i was having issues in the skip command where it was playing the last song in queue and was clearing the rest of the queue. I switched calling the play_music function to play_next function and it seems like it works
It works! But the audio is low quality (kind of earrape, not clean), i tried setting 'bestaudio/best' in YDL_OPTIONS but it remained the same, any suggestions?
if anyone is still working with this tutorial: at first: youtube_dl has been discontinued so your next best choice is yt_dlp which is a "newer" version of yt_dl. additionally: in the 'search_yt' function - in the return statement - remove the following: "['formats'][0]" - leaving only "return{'source': info['url'], ...}" this is caused by a change in the JSON data by yt_dlp. hope this helps.
@@Tribal260 sadly I am not really familiar with the topic. You can specify the format type (e.g. mp3) in the config. The default is .opus as far as i know. I am not sure if a change helps, audio encoding is a topic i am not familiar with at all.
Your comment help me to run my bot but I cannot use command I got this message 2023-10-22 03:48:33 ERROR discord.ext.commands.bot Ignoring exception in command None discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "play" is not found 2023-10-22 03:51:36 ERROR discord.ext.commands.bot Ignoring exception in command None discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "p" is not found how to solve this?
hello , was looking for your comment , I recently started this project but from a different prospective , my bot is having issues playing as my FFmpeg and FFprobe location cant be traced my code , even though they are added in path and downloaded properly , and providing a path and then running the code still doesnt make my bot play music , anything would be helpful.
the bot is entering the channel however there is no sound playing what to do ? in the terminal there r no errors and it's downloading the info I copied your source code too
Amazing. Your channel is really underrated, though I would understand that it might be hard for beginners to understand most of the code as you don't really explain it. But making a discord bot is also not a very beginner friendly thing so there's that.
Hi guys. I have a problem. I have made everythink identical to the video my bot even starts, but the problem is that he doesn`t response me when i am trying to use any of command, idk why
@@EasyKey6612 some packages might not fully work unless you have the latest version of node. This is especially true with yourube dl and discordjs since they are constantly changing.
Bro, could you help me? Every time I write the command to play this error appears: Ignoring exception in command None: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "play" is not found. The only command that works is help, I've tried to change some things but it didn't help
@commands.command(name="play", help="Play the selected song from yt", aliases=["p"]) it should be like this. when you declare name as "play" (name="play") it will become an alias. so you can not use in aliases again.
Hello, I got everything to work except no audio will play when the bot is connected in VC. It successfully finds the video's URL and they are skippable, can be queued, and all songs queued show up in the list. I used some comments here to work around the changes to youtube_dl and also implemented the new Cog update, as well as referencing your github. I think it may be an issue with ffmpeg but I cant seem to sort it out. Any help would be appreciated.
I resolved the issue, It was an issue with how I was using "self.vc.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio.....". I wasn't using the right format since ffMped must've gotten a formatting update since this video was made.
Hey, I'm having the same issue as you here but I'm having trouble finding the updated format for FFmpeg to test and see if that fixes it. Any chance you could let me know what you changed that fixed the issue for you? @@spikeydavid
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Dylan\Desktop\YouBot\YouBot\main.py", line 7, in from music_cog import music_cog File "C:\Users\Dylan\Desktop\YouBot\YouBot\music_cog.py", line 95 self.is_playing = False TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
This error message is indicating that there is an issue with the indentation of your code. In Python, indentation is used to denote the level of code blocks, such as loops and conditional statements. The error message specifically says that there is inconsistent use of tabs and spaces, which means that you may have mixed tabs and spaces in your code. To fix this error, you should ensure that you are using either tabs or spaces consistently for indentation throughout your code. It's generally recommended to use four spaces for indentation in Python. In this case, the error is occurring in line 95 of the file "music_cog.py". You should check the indentation of this line and make sure that it is consistent with the rest of your code. You may need to convert any tabs to spaces or vice versa to ensure consistency. Once you have fixed the indentation issue, you should be able to run your code without this error.
Hi, I downloaded everything I changed the token and added intents but... /p and /play doesn't work ERROR: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "p" is not found
I have been trying to figure out this error for HOURS. I'm stumped, so reaching out. When I try and run 'python main.py' I get an error "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'" directed towards the line in the main file 'bot.run(os.getenv("TOKEN"))' I have used the SET TOKEN=x and nothing seems to happen when I press enter, either.
