Ua tau zoo tshaj plaws li lawm Ib tug neeg muaj muaj hmoo li kaj siab mas neeg hlub thiab txhawb txhua yam Yeej tsis tau yuav ib qho li cov hlub hlub kaj siab yuav tag nrho txhua yam huv si
Kaj Siab yog ib tug ntxhais muaj2 koob hmoov na luag ntsib tus neeg muaj2 nyiaj pab luag vim kav siab nyob dawb2 xb los luag yeej tau noj lawm os tag nro nej cov ntxhais nyob rau sab tim nplog teb ces kaj siab yog tus muaj koob hmoov zoo tshaj plaws li lawm os
She very deserves and special. Nws muaj koob hmoov. I watched her since she was adopted by nws niam See thiab nws txiv Lauj. Lauj thiab See muaj hmoov tau Kabsiab hmoov vim lawv muaj tsev, mi nyuam, thiab tsheb. Yog tsis muaj KS lauj thiab See lawv yuav tsis tau txhua yam. Right now lauj thiab See lawv tsis muaj hmoov vim KS tsis nrog lawn nyob los. KS coj nws hmoov ua neeg los.
@@Maivceevaj80Tsis yog muaj hmoo. Cov neeg ua xav nyiaj thiab rau rau siab yuav khoom rau ob Tus neeg tub nkeeg no tsuav nkawv nqi tiam tas no es lawv los them nuj nqi xwb.
Neeg hlub hlub kajsiab vim peb ntau leej yeej pom hais thiab kajsiab niam see tsis tshuav hlub kajsiab. Es neeg ntau tus thiab hlub hlub kajsiab os. Yog niam see hlub hlub kajsiab....cas neeg yuav tsis hlub heev li no. Saib cov niam tais thiab niam phauj no mas lawv yeej hlub mi kajsiab li lawv yug. Hlub thiaj thiaj. People feel for her because many of these aunties are orphans themselves and many of us have seen and followed kajsiab since lauj and see adopted her. And seen how much kajsiabs wanted her adopted moms love. But how she never really got it. These aunties love come from their compassion. Many donated money. Bought Bought her clothes and things for her baby. And many have donated about 400 dollars for her to get chickens.
@Maiceevaj-keep enabling your girl living off the welfare system y'all created. I'm just laughing with her & the hubby all the way to the bank. Hmoob meka mas ruam tiag tiag 🥱🤦♀️
Ua tau zoo tshaj plaws li lawm
Ib tug neeg muaj muaj hmoo li kaj siab mas neeg hlub thiab txhawb txhua yam
Yeej tsis tau yuav ib qho li cov hlub hlub kaj siab yuav tag nrho txhua yam huv si
Kaj Siab yog ib tug ntxhais muaj2 koob hmoov na luag ntsib tus neeg muaj2 nyiaj pab luag vim kav siab nyob dawb2 xb los luag yeej tau noj lawm os tag nro nej cov ntxhais nyob rau sab tim nplog teb ces kaj siab yog tus muaj koob hmoov zoo tshaj plaws li lawm os
She very deserves and special. Nws muaj koob hmoov. I watched her since she was adopted by nws niam See thiab nws txiv Lauj. Lauj thiab See muaj hmoov tau Kabsiab hmoov vim lawv muaj tsev, mi nyuam, thiab tsheb. Yog tsis muaj KS lauj thiab See lawv yuav tsis tau txhua yam. Right now lauj thiab See lawv tsis muaj hmoov vim KS tsis nrog lawn nyob los. KS coj nws hmoov ua neeg los.
@@Maivceevaj80Tsis yog muaj hmoo. Cov neeg ua xav nyiaj thiab rau rau siab yuav khoom rau ob Tus neeg tub nkeeg no tsuav nkawv nqi tiam tas no es lawv los them nuj nqi xwb.
Neeg hlub hlub kajsiab vim peb ntau leej yeej pom hais thiab kajsiab niam see tsis tshuav hlub kajsiab. Es neeg ntau tus thiab hlub hlub kajsiab os. Yog niam see hlub hlub kajsiab....cas neeg yuav tsis hlub heev li no. Saib cov niam tais thiab niam phauj no mas lawv yeej hlub mi kajsiab li lawv yug. Hlub thiaj thiaj. People feel for her because many of these aunties are orphans themselves and many of us have seen and followed kajsiab since lauj and see adopted her. And seen how much kajsiabs wanted her adopted moms love. But how she never really got it. These aunties love come from their compassion. Many donated money. Bought Bought her clothes and things for her baby. And many have donated about 400 dollars for her to get chickens.
@Maiceevaj-keep enabling your girl living off the welfare system y'all created. I'm just laughing with her & the hubby all the way to the bank. Hmoob meka mas ruam tiag tiag 🥱🤦♀️
@MaihouaLee-girl, you sounded like a broken record. So lame...Stay in school will do you good ok?