+Pozorrogo You're so right. Also, the dad claimed the babysitter was immature for her age. Why would the dad want an immature babysitter taking care of his son?
So, a 15/16 year old boy who had a nude selfie of himself on his phone is charged with having underage photos, but a 21 year old having sex with an 11 year old gets nothing? Seems correct.
This is simple. She was 20, he was 11,the age of consent is 16. that means she's fully guilty and should be convicted and sentenced as such. Any other details are irrelevant.
Illuminati_watching well of course. In this matter there is a difference. When I was 11 I longed for a sexual encounter with a female. And I'm sure a lot of men did too. But then again this is a TYT video I might get a lot of hate.
eric lopez while I agree that's statutory rape charges should really be based on the individual because different children mature at different rates. For example, one person might be able to consent to sex at 14 or 15 while another might be 18 and still not be ready, but 11 is really too young. Even if you wanted it in your mind I don't think you had an appreciation for the potential consequences at 11.
Gender rolls lol... you mean roles. Also, you just mean gender, gender roles are something else. Also, the genders are almost always the reverse of this. Overall an idiotic comment from you.
I think the moral issue is if the boy is upset about it or if the boy will be upset about it when he grow up. Quite honestly most boy probably enjoy it which is weird to call it rape.
Wow that is disgusting. That little boy was raped, she should be in jail. That boy will have trouble with women in relationships in the future. So sad.
+Jay Nelson The boy himself said that he thought it was wrong and that he did not enjoy it. Why listen to the father that fucked the Babysitter rather than the kid? The father will get to have more sex with the babysitter now, he had a vested interest in saving her, now the immature 21-year-old might give him lots of free "you saved my ass"-sex. No one should listen to the father in this case, and definitely not overrule his kids words.
***** are you even educated on what rape means? We don't know exactly every detail of the sexual act that took place but considering that the boy testified against the woman should indicate he wasn't for it. And he's young enough to have been shocked by it and in the moment had to go along with it. That still isn't consensual. It's just a sad truth that when young boys are raped by women they are almost always overlooked because ppl say "they were laid not raped. He's a man now" and it's honestly disgusting. If it had been a man who raped the boy there would have been a huge uproar. Or if it had been a little girl raped.
To all the people saying men don't suffer the same trauma. Have you been a boy that's been raped, and a girl that's been raped? no? didn't think so. This lady was a creep that should be locked up the kids said be didn't like it. If the genders were switch the adult would be in prison.
+Heiner Privat Feminists get angry at MRAs because they often interrupt discussions about female issues and violence against females and only give a shit about violence against males in an attempt to discredit feminism while not actually doing anything to help male victims. But largely feminists actively fight against the gender stereotypes that make violence against boys and men more acceptable, such as the stereotypes that women are too weak to hurt men, that all men want sex all the time, etc. Are there some feminists who are asshats and attack male victims too? Sure, but not all feminists are representative of the entire movement and my experience has been that feminists attack the route of the problem which are the gender stereotypes about male and female sexuality that causes excuses to be made for rapists such as this one, and other male and female rapists alike. Meanwhile a lot of MRAs I've met like to call other men "manginas" and "whipped" for disagreeing with them, perpetuating their own gender's stereotypes by implying men can't think for themselves and would only disagree if they're trying to get laid...
What in THE hell does a twenty-one year-old woman want with an eleven year-old boy? He's JUST starting puberty. If there's any grass on the field, it's very little. Wow. The sick things that people do.......
Wtf I think the father is trying to live through his son. And from his perspective it was a great moment in his sons life. When in actuality this rape this could open the door for trauma, depression, sex addiction and just plain robbing him of his innocence. And his father co signing this may only add to the trauma.
bluetrilobite that's is really stupid. In that case you should say that a 10 yr old girl sexed by a 20 something man won't effect her and living in the society that deems it bad will hurt them. It what your saying. There have been countless of men who molested at a young age and now have problems.
+Austin Mose Just like not all girls are the same, so the guys are not the same. It could be a great trauma and judging from what he has said so far it seems to be the case.
I'm betting that after she was confronted the babysitter had sex with the Dad again and then he changed his mind. He was the one who originally called the police. Why would he suddenly change his mind?
I reckon she threatened to tell the police that he either raped her or had sex with her back when *she* was a minor. For him to change his tune like that just seems strange.
The father, the judge, and the rapist should be horse wiped. The father should lose custody, the rapist should be in jail, and the judge should be disbarred.
simon amorim Pardon me? Why on earth would I not. If I see some grade-A bullshit, I'm going to call you out on it. I'd have to be a coward otherwise. So tell me, who's really sad here. I know you're just talking about yourself.
What's even more sinister about this, is that that boy will learn that his wants and needs, his own feelings, aren't important. His own guardian dismissed them, so why shouldn't he, down the line? A life of self-doubt and esteem issues likely awaits this young man.
When I was 7, I asked my mom to ask her new boyfriend to stop touching my butt. She dismissed my feelings saying, "That's how he shows love!" Of course, I didn't think I could say anything when he went even further. When I was 29, 10 years after his son was sent to prison for being a paedophile and I finally admitted to being one of his victims, I told my mom about paedophile pop... She responded, "[GASP] That's not what HE said!" He told her that I approached him and asked for it. Apparently she was ok with that.
Jonelle Pemberton Thanks. Yeah, it sucks, but it's not something I would take back if I could. It took me many years to realise I'm actually stronger because of it. It also makes me feel a little better that I at least know what it feels like since this is something so many, but not all, people experience. Mostly I just wanted to point out how adults justify things which makes it even harder for the kids.
+Alvaro Moreno TYT back to supporting pedophilia what next Cenk calling pedophiles a protected sexual orientations... This proves Cenk and his so called liberal are a disease.