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'music.play_next' was never awaited self.after(error) RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback Im getting this error and have no idea how to fix it, ive asked around the python community and still cannot find an answer... any ideas?
A little bit Late, but I got the Error "Unrecognized option 'reconnect'. Error splitting the argument list: Option not found", I tried the set path you said in the end, but it deosn't seem to work, I get the error message " The naming "C:\ffmpeg\bin" was not used as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program recognized." (The Error Message is translated) when using it. I used the same place of the ffmpeg he did.
Hey im having this error when trying to run the code. (I copied exactly your code and entered my token) Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 7, in from music_cog import music_cog File "/home/runner/BeneficialDiligentComputergame/music_cog.py", line 100 self.is_playing = True ^ TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
Hi I am now trying to use your code, it is working (it shows those help commands and it replies song added to the queue when i say play something, but somehow the bot does not join the channel so no song is played. I really don't know why. I've been struggled with this for days...
i dont get any feedback in the console, and my bot isn't joining the channel either edit: if you also have the on_message command in your bot it will interfere, but that doesn't seem to be the issue you're facing
you need to add two lines in the resume command, in the "pause" function you set is_playing to False and is_paused to True. the resume function should look like that: if self.is_paused: self.vc.resume() self.is_playing = True self.is_paused = False
2023-02-03 17:30:29 ERROR discord.ext.commands.bot Ignoring exception in command None discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "help" is not found when i run it. what should i do?
is there a setting Called Program*, its default is set to *Agressive TEwNice tutorialch is making that sNice tutorialtty static soft, change that one, once to
i have a problem , i got to your github thingy and copied the full code, and pasted it , and everything is working fine, bot is joining and the commands are working perfectly expect the music is not being played... means i cant hear the sound
@@Computeshorts You mentioned doing this in the video but did not explain where to find the path to ffmpeg or how that would work. Where can we find this ffmpeg path you are talking about? Running: set path=%path%;c:/ffmpeg/bin produces an error: "c:/ffmpeg/bin : The term 'c:/ffmpeg/bin' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again."
running into this issue any help? PS C:\Users\GTA\Python tests> python main.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\GTA\Python tests\main.py", line 6, in from music_cog import music_cog File "C:\Users\GTA\Python tests\music_cog.py", line 7, in class music_cog(commands.cog): TypeError: module() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
I'm having a problem with the @commands.command(name = "play", aliases=["p", "playing"] help= "plays the selected song from youtube") bracket number one is highlighted for an issue to do with command decoding
discord.ext.commands.errors.commandnotfound: Command "play" is not found My problem please give me any solution for this This problem is from yesterday
for ~24 in music_cog.py, the one that says: return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']}, im getting an error that says: SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not str; perhaps you missed a comma? return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']} Does anybody know what the problem is?
return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']} change from this to this return {'source': info['formats'][0]['url'], 'title': info['title']}
I did everything the right way and I also tried it with your Code from Github but it´s constantly reportig an error with my token saying that a NoneType Obejct can´t be stripped, could you help me? I already tried to "SET TOKEN=token" and to SET TOKEN = str(token) but it does not work and keeps blowing up
@Computeshorts, could u help me pls. i have the problems like: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandRegistrationError: The alias play is already an existing command or alias.
U already ran a program and that program registered the command now it's trying to over lap it so it's causing the error u can understand unregsiter the command first and then the program u can use
SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not str; perhaps you missed a comma? return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']] ,'title':info['title']}
Hello Computeshorts I have one problem after starting a bot can you help me please? Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:/Users/Пользователь/Desktop/питон/Juzou.py", line 4, in from music_cog import music_cog File "c:\Users\Пользователь\Desktop\питон\music_cog.py", line 100 self.is_playing = True ^ TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
This will be down to your indents. Make sure that you are using spaces all throughout the file and no tabs. If you're using vs code you can co figure your tabs to be spaces.
Somehow my token is detected as a NoneType instead of a string. I get this error message: File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 609, in login raise TypeError(f'expected token to be a str, received {token.__class__.__name__} instead') TypeError: expected token to be a str, received NoneType instead Does someone know how to fix this?
