7 Reasons Why Walking Does NOT Help Hip Arthritis Heal

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @bonniep.2826
    @bonniep.2826 День назад +10

    You are so good. You are so smart!!! I am a Chiropractor of 35 years and good at what I do. At 69 years of age, I have this problem severely. You are so intelligent and I am relying on your information to help me get better. I do not want a hip replacement. I am learning from you so much that no one else is teaching. I trust what you say because it makes complete sense. God bless you for all you do.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  20 часов назад

      Bonnie, thank you so much!! Sorry to hear you've been dealing with Hip Arthritis.
      We do have a Hip Arthritis Recovery Program you may enjoy. This 4 phase program is designed calm things down and target the root problem, which is the muscular imbalance. You may find more information here: www.epmanualphysicaltherapy.com/hip-arthritis-recovery-program/
      This playlist may also be useful in this time: “Hip Arthritis Help”
      Hip Arthritis Help - RUclips
      Please let us know if you have any questions! - Team EPMPT

  • @Mustachio63
    @Mustachio63 День назад +4

    I’ve been following you for a month. And you are helping my bone on bone, thank you sir.!!

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  19 часов назад

      So happy to hear that, thank you for the kind words ! Let's keep working :-)

  • @july77773
    @july77773 День назад +6

    Ive used you tips about glute exercises and I've noticed great improvement in mobility and less pain.

    • @mishkamo55
      @mishkamo55 День назад +1

      Same here. Wish I had followed Dr David's advice earlier as I was walking [10k-15k teps /day] and hiking with a limp long after the onset of hip OA falsely thinking that I needed to do this to deal with my other help issues at 77 years young. Now I have to postpone travel plans to hike and walk all over Mexico and walk with a cane.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  19 часов назад

      That is great news, thank you for sharing !

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  19 часов назад

      Keep at it, hopefully you notice some relief soon. You will get back to those activities!!!

  • @AA-gy6ud
    @AA-gy6ud 23 часа назад +2

    Spot on . I did everything I shouldn’t have done. Wish I didn’t .I would have healed by now. Thank you 🙏🏽 so much for educating us and helping us to improve our daily lives. ❤

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  21 час назад +1

      Hey there, so sorry to hear that :-( Now you are armed with the tools needed to heal your Hip Arthritis! Please check out this playlist when you get the chance. “Hip Arthritis Help”
      Hip Arthritis Help - RUclips
      If you have any questions, please let us know. - Team EPMPT

    • @AA-gy6ud
      @AA-gy6ud 18 часов назад

      @@epmanualphysicaltherapy thanks so much. Your videos are very beneficial. ❤️

  • @buelan.6525
    @buelan.6525 День назад +2

    Doc, you’re one in a million in terms of offering specific, evidence based advice. Helps me every time, I get out of pain, then go back to my old ways. Learning (slowly) to go back and do my gluteus medias strengthening exercises. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  20 часов назад +1

      Hey there Buela ! Thank you for the kind words! It takes time and practice but it seems you have a good grip on things. If you need anymore help please let us know. Please check out this playlist when you have time: “Hip Arthritis Help”
      Hip Arthritis Help - RUclips
      - Team EPMPT

  • @jenniferreynolds2085
    @jenniferreynolds2085 17 часов назад +1

    The information is very helpful.

  • @Dantianblue
    @Dantianblue День назад +2

    This is great advice. You end up dragging your self along with the quads/IT band. A lot of the stability and other muscles are dormant. Not easy to wake them up but necessary.

  • @jenniferreynolds2085
    @jenniferreynolds2085 17 часов назад +1

    Just lots of pain, but your explanation gives me hope to avoid major surgeries

  • @jenniferreynolds2085
    @jenniferreynolds2085 17 часов назад

    I have hip arthritis and osteoarthritis bone on bone in both knees. How can I get in touch with your program to avoid surgery.

  • @christinenoe6657
    @christinenoe6657 3 часа назад

    You are right. It hurts. I walked with pain. I got worse. But how can I walk again? Doctors want only help with a surgery.

  • @suevanvuuren
    @suevanvuuren 19 часов назад

    Thank you for your knowledge… I’m building my glutes and it is helping but quite sad to know that yes the walking does hurt, when I walk far, my quads do build up and I hurt on a bike.. I’m unable to Sprint..
    not quite sure how one stays active

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  19 часов назад +1

      Sorry to hear you are dealing with these issues, but happy to hear you are working on solving the problem! Those activities mentioned may be uncomfortable at the moment, but as you build strength in the proper muscles you will get back to those things you may be missing out on at the moment. Hold off on the sprints, biking, until you can get those quads to quite down a bit ! Here is a playlist you may find useful: “Walking & Stair Advice For Painful Knees, Hips, And Ankles”

  • @charlierahner2141
    @charlierahner2141 18 часов назад

    what's your opinion on walking backwards?