It's horrible that there are people out there who genuinely believe all men love all sex no matter who it comes from. That's disgusting. Not every man will have sex with every women that spreads her legs for him.
We all know, if this a male babysitter, who had sex with a eleven year old girl, he would be arrested, his face put all over the tabloids, and people would be calling for him to be abused in prison. This woman is disgusting, and should be in jail, for a long time. She raped the boy, that is never acceptable.
*Ok the boy says he didn't like it, but the father just overlooks his son's statement.* *Would the father had responded the same way, if he had an 11-year old daughter, and a 21-year old male babysitter had sex with her?* *o_____________________O*
My husband, a friend and I was having this conversation. According to them. It’s not the same as if it were a 21 yr old man sleeping with a 11 yr old girl. I say it is. Most definitely.
+eon001 I dont think you get it. THe perpatrator was a WOMEN, not a men. Therefore, there was no rape, because feminists, who are the establishment, made it so that women cant rape men.
+Scott The Dick feminists are the establishment? Whether you believe in what they say or don't say. You'd be very hard pressed to prove that case. The establishment is primarily very rich men, at least in Britain anyway. It is true that men can't technically be raped, I believe it's still classed as sexual assault here in the UK. That's nothing to do with feminists though, that law existed prior to feminism. There's just not been anyone fighting for it to be change. It certainly needs to change, but I'd suggest that's an issue for you and I to fight as men. Not for feminists to fight who, you know, would by definition be more focused on women's rights issues.
Richard Batt I dont think you understood what I meant by being the establishment. Not true, men CAN be raped. And feminists have pushed for laws that say men can't be raped.
+Scott The Dick of course men can be raped. But in law, in the UK at least, it is impossible for a woman to rape a man. However, that is nothing to do with feminists. More to do with the way the law has always been defined in the UK. In the UK such an assault is defined as serious sexual assault. Like I said, this is nothing to do with feminism. Rather it is a poorly defined law which needs to be changed. I have never seen any feminists trying to ensure that the law states women can't rape men. However if you say you have I will not attempt to dispute that and I'd agree it is wrong for them to do so. Either way I'd suggest this is an issue for you and I as men to take up, not for feminists to take up as it is not a female issue. Do you want to elaborate on what you mean by women being the establishment?
Wow... that judge let a rapist walk free with few consequences and now she will just go and do it again. That boy is likely to grow up hating women and with confusion regarding sexual consent. This makes me so annoyed.
I can see this boy 10 years from now still traumatized from this, along with the even further traumatic realization, thinking "my father was glad I was raped, and defended my rapist instead of me." That's just sickening.
1) Rapist is given a slap on the wrist because of their gender and orientation. 2) Parent can give testimony, despite having also had sex with the rapist and thus conflict of interest. 3) Parent's obviously self-centered vicarious testimony is accepted by fellow "good ole boy" judge. 4) Actual VICTIM'S testimony is ignored by horny father and judge. 5) Parent retains custody of child after praising their being raped. 6) Numerous commenters don't care about the victim, too excited by their own self-centered fantasies.
+Heiner Privat Sure. Clearly women have oppressed men throughout human history. Shit like this surely has nothing to do with ingrained gender stereotypes imposed on society largely by sexist men.../s
This is disgusting, how could she do this to him. At 11 years old I didn't even know what sex was...what the hell? Y'all probably traumatized himmm....this is no justice. .thats disgusting and this father is probably abusive and that women sexually abused him and needs to go to jail
Children are affected into their adult lives when sitters take advantage of them. It affects the way they relate to their partners and screws up their heads.
My question is: How did she get caught? Who called the police? The boy? Because it couldn't have been the father or baby sitter. How does the lady get away with it if the boy called the police about it?
My question is what does maturity have to do with this woman? She was 20 yrs old and she should've know having sex with a minor is illegal. It considered rape because he's not able to consent.
If the genders had been reversed, I bet this father would be raving mad. Let's be real: this father didn't want to acknowledge his son was raped because "boys/men can't be raped." He's clearly embarrassed and trying to defend it, which is SO DISGUSTING. If this man can't stand up for his son's well-being, ESPECIALLY when the son is saying he didn't want it, someone get that poor boy away from this man!!!
My father raised me to reverse the roles in situations. So for example if the people had different races, religions, gender, etc etc would you be upset? If changing the roles makes you upset then the original should also be upsetting to you, if it doesn’t you’re being a hypocrite.
The first clue that he is a child and incapable of giving consent is the fact that he actually needed a babysitter at all. Idk about other people but I outgrew needing a sitter about 8 years before sex
very sick and disgusting and its very sad! to see a woman get away with rape is bullshit so woman want equal rights?! fine she deserves jailtime time for what she does criminally cause we all know what happens too men rapists she is no different! and shame on the father for betraying his son i am no therapist but i am a survivor from molestation and i struglle night and day from PTSD and i fear this young boy will have it too and its probably going too be worse 4 him cause his father turned against him! Sick and disgusting you better hope i dont come across this bitch cause i will have a throw down and if i get any jailtime it will be worth it and justice will be served
Here in the UK this is statutory rape! What is more the father's opinion should have no bearing on the trial outcome. Jail the woman, jail the father for neglect and sack the judge.
When I was almost twelve I had a smoking hot babysitter. She would take baths at our place now and then and it was like a mission impossible movie with all the ways I came up with to sneak peeks at her... every kid needs a hobby... We like to pretend that kids are all super innocent and would never dream of having a sexual thought but come on, lets be real, you were that age at one time and you know *exactly* the thoughts you were having.
Not everyone is the same, and not every situation is the same. In this situation, the kid clearly didn't want this to happen. Stop fantasizing about this and consider the actual situation as it happened, not what you think you'd do in it.
