Xav kom tej Poj Niam txawj hlub lawv Tus Txiv kom zoo thiaj li nrog lawv nyob ntev ua Niam Txiv Txij Nkawm yuav txum tau txawj sib hlub sib pab ib tug hlub ib tug ib tug pab ib tug es tsis txhob muab cem kom tuag kom dab los coj mus tsam yus qhov tu siab rau tom qab ua Niam Txiv Txij Nkawm Xav kom Txiv Neej hlub Poj Niam Thiab Poj Niam hlub Txiv Neej lub neej thiaj tau zoo thiab lub neej thiaj tsheej yim
It’s sad that Hmong people still force their daughters / sons to marry a person they don’t or can’t love. Anyone forced into a loveless marriage will ruined so many peoples lives. Anyone being forced into a loveless marriage will retaliate against the person they’re married to. Because they’re miserable they’ll direct blame at their spouses and will make life everyone’s life a living hell. It is 2021… Hmong people need to change their ways and allow their sons and daughters free will to chose their own spouses. Life is hard enough living in poverty without being forced to open their hearts to love someone they don’t like or attracted to.
Zoo mloos kawg li og tij laug
Xav kom tej Poj Niam txawj hlub lawv Tus Txiv kom zoo thiaj li nrog lawv nyob ntev ua Niam Txiv Txij Nkawm yuav txum tau txawj sib hlub sib pab ib tug hlub ib tug ib tug pab ib tug es tsis txhob muab cem kom tuag kom dab los coj mus tsam yus qhov tu siab rau tom qab ua Niam Txiv Txij Nkawm Xav kom Txiv Neej hlub Poj Niam Thiab Poj Niam hlub Txiv Neej lub neej thiaj tau zoo thiab lub neej thiaj tsheej yim
1:47 1:50 1:50 😅😅😅 1:58 😊
It’s sad that Hmong people still force their daughters / sons to marry a person they don’t or can’t love. Anyone forced into a loveless marriage will ruined so many peoples lives. Anyone being forced into a loveless marriage will retaliate against the person they’re married to. Because they’re miserable they’ll direct blame at their spouses and will make life everyone’s life a living hell.
It is 2021… Hmong people need to change their ways and allow their sons and daughters free will to chose their own spouses. Life is hard enough living in poverty without being forced to open their hearts to love someone they don’t like or attracted to.
Hmong stories
Lol, "neeg phem" they say.
If this story is true, they knew exactly what was going to happen. They chose to ignore the warning signs
Vim qhov pheej quab yuam luag ne nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb hmoob txoj cai ces zoo li no xwb tiag