1 Tip for All Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
  • A relatively short video talking about bite-sized tips when fighting monsters in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Monsters included in the video are monsters that are present when the Sunbreak expansion first came out, additional monsters that are introduced are not included in this video but may be included in a future video.
    Monsters in this video include all monster pre version 11 (Lucent Narga Update).
    00:05 Great Izuchi
    00:19 Arzuros
    00:33 Great Baggi
    00:52 Lagombi
    01:04 Aknosom
    01:12 Tetranadon
    01:25 Kulu-Ya-Ku
    01:36 Barroth
    01:52 Great Wroggi
    02:07 Royal Ludroth
    02:27 Khezu
    02:40 Bishaten
    03:02 Somnacanth
    03:13 Barioth
    03:25 Rathian
    03:34 Tobi-Kadachi
    03:52 Volvidon
    04:10 Basarios
    04:26 Pukei-Pukei
    04:37 Anjanath
    04:48 Magnamalo
    05:12 Nargacuga
    05:25 Zinogre
    05:37 Mizutsune
    06:00 Rathalos
    06:12 Almudron
    06:32 Goss Harag
    06:43 Tigrex
    06:52 Diablos
    07:13 Jyuratodus
    07:24 Rakna-Kadaki
    07:48 Rajang
    08:04 Bazelgeuse
    08:25 Kushala Daora
    08:44 Teostra
    09:06 Chameleos
    09:29 Wind Serpent Ibushi
    09:52 Thunder Serpent Narwa
    10:06 Narwa the Allmother
    10:37 Crimson Glow Valstrax
    11:01 Daimyo Hermitaur
    11:44 Blood Orange Bishaten
    12:03 Aurora Somnacanth
    12:26 Garangolm
    12:48 Shogun Ceanataur
    13:18 Magma Almudron
    13:33 Lunagaron
    13:56 Astalos
    14:37 Espinas
    15:02 Seregios
    15:23 Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
    15:49 Malzeno
    16:26 Gore Magala
    16:44 Shagaru Magala
    17:25 Furios Rajang
    17:51 Scorned Magnamalo
    18:33 SPOILER! Final Monster
    #monsterhunter #monsterhunterrise #monsterhunterrisesunbreak #mhrise #mhrisesunbreak #mhriseサンブレイク #mhr #mhrs #mhrsb #mhrsunbreak #mhrisesb #mhrisepc #gameplaytips #gaming #games #arzuros #kuluyaku #barroth #khezu #barioth #rathian #tobikadachi #magnamalo #nargacuga #zinogre #anjanath #mizutsune #rathalos #gossharag #tigrex #diablos #rajang #bazelgeuse #kushala #kushaladaora #chameleos #ibushi #narwa #valstrax #astalos #espinas #seregios #malzeno #goremagala