+LayZ Kimochi ya id go for sex at 10 to...MOST(important word there)boys would...not all tho. shit ive talked to female friends and MOST(take note of that) also thought about sex and such at young age...again not all. but he didnt...not only that there a thing called law...those are the problems here that it was rape and that even if its not the judge has no grounds to ignore it.
Since I am someone who actually went through something like this, I feel like I can voice my opinion on the subject... I lost my virginity at the age of 9 to a girl in her early twenties. According to law, I, too, was "raped", except that I DON'T feel like a victim and I never have! Sure, looking back now I realize that what was done to me was wrong, but honestly, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I'm an adult now, and I can say with full certainty that the whole experience had no effect on me. Though, thinking back on it, I can see how it's not a good thing to experience that at such a young, impressionable age. While it's true that rape is horrible and I can't begin to understand what it's like to fall victim of such horror, I in no way mean to represent it as anything okay... it's just a completely different thing when a teenage male gets used that way by an adult female. You can't rape the willing, and trust me, *(EDIT) majority (EDIT)* of teenage boy are pretty damn willing.
+ಠ_ృ I would have slept with my teacher I had the hots for her. Though I see what people are getting at but most men if honest will all agree, as young kids sex was on our minds all the time. Most would have slept with women they thought about as young teenagers if given the chance. Although some of course wouldn't that's always true. In these kinds of cases the view is biased because men for the most part seek sex at a young age. I feel bad for the kid because in this instance it sounds like he wanted no part. To say that we would all feel that way is to ignore how biased nature really is. Is it right, no I don't think so not morally.
Where's the mother through all this, is she around? Otherwise I'm sure the babysitter would of gotten her behind kicked and been gotten locked up more likely. Imagine the genders among those two were the opposite or both were males, would the judge treated that case the same?
Father and son sharing the same woman....... 11 years old is way too young for sex, to even handle it. The father could be right (if she’s hot) as boys and men are unlikely to refuse sex unless they don’t find her attractive. The judges reasoning makes no sense as the boy cannot give consent even in UK. The boy will probably suffer from some kind of trauma even if he doesn’t know it.
+Reza Asslan You do know what rape is right? You don't have the right to tell someone they didn't get raped just because YOU would've wanted it. This kid didn't want it, that's why it's called rape.
Was it women who ignore that women can't rape men? It sure isn't some matriarchy that's saying "boys will be boys". NO ONE should have the privilege to rape 11 year old boys.
For God's sake! STFU! Female privilege??!! We've only had the right to vote and own property for the past 100 years. Prior to that we were nothing more than a man's property. Even now we don't have equal pay so please...stfu
Rape is Rape. The fact that the father's testimony was relevant, the boy's ignored, and the woman not facing jail time is both a serious problem, and disgusting.
+Omar Iw so what age dude??? how young is too young for a woman to fuck a boy? 11? 10? 9? wish i could find out so I can keep an eye on my nephew to make sure he doesn't get raped sorry I mean start having consensual sex early. he's only 3 now but by the sounds of people like you he should be balls deep by now.
+Omar Iw - But SHE came after the boy. So obviously she LOVES sex and forced it on the boy by disregarding his age, his thoughts, etc. She just took what she wanted from him. Sex is exactly the same between men and women. Both want sex - but both want it when they want it and males tend to want it more than females on average.
I'm 8 hours late to this discussion, but this is what is so dangerous about the feminist movement. a woman can do something like this and face no jail time and keep her perceived self worth and image intact But if a man were to do the exact same thing he would be labeled a pedophile as he surely should be and his self worth and perceived image as a human being would be greatly compromised! this is just one aspect of the feminist movement that in my opinion is filled with hypocrisy. I'm not hating on women. I'm just expressing some of the double standards that women benefit from, and this is clearly one of them!
It's not hating, it's just the truth. Feminism is looking for superiority under the false veil of equality. If they really meant the crap they spew out, they would be calling for this woman's head. That's all feminism is: flat out hypocrisy. They look to demonize men and ostracize women who don't conform. All while hiding behind their vaginas to avoid responsibility for their actions.
+Jamie Cox It's sad that people like you need to turn this into something to try and blame feminists for. When in reality you should be blaming your fellow men. Notice how it's the FATHER who's making excuses for the rapist, due to the fucked up sexist idea that boys and men always want sex all the time, even when they're children, and boys can't be "raped," they can only "get laid" because that sounds more manly right? And the idea that women are too weak to ever be able to harm a man. This isn't something feminists created, this is an ugly stereotype created largely by sexist men that's existed long before feminism even existed. So get your head out of your ass and examine your own attitudes about gender norms and stereotypes and how they contribute to shit like this instead of just screaming "EVIL FEMINISTSSS!!"
+MrPerfect6184 How do you know they're NOT calling for this woman's head? I certainly fucking am. The stereotype that women can never hurt men, and that all boys want sex all the time is an ugly stereotype created by sexist men that's been around since before feminism even existed. Notice that it was the boy's FATHER that was making excuses for his son's rapist...Notice how it's mostly MEN in the comments saying shit like "he's lucky, I wish I got laid at 11..." but people like you will always take anything you can to blame feminists for. Meanwhile there's feminists who actively speak against the kind of gender stereotypes that make shit like this be excused but you'd never acknowledge that. Why don't you blame your fellow men who keep making excuses for the rapist.
If the 11 year old is so 'mature for his age' why does he need a babysitter to begin with
Good point. Plus, why does any 11 year old need a babysitter?
+Pozorrogo You're so right. Also, the dad claimed the babysitter was immature for her age. Why would the dad want an immature babysitter taking care of his son?
to get laid?
