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  • @katedobson5066
    @katedobson5066 4 месяца назад

    And thanks to the Institute for opening up conversations that embrace Harm Reduction strategies!

  • @katedobson5066
    @katedobson5066 4 месяца назад

    Lived and Living Experience Peer Workers are so important in every conversation, research and advocacy. Lily thank you for sharing your lived experience. As a fellow Peer Worker I really gained so much from today.

  • @felipecortes914
    @felipecortes914 2 года назад +2

    I have been taking GHB for a year and a consequence that I have heard and am currently experiencing is a pain in my lower back, I could say that it is my kidneys. A recommendation for all who use this drug is to drink a lot of water during its use, it reduces or eliminates this pain.

  • @crownviclx2000
    @crownviclx2000 3 года назад +7

    Ghb helped me get off heroin

    • @j-millz3074
      @j-millz3074 3 года назад

      thats awesome congratulations anytime u kick opiates its real god bless you ..takes strength… suppose it could help get off oxycodone then as its a synthetic opiate similar to heroin…any advice or just some info on your experience

    • @jesipohl6717
      @jesipohl6717 2 года назад +1

      so will you take benzos to get off ghb?

  • @pleunyenderlisme3899
    @pleunyenderlisme3899 3 года назад +11

    Ghb the best anti depressant.

    • @pleunyenderlisme3899
      @pleunyenderlisme3899 3 года назад +2

      @@bitTorrenter 2/3 grams, above 5 gram is passing out for sure.

    • @jesipohl6717
      @jesipohl6717 2 года назад +2

      ...if you like to be highly physically dependent on your anti-depressent, meaning that you could die from withdrawal, sure....

  • @shashiprabha-xd2zk
    @shashiprabha-xd2zk 2 года назад +1

    hey i have an aunt aged 75 whose been suffering for clinical depression for 2 decades..she was asked to take of ghb by a family doc who also said that it's hard to source.. the thing is I had no clue about the reputation of the drug untill I Googled it.. though I'd say it's terrible, it seems to have helped some people..can anybody tell me if it's fine at that age of and a a dose of 0.2 ml..thanks!

  • @xDomglmao
    @xDomglmao Год назад

    36:23 any evidence for the "anxiety mix"? and what is the usual withdrawal treatment (since it says "naturopathic" I guess there's also another regimen)? I expected to see rather things like beta blockers, not passiflora...

  • @apacheturtleisland9462
    @apacheturtleisland9462 3 года назад +1

    the audio quality very poor

  • @jesipohl6717
    @jesipohl6717 2 года назад

    , but One clear reason some people use GHB is also a reason people use Benzos or Alcohol in recreational settings and that is to allow themselves to be abusive towards others. It's also pretty irresponsible to ignore that most people reationally using G are practicing polydrug use which often is a deadly combo though can be reported differently.
    Concerning stigma, in a recreational use environment like a club, it is nearly impossible to create a safer space while tolerating G usage. Mostly due to people on G touching others or distributing G while they are high to others with little information, which I consider tantamount to spiking someone. Lastly, why not just call a coma a coma, sure it's a coma that most people have a significantly higher chance of waking up from, but it is a coma and comes with all of the potential problems of a coma. Unfortunately people's relative lack of side-effects following the coma makes it easier for them to dismiss the seriousness of the situation which often allows them to continuously repeat the behaviour.
    Do we consider the stigma of not inviting a friend to enjoy an evening in our homes who we know will cause us problems with their drug use in a way that might lead to rape or abusive behaviour? The solution is hard, not policing is key, but responding swiftly and hard to reports of abuse is a must. Restorative justice means communicating to the person that "personal and social g use would be easier on everyone if it were legal and sources were all manufactured for people, but until that time a club environment can never be a safer space for g usage", but it also means recognising that if the person is reported for abuse or has had a coma they fit the fundamental description of "problematic use" and should be informed that they have a problem that effects others around them in an unfair way that goes beyond arbitrary legal concerns, often recommending clinical support is difficult, but still more successful than people's attempts to quit on their own, speaking to friends of the person in question is also a must as they are often repeatedly vicariously traumatised by witnessing their friends constant near-death experiences in party environments or the other stressful situations.

  • @Scott-xb7ov
    @Scott-xb7ov 3 года назад +2

    Where’s the best source?

  • @oldblockrockadropper1251
    @oldblockrockadropper1251 3 года назад +2

    Great beautiful liquid

  • @kdam3571
    @kdam3571 2 года назад

    Dude i need help making it

    • @kdam3571
      @kdam3571 2 года назад


    • @kdam3571
      @kdam3571 2 года назад

      Yea i will how do i do that

  • @maxeromendes8278
    @maxeromendes8278 2 года назад

    Got connections on how to get GHB

    • @Eksixto
      @Eksixto 3 месяца назад

      Can you? How?

  • @user-ux4km8bd5h
    @user-ux4km8bd5h 3 года назад


  • @kimrogers4865
    @kimrogers4865 3 года назад

    As someone who was drugged and raped by a stranger this is offensive

    • @ashtavakraaum6892
      @ashtavakraaum6892 2 года назад +7

      there a list of drugs that can be used to assist a disgusting violation, such as one that you went through ...... GhB has great uses, im sorry for what you went through , but don't blame the substance , blame the Evil ass Barnacle that missed it .