PS E:\dis bot> python main.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\dis bot\main.py", line 6, in from music_cog import music_cog File "E:\dis bot\music_cog.py", line 5, in from youtube_dl import RUclipsDL ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'youtube_dl' i have installed RUclipsDL, please can you explain why is this happening ?
@ye2341 13 days ago if anyone is still working with this tutorial: at first: youtube_dl has been discontinued so your next best choice is yt_dlp which is a "newer" version of yt_dl. additionally: in the 'search_yt' function - in the return statement - remove the following: "['formats'][0]" - leaving only "return{'source': info['url'], ...}" this is caused by a change in the JSON data by yt_dlp. hope this helps.
Hii, i used your code and everything works fine, but when i type the function /play the bot doesnt play the right video, it just plays a random video, and idk why. Anyone has this error?
This is usually caused when you aren't running python in the same directory as your files. Can be solved by either having all the files in the same directory and running python from there or by appending the folder with the music_cog to the path. You can read in more detail here stackoverflow.com/a/24722419/7175167
I still have : discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: DownloadError: ERROR: y58JkIC1sJE: RUclips said: Unable to extract video data I already tried to upgrade/reinstall youtube-dl but didn't work... Someone have a solution?
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Temp\music_bot-main\main.py", line 9, in bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/') TypeError: BotBase.__init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'intents' how can i resolve this issue
After some messing around with the code this seems to work, you have to run the add cog statement with asynico and as a function. import discord import asyncio from discord.ext import commands from config.settings import DISCORD_TOKEN from utils.music_cog import setup as music #for cleanness my cogs are under a file called utils which is why there is a utils. at the start if they #are in the same folder this is unnecessary and u can just use the name from utils.help_cog import setup as help intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True intents.members = True bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='£', intents=intents) # used £ as I don't like / cos all the other / commands appear (make sure not to copy # this if ur trying to u / to test the bot bot.remove_command('help') asyncio.run(music(bot)) asyncio.run(help(bot)) bot.run(DISCORD_TOKEN) # This is just a different way of importing the token, the token string works here just fine In addition you need to add this to each cog file OUTSIDE the class above or below works async def setup(bot): await bot.add_cog(music_cog#(bot)) - this for the music_cog.py async def setup(bot): await bot.add_cog(help_cog(bot)) - this is for the help_cog.py However, I still run into an issue when running the play command where it doesn't play the song
Hi @Computeshorts - I've followed this guide and successfully recreated the bot. However, I have one issue - the files are being saved and this is rapidly filling storage - how do I fix this?
Hello , can anyone help me with the error ``` RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'BotBase.add_cog' was never awaited bot.add_cog(help_cog(bot)) ``` and the same error for music_cog
Hi, I am encountering an error that shouldn't be happening since you had the exact same code in the line SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not str; perhaps you missed a comma? return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']}
when i try to run mine it says "S D:\Discord bots\Meerkat music bot> & C:/Users/Jonathan/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/python.exe "d:/Discord bots/Meerkat music bot/musicbot/main.py" Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\Discord bots\Meerkat music bot\musicbot\main.py", line 9, in bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="/") TypeError: BotBase.__init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'intents'
Can you help me? When I want to run it with: python main.py File "c:\Users\ASUS\main.py", line 7, in from music_cog import music_cog ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'music_cog'How can I find a solution thank you, im so beginner
Basically I originally did this in Replit and it came with an ffmpeg error and i tried the PATH thing but that didn't work so I moved to Pycharm and I keep getting: raise CommandInvokeError(exc) from exc discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: RuntimeError: PyNaCl library needed in order to use voice So i'm not sure what to do at this point, can anyone help? *EDIT* i fixed the issue but the sound quality is kinda low HOWEVER i appreciate you making this video
@@robbie8545 Basically, if you're using pycharm, what i did was type 'import PyNaCl' and when there was a red line under it i clicked on it and it came up with some fix options and i clicked 'import PyNaCl'
Let me know what other features you'd like to see or if you encounter any problems 😉
do you think youll add it where you can use playlist links to add songs
I am not really sure how to do this yet. But I'll give it a go. 😉
i was having issues in the skip command where it was playing the last song in queue and was clearing the rest of the queue. I switched calling the play_music function to play_next function and it seems like it works
@@GBTraffyHQ I'll have a look into it thanks.