Комментарии • 109

  • @Izanagi_
    @Izanagi_  2 года назад +13

    Hey everyone, just a little update here. As a channel with only a few videos and subscribers, I didn't expect this video to blow up as it did. So, thank you for all of you who watched this video. I want to make an update to this video since the new update has released but thinking about it, I think it is best to hold out to that since the next and the following title updates of the game will include new monsters. But, I am updating some revisions/additions to the tips on top of the tips on the video right here, mostly from the comments that you left or some of the details that I missed while recording this video. Again, thanks for watching.
    Lagombi: A lot of you mentioned that Sonic Bombs are effective against Lagombi. Yes, Sonic Bombs can topple Lagombi since they are sensitive to sounds but only when they are not enraged.
    Kulu-Ya-Ku: Flash Bombs make Kulu-Ya-Ku throw their rocks or whatever they are carrying.
    Nargacuga: They have the same property as what I mentioned with Barioth, destroying their hands will make them slip when they reposition with their jumps, which will lead to more openings. Also, Nargacuga can destroy pitfall traps, so use shock traps instead.
    Mizutsune: Getting hit by 1 bubble is okay since bubbleblight actually has two severity. Minor bubbleblight only makes your hunter slippery (but not animation locking) like in every other game when their characters' run on ice. Major bubbleblight is inflicted when you get hit by more than 1 bubbles and its effect is that you will be slipping with every move you do. What I'm referring in the video is the Major Bubbleblight.
    Rathalos: Rathalos can only fall 3 times from the sky when blinded by Flash Bombs (tested in Master Rank so IDK if this is Master Rank only or not).
    Rakna-Kadaki: You can cut the strings that connects the Rakna-Kadaki to the offsprings that they throw which will topple the Rakna-Kadaki.
    Teostra: Teostra apparently has two modes which switches fire/blast and is switched when they roar. Their attacks will leave different type of attacks even though they have the same animation. Most notably the fire breath that they spew in front of them. In fire mode, the fire breath will spew a long ranged fire in a cone. But in blast mode, they will leave blast orbs that explodes in a delay instead.
    Narwa the Allmother: The big wind-up attack mentioned in the video can be abused by going into the middle and attacking Narwa while in the middle. The middle is only accessible when the thunder ball already explodes.
    Crimson Glow Valstrax: If you somehow cancel Valstrax's big laser attack, they will do the laser attack again.
    Daimyo Hermitaur & Shogun Ceanataur: Very weak to Thunder element, I find them the weakest to thunder since CB thunder element phials can deal a lot of damage to them (last time it's like 800 per phial or something along those lines).
    Lunagaron: Has a guaranteed stun attack similar to Apex Arzuros.
    Astalos: I know this may seem like griefing, but charging the Astalos may be a good strategy. The Astalos can be charged using the Shock Trap. By doing so, the Astalos will be charged and is weaker to attacks since the parts are softer due to the charging effect.
    Seregios: While they are really weak to Exhaust, pulling out Exhaust weapons (like Exhaust Phial Switch Axe) is not better than Thunder weapons. I tested this out with my friend using 2 Exhaust Switch Axes, the Seregios just got Exhausted 1 time before the hunt is over. Maybe it is better using bowgun Exhaust ammo, or when against Afflicted Seregios, but I still just recommend using the Thunder element against them.
    Gore & Shagaru Magala: Frenzy virus is lifted depending on the amount of hits you do to any monster. The amount of hits are relative to the weapon you are using, heavier attacking weapons will only need a few amount while faster attacking weapons need a lot more. Also, yes, Antidobra straight up skips the process and gives you affinity instead. This doesn't work on Palicoes' cleansing skill, they only work like nulberries.
    Scroned Magnamalo: They have two types of rage mode, Normal Rage and Dragon Rage (as I like to call it). Normal Rage is similar to normal Magnamalo where the tail beam attack will shoot out two times. The ground lift attack exclusive to Scorned Magnamalo is still shot only one time in this normal Rage mode. In Dragon Rage mode, the tail beam and the ground lift attack will shoot out additional instance of attack, especially with the tail beam attack where it deals a new type of attack which also inflicts Dragonblight.

    • @nightowlrally
      @nightowlrally 2 года назад +1

      Congrats on your video blowin up! As someone with a handful of subs and vids myself, I think it's awesome to see work paying off :D

    • @Parakitor
      @Parakitor 2 года назад +1

      Awesome video, and great additional information here!

  • @thelordcthulhu3684
    @thelordcthulhu3684 2 года назад +107

    For the allmother long attack, youre actually missing out on a lot of free damage here. Once the large energy ball in the middle explodes you can wirebug in between the moving pillars to go underneath narwa. Here you can attack her during the rest of her attack. So definetly dont go back to camp but make use of the opening!

    • @Izanagi_
      @Izanagi_  2 года назад +27

      Hi! Thanks for watching the video and commenting. Yes, I actually just realized this fact after I am finishing this video. That being said, I think and believe the fact that you just said have high risk to execute it, so I'd rather tell the tips that I suggested to prevent you from fainting, which can lead to failing the hunt. Let's just say I just wanted some more casual players to get the grasp of the game further. Of course, your tip is very much appreciate especially for more experienced players. Again, thanks for the input.

    • @lainling
      @lainling 2 года назад +16

      @@Izanagi_ Even if you fail to get through and get knocked back by the pillars, if you simply stay on the ground the vacuum effect will pull you safely into the center.

    • @ewy4010
      @ewy4010 2 года назад +4

      Some tips for this opening, use Leap of Faith. Basically makes this opening little to no risk ay all

    • @mr.voidroy6869
      @mr.voidroy6869 2 года назад +1

      You can also use a barrel bomb to I frame into the middle of ur not confident in dodging the pillars. Or use leap of faith to do the same.
      The bomb has to blast you in the middle so make sure ur standing at the correct angle as the wing moves you around. The bomb knockback is quite big so you don't have to be super close. But to far away and it won't work. Use a wirebug to close the gap. Mid range is where this is useful. The bomb has the advantage of I framing the explosion. To maximize ur uptime on the opening.

    • @GandhiTheGodOfWar
      @GandhiTheGodOfWar 2 года назад +4

      To avoid the pillars entirely, chain wirebugs over the pillars as they aren't infinitely tall.

  • @hubz900
    @hubz900 2 года назад +48

    A few more tips who haven't already been said in the comments :
    Spiders : you can cut the strings they use to move around for a topple
    Magalas : using an antidobra will instantly clear the frenzy and give you the afinity buff
    Teostra : he has two modes, fire and blast, meaning his moveset is limited to whichever mode is currently active. He won't use his fire breath in blast mode and won't create explosions in fire mode

    • @TheHikariOne
      @TheHikariOne 2 года назад +3

      What! That's insane; I didn't know that about Antidobras XD

    • @ululuku6873
      @ululuku6873 2 года назад +1

      Wait you can cut Rakna Kadakis strings???