    • @jesipohl6717
      @jesipohl6717 2 года назад +3

      I am so sorry Kim. We are trying to fix this in Berlin.
      I work at sex positive queer parties in Berlin and the vast majority of people who are reported to awareness and security staff for unwanted sexual touching and other abusive behaviour are on Alcohol or G.
      This is not surprising as people take these specific substances, also Benzos to feel disinhibited. In fact, these drugs in particular are literally "disinhibiting drugs" which means one's ability to control their behavioural impulses becomes significantly reduced. Unlike other substances the depression of the central nervous system also prevents people from higher level thinking, which means, if someone's got the devil in them it will come out.
      The other reports we regulary get are of people having been "consensually" given G by an experienced user, but not been told what it is or anything about it; usually a younger person. Experienced users who are on G, often don't have the mental capacity to explain things or consider others feelings or simply want the other person to "not care". This is tantamount to spiking somones drink with G and I consider it rape-like behaviour. The worst part is, that the person who has been given G will often "not care" when things are happening, but the experience can come back to them traumatically later, sometimes people remember nothing, including that they assaulted or raped someone. This is not something we see with other drugs (alcohol intoxication at the levels common for G use are also not really tolerated in Berlin's club scene).
      Most recreational G usage is not fit for intentionally created safer spaces and parties that enable problematic use do not have good track records for dealing with mush worse problems associated with discriminatory behaviour andpsy-Care (by letting a person stay at the party after waking up from their coma, for example, instead of having an intervention with them and their friends when they sober up and sending them home).
      Aum is wrong about other drugs being comparable to G in terms of assault, this is simply not true and a dangerous piece of misinformation that can enable abusive people to gaslight victims. But, I do think that 3rd party non-government and non-profit regulation of purity and dosage recommendations is a good solution as well as total cultural intolerance for casual distribution, consensual or not, at parties as well as intolerance for polydrug use involving G (most common polydrug use isn't deadly, but G often makes it deadly as people forget what they have taken when they were high).
      Kim, I hope you will consider coming to party in Berlin. Various clubs spaces (Berghain, Kit Kat Klub, RSO, it's a long list actually) have significantly reduced these problems with zero tolerance for G-related incidents, since 2015, this strategy has worked, though a few folks have just created g parties...good for them. House rules are often "no G" and people that break these rules are allowed to sober up when they get reported to staff and then exited from the party after being informed about their abusive behaviour, exactly as we do with alcohol which is a much less common problem in Berlin's club scene. Some are upset about this, but these club space are not a space for children who can't regulate and actually don't want to regulate their own behaviour, these are spaces for adults many of whom are seeking freedom through dancing, where they can close their eyes without worry on a dark dance floor. Aum would probably claim to have the right to use anywhere they like, to which we could say, ok, then let's turn Aum's personal home into public drug use space too? This consumerist mindset that "every open or commerical space is mine to do with as I please" leaves club staff with no regrets when we kick people out.
      I do think there are casual users who don't cause problems for themselves or others, but my experience is that these folks are few and far between and most recreational users are traumatising people and then conveniantly forgetting about it. We will keep fighting for you in Berlin Kim! Please help us by advocating for decriminalisation of all drugs with sensible purity/knowledge regulations.

    • @Dewey_Boondye420
      @Dewey_Boondye420 2 года назад

      education is offensive? you would prefer a bunch of uneducated people giving you a deadly drug without knowing anything about dosage/side effects.. maybe next time they'll give you too much & noone will have to listen to your negativity anymore.. ignorance is bliss.. be thankful that you are alive rather than angry at the world. and if it weren't for videos like this then people like you would be dead, do be greatful that someone is out here doing gods work & educating people on safe use practices.. alcohol is the most common "date rape" drug if you truly look at the numbers. get some therapy..

    • @xDomglmao
      @xDomglmao Год назад

      @@jesipohl6717 "Aum is wrong about other drugs being comparable to G in terms of assault, this is simply not true and a dangerous piece of misinformation that can enable abusive people to gaslight victims."
      That's not what he said. He said there are other substances that can be used, too, and this statement is correct. He never said "but x is as bad or as commonly used to drug someone as GHB" but went on arguing that a substance isn't inherently bad (remember, he reacted to someone who found this lecture offensive) but rather a person's intention/will and finally that GHB has its good uses (which is also correct, think opiate/ alc withdrawal syndromes, narcolepsy, pediatric anaesthesia, OB/GYN...). And since you do not know (I assume) where Aum is from, I think it's inadequate to extrapolate from your Berlin experience. I know that, e.g., Scopolamine is often used in parts of South America.
      "Aum would probably claim to have the right to use anywhere they like, to which we could say, ok, then let's turn Aum's personal home into public drug use space too?"
      To me there is nothing indicating that Aum would claim this, so why would you even mention and start this? Leaving this aside, there is a difference between a publicly intended space (club), esp. if it's a biz, vs. a private home. And last I checked many clubs in Berlin give a shit about who's using drugs and who isn't. This anti-GHB campaign is afaik a rather new phenomenon.
      I wouldn't even engage in this pseudoargument, just refer to what I think is in German "Hausrecht", domestic authority. Think you (club) can't handle people who can't handle a certain substance? NP, you're free to say "gtfo with your x".
      I am not saying I do not understand the motives behind the "GHB ban" in Berlin clubs, I do, and it's finally the club's decision on how to act. I just didn't like your way of reacting (including to things that weren't there).

    • @ludyakesturi521
      @ludyakesturi521 7 месяцев назад

      I am so sorry to hear what you had been through, hope you are coping with the past well and may be you can go to psychiatrist or psychologist