It works! But the audio is low quality (kind of earrape, not clean), i tried setting 'bestaudio/best' in YDL_OPTIONS but it remained the same, any suggestions?
if anyone is still working with this tutorial:
at first: youtube_dl has been discontinued so your next best choice is yt_dlp which is a "newer" version of yt_dl.
additionally: in the 'search_yt' function - in the return statement - remove the following: "['formats'][0]" - leaving only "return{'source': info['url'], ...}"
this is caused by a change in the JSON data by yt_dlp.
hope this helps.
Any thoughts on quality? It's really bad despite 'bestaudio' setting
@@Tribal260 sadly I am not really familiar with the topic. You can specify the format type (e.g. mp3) in the config. The default is .opus as far as i know. I am not sure if a change helps, audio encoding is a topic i am not familiar with at all.
Your comment help me to run my bot but I cannot use command
I got this message
2023-10-22 03:48:33 ERROR discord.ext.commands.bot Ignoring exception in command None
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "play" is not found
2023-10-22 03:51:36 ERROR discord.ext.commands.bot Ignoring exception in command None
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "p" is not found
how to solve this?
hello , was looking for your comment , I recently started this project but from a different prospective , my bot is having issues playing as my FFmpeg and FFprobe location cant be traced my code , even though they are added in path and downloaded properly , and providing a path and then running the code still doesnt make my bot play music , anything would be helpful.
@@devbisht8200 are you importing ffmpeg correctly in your code?
the cogs have a new update.. can u make tutorial video for setup the cogs ?
did you solve the problem?
Thank you my friend, you saved me a lot, save from Brazil!!
save from Brazil !
@@czr9183 save from Brazil!
the bot is entering the channel however there is no sound playing what to do ? in the terminal there r no errors and it's downloading the info I copied your source code too
None of the commands are getting picked up :( Can someone help?
need to give one extra tab of space for everything starting from @commands.comand
Cannot import name 'help_cog' from 'help_cog' error. Plz help
same did you find a solution?
You must have a file with an incorrect name or in the incorrect location
The same you must in help cog replace help cog(commands.cog) with (commands.Cog)
How do I upload the bot to a hosting with FFmpeg included?
Are there any other bots that you'd like me to make?
Giving role bot
Like MEE6
@@genoses5174 will do 😉
@@Computeshorts thanks sm
Can u make a brief explanation about it also
Your channel is really underrated, though I would understand that it might be hard for beginners to understand most of the code as you don't really explain it. But making a discord bot is also not a very beginner friendly thing so there's that.
My first python project was discord bot lmao
Hi guys. I have a problem. I have made everythink identical to the video my bot even starts, but the problem is that he doesn`t response me when i am trying to use any of command, idk why
I copied everything word to word but for some reason my bot just doesnt play audio. Can anyone help me with this please.
The bot for some reason stops the music half-way through the song. Any ideas why?
can't open file '*insert directory here': [Errno 2] No such file or directory please help
ImportError: cannot import name 'help' from 'help'
please help me
I did everything correct, no error, the bot joins, the commands work , but i don't hear any sound when he says he is playing
Seems to be a common issue. Did you make sure that you have the path to ffmpeg in your environment variables?
@@Computeshorts idk i tried to do your command set Path= %% but It didnt work It only took part of my disk space and songs werent playing
@@EasyKey6612 are you using node version 16 or above?
@@Computeshorts wdym by node?, Sorry but im a beginneer on those things, node js?
@@EasyKey6612 some packages might not fully work unless you have the latest version of node. This is especially true with yourube dl and discordjs since they are constantly changing.
Bro, could you help me? Every time I write the command to play this error appears:
Ignoring exception in command None:
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "play" is not found. The only command that works is help, I've tried to change some things but it didn't help
@@psyphwastaken is "play", "p" is an alias
Hey did you manage to solve this issue ?
@@Panda_-4100 hey,did u solve the issue?
