking to singing melodically.
Obsessed with the beginning
@@visenyatargaryen6078 100%
@@visenyatargaryen6078 exactly the starting just made me luv her
add this -melodically n cutely singing darkest lyrics I heard today
i didn't expect the lyrics to be dark..
being an adult is fun
because no one will say you're still a kid and outcast you out of the conversation.
people will start listening to you seriously unlike your 'childish tantrum'.
you can do more things without restrictions from parents/teachers but the choices you made will determine your future therefore being an adult is stressful.
being an adult is stressful because you will have more responsibilities.
school sucks.
no need for a longer explanation.
my guy said school was dark
@@KennTried probably no electricity
@@Senseisbinah lol
Is this a Anime
@@neithojazo5626 nah it's just a song I think
A moment of SILENCE for the people who can't find this song
Ngl when I first heard this song on tiktok video and didn’t know the title I just types September joushi wa doutai and I felt really good about myself for once lol
I searched and found it like September no Japanese song lol
@@halt964 I had the song in my RUclips playlist and then the video got taken down or some shit and I couldn’t remember the name of the song for months. I finally found it today on a Instagram reel thank god 🙏🏽 missed this song
@@hoodiesingh oof thats sad glad u find it back ur a real OG😎✨
Another Japanese song resembling a bloody knife wrapped inside a candy pattern cloth
Fun fact - I found this song during September
Me too
Me too
69 likes ong 😏
I found this when its November 🐧
September 21st
0:10 my god ! the transition is all it took to make me fall in love with this masterpiece
Gives me goosebumps a the time 😊
I really needed this song..I've suffering from anxiety. I got scared of myself getting into adulthood. The pressure to be succesful just got f*cking doubled😅
Hey i got stressed about adulthood from the age of 14 yrs old and still am am 18 now
Don't stress that much ....make some good friends who will stick with you ....just hang in there and you will be good ❤️
Hey, that's normal, you shouldn't worry too much, you will find people with the same situation all over6the world, and even the ones who not necessarily are in this situation will understand it, at least to some degree. I hope you'll get better over the years!
Thank you guysss🥺 I am actually turning 18 this december.
Your words made me feel a lot betterrr
May we all find our true happiness🥰
I thought i was alone...
september is hereeeee lesssgoooo
I'm not a Japanese speaker
but i found it so cool😭😭
aren't most of us
Me too
Yo también
Certainly certainly!
In fact it is the Japanese songs that made me learn the beautiful Japanese language!
I’ve been Japan for 4 years study in normal school, and made a lot memories. Now wanna go back to 2017
Wow,how lucky u are👊
damn I'm really envious
The beginning is soooooo good...
00:01 - 00:22
I repeat it all the time
Ikr I repeat it
I don't really know why you all are saying this song is depressing and sad, i mean it kinda is. But when i read the lyrics for the first time, it made me feel some type of way..I felt like this meant that both childhood and adulthood can both be stressful, but each one in it's on way, so there is no need in wanting to escape. Just enjoy what you're living. What she said about school wasn't all depressing, but neither was adulthood all that happy. And as someone who is constantly being stressed at school, i felt some kind of warm, especially from the first part, i felt like this song was checking on how i'm doing at school. Then came ''Education exist for the sake of our future'', i think this song made me understand in a few minutes what mom tried to make me understand my whole life. It gave me motivation. It gave me motivation to work hard, enjoy my time, because pain will always follow you, so better make the best of it!
idk if i forgot to mention anything, but good luck to everyone stuck at school! It will be alright, study hard, but dont forget to make these times a good memory
People have different emotional interpretation to art, which is why you may find this motivational, and others find it a bit depressing.
Thanks for sharing
As someone said those years you wrote that comment, yeah, we all have different opinions of art. But you know? I thank you so much for writing your interpretation, because people that didn't understand the lyrics in a positive way can read your comment and some of them might give it a chance to think about how you reached that conclusion abs some might see it with a new light :3
I did too see it as a motivational song, due too the "daijoubu" part in the end taking a moment.. is like "that palm in the back" to our/her younger version saying "everything is all right" even after mentioning the stress and all we can have fun growing up, yeah it's hard and stressful but is worth living it, and is better if we don't worry about growing up in a extreme way,
Maybe.. just trying to see the best in every young and old days we live,
3:09 "everything will be okay /daijoubu".
growing up... is fun. :3
Listening to cute Japanese song: 🐰♥️🌺🌻🌷😻😍🤗💖
Meanwhile when I read the lyrics: 💀😭😢😞💔💔⚰️
This hits hard 🤣🤣
me:a vocaloid fan
*First time?*
@@RaineLikesTheSillyDinosaur 😂
Ikr🤣🤣I never knew🙂 I only ever heard the short rap part from the beginning in shorts and IG reels. I honestly thought it was happy🥲🥲🥲🥲
1:10 felt that
Everyone felt like that
Thank you very much for the translate and how to pronounce the japanese words !! Arigatou !! The song is very good to listen especially when you are feeling down about school.