+Pozorrogo Exactly! I didnt need a babysitter since I was 8 and most would say I wasnt mature but id dint need a babysitter 11.
If you need a "baby sitter" you're too young for sex.
+I support the gay agenda he did not want her advances.
+I support the gay agenda Not everyone needs a baby sitter even though they have one. A lot of it has to do with trust issues and legal issues.
Excellent comment agenda. :)
+kevin hayden I was about to be like "What does the gay agenda have to do with this?" ... then I realized that's the OP's screen name...
So, a 15/16 year old boy who had a nude selfie of himself on his phone is charged with having underage photos, but a 21 year old having sex with an 11 year old gets nothing?
Seems correct.
Kjernekar which county i bet that one happened in usa and babysitter banger in UK
Well without knowing what she looks like it is impossible to know whether this was fair or not... If she was hot then he owes her a thank you letter.
Fox Mulder wtf
Fox Mulder what if he’s asexual or gay. What if she not his type some people people like tall girl, some like blondes. Yet he’s supposed to thank her.
No it doesn’t.
This is simple. She was 20, he was 11,the age of consent is 16. that means she's fully guilty and should be convicted and sentenced as such. Any other details are irrelevant.
Wow, what a superb job simplifying the facts of this case that were never disputed! You are just too smart! You should be an attorney!!
... -_-
Trace XL I agree with you %100
Trace XL I just got this video thown at my face
Imagine if the gender rolls were reversed.
Illuminati_watching well of course. In this matter there is a difference.
When I was 11 I longed for a sexual encounter with a female. And I'm sure a lot of men did too.
But then again this is a TYT video I might get a lot of hate.
Rolls huh?
eric lopez while I agree that's statutory rape charges should really be based on the individual because different children mature at different rates. For example, one person might be able to consent to sex at 14 or 15 while another might be 18 and still not be ready, but 11 is really too young. Even if you wanted it in your mind I don't think you had an appreciation for the potential consequences at 11.
Gender rolls lol... you mean roles. Also, you just mean gender, gender roles are something else. Also, the genders are almost always the reverse of this. Overall an idiotic comment from you.
I think the moral issue is if the boy is upset about it or if the boy will be upset about it when he grow up. Quite honestly most boy probably enjoy it which is weird to call it rape.
Child needs to be placed in a safer home. That boy's father is terrible.
+ArcticSlicer And that judge needs to be fired.
+Sayuas For making the objectively right decision?
+Scott The Dick How is THIS the right decision?
Kilkie Goldaron No, you're the reason our societey is being pussified. You're the reason we're turning into Planet Wuss.
Kilkie Goldaron Well, thats just your opinion. I for one still believe that everything was a-okay.
Father of the Year Award.
+Sun Jetzu So you are ok with the 11 year old girl getting laid eh?
adam as It was a boy. And I'm biased because if it was a girl then it would be wrong.
+adam as no but 11 year old boy yes
+adam as hope u know I'm jokeing
+adam as do u even sarcasm
Wow that is disgusting. That little boy was raped, she should be in jail. That boy will have trouble with women in relationships in the future. So sad.
+Jay Nelson you clearly didn't watch the whole video. The father said he wasn't affected by it but the boys testament stated otherwise.
+Jay Nelson The boy himself said that he thought it was wrong and that he did not enjoy it.
Why listen to the father that fucked the Babysitter rather than the kid?
The father will get to have more sex with the babysitter now, he had a vested interest in saving her, now the immature 21-year-old might give him lots of free "you saved my ass"-sex.
No one should listen to the father in this case, and definitely not overrule his kids words.
+Jay Nelson he didn't have to let her, she's stronger than him and could overpower him.
***** are you even educated on what rape means? We don't know exactly every detail of the sexual act that took place but considering that the boy testified against the woman should indicate he wasn't for it. And he's young enough to have been shocked by it and in the moment had to go along with it. That still isn't consensual. It's just a sad truth that when young boys are raped by women they are almost always overlooked because ppl say "they were laid not raped. He's a man now" and it's honestly disgusting. If it had been a man who raped the boy there would have been a huge uproar. Or if it had been a little girl raped.
To all the people saying men don't suffer the same trauma. Have you been a boy that's been raped, and a girl that's been raped? no? didn't think so. This lady was a creep that should be locked up the kids said be didn't like it. If the genders were switch the adult would be in prison.
kid* he*
+Dakota Ferguson I wish I was a raped boy...
+Scott The Dick good for you and my middle name is Scott
Dakota Ferguson I dont trust people with three names. You will be supervised. /s
+Heiner Privat Feminists get angry at MRAs because they often interrupt discussions about female issues and violence against females and only give a shit about violence against males in an attempt to discredit feminism while not actually doing anything to help male victims. But largely feminists actively fight against the gender stereotypes that make violence against boys and men more acceptable, such as the stereotypes that women are too weak to hurt men, that all men want sex all the time, etc. Are there some feminists who are asshats and attack male victims too? Sure, but not all feminists are representative of the entire movement and my experience has been that feminists attack the route of the problem which are the gender stereotypes about male and female sexuality that causes excuses to be made for rapists such as this one, and other male and female rapists alike. Meanwhile a lot of MRAs I've met like to call other men "manginas" and "whipped" for disagreeing with them, perpetuating their own gender's stereotypes by implying men can't think for themselves and would only disagree if they're trying to get laid...
What in THE hell does a twenty-one year-old woman want with an eleven year-old boy? He's JUST starting puberty. If there's any grass on the field, it's very little. Wow. The sick things that people do.......
mgeek1 amen
mgeek1, the Americans do far worse every day
Abuse isn't about physical or sexual attraction. It's about power and violence
Wtf I think the father is trying to live through his son. And from his perspective it was a great moment in his sons life. When in actuality this rape this could open the door for trauma, depression, sex addiction and just plain robbing him of his innocence. And his father co signing this may only add to the trauma.