@commands.command(name="play", help="Play the selected song from yt", aliases=["p"])
it should be like this.
when you declare name as "play" (name="play") it will become an alias. so you can not use in aliases again.
it was happening due to tab space error , all @commands must come under the class music_cog
I really enjoy your channel and you are a good teacher. I might have missed sotNice tutorialng and I don't get friends with the setuper. I worked
Hello, I got everything to work except no audio will play when the bot is connected in VC. It successfully finds the video's URL and they are skippable, can be queued, and all songs queued show up in the list. I used some comments here to work around the changes to youtube_dl and also implemented the new Cog update, as well as referencing your github. I think it may be an issue with ffmpeg but I cant seem to sort it out. Any help would be appreciated.
I resolved the issue, It was an issue with how I was using "self.vc.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio.....". I wasn't using the right format since ffMped must've gotten a formatting update since this video was made.
Hey, I'm having the same issue as you here but I'm having trouble finding the updated format for FFmpeg to test and see if that fixes it. Any chance you could let me know what you changed that fixed the issue for you? @@spikeydavid
what if someone attempt to run 'play' while someone else is using it?
I can't use any command like /p (music link) but don't have anything happen in terminal and discord how can i fix this i have no error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Dylan\Desktop\YouBot\YouBot\main.py", line 7, in
from music_cog import music_cog
File "C:\Users\Dylan\Desktop\YouBot\YouBot\music_cog.py", line 95
self.is_playing = False
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
This error message is indicating that there is an issue with the indentation of your code. In Python, indentation is used to denote the level of code blocks, such as loops and conditional statements. The error message specifically says that there is inconsistent use of tabs and spaces, which means that you may have mixed tabs and spaces in your code. To fix this error, you should ensure that you are using either tabs or spaces consistently for indentation throughout your code. It's generally recommended to use four spaces for indentation in Python. In this case, the error is occurring in line 95 of the file "music_cog.py". You should check the indentation of this line and make sure that it is consistent with the rest of your code. You may need to convert any tabs to spaces or vice versa to ensure consistency. Once you have fixed the indentation issue, you should be able to run your code without this error.
Yo theres this silly little thing called reading, do it.
The bot does not even react to any command. What did i do wrong? (The bot is online and i don't get any errors)
same issue here
please help
@@brianhsu6594 you decided this problem? idk what to do
I have a problem with the song is stopped while 1 minute (srry i dont speak english)
Hi, I downloaded everything
I changed the token and added intents but...
/p and /play doesn't work
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "p" is not found
Hey did you manage to solve this issue ?
@@Panda_-4100 nope
ImportError: cannot import name 'help' from 'help' (C:\Users\USER1\Desktop\Discord Bot\help.py)
How can I fix this?
I have been trying to figure out this error for HOURS. I'm stumped, so reaching out. When I try and run 'python main.py' I get an error "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'" directed towards the line in the main file 'bot.run(os.getenv("TOKEN"))'
I have used the SET TOKEN=x and nothing seems to happen when I press enter, either.
Try to run "echo %TOKEN%" to make sure that the environment variables has been set correctly. Also make sure you are not running this in powershell.
just do bot.run("token here, just the raw token in quotes")
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'music.play_next' was never awaited
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Im getting this error and have no idea how to fix it, ive asked around the python community and still cannot find an answer... any ideas?
same stilll awtiing on answer here :(
same porblem
how would i make a now_playing command and a loop command?
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'youtube_dl', helppp
That command of RUclips's A.P.I. is no longer in service, due to copyright Terms-of-Service by RUclips.
clips. I use a drum loop and afterwards I want to record a appguitar. What happens.. the drumloop starts to record again along the
A little bit Late, but I got the Error
"Unrecognized option 'reconnect'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found", I tried the set path you said in the end, but it deosn't seem to work, I get the error message "
The naming "C:\ffmpeg\bin" was not used as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program
recognized." (The Error Message is translated) when using it. I used the same place of the ffmpeg he did.
This tutorial wont work with cogs anymore, they got an update
cogs need to be awaited and other stuff, just try doing it in a single file without cogs
Hello there, is there any premade version which works with replit?
how to create a bot with order of arrival queue command on discord with the intention of playing with my followers and ordering them by queue?