"Being an adult is fun" cracked me up, she's being ironic, right?
yup she is
Dunno if she is. I personally felt it's more of a neutral-positive stance on adulthood (she listed the sucky stuff about both but it ended on a very hesitant yet satisfied "being an adult is... Fun".
if you understand the full meaning she has a neutral stance on both being at school and being an adult
I cried while reading the lyrics
"I want to shine that what I thought"❤️
its all fun and games, until you finally know the meaning
@Ishaan Aggarwal how dark adulthood is
@Ishaan Aggarwal it is speaking about not good things and stressful things
I don't think it's sad, I think it's a breath of fresh air. A reassurance that it's okay to feel this way. The singer states that while she wanted to be the "strong one," she decided that it wasn't healthy for her. That it's not that she wants other people to be upset, just that she wants to be happy and authentic to herself - that's exactly how I feel right now. She says "some people really enjoy school. I personally didn't, and to the people who also don't, just power through. While adulthood is more stressful, it's also lots of fun!"
おはよう こんにちは おやすみ
오하요- 콘니치와 오야스미
좋은 아침, 안녕, 잘 자
September 쵸-시와 도-다이?
September 요즘 어때?
챤토 각코- 잇테루카이?
학교는 제대로 가고 있어?
아타시와네, 붓챠케 각코-토카 쿠소쿠라에다토 오못테타요
난 있잖아, 솔직히 학교 같은 거 엿이나 먹으라고 생각했었어.
아시타 각코-니 이키타쿠 나이토 오못타 키미에
내일 학교가기 싫다고 생각하는 너에게
다이죠부, 오토나와 타노시이조
괜찮아, 어른은 즐거워
過去のあたしへ ねぇねぇ聞こえる?
카코노 아타시에 네-네- 키코에루?
과거의 나에게. 저기 있잖아, 들려?
なにが苦しくて 逃げたくなったの?
나니가 쿠루시쿠테 니게타쿠 낫타노?
뭐가 그렇게 힘들어서 도망치고 싶었어?
키노 츠요이 아노코야 센세-타치모
기가 센 그 애나 선생님들도
스키닷타요 민나
모두 좋아했었어
데모 쿠루시캇탄다
그런데도 힘들었어
이츠닷테 키레-나 타이도노 아타시데 이타쿠테
언제나 바른 태도의 나로 있고싶어서
『이야』 난테 코토바와 잇타 코토모 나갓타
"싫어"라는 말은 해본 적도 없었어
민나 시라나이 쿠세니 치가우노니 난테
다들 아무것도 모르면서, 그게 아닌데 라니
혼토와 지분가 이치방, 키라이닷타
사실은 나 스스로가 제일 싫었어
September 쵸-시와 도우다이?
September 요즘 어때?
오토나와 다이헨 쿠루시이조
어른은 굉장히 괴로워
쿄-이쿠야 미라이노 타메니 아루
교육이나 미래를 위해 있는
세이기노 코토바
정의의 말
아시타노 지분 미에나이 아타시니 톳테와
내일의 내가 보이지 않는 나한테는
카베오 츠쿠라레루 요-데시타
벽을 만드는 것 처럼 느껴졌어
소레데모 키라키라 카가야쿠 세카이에
그래도 반짝반짝 반짝이는 세계에
유메오 미챳타. 코맛타 모노네
꿈을 꿨어. 나도 참 곤란하네
돈조코진세- 누케다시타이 요리모
밑바닥 인생 "벗어나고 싶어"보다는
카가야키타이나- 소- 오못탄다
"빛나고 싶어-" 그렇게 생각했어
소레카라 잇코즈츠 야메마시타
그리고 나선 하나씩 관뒀어
다레카노 우시로오 아루쿠 코토
누군가의 뒤를 걷는 것
히토니 스키오 모라우 타메
누군가에게 사랑받기 위해
무리니 키모치오 마게루 코토
무리하게 의견을 꺾는 것
아쿠이니 빈칸 가만스랴
나쁜 마음을 억지로 참으면
민나 쿠루시무 코토나이나-
다들 괴로울 일은 없겠다-
손나 아타시쟈 사-
그런데 그런 나는 있지
시아와세니 나레나이나
행복해질 수 없겠다
될 수 있을까
하야리노 미즈이로 스키나 후리
유행하는 파란색을 좋아하는 척 했지만
혼토와 핑쿠가 스키닷타
사실은 핑크색을 좋아했어
마와리노 키요-나 우사기니 나레나이
주변머리가 좋은 토끼가 될 수 없어
노로마나 카메노 쇼-분데
아둔한 거북이의 천성
손나 아타시노 미라이노 코토바
그런 나의 미래의 말
おはよう こんにちは おやすみ
오하요- 콘니치와 오야스미
좋은 아침, 안녕, 잘 자
September 쵸-시와 도-다이?