+mIchaela burton sex addiction is great!
bluetrilobite that's is really stupid. In that case you should say that a 10 yr old girl sexed by a 20 something man won't effect her and living in the society that deems it bad will hurt them. It what your saying. There have been countless of men who molested at a young age and now have problems.
+mIchaela burton Anyone know Bunchy from Ray Donovan?
+mIchaela burton Girls and guys are affected by sex differently. for a guy it doesnt feel like he is losing anything, but for a girl it is intruding.
+Austin Mose Just like not all girls are the same, so the guys are not the same. It could be a great trauma and judging from what he has said so far it seems to be the case.
I'm betting that after she was confronted the babysitter had sex with the Dad again and then he changed his mind. He was the one who originally called the police. Why would he suddenly change his mind?
ian hock lol
I reckon she threatened to tell the police that he either raped her or had sex with her back when *she* was a minor. For him to change his tune like that just seems strange.
The father, the judge, and the rapist should be horse wiped. The father should lose custody, the rapist should be in jail, and the judge should be disbarred.
worlds worst judge goes to.....
+simon amorim also worst father of the year.
+simon amorim Sorry, worlds worst father was won by Stannis Baratheon. (Game of thrones joke)
+simon amorim Don't even post if you can't use proper spelling and punctuation. Finish high school first.
simon amorim
Pardon me? Why on earth would I not. If I see some grade-A bullshit, I'm going to call you out on it. I'd have to be a coward otherwise. So tell me, who's really sad here. I know you're just talking about yourself.
Chris Wright yes because a punctuation mistake is grade a bullshit and calling it out is super important. you are truly doing gods work.
What's even more sinister about this, is that that boy will learn that his wants and needs, his own feelings, aren't important. His own guardian dismissed them, so why shouldn't he, down the line?
A life of self-doubt and esteem issues likely awaits this young man.
Also Known As maybe, but it didn’t sound like rape to me. Maybe he didn’t enjoy it but it could have been worse
Also Known As yes this is so sad......
When I was 7, I asked my mom to ask her new boyfriend to stop touching my butt. She dismissed my feelings saying, "That's how he shows love!" Of course, I didn't think I could say anything when he went even further.
When I was 29, 10 years after his son was sent to prison for being a paedophile and I finally admitted to being one of his victims, I told my mom about paedophile pop... She responded, "[GASP] That's not what HE said!"
He told her that I approached him and asked for it. Apparently she was ok with that.
jeaniebird that’s sickening. Sorry u had to go through that.
Jonelle Pemberton
Yeah, it sucks, but it's not something I would take back if I could. It took me many years to realise I'm actually stronger because of it. It also makes me feel a little better that I at least know what it feels like since this is something so many, but not all, people experience.
Mostly I just wanted to point out how adults justify things which makes it even harder for the kids.
What the actual fuck?!
+Alvaro Moreno bluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoonbluemapredmoon
+Alvaro Moreno my reaction exactly! DX
+Alvaro Moreno TYT back to supporting pedophilia what next Cenk calling pedophiles a protected sexual orientations... This proves Cenk and his so called liberal are a disease.
stephen mckenna no.
Big T. Larrity Yes bet ya by the end of the year tyt will be pushing to protect pedo's as a protected sexual minority.
It's horrible that there are people out there who genuinely believe all men love all sex no matter who it comes from. That's disgusting. Not every man will have sex with every women that spreads her legs for him.
+LizziesKindaBeast Thank you.
+LizziesKindaBeast hahahahahah
+LizziesKindaBeast yes your right certainly not the pansies they are raising now lol not a chance.
Shannon Blackmon what?
Monsters come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and genders.
We all know, if this a male babysitter, who had sex with a eleven year old girl, he would be arrested, his face put all over the tabloids, and people would be calling for him to be abused in prison.
This woman is disgusting, and should be in jail, for a long time. She raped the boy, that is never acceptable.
So many people let this kid down.
*Ok the boy says he didn't like it, but the father just overlooks his son's statement.*
*Would the father had responded the same way, if he had an 11-year old daughter, and a 21-year old male babysitter had sex with her?*
A mature 11 year old? Wtf lol what world am I on? Is this still earth? What??? Since when can any 11 year old be mature?
since capable of erections and ejaculations. ...i'd say that qualifies lol
My husband, a friend and I was having this conversation. According to them. It’s not the same as if it were a 21 yr old man sleeping with a 11 yr old girl. I say it is. Most definitely.
Shelia Warren Apparently to a lot of people raping a child is fine as long it is only a woman doing it. She would still be the victim in their heads.
Yeap when men sexually assault someone it is an actual assault and they should be sent to jail. But when women do it, it becomes kind of iffy.
Rabeet Ahsan Why, are they children?
Ben Carter are who children?
Rabeet Ahsan Are women children who are not accountable for their actions?
"Male rape victims don't count as rape victims if the were forced to orgasm from the rape."
Thanks Cenk. -_-
The dad is sick. He and the rapist should go to jail.
And the judge disbarred.
Where were these babysitters when I was a kid?
+Ruby Doobie I came here to write the same thing.
+Ruby Doobie I'm so fucking jelly you could put me on toast and call me jam!
+Ruby Doobie Hopefully far away from kids.
+Florence MacKenna You can't rape the willing.
Mazzmaker69 You totally can if you're under the age of consent.
Both the babysitter and the father should get the electric chair.
The boys dad should be arrested for allowing child abuse, and that Judge needs to be investigated. How can they let that man raise this kid?
+The Young Turds I'm assuming you're a troll. But the kid actually said he didn't enjoy it.