Hey im having this error when trying to run the code. (I copied exactly your code and entered my token)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 7, in
from music_cog import music_cog
File "/home/runner/BeneficialDiligentComputergame/music_cog.py", line 100
self.is_playing = True
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
You just had bad indents
how can i define the music being over. i wanna do something like; if the music is over, leave the voice channel.
I followed your code and it shows me this error, help?
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "play" is not found
@Jorge Coutinho nope :(
Discord keeps changing their syntaxes and these tutorials are not keeping up to them
Hi I am now trying to use your code, it is working (it shows those help commands and it replies song added to the queue when i say play something, but somehow the bot does not join the channel so no song is played. I really don't know why. I've been struggled with this for days...
Do you gey any errors in the console?
i dont get any feedback in the console, and my bot isn't joining the channel either
edit: if you also have the on_message command in your bot it will interfere, but that doesn't seem to be the issue you're facing
you need to add two lines in the resume command, in the "pause" function you set is_playing to False and is_paused to True. the resume function should look like that:
if self.is_paused:
self.is_playing = True
self.is_paused = False
thanks for your comment 👏👏
2023-02-03 17:30:29 ERROR discord.ext.commands.bot Ignoring exception in command None
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "help" is not found when i run it. what should i do?
u decided this problem?
@@iamtea9719 unfortunately, i forgot how i fix this ._. the file is in my old laptop
its working but the bot don't join the voice what's worng
I'm not sure why but everything works other than it not playing the actual sound
Same problem
where is the song downloaded to when i use the play command?
I would like to know this too
Can you help me. Everything works but when the its the turn to play the song it shows an error ffmpeg not found
how did you make en entry when you type set path=%% i cant reproduce this for fixing ffmpeg problem.
For me it randomly skips the current song around 1 minute and i can't finish it.
Can someone help me with this problem?
@@spikeydavid I found the solution if you want to know
@@matemoricz2627 please post it, i have the same issue
hey can some tell me how to set the enviroment veriable for the TOKEN in linux
This code doesn't work anymore for anyone who is still working on this project.
is there a setting Called Program*, its default is set to *Agressive TEwNice tutorialch is making that sNice tutorialtty static soft, change that one, once to
i have a problem , i got to your github thingy and copied the full code, and pasted it , and everything is working fine, bot is joining and the commands are working perfectly expect the music is not being played... means i cant hear the sound
Did you make sure that the path to ffmpeg is in your path variables?
@@Computeshorts Also having the same problem and i'm sure ffmpeg is in my variables
@@Computeshorts You mentioned doing this in the video but did not explain where to find the path to ffmpeg or how that would work. Where can we find this ffmpeg path you are talking about? Running:
set path=%path%;c:/ffmpeg/bin
produces an error:
"c:/ffmpeg/bin : The term 'c:/ffmpeg/bin' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct
and try again."
running into this issue any help?
PS C:\Users\GTA\Python tests> python main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\GTA\Python tests\main.py", line 6, in
from music_cog import music_cog
File "C:\Users\GTA\Python tests\music_cog.py", line 7, in
class music_cog(commands.cog):
TypeError: module() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
Why you making the discord bot on the GTA folder 💀
@@onetapmanbbr that’s my initials lol it’s not under gta the game
@@onetapmanbbr XDDDDD
i have the same issue, do you find a solution ?
I'm having a problem with the @commands.command(name = "play", aliases=["p", "playing"] help= "plays the selected song from youtube") bracket number one is highlighted for an issue to do with command decoding
it looks like you missed a comma between the last bracket and 'help' attribute
discord.ext.commands.errors.commandnotfound: Command "play" is not found
My problem please give me any solution for this
This problem is from yesterday
when i download python it just shows some completely different coding thing, is this normal?
for ~24 in music_cog.py, the one that says: return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']}, im getting an error that says:
SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not str; perhaps you missed a comma?
return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']}
Does anybody know what the problem is?
return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']}
change from this to this
return {'source': info['formats'][0]['url'], 'title': info['title']}
I did everything the right way and I also tried it with your Code from Github but it´s constantly reportig an error with my token saying that a NoneType Obejct can´t be stripped, could you help me? I already tried to "SET TOKEN=token" and to SET TOKEN = str(token) but it does not work and keeps blowing up
Honestly just correct it to this, where it says Token here replace that with your bot token.
bot.run("TOKEN HERE")
@@KazeMDProd you saved me, tysm
@@juwx No Problem!