    • @LloydTheZephyrian
      @LloydTheZephyrian 2 года назад +3

      Iirc, Teostra's Supernova is on a consistent timer.

    • @nosebleedprince425
      @nosebleedprince425 2 года назад

      @@ululuku6873 when rakna kadaki throw its offspring to position itself, you can cut the thread to stop it from moving and give you some window to attack it

    • @laythalsibai9848
      @laythalsibai9848 2 года назад

      Now these are tips I never knew about, I swear some of these tips feel so lazy I never knew that u could topple spiders with the webs and that’s actually useful!

  • @SirBanana1992
    @SirBanana1992 2 года назад +24

    Consider Stun resistance, the lunging scisor claw attack lands an autostun which lunagaron follows up with another if caught (much like Goss Harag) and you will typically not have enough time to break out of stun. Additionally, if your teammate is stunned, DO NOT unstun them with a melee attack. You are risking becoming a target of the same attack by the time you make it there and possibly becoming a double casualty (legit happened to us before). Instead use lifepowders or dusts of life so they can take the followup attack and survive.

    • @manusiabumi7673
      @manusiabumi7673 2 года назад +2

      Really? I always use stun resistance since high rank so i thought the lunging claw is just a normal high damage attack

    • @SirBanana1992
      @SirBanana1992 2 года назад +1

      @@manusiabumi7673 At least this was my experience twice in a row, which is why I put Stun resistance higher in my lvl 1 skill priority list and haven't taken it off since. Also because I remember not having taken any hit prior to the lunging claw that would imply an overhit stun.

  • @hennyzhi2261
    @hennyzhi2261 2 года назад +20

    A general tip for Master Rank that I think is worth giving: if your unfamiliar with a monster do it solo a few times and purposefully attack less. Just watch what it does and count the number of attacks enough to know how many moves it does if it's un-enrage or enraged. The general theme of the difficulty is that the combo strings are longer, especially when they are angry. So countering or dodging one attack is a rarity. I've had to practice this more since I use lance's insta-guard and Anchor Rage to get through fights and often those combos will even have different timing intervals mid-string. But man, is it satisfying to chain them all perfectly into a final Anchor Rage hit. I still get goosebumps after finally getting how Valstraxs new laser attack works. I think many other weapons have that spark, but you now more than ever have to think in multiple steps before you get your payoffs.

    • @thecanadiandane7262
      @thecanadiandane7262 2 года назад +2

      Ah, the old world method, tried and true

    • @Calekoflight
      @Calekoflight 2 года назад

      Everything has a follow up. If it doesn't, it will when it's enraged. If it did have a follow up, it will have another follow up when enraged...

    • @hennyzhi2261
      @hennyzhi2261 2 года назад

      @@Calekoflight And some things aren't even safe on parry or counter hit like with many of Aurora's moves that end in an ice shockwave.

    • @Calekoflight
      @Calekoflight 2 года назад

      @@hennyzhi2261 Oh...the follow up to the follow up to the follow up? Then the lingering explosion?

    • @hennyzhi2261
      @hennyzhi2261 2 года назад

      @@Calekoflight Yeah, and I could be wrong if some weapons have better options without evade window. I've only fought it a handful of times with Lance and GS.

  • @ululuku6873
    @ululuku6873 2 года назад +2

    Great Tips even after 500h I still learn new details, keep up the good work

  • @nonenoninomae
    @nonenoninomae 2 года назад +16

    My tip: Don't use the Bugs when you reached the ground after you receibe an attack. They can't Hurt you on the ground. Use it only if they are gonna attack you midair like Kushala or Rajang.

  • @f3fnir
    @f3fnir 2 года назад +2

    Actual tip for scorned magnamalo: it'll always start the fight with a dive bomb, so before it notices you, set a trap (not too far from it) and stand in front of it (throw a kunai at magna to begin the fight and triggee the attack). This way, when it runs towards you, not only will you cancel its attack, you can also get a ton of damage in!

  • @radiogobrrrrrrr1949
    @radiogobrrrrrrr1949 2 года назад +4

    A strategy I use against Malzeno, use trap bugs in his Bloodening form, place down the bugs whenever he teleports as he’ll instead hit them and flinch, this is due to him not actually teleporting, but just moving at the speed of sound