+eon001 I dont think you get it. THe perpatrator was a WOMEN, not a men. Therefore, there was no rape, because feminists, who are the establishment, made it so that women cant rape men.
+Scott The Dick feminists are the establishment?
Whether you believe in what they say or don't say. You'd be very hard pressed to prove that case. The establishment is primarily very rich men, at least in Britain anyway.
It is true that men can't technically be raped, I believe it's still classed as sexual assault here in the UK. That's nothing to do with feminists though, that law existed prior to feminism. There's just not been anyone fighting for it to be change.
It certainly needs to change, but I'd suggest that's an issue for you and I to fight as men. Not for feminists to fight who, you know, would by definition be more focused on women's rights issues.
Richard Batt I dont think you understood what I meant by being the establishment.
Not true, men CAN be raped. And feminists have pushed for laws that say men can't be raped.
+Scott The Dick of course men can be raped. But in law, in the UK at least, it is impossible for a woman to rape a man.
However, that is nothing to do with feminists. More to do with the way the law has always been defined in the UK. In the UK such an assault is defined as serious sexual assault.
Like I said, this is nothing to do with feminism. Rather it is a poorly defined law which needs to be changed.
I have never seen any feminists trying to ensure that the law states women can't rape men. However if you say you have I will not attempt to dispute that and I'd agree it is wrong for them to do so.
Either way I'd suggest this is an issue for you and I as men to take up, not for feminists to take up as it is not a female issue.
Do you want to elaborate on what you mean by women being the establishment?
It's clear that BOTH adults were vicariously living a fantasy through the boy.
father needs help. asap. he's the one who is sex crazed
Wow... that judge let a rapist walk free with few consequences and now she will just go and do it again. That boy is likely to grow up hating women and with confusion regarding sexual consent. This makes me so annoyed.
He might become gay which is not acceptable
Young Dagger Dick totally acceptable'.
I can see this boy 10 years from now still traumatized from this, along with the even further traumatic realization, thinking "my father was glad I was raped, and defended my rapist instead of me."
That's just sickening.
1) Rapist is given a slap on the wrist because of their gender and orientation.
2) Parent can give testimony, despite having also had sex with the rapist and thus conflict of interest.
3) Parent's obviously self-centered vicarious testimony is accepted by fellow "good ole boy" judge.
4) Actual VICTIM'S testimony is ignored by horny father and judge.
5) Parent retains custody of child after praising their being raped.
6) Numerous commenters don't care about the victim, too excited by their own self-centered fantasies.
+Aeroldoth3 You should be in the jury much often. lol
+Heiner Privat Sure. Clearly women have oppressed men throughout human history. Shit like this surely has nothing to do with ingrained gender stereotypes imposed on society largely by sexist men.../s
Dear parents, please stop forcing children to grow up quickly. This father is a disgrace and I hope child services take his son from him.
both the babysitter and the father are predators
worlds worst father. good job sir.
+8ty 5ive worlds worst father my ass
South Park's season 10 episode 10 "Miss Teacher Bangs A Boy" addresses the mentality behind this case accurately.
Ana is on par with respect to the emotional and physical responses to rape being separate issues... even when it comes to men.
It sounds like the boy's father needs to be investigated. WTF.
This is disgusting, how could she do this to him. At 11 years old I didn't even know what sex was...what the hell? Y'all probably traumatized himmm....this is no justice. .thats disgusting and this father is probably abusive and that women sexually abused him and needs to go to jail
Children are affected into their adult lives when sitters take advantage of them. It affects the way they relate to their partners and screws up their heads.
My question is: How did she get caught? Who called the police? The boy? Because it couldn't have been the father or baby sitter. How does the lady get away with it if the boy called the police about it?
Actually the father called the police XD
Z0mb!e :3 if that's true 🤔 I can only imagine him doing so to blackmail her smh
Even If I was 15, and my hot babysitter had just dropped her clothes in front of me, I would have ran like hell...
+Frank Horrigan I would not.
U gay
being gay is fine
+Frank Horrigan - I'm picking up a shit load of sarcasm... on a side note, even If I was 13 I would've banged my babysitter raw. Idgaf.
+Frank Horrigan So you're a coward, afraid of women, great. Anything else you'd like to add?
My question is what does maturity have to do with this woman? She was 20 yrs old and she should've know having sex with a minor is illegal. It considered rape because he's not able to consent.
If the genders had been reversed, I bet this father would be raving mad. Let's be real: this father didn't want to acknowledge his son was raped because "boys/men can't be raped." He's clearly embarrassed and trying to defend it, which is SO DISGUSTING. If this man can't stand up for his son's well-being, ESPECIALLY when the son is saying he didn't want it, someone get that poor boy away from this man!!!
Right now, how many 11 year olds are begging mommy for a vacation in the UK.
Nailed it.
+Honey Ryder Me me me
My father raised me to reverse the roles in situations. So for example if the people had different races, religions, gender, etc etc would you be upset? If changing the roles makes you upset then the original should also be upsetting to you, if it doesn’t you’re being a hypocrite.
I think we all know how this would've turned out if the genders were reversed...
If it was a guy who did this he would be in for life
She should go to jail for life hes 11 ? What is wrong with the judge
I think the dad is confusing his own wanting to have sex with the baby sitter with his son's wanting to...
Wouldnt be the same if the sexes were the opposite isn't it?? huh...
Lets be honest. The father defended her because it's his side piece that he wants to continue smashing.