@Computeshorts, could u help me pls. i have the problems like: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandRegistrationError: The alias play is already an existing command or alias.
U already ran a program and that program registered the command now it's trying to over lap it so it's causing the error u can understand unregsiter the command first and then the program u can use
@@neelamsingla5062 It's been over a year, but thanks for the answer anyway)
Anyway to make this bot use slash commands to play pause and queue?
SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not str; perhaps you missed a comma?
return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']] ,'title':info['title']}
do you know the fix?
I receive "TypeError: expected token to be a str, received NoneType instead" after running the code. What should I do next?
I wanna know the solution for this too
Oh and FIY, pulling music from RUclips is actually illegal, but I wouldn't worry about it if it's just a personal bot or if it's in a small server.
Yeah I should've mentioned that. Thanks I'll add it to the description.
wrong, its not illegal, its against youtubes TOS, which isnt the same thing
Hello Computeshorts I have one problem after starting a bot can you help me please? Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:/Users/Пользователь/Desktop/питон/Juzou.py", line 4, in
from music_cog import music_cog
File "c:\Users\Пользователь\Desktop\питон\music_cog.py", line 100
self.is_playing = True
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
This will be down to your indents. Make sure that you are using spaces all throughout the file and no tabs. If you're using vs code you can co figure your tabs to be spaces.
Somehow my token is detected as a NoneType instead of a string. I get this error message:
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 609, in login
raise TypeError(f'expected token to be a str, received {token.__class__.__name__} instead')
TypeError: expected token to be a str, received NoneType instead
Does someone know how to fix this?
i got the same problem
it is what it said, pass the argument as the token value but in str
cool, so It would seem that this is way out of date now since everything has switched over to using intents.
it give me the Error
ImportError: cannot import name 'help_cog' from 'help_cog'
how can i solve it?
In main.py Line 6
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/') is whats screwing me up now
PS E:\dis bot> python main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\dis bot\main.py", line 6, in
from music_cog import music_cog
File "E:\dis bot\music_cog.py", line 5, in
from youtube_dl import RUclipsDL
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'youtube_dl'
i have installed RUclipsDL, please can you explain why is this happening ?
13 days ago
if anyone is still working with this tutorial:
at first: youtube_dl has been discontinued so your next best choice is yt_dlp which is a "newer" version of yt_dl.
additionally: in the 'search_yt' function - in the return statement - remove the following: "['formats'][0]" - leaving only "return{'source': info['url'], ...}"
this is caused by a change in the JSON data by yt_dlp.
hope this helps.
Hii, i used your code and everything works fine, but when i type the function /play the bot doesnt play the right video, it just plays a random video, and idk why. Anyone has this error?
Getting a import error
ImportError: cannot import name 'music_cog' from 'music_cog'
Curious if you would know a fix? Thanks
This is usually caused when you aren't running python in the same directory as your files. Can be solved by either having all the files in the same directory and running python from there or by appending the folder with the music_cog to the path. You can read in more detail here stackoverflow.com/a/24722419/7175167
yo fraser did u fix the issue?
@@vexic2642 not that I remember. I can give the video another shot if I got a minute and let you know.
bro can you make a vid to teach use docker with your image
hello... i have a little problems with cogs... i need to install something for using cogs?
pycharm do not recognize cogs
do you have a discord server cause i would love to learn more on how to code with other softwere engineers and find all of my mistakes
I still have :
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: DownloadError: ERROR: y58JkIC1sJE: RUclips said: Unable to extract video data
I already tried to upgrade/reinstall youtube-dl but didn't work...
Someone have a solution?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Temp\music_bot-main\main.py", line 9, in
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/')
TypeError: BotBase.__init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'intents'
how can i resolve this issue
Try to add this:
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/', intents=intents, help_command=None)
Now discord requires intents, so your line should look like this.