  • @tfgh521
    @tfgh521 День назад +1

    Once it's healed and the glutes are stronger, can you take long walks again?

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  19 часов назад +1

      Hey there, yes that is the end goal! Being able to do activities with no pain ! Here is a video to check out on that subject :-) ruclips.net/video/uqa7FMvprC4/видео.htmlfeature=shared
      Let us know if you have anymore questions ! - Team EPMPT

  • @KYFHOme
    @KYFHOme День назад

    PLEASE ADDRESS THIS! Aren't the ligaments responsible for keeping the ball centered?

    • @cindym4946
      @cindym4946 День назад

      Ligaments can weaken with age. I'm guessing that's what leads to muscular changes as well.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  19 часов назад +1

      Hey there, Great question! Ligaments play an important role in stabilizing the hip joint and keeping the ball (femoral head) centered in the socket. However, they don't act alone. The surrounding muscles, like the glutes, lower abs, and hip flexors, are equally crucial because they dynamically stabilize the joint during movement.
      In hip arthritis, stiffness, pain, and poor mechanics can overload the joint, making it harder for both the ligaments and muscles to maintain balance. Strengthening and properly engaging these supporting muscles, along with improving joint mobility, helps reduce stress on the ligaments and allows the joint to move more efficiently.
      If you’re working through hip arthritis, the goal is to optimize both ligament and muscular support!- Team EPMPT

  • @onteraction8294
    @onteraction8294 День назад

    I can walk for miles with no pain, sleep with no pain. But feel the slight inflammation in hip when I sit for 15-30mins after walking. Awkward pains standing and bending over always but strangely no pain walking and sleeping. 🤷🏽‍♂️ any insight appreciated.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  20 часов назад

      Hey there! Thank you for the information. While you may be able to walk miles with out feeling any discomfort or pain.. the pain or symptoms that occur after may be the effects of those walks. Engaging the proper muscles and correcting the muscular imbalance should help with those "awkward" aches and pains ! Here is a playlist on walking cues to better engage the right muscles: “Walking & Stair Advice For Painful Knees, Hips, And Ankles”
      Please check that out when you have the time and let us know if you have anymore questions :-) - Team EPMPT

  • @heidinapflin2582
    @heidinapflin2582 День назад

    Does weight training help with hip arthritis?

    • @cindym4946
      @cindym4946 День назад +1

      I'm doing that now. The machines that work the glutes are definitely helpful. I'd be avoid weights that put lots of pressure on the hip joint.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  20 часов назад +1

      Hi Heidi ! Yes, weight training can be very beneficial for hip arthritis BUT it must be done correctly and at the right time. I would start here: ruclips.net/video/4sgoIwsAC6s/видео.htmlfeature=shared
      Once you've built a base and learn to use your butt muscles you will be able to benefit from weight training :-)
      - Team EPMPT

    • @heidinapflin2582
      @heidinapflin2582 19 часов назад

      @@epmanualphysicaltherapy thank you so much! Very much appreciated !

  • @rogerhooper-u8g
    @rogerhooper-u8g 23 часа назад

    what about bike riding

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  21 час назад

      Hey Roger ! Using a bike will be helpful if you can get your glutes to work during the exercise. If you feel you are using your quads more than your glutes while using the bike, then you will likely make your hip problem worse :-(

    • @NativWorld
      @NativWorld 18 часов назад +1

      I started riding a bike, 'cos of hip pain, walking.
      It really helped. But then the next bike made it much worse. Th 1st bike made My legs spread out to peddle, using th glutes. Th 2nd made My quads huge. So, You hav2 point your knees outward, or find a bike that peddles with that Motion.

  • @spartacusjonesmusic
    @spartacusjonesmusic День назад

    The hardest thing to do is LESS.

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  20 часов назад

      Adam! Yes, that is the hardest part... but the most simple and effective !

  • @roxannerichards7837
    @roxannerichards7837 День назад +1

    How do you avoid muscle imbalance ,in the first place 🤦

    • @epmanualphysicaltherapy
      @epmanualphysicaltherapy  20 часов назад +1

      Hello Roxanne! Great question! Avoiding muscle imbalances starts with balanced training and movement habits:
      Train Opposing Muscles: Work both sides equally, like chest and back or quads and glutes
      Unilateral Exercises: Use single-leg or single-arm movements to prevent one side from compensating.
      Focus on Mobility: Include flexibility and stability work to keep joints moving properly.
      Mind Your Posture: Daily habits and posture play a big role, so stay mindful of alignment.
      If you notice imbalances, targeted corrective exercises can help. Let us know if you’d like to dive deeper!