The first clue that he is a child and incapable of giving consent is the fact that he actually needed a babysitter at all. Idk about other people but I outgrew needing a sitter about 8 years before sex
very sick and disgusting
and its very sad! to see a woman get away with rape is bullshit
so woman want equal rights?! fine she deserves jailtime time for what she does criminally
cause we all know what happens too men rapists
she is no different! and shame on the father for betraying his son
i am no therapist but i am a survivor from molestation
and i struglle night and day from PTSD and i fear this young boy will have it too and its probably going too be worse 4 him cause his father turned against him! Sick and disgusting
you better hope i dont come across this bitch cause i will have a throw down
and if i get any jailtime it will be worth it and justice will be served
Why does the father have any say in this? Where are social services in this situation?
Where was she when i was 11...
She was 3 -73727828282828 years old (bc)
Did that Judge win his Job in the lottery?
The Judge's mentality is fucked!
+BlackMilker and your a virgin that mad that a 11 year old boy gets laid and you dont. Get out of youtube and go to youporn
BlackMilker it not rape if the girl is hot
+Mocte Zuma idiot, the kid didn't want it. What if it was a little girl mhhh?
Felipe Luengas if it was a girl it would be different story but like its a guy its normal that kid must be gay or something
+Mocte Zuma being raped is not normal, the kid didn't want it so it's rape. Also the kid isn't sex deprived as you
Here in the UK this is statutory rape! What is more the father's opinion should have no bearing on the trial outcome. Jail the woman, jail the father for neglect and sack the judge.
She took the word "Babysitter" literally. She sat on that baby.
When I was almost twelve I had a smoking hot babysitter. She would take baths at our place now and then and it was like a mission impossible movie with all the ways I came up with to sneak peeks at her... every kid needs a hobby...
We like to pretend that kids are all super innocent and would never dream of having a sexual thought but come on, lets be real, you were that age at one time and you know *exactly* the thoughts you were having.
Not everyone is the same, and not every situation is the same. In this situation, the kid clearly didn't want this to happen. Stop fantasizing about this and consider the actual situation as it happened, not what you think you'd do in it.
Vecheslav Novikov not everyone is the same? Wow I hadn't realized that! Thanks for that amazingly insightful information!
+Ian G having thoughts is one thing, but taking action is another.
+Ian G well obviously you do think that since you're implying the kid wanted to have sex with babysitter and therefore was not raped.
Reza Asslan yeah ik thanks for telling me something i already know
guys ive been watching porn since I was 10 years old so whats the fucking big deal
+LayZ Kimochi wow
+LayZ Kimochi The difference is you gave consent to your hand, he gave no consent to this chick.
+LayZ Kimochi Yeah because there is little difference between watching porn and being raped right?
+LayZ Kimochi ya id go for sex at 10 to...MOST(important word there)boys would...not all tho.
shit ive talked to female friends and MOST(take note of that) also thought about sex and such at young age...again not all.
but he didnt...not only that there a thing called law...those are the problems here that it was rape and that even if its not the judge has no grounds to ignore it.
+LayZ Kimochi Me too and I know that one other kid started when he was 8. He was showed porn by another kid that was 9 at the time.
There are a lot of people in the comments who shouldn't be trusted around children
what a horrible injustice. She should be locked up for at least 10 years. Evil is evil, no if ands or buts.
Double standards all damn day
Cenk's stud-baiting is disgusting. Glad he didn't just say 'let her go!' though.
Just another proof that men and owmen aren't equal..
Since I am someone who actually went through something like this, I feel like I can voice my opinion on the subject...
I lost my virginity at the age of 9 to a girl in her early twenties. According to law, I, too, was "raped", except that I DON'T feel like a victim and I never have! Sure, looking back now I realize that what was done to me was wrong, but honestly, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I'm an adult now, and I can say with full certainty that the whole experience had no effect on me. Though, thinking back on it, I can see how it's not a good thing to experience that at such a young, impressionable age. While it's true that rape is horrible and I can't begin to understand what it's like to fall victim of such horror, I in no way mean to represent it as anything okay... it's just a completely different thing when a teenage male gets used that way by an adult female. You can't rape the willing, and trust me, *(EDIT) majority (EDIT)* of teenage boy are pretty damn willing.
+ಠ_ృ high five!
+ಠ_ృ niccce
+ಠ_ృ I would have slept with my teacher I had the hots for her. Though I see what people are getting at but most men if honest will all agree, as young kids sex was on our minds all the time.
Most would have slept with women they thought about as young teenagers if given the chance. Although some of course wouldn't that's always true. In these kinds of cases the view is biased because men for the most part seek sex at a young age.
I feel bad for the kid because in this instance it sounds like he wanted no part.
To say that we would all feel that way is to ignore how biased nature really is.
Is it right, no I don't think so not morally.
At the end of the day someone below the age of eighteen cannot give consent and as a former teenage boy I can say no no they don't always want it
+ಠ_ృ 11 year olds aren't teenagers and gay boys do exist but nice ignorance and heterocentrism.
Father should lose custody for child abuse. Disgusting.
Even if he DID say he was 15, the age of consent is still 16........
Where's the mother through all this, is she around? Otherwise I'm sure the babysitter would of gotten her behind kicked and been gotten locked up more likely. Imagine the genders among those two were the opposite or both were males, would the judge treated that case the same?
*OMFG!* Let's just for a moment picture this story reversed....
An 11 year old needs a babysitter? Or is that just what they are calling her?
+Ronin Dave
Seeing as the dad also had sex with her, I would think that's just what they're calling her.
Father and son sharing the same woman....... 11 years old is way too young for sex, to even handle it. The father could be right (if she’s hot) as boys and men are unlikely to refuse sex unless they don’t find her attractive. The judges reasoning makes no sense as the boy cannot give consent even in UK. The boy will probably suffer from some kind of trauma even if he doesn’t know it.
What is going on with all these "Liberals" in the comment section cheering on the rape of a little boy?