September 요즘 어때?
챤토 각코- 잇테루카이?
제대로 학교는 다니고 있니?
난 있잖아,
붓챠케 각코-토카 쿠소쿠라에다토 오못테타요
솔직히 학교 같은 거 엿이나 먹으라고 생각했었어.
아시타 각코-니 이키타쿠 나이토 오못타 키미에
내일 학교가기 싫다고 생각하는 너에게
다이죠부, 오토나와 타노시이조
괜찮아, 어른은 즐거워
좋아요 잘해요! 🤩
listening to this in September💯🍹
same here
Are you here again in sept
Song being so cute☺
Lyrics being so dark and sad 😭
Me: Enjoying the song
Also me: reading the lyrics
people who disliked this song wanted to be an adult
They are adults
i want to be an adult cause situation of my family is not good and school sucks
@@tancy1660 life sucks for u if u really want to be an adult
I prefer being an adult than being a teenager in school. Life is harder but at least it isn't as horrible as how school felt
listening again in september
if you hear this while reading a comedy comics, that is the best activity to do at home
2021-2020 cold winter
Half of my heart is in this song
1:11 gave me goosebumps.
And now is September 🗿
Thank you so much for English lyrics. 😊
I didn't expect the lyrics to be dark but thats ok
I expected them to be meaningless and happy,
but this feels meaningful, I really like it
私はこの歌です ❤
listening to this song made homework easier
She said good morning hello good night and started spittin' straight faxx
She really sounds like Shinobu and I love it
Yes I agree
Yess that's what I saidddd
My first day at high school❤
2:52 1:10❣
when you listen 😄
when you understand 🌚
Lord I did not expect THAT LEVEL of hitting hard like seriously every and I mean EVERY word is relatable what in the mental health issues world like I'm astonished by how much I relate to this it's honestly crazy how someone's else's words can help you express that much
I have school Tomorrow and im anxious
Its gonna be okay ^^
college student and this song gave me the motivation i needed :)
この歌はとても素晴らしくて大好きです. 私が今まで聞いて好きになった最初の日本の歌です.
was looking for the mumei september song thing, found this instead and was not disappointed
When it started speeding up at 1:02 I loved it
0:37 exams
Her voice are soo beautiful and charming but the lyrics are soo dark mann.... simply amazing ❤️
I truly can feel her hopes and frustration
It's same for me, too painful, but I still hope for a better tomorrow
Why is this good af
Hello September is here
This song is sooo amazing
I can hear her smile
好きだった 💗
Most relatable song rn
Such a fun song with dark lyrics
Really love this unique way of singing
how something be sad and happy at the same time?
the lyrics of the song are somehow so gloomy for me
for us*
Cause they actually are
I’ve listened to this song once when I was 17 (last year) and fell in love with it, I’m turning 18 on the 2nd of September, so in 3 days, and as I’m reading the meaning of the song it really hit home for me, I feel like I’m relating to everything being said… this is now officially my favourite song 🫶
Summed up my whole life
*Ohayõ , konnichiwa , oyasumi ଫ*
*September,choshi wa doudi? ☆*
*Chanto gakkou itteru kai? °•*
*Atashi wa ne, butchake gakkou ,,*
*Toka kuso kuraeda to ometteta yo ***
*Ashita gakku ni ikitakunai to omotto kimi e ^^*
*Daijobu, otona wa tanoshiizo .. ♡*
Thaaaanks 🥺❤️
Not what I was looking for but I like what I found regardless.
That elevated quickly😳
I like how everyone’s surprised at the lyrics when I knew the lyrics while listening cuz I understand Japanese 0-0
Found this song in reels of Insta but the month is October. Unfortunately, it's not for October. 😂
The song is refreshing to my ears.
The melody is so jolly. Didn't expect the lyrics to be gloomy.
Now its september
This song is helping me a lot, music is the best medicine
i like this song
One of the other reasons I love Japanese songs is because I know the lyrics and anyone who listenes has no idea what I'm listening and they dont really care.
btw thanks for the english lyrics
Damn that hit hard
September:- how you doin?
November:- how's it going 😏
Love this song🎵
Went from "Hahah" to "Depression" real quick.
I have new favorite song😉😊
Another cute song that has a dark meaning
I think I'hv found my spirit song
The lyric hit hard
love song ❤
everything about this reminds me of her
This song have moral lesson for those who don't want to go to school,
Especially me🥲