  • @mr.voidroy6869
    @mr.voidroy6869 2 года назад +14

    Some additional tips you didn't mention that I found. If you notice more that I didn't mention reply below.
    Kulu ku:
    flash bomb and barrel bombs are amazing ways to deal with his rocks. Tossing a barrel bomb usually breaks the rock or putting down a large bomb when he hits it guarantees a knockdown. Flash bombs don't knock him down but it does make him drop his rock if u are having trouble breaking it. I recommend tossing barrel bombs if u don't have a blunt weapon.
    Volvodon: bring dedoriant to remove the healing debuff. Or immunizer or some sort of passive blight recovery.
    Puki: bring bait so it eats it instead of plants for it's poison phase. Don't bring poison bait however.
    Magnamalo: you can abuse the hellfire blight attacks. Attacks that use the grapple to move around like slide beat or the switch axe charge one or using normal wirefall drops a hellfire fog. If magnamalo hits it or you hit it it guarantees a special topple. Or use hellfire resis deco.
    Mitzune: consider using bubble dance to make bubbleblight a benefit. Or consider using immunizer or use quick breath
    Rajang: you can use items while grabbed. Using a flash bomb a barrel bomb or dung bomb makes him drop you. This is nice when u have no wirebugs.
    Red crab: you can use a sonic bomb to stop it from doing the turtle guard move. Imo it's better to just focus on the shell here but if u have a cutting weapon this is a better option. You can also sonic bomb it's dig but you need to hit it after it dug but before it moves. Timing is tight so I don't recommend it. A safer strat is to use a trap or barrel bomb to knock it out as it's moving towards it. If you abuse thunder you can stunlock it if you hit the head. See surge slash GS speedruns when they just bully the crab for 2 mins.
    Blue crab: same tips as red one. But it doesn't use the turtle attack so bombs do nothing. If ur using a slash weapon I'd still recommend breaking it assuming you don't bounce but only when it is stunned as it's most annoying attack triggers when you are behind it. Another tip with bleed is to bring great fish or you can bring a sushi fish for faster eat times. Great fish heals ur red bar, cures bleed, and gives passive health Regen. Immunizer is the fastest way to get rid of bleed and give tiny health passive health Regen. But doesn't heal you. Alternatively just crouch for a couple of seconds and ur fine. Destroying the pincers does affect the bleeding. It doesn't prevent it, but it does weaken it. Imo it isn't worth focusing for. But if ur hitting the head at an angle it can dammage both which is worth it. Imo focus on the skull when you can and attempt to break it. However, don't stand behind it or it does more sweeping attacks that are harder to advoid. Focus on the shell during stuns or knockdowns. A flowchart for this fight is to focus the head for a ko then attack the shell if you can break it. It gives so much dammage it's worth it. After it's broken try to attack it at it's forward side at an angle to hit it's back. If ur using a blunt weapon or pierce or aoe. Attack the shell from a forward angle at all times. If using cutting weapons only focus on the shell when it is really open. Consider using a build with part breaker if using blades.
    Lunagaron: stun resis is more important than any one slot in the game. If he does the forward lunge slash while in frost mode it will stun you 100% of the time and probably kill you. If frostblight is a problem and nullberries don't do the job( it's usually fine) consider using immunizer or quick breath. Stun resis is Mandetory for this fight. and imo it's Mandetory in general. If u choose between quick sharpening and stun resis always choose stun resis. Just hop on ur dog or use a great whitefish. A lot of weapons have counters or super armor but it doesn't negate status build up. So use stun resis.
    Espinas: it takes more dammage while enraged. If not enraged it's weak point is it's legs. While enraged it's his head and tail. Essentially the same as rathalos. Breaking it's head prevents it's status fireball. Or exhaust. If you want status resis. Prioritize paralyze resis. Poison is easy with herbal medicine and fireblight is meh and usually not a big deal if you advoid the fireball. If you don't want any status use para resis, heal poison and use dango immunizer or quick breath. Espinas Is unique because you always start the fight while it's asleep. Consider putting a trap away from the monster and use large bombs with a good wakeup move on its head or wings. A good strat is to use flash bombs or traps to enrage it so you can deal dammage. It's moveset is similar to rathalos but it doesn't fly as much. Instead it charges like tigrex. And is enraged most of the time, so agitator or the skill that makes u do more dammage while afflicted by blight is useful. Fireballs are avoidable by just strafing them and attacking its head from the side. It also loves eating endemic fire para or poison toads. So you can feed it bait before you engage it to prevent it from recharging. Having a dog on follow sometimes block the fireball especially with the umbrella. I always recommend putting dogs on follow with silkbind weapon umbrella is decent but I'd advoid it if ur a gunner. You can also get it to get trip when it charges if u break the arms/wings and legs it will fall over like barroth and it makes it enrage state free dammage.
    Seregos: it's really weak against exhaustion. It has low resis and procs easially. If it flys in the air and shoots the spikes you can dodge it by being in the air and doing the hanging thing. Try to advoid being at long range or it will throw it's spikes. You can prevent this by breaking it's back and cutting it's tail. Breaking it's wings makes it fly less often. If u bleed cure it like shogun crab. You can call ur dog to eat a sushi fish safely. It's moveset is similar to rathalos on the ground so be prepared to dodge the double tail spin. But it lunges when it goes in the air.
    Spiders: bring cleansers to clear the web. Advoid being next to the side that's going to spit fire because it usually will move sideways when it does it. When it does the web fireball cone thing you can wirebug in the air to advoid it if u can weave between them. For fire spider do the same as normal one. Break both legs then focus on the eggsack and go for the head when possible. Prioritize the egg sack when it is changed ( like bigger or something) you could consider using a cat to small first or balanced to kill it's spawn passively if it's overwhelming. Best time to attack its head when it is knocked down as its head extends forward. But I'd focus on webbed legs then eggsack as it's generally easier to hit. But if you are positioned in front and it's toppled go for the head.
    Lastly one general tip with baits vs monsters that run away to eat or eat during a fight: For any monster that runs away to eat stuff or does in a middle of a fight. Consider using bait. It will prioritize bait before anything else. And if you know the monster is going to run to eat. Put bait down before it runs and it will eat it instead of running away.