+ChameleonLost88 those aren't liberals they're radical menimists
...trolls or hypocrites..don't know which one right now..
Feminists would probably point to it as an obvious example of that rape culture that everyone seems to think doesn't exist.
+ChameleonLost88 Liberals? Jumping to conclusions much?
Not really. A lot of these comments are literally coming from people who otherwise have Liberal ideologies.
luckiest 11 year old boy lol
I don't consider being raped "lucky"
+Reza Asslan You do know what rape is right? You don't have the right to tell someone they didn't get raped just because YOU would've wanted it. This kid didn't want it, that's why it's called rape.
Reza Asslan
Matter of perspective.
Scott The Dick kid didn't want it so it's rape
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Eredin the King of Wild Hunt End this Eredin, PLEASE!
I have more important things to do
That age difference shouldn't be relevant she should be in jail. That father should also be in jail too because he allowed this to happen.
Something similar happened to me when I was telling my story of my abusive father in court. I was disregarded as being "coached". Its quite sad.
Antoine Fisher
+Mr0nTime yeah totally.
Apparently Anna is the voice of reason on this show
Wish i had female privilege...
+ross blair Not a real phrase.
+ross blair Like we all do... Maybe if I die, i'll reincarnate as a girl?
Yeah, this was complete and utter bullshit! Let's switch the genders of the two around and see how well the father's excuses go down then.
Was it women who ignore that women can't rape men?
It sure isn't some matriarchy that's saying "boys will be boys".
NO ONE should have the privilege to rape 11 year old boys.
For God's sake! STFU!
Female privilege??!! We've only had the right to vote and own property for the past 100 years. Prior to that we were nothing more than a man's property. Even now we don't have equal pay so please...stfu
Rape is Rape. The fact that the father's testimony was relevant, the boy's ignored, and the woman not facing jail time is both a serious problem, and disgusting.
if he's so mature, why does he need a babysitter?.. these people are sick.
All I know is there are 11 year old boys all over the world high fiving right now...
like the cop from south park said NNNIIIIIIIICCCCCEEEEE!
Sex for males isn't the same as sex for female ,But that's too complicated for many people .
+Omar Iw Luckily the definition of rape doesn't change, no matter who you are.
+Omar Iw so what age dude??? how young is too young for a woman to fuck a boy? 11? 10? 9? wish i could find out so I can keep an eye on my nephew to make sure he doesn't get raped sorry I mean start having consensual sex early. he's only 3 now but by the sounds of people like you he should be balls deep by now.
+Omar Iw - But SHE came after the boy. So obviously she LOVES sex and forced it on the boy by disregarding his age, his thoughts, etc. She just took what she wanted from him. Sex is exactly the same between men and women. Both want sex - but both want it when they want it and males tend to want it more than females on average.
or maybe when females do like sex, it is too complicated for males.
nitrobob89 "he should be balls deep by now" lmfao I'm dead 💀
Can't judges be arrested for pardoning defendants who clearly committed a felony?
I have an 11yo, this girl should be in jail and the kid should be removed from the father.
I'm 8 hours late to this discussion, but this is what is so dangerous about the feminist movement. a woman can do something like this and face no jail time and keep her perceived self worth and image intact
But if a man were to do the exact same thing he would be labeled a pedophile as he surely should be and his self worth and perceived image as a human being would be greatly compromised! this is just one aspect of the feminist movement that in my opinion is filled with hypocrisy.
I'm not hating on women. I'm just expressing some of the double standards that women benefit from, and this is clearly one of them!
+Jamie Cox This has nothing to do with feminism. This double standard was around long before the 1970s.
It's not hating, it's just the truth. Feminism is looking for superiority under the false veil of equality. If they really meant the crap they spew out, they would be calling for this woman's head. That's all feminism is: flat out hypocrisy. They look to demonize men and ostracize women who don't conform. All while hiding behind their vaginas to avoid responsibility for their actions.
MrPerfect6184 perfectly said!!
+Jamie Cox It's sad that people like you need to turn this into something to try and blame feminists for. When in reality you should be blaming your fellow men. Notice how it's the FATHER who's making excuses for the rapist, due to the fucked up sexist idea that boys and men always want sex all the time, even when they're children, and boys can't be "raped," they can only "get laid" because that sounds more manly right? And the idea that women are too weak to ever be able to harm a man. This isn't something feminists created, this is an ugly stereotype created largely by sexist men that's existed long before feminism even existed. So get your head out of your ass and examine your own attitudes about gender norms and stereotypes and how they contribute to shit like this instead of just screaming "EVIL FEMINISTSSS!!"
+MrPerfect6184 How do you know they're NOT calling for this woman's head? I certainly fucking am. The stereotype that women can never hurt men, and that all boys want sex all the time is an ugly stereotype created by sexist men that's been around since before feminism even existed. Notice that it was the boy's FATHER that was making excuses for his son's rapist...Notice how it's mostly MEN in the comments saying shit like "he's lucky, I wish I got laid at 11..." but people like you will always take anything you can to blame feminists for. Meanwhile there's feminists who actively speak against the kind of gender stereotypes that make shit like this be excused but you'd never acknowledge that. Why don't you blame your fellow men who keep making excuses for the rapist.
This story is hilarious
the babysitter gave the boy his very first happy day in his life
The real question is why does a 11 year old need a babysitter
"I didn't like it because it was wrong" are not the words of a mature person but of a child. The judge has no case.
Why are they directing more anger towards the father than the female rapist?
No means no. This 11 year-old was let down by his babysitter, his father, and by the law.
There's no rape here. The babysitter performed a public service, and gave what every young boy dreams of.
It's pure ageism, the Judge dismissed the child's testimony because his dad is his dad.
This is one those few cases where it is perfectly fine to punch a woman in the face.