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/', intents=discord.Intents.default())
@@estebanjones2741 where do i add the bot.start code?
solve with this code: bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())
I'm just seeing your comments. Everything is okay ?
how to make it play music from spotify too!
love the video and it works perfectly thank you
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
please help
same problem
After some messing around with the code this seems to work, you have to run the add cog statement with asynico and as a function.
import discord
import asyncio
from discord.ext import commands
from config.settings import DISCORD_TOKEN
from utils.music_cog import setup as music #for cleanness my cogs are under a file called utils which is why there is a utils. at the start if they #are in the same folder this is unnecessary and u can just use the name
from utils.help_cog import setup as help
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='£', intents=intents) # used £ as I don't like / cos all the other / commands appear (make sure not to copy # this if ur trying to u / to test the bot
bot.run(DISCORD_TOKEN) # This is just a different way of importing the token, the token string works here just fine
In addition you need to add this to each cog file OUTSIDE the class above or below works
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(music_cog#(bot)) - this for the music_cog.py
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(help_cog(bot)) - this is for the help_cog.py
However, I still run into an issue when running the play command where it doesn't play the song
It worked great for 2 months, now it can't play anything and the console shows: "Unable to extract uploader id". Any ideas on how to fix that?
RUclips API update broke youtube_dl, which hasn't been updated in a while. You should be able to use the branch yt_dlp instead
@@Dealve could you please help me with that good sir / mam ?
if you could point me to a resource such as a video that would be of great help.
whats the new youtube dl
Hi @Computeshorts - I've followed this guide and successfully recreated the bot. However, I have one issue - the files are being saved and this is rapidly filling storage - how do I fix this?
I suggest adding some code to delete the song you just played in the play_next function.
@@Computeshorts thank you
Hey, where do you find the files. And have you made some code to fix this?
@@Computeshorts Have you made the code for this? I'm a beginner and I can't figure it out haha.
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "help" is not found
please help m8
why the bot don't join in the vc
Hello , can anyone help me with the error
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'BotBase.add_cog' was never awaited
and the same error for music_cog
Try this:
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(YourCog(bot))
@@Sayanaraa wahkt do i put for yourcog
Hi, I am encountering an error that shouldn't be happening since you had the exact same code in the line
SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not str; perhaps you missed a comma?
return {'source': info['formats'[0]['url']], 'title': info['title']}
it should be
return {'source': info['formats'][0]['url'], 'title': info['title']}
when i try to run mine it says "S D:\Discord bots\Meerkat music bot> & C:/Users/Jonathan/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/python.exe "d:/Discord bots/Meerkat music bot/musicbot/main.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\Discord bots\Meerkat music bot\musicbot\main.py", line 9, in
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="/")
TypeError: BotBase.__init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'intents'
did you find the solution?
my code dont recognizes the commands from the cog
Can you help me? When I want to run it with: python main.py
File "c:\Users\ASUS\main.py", line 7, in
from music_cog import music_cog
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'music_cog'How can I find a solution thank you, im so beginner
You just need to place files in one folder
Hello..can u make me a music streaming BOT? For Spotify, Boomplay and RUclips Music. ? ..reply ASAP
its giving this error:
Hey did you manage to solve this issue ?
line 19, in
when I run the command "python main.py" an error appears on line 19,can u help me sir?
TOKEN = 'your token'
it works but not if u put a playlist
"D:\xxxx\Documents\MutanMusic_1\music_bot\main.py", line 3, in
from music import music_cog PLEASE HELP
where can i copy the code?
line 8, in
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="/")
anyone know how to fix this?
awesome tutorial video bro, but how can i get just the name of song without search for url
It does work. You don't necessarily need to give it a url.
Basically I originally did this in Replit and it came with an ffmpeg error and i tried the PATH thing but that didn't work so I moved to Pycharm and I keep getting:
raise CommandInvokeError(exc) from exc
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: RuntimeError: PyNaCl library needed in order to use voice
So i'm not sure what to do at this point, can anyone help?
i fixed the issue but the sound quality is kinda low HOWEVER i appreciate you making this video
May I ask, how you were able to fix this issue? I am currently going through the same issue
@@robbie8545 Basically, if you're using pycharm, what i did was type 'import PyNaCl' and when there was a red line under it i clicked on it and it came up with some fix options and i clicked 'import PyNaCl'
hi! does this still work?
Thanks mate, very helpful