  • @Virjunior01
    @Virjunior01 2 года назад

    Overall tip for Insect Glaive on nearly all monsters/situations: "Flight."
    If a large attack is incoming but relatively ground-based, "fly" (combination of vaulting and wirebugs) to a wall and stick to it. This is especially good for avoiding Espinas's charge combos, and if you have 3 wirebugs, you can stay in the air avoiding all three attacks by flying over it. IG is the most mobile weapon in MH history, so take advantage of it!

  • @nikitikitavims8835
    @nikitikitavims8835 2 года назад +4

    Sonic bombs and small barrel bombs can flinch lagombi because it has sensitive hearing

  • @stridermochi9556
    @stridermochi9556 2 года назад

    Beautiful video 🔥

  • @hoehere_Gewalt
    @hoehere_Gewalt 2 года назад +2

    Kulu ya ku: Take flashbombs with you. Much quicker than attacking the rock and you get free time to hit the monster

  • @marcbob1111
    @marcbob1111 2 года назад +2

    While I was watching the video, I thought the video had +250k views, then I realized you only have 617 views?
    I don't understand!!
    Good video

  • @pilotbt1617
    @pilotbt1617 2 года назад +4

    Quick tip for charge blade, don't bother spinning the savage axe any longer than the moment you see it spin, it doesn't charge it or make it any stronger

  • @JanusHoW
    @JanusHoW 2 года назад

    Some additions:
    -In fact, _only_ the Hammer and Hunting Horn can break Barroth's scalp. I've peppered the head with Sticky Ammo for an entire hunt, and it didn't break at all. Thankfully, you can get Barroth Scalps/Crowns from carving the body - your chances of getting it is just higher from carving the scalp itself.
    -For Teostra and Kushala, their special auras - Kush's black wind and Teo's aura in fire mode - can be penetrated by Piercing, Piercing Element, Sticky, Slicing, and Wyvern ammo. Thankfully, you can still aim for their heads with other ammo types.
    -For Ibushi, his event quest and Master Rank fights allow you to use the Wyvern Fire Artillery. If it's active when Ibushi does the cannonball/rocks attack, you can fire the cannon at it and take out all of the rocks at once and deal a truckload of damage to him simultaneously.
    -Master Rank Allmother's ultimate attack is a little different from High Rank - before dropping the final massive orb, she creates a bunch of electric rings - one of which is perfectly lined up to hit the gatling gun you're probably manning, punishing anyone who tries to fire on her. Press and hold ZR to guard instead, then start firing once the ring has passed through you.
    -Daimyo's back shell needs to be broken TWICE before you can get the Timeworn Crimson Horn.
    -Garangolm's elemental hands actually have different weaknesses. The green water hand is weak to Thunder and Fire, and the red lava hand is weakest to Water and Ice. However, his weakest point for slashing and impact is actually his head, but you should always aim for the arms if you're a gunner.
    -Breaking Shogun's claws does decrease their reach, and its reach is quite long. Also, it can only use its water cannon attack if it has a Gravios skull as its shell.
    -Magma Almudron's lava-mud platforms don't always explode, but it is a good rule of thumb to avoid them anyway.
    -For Astalos, whenever his crest, wings or tail glow green, they become softer. It seems to be a theme for a lot of monsters that you should attack the glowing parts whenever they are doing so.
    -I suspect that a mix of high Guard and Guard Up would let you safely block the full amount of Gaismagorm's multi-hit beam.

  • @Parakitor
    @Parakitor 2 года назад

    Basarios: while it's "swimming" in the ground, you can use your wirebug to soar over it and throw a (large?) barrel bomb down on top of it which will cause it to get it stuck in the ground, providing an opportunity do deal some heavy damage. It also makes sad noises, which kind of breaks my heart.
    That tip might be widely known, but I thought it was worth sharing. I did not know you could mine its back, so I'm definitely going to try that!

  • @DoubtlessCar0
    @DoubtlessCar0 2 года назад

    I've got my own tips:
    Kulu-ya-ku: if you throw a flash bomb it will stagger and drop it's rock.
    Puki-puki: if you cut off it's tail you can greatly weaken it's tail poison spew move's range.
    Magnamalo: wire dash if you get hellfire blight and you'll leave it behind to deal damage when a monster hits it. The first always topples.
    Ibushi: at the right angle in that orbit move you can actually hit 2 rocks at a time increasing your chances of hitting them all
    Narwa: Narwa will always move to the center of the stage when the wyvern cannon and dragonator are read
    All-Mother: The glowing spot it safe in her dragonator attack so when it explodes dive into the center and be careful because I've often carted after hitting the dragonator twice.
    Garangolm: Sometimes when slamming it's fists it will also drag it's head through the ground which also makes his head a weak point.
    Shogun: When it has the skull shell it can do a water beam from behind.
    Astalos: If you use a shock trap on Astalos it will automatically charge, it's charged head is a weak point so this can be useful especially in speedruns (where I learned this trick).
    Espinas: When it's not enraged go for the legs as they are a weak point letting you get more damage until the rest of the body is weakened.
    Shagaru Magala: Since it has eyes you can use flashbombs to make it fall when flying, but when it goes up into the sky to do the star shape where it summons frenzied beams from the sky it's immune to flashbombs.
    Furious Rajang: When Rajang does that attack where it slams it's fists into the ground and sends out branching electricity on the ground the middle area right in front of it's face actually safe.
    And those are just the ones I've found useful.

  • @old_Deviltounge
    @old_Deviltounge 2 года назад

    another tip for the venom guys, 3 ranks of teostras blessing makes you immune to all forms of poison, it's particularly potent against chamelios, in fact, the three og elder dragons counter each other pretty well.
    back in the old days kushasas wind got nerfed when it was poisoned, now adays he's just very susceptible, flaming espinas weapons turns his hide to butter, they work pretty well with chamelios too. we could use more ailment/element weapons. I'd love a dragon/blast hammer
    also, fun fact; monoblos was the final challenge in monster hunter 1's single player mode, diablos was made for multiplayer, with its two horns hinting to such. later entries removed mono's challenge status, and the copy soon outshined the original.

  • @cracstheidiot6913
    @cracstheidiot6913 2 года назад +2

    lore fact: the reson why monoblos remains are found in newer MH games is because in canon it is going *extinct* which is probably an excuse not to add it to other games given its similarities with diablos

  • @Doomiseverywhere23
    @Doomiseverywhere23 2 года назад +3

    Gore's and Shagaru's frenzy is not dependant on the amount of hits you do, but the motion value associated with that move. After a total of 600 mv inflicted to the monster, frenzy clears. It's the reason why multiple hitting weapons like Bow and Dual Blades don't just immediately clear the effect and Great Sword can clear the effect in 3 attacks (if they are true charged slashes).

  • @Cringe89563
    @Cringe89563 2 года назад +2

    "The scalp can be broken off with weapons like the hunting horn or hammer"
    Lance players shield bashing 90 times be like

    • @Timotheus24
      @Timotheus24 2 года назад

      Shield Charge Slam deal significant blunt damage though

    • @Cringe89563
      @Cringe89563 2 года назад

      @@Timotheus24 decently hard to aim, shield bash is easier to aim and is a counter

    • @Timotheus24
      @Timotheus24 2 года назад

      @@Cringe89563 I dont even have this move in my setup. Good ol' Guard Advance all the way (or Sprint Blocking or whatever they call it these days).

    • @Cringe89563
      @Cringe89563 2 года назад

      @@Timotheus24 try shield bash out, its a very solid counter that moved you forward and leads into poke combo, it comes out very fast too

    • @Timotheus24
      @Timotheus24 2 года назад

      @@Cringe89563 Advancing Thrust got heavily buffed and with Guard Advance I can reposition in every direction without changing the direction I am facing. So no thanks I keep my Guard Advance/Sprint Block.

  • @jasonchung898
    @jasonchung898 2 года назад

    Btw for allmother, you can just throw a small bomb on you so you get knocked over. Also for Rakna Kadaki, you can hit the spiders off her so she can't use certain attacks.

  • @Grimbear13
    @Grimbear13 2 года назад +1

    Actually the crimson horn dropped from daimyio is a Monoblos drop. It's what you got when breaking his horn.

  • @ranielflores2529
    @ranielflores2529 2 года назад +4

    For afflicted, you can get more chance of getting afflicted mats by mining basarios back, not sure about zinogre though

    • @destinystriumph1573
      @destinystriumph1573 2 года назад +1

      Wait- really??? Also, Zin isn't an afflicted yet but it'll probably be a thing when he is (He's the monster I struggle most with in the game tbh so you've saved my sanity. Thank you)

    • @ranielflores2529
      @ranielflores2529 2 года назад

      @@destinystriumph1573 no probs, I discovered it accidentally, trolling my friends by mining every time Basarios falls,

  • @VileDullahan
    @VileDullahan 2 года назад

    To add to some of these:
    Breaking Ceanataurs claws isn't just cosmetic, it also cripples its range on the swipes.
    Lagombi can be briefly stunned with Sonic Bombs whole he slides around, only works when he is NOT enraged.
    Similar to Lagombi, Nargacuga can be toppled with Sonic Bombs by throwing them right when he focuses before he does the two quick pounces.

    • @JanusHoW
      @JanusHoW 2 года назад

      The Sonic Bomb tip only works on Lagombi and Nargacuga when they're not enraged. Monsters that don't have elemental breath attacks will generally huff little clouds of steam from their mouths, while Narga leaves a trail of red streaks from its eyes when it jumps while enraged.

  • @kamarrroxs4176
    @kamarrroxs4176 2 года назад +1

    Hey another cool thing about Chemelos when he does his aoe spray you can hide under his tail.

  • @johndasalty111
    @johndasalty111 2 года назад

    A tip for Zinogre: usually it will pause after doing the paw slams which you can dodge and then retaliate quickly. Also while charging it is very vulnerable.

  • @navianotheking8395
    @navianotheking8395 2 года назад

    For Lagombi: whenever it charges you with the slide forward attack you can use a sonic bomb and that will temporarily leave him dizzy, however it will not work if it is enraged

  • @waxwinged_hound
    @waxwinged_hound 2 года назад +1

    [spoilers for the final story boss]
    You can hide under Gaismagorm itself to shelter from its meteor rain attack in the second phase. Also, if you've never fought him before, pay attention to what Fiorayne says, seriously. She will tell you when you absolutely have to bail.

  • @colinbent743
    @colinbent743 2 года назад +2

    I could be wrong, but I believe Bloodblight is inflicted only from specific attacks utilizing the Qurio, not from taking a certain amount of damage from an attack.

    • @JanusHoW
      @JanusHoW 2 года назад

      Yeah. Gaismagorm actually can inflict Bloodblight during the gatling cannon phase. If you foolishly let the Qurio balls he sends out to actually hit you, you'll get the ailment.

  • @ItzMiKeKirbY
    @ItzMiKeKirbY 2 года назад

    I wish there were more videos like this on breaking down a monster matchup and attack pattern. All the videos are just “hit the monster really hard”.

  • @Virjunior01
    @Virjunior01 2 года назад

    Magnamalo Hellfire:
    Use a wirebug dash to leave the flame hanging in place. Do it close to Magnamalo... if he hits his own flame, it can cause a topple.

  • @mannyegarica12
    @mannyegarica12 2 года назад +1

    Collecting Spirit birds it's the first thing I do while playing

  • @elyandisutrisno3430
    @elyandisutrisno3430 2 года назад

    Good job Duff 👍👍

  • @LordShonji
    @LordShonji 2 года назад

    Lagombi can be stunned with sonic bombs and throwing small bombs. If you can hit him while sliding he should tumble

  • @Zzucc
    @Zzucc 2 года назад

    Tip for a lot of statuses. Even hellfire and thunder blight. You can roll these away just like fire. Takes a few more rolls for para

  • @imsirnootnoot
    @imsirnootnoot 2 года назад +1

    Man talk about an non existent upload schedule

  • @Whayleejay
    @Whayleejay 2 года назад

    These tips are mostly “hit the monster” “ make sure you have more than green sharpness” “slot sleep/para/stun resist”

  • @ryanhardy4909
    @ryanhardy4909 2 года назад

    U can avoid narwa allmother DRILL ATTACK, by waiting the middle thunder orb burst. And then timing the wirebug into the middle.

  • @SuperHansburger93
    @SuperHansburger93 2 года назад +1

    Funny how you give a spoiler warning for Gaismagorm, which you fight as you finish the main story line, but not for Furious Rajang and Scorned Magnamalo, which you can only fight once you've increased your MR to 70 and 100, which happens much much later...

  • @djdedan
    @djdedan 2 года назад

    Volvidon LBG users can use mines, this will topple any rolling attacks that set them off. Almost every time. Makes Volvy a walk in the park.

  • @chesterchelseatan3593
    @chesterchelseatan3593 2 года назад

    To survive gaismagorm raining fire ball attack you have to be under him and do extra damage

  • @dragonjames4500
    @dragonjames4500 2 года назад

    Basically. Keep yourself alive you can't hunt the monster if you are dead.

  • @Polopollo75
    @Polopollo75 2 года назад +1

    Loving these tips thank you! I have a hard time with some monsters' patterns. Do you know a channel that break down as theirs moves?

    • @Izanagi_
      @Izanagi_  2 года назад +1

      Sorry, I don't really delve into Monster Hunter Rise videos myself, all of the tips I came up by playing the game myself. But, I think it's better to watch some live streamers playing the game to get some inkling of the answer you're trying to find. Thanks for viewing and commenting btw

    • @Polopollo75
      @Polopollo75 2 года назад

      @@Izanagi_ Haa too bad thanks. i dont usually have time to watch streams, I tend to just collect my info on youtube, but I cant find much guides on what combos monsters do etc. Thanks for your content though!!

    • @lhuce7586
      @lhuce7586 2 года назад +1

      @polopollo75 this channel doesn't have every single possible monster, but SkySensei has an "Evasion Series" where he breaks down different monsters, their attacks and how to fight them. He hasn't done any for SB yet, but they will be coming. Right here is Malzeno (demo), some elders, some Apexs (base game) etc. If you like this style at all, I'd sub for his upcoming SB ones :) ruclips.net/video/EiN-IU-Ns3A/видео.html

    • @Polopollo75
      @Polopollo75 2 года назад

      @@lhuce7586 thank you!!!

    • @lhuce7586
      @lhuce7586 2 года назад +1

      @@Polopollo75 No problem! SkySensei is an awesome creator and does great content. I don't join many content creator's discords, but I did his and it's very enjoyable. FYI he also plans on doing a hosting party tomorrow at 10AM EST during the TU1 digital :)

  • @magnam913
    @magnam913 2 года назад +5

    For Gaisemagorme there’s much easier just go under him

  • @xaxa70160
    @xaxa70160 2 года назад

    for Gaismagorm, when he's "firing meteors" from the sky, go under him and attack the arms

  • @Masterofhammers
    @Masterofhammers 2 года назад

    About Auroracanths flash bomb mechanics. I tested sonic bombs and Both seem to work so it's kinda up to your preference.

  • @farahal-naqeeb3604
    @farahal-naqeeb3604 2 года назад

    Great tips

  • @mungolockhart3875
    @mungolockhart3875 2 года назад

    Monoblos always felt way more dangerous than diablos. I wish it would return. I believe it was also a boss in the original game during online play.

  • @sirshay6156
    @sirshay6156 Год назад

    First and Quick question... How do you have So much hp and stamina bar? I have about 210 and i dont have any idea how to expand it

    • @Izanagi_
      @Izanagi_  Год назад

      It's the Petalace and the Spiribird system. You can get more Petalace equipments from base MHRise side quests (High Rank), although I forgot which one. And everytime you go on a hunt, you have to collect flying colored orbs scattered around the map to increase your stats, those are hp, stamina, atk, and def. This is the Spiribird system. It's kinda annoying at first but as time goes on you'll get used to a route that you mapped yourself, at least that's what I did.

  • @danm8004
    @danm8004 2 года назад

    I have 2 great tips that work for every monster!
    1) inflict damage
    2) don't get hit
    If you do these things you should find the game easy! Have fun!

  • @jotaroandtheworldofdolphin79
    @jotaroandtheworldofdolphin79 Год назад

    Does anyone have tips for shogun crab? I have not tried it yet to beat him alone b ut he seems rather troublesome then other monsters to me like seregios.

  • @allosaurusmagnum9106
    @allosaurusmagnum9106 2 года назад

    If possible don’t let astalos get full charged you can limit the big flashy moves by targeting the the glowing parts

  • @dietcoke7860
    @dietcoke7860 2 года назад

    Mantab bang

  • @Appsmmogamer
    @Appsmmogamer 2 года назад

    Nargacuga has the same weakness on the feet as Barioth

  • @srdjan780
    @srdjan780 2 года назад

    screaming pods vs lagombi work :)

  • @djdedan
    @djdedan 2 года назад

    Lagombi I thought sonic bombs were very effective?

  • @sjwhater
    @sjwhater 2 года назад +1

    One tip, put timestamps

  • @rokechikan4481
    @rokechikan4481 2 года назад

    One tip for every monster in Rise: Don’t get hit lmao.

  • @anthonyfaiell3263
    @anthonyfaiell3263 2 года назад

    The one tip should be patience. Monster hunter difficulty is pretty much entirely based on how bullet spongy/mobile the enemies are. Even the best speedrunners in the world are finishing monsters in around 5 minutes or so. The average player takes around 20+ minutes of wailing on a monster for it to drop. The biggest challenge, especially with all the rampant adhd in society, is to sit there and stay focused for 20+ minutes.

  • @Venalii1
    @Venalii1 2 года назад

    I do debate why scorned magnamlo isn’t given a spoiler warning despite being the final monster fought, yet gaismagorm who is fought way before is

    • @LloydTheZephyrian
      @LloydTheZephyrian 2 года назад +3

      I mean, Capcom just showed him off without care, whereas they only ever showed Gaismagorm's hand in the pre-release phase. Gaismagorm was the only monster Capcom didn't fully show off.

  • @QDRG64
    @QDRG64 2 года назад


  • @WhirlwindHeatAndFlash
    @WhirlwindHeatAndFlash 2 года назад

    tips for the mentally impaired more like
    btw rather than hitting kulus freaking rock while doing 0 damage so he drops it - you can just flash him for the same effect...