Narcissistic Abuse: The Pain You Can Expect (And How To Conquer It)

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Struggling with the chaos of contradictory feelings and memories post-narcissistic abuse? Discover how this inner conflict, known as cognitive dissonance, leads to profound stress and how acknowledging this battle is your first step towards recovery.
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    🔴 New Course: Unplug From The Matrix Of Narcissism
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Комментарии • 207

  • @Jimmy.Barajas
    @Jimmy.Barajas 5 месяцев назад +179

    After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!

    • @Alda_Lineberger
      @Alda_Lineberger 5 месяцев назад

      I'm 37 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??

    • @KennethJ.Sheridan
      @KennethJ.Sheridan 5 месяцев назад

      Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested Ms Mary Theresa Gavin .

    • @KennethJ.Sheridan
      @KennethJ.Sheridan 5 месяцев назад

      She's a licensed broker in the states 🇺🇸

    • @KennethJ.Sheridan
      @KennethJ.Sheridan 5 месяцев назад

      After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.

    • @Patricia-Terry
      @Patricia-Terry 5 месяцев назад +2

      God is more than enough for us, and his mercy is new every morning. Hallelujah🎉🎉🎉♥️

  • @tkmorrs8916
    @tkmorrs8916 5 месяцев назад +47

    100% on the money! I have to keep a list of all the things that me ex-wife has done as I find myself completely forgetting all of it or sometimes thinking "maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's the way I'm just interpreting things, it wasn't bad. Look at how so sweet and kind she is to that person for example." Then I re-read my list for the millionth time and go "oh yeah!" I genuinely feel like I have split and become two different people, the one that remembers and the one that forgets. It's extremely disorientating and it worries me that the true me is actually lost somewhere in the dissonance muck

    • @SuperBlakes2
      @SuperBlakes2 5 месяцев назад +9

      I so relate to what you're saying.

    • @Murph709
      @Murph709 5 месяцев назад +5

      "...the one that remembers and the one that forgets" 🤯 Nailed it!

    • @sagebay2803
      @sagebay2803 5 месяцев назад +2

      This was very helpful. Thank you.

    • @bthe1doright462
      @bthe1doright462 5 месяцев назад +4

      I kept a small sized booklet I made at the end of a two year long epic struggle to break free from an abusive narcissist. I made it LOOK FUN - - with comic book cutouts of snoopy characters - PIGPEN was my EX ! I wrote in the margins of the big pictures things that they had done to me - really terrible things. I wrote down the bad scary way they made me feel. I looked it over again and again - and it was colored in and inviting - but held the dirty secret nuggets all jotted in the margins of the bad bad things that happened and how I was shamed and intimated and accused and guilted and trapped. It was SOOOO helpful to make it for myself as a way of putting it DOWN SOMEWHERE - - Where I couldn't remember all the time because I was in so much pain. And I was TERRIFIED to FORGET - Lest He Get a part of one of his many hooked tentacles back into me and draw me toward him again. I FEEL FOR YOU and Want to Encourage You - - Use a Therapist and Use Devices for REMEMBERING and LEARNING TO LOVE and FULLY CARE FOR YOURSELF. You Can and Will Get Through This and OVER THAT HARMFUL Person Who Threw Wrenches Deep Into Your Psyche's Works. They are not magicians = you are a real and good and sensitive person - - We can all be injured like this - - and we can all get free and heal ourselves - - and each other.

    • @sheilaphifer6677
      @sheilaphifer6677 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes..I have a detailed journal I wrote after he left of everything that happened. I read it often when I catch myself thinking of good times. It’s heinous…the good times were fabricated. Chilling..

  • @claudiasbarra1882
    @claudiasbarra1882 5 месяцев назад +36

    Never heard a perfect explanation like this. Brilliant Richard. Thank you. This is exactly what happens inside. Constant battle, stress, 30 kilo weight gain, sicknesses, exhaustion. After 5 years of inner work....every day....I am still not healed....much better but not completely individuated. Thank you ❤

  • @prismonthethehorizon5793
    @prismonthethehorizon5793 5 месяцев назад +10

    The pain I experience is cognitive dissonance from split ego injunctions that are battling each other!

    • @Ishtar2419
      @Ishtar2419 5 месяцев назад

      Yes I’m going through the same, it is pure hell at times and a lesser hell all the other times🥺

  • @laniefrancisco5599
    @laniefrancisco5599 5 месяцев назад +24

    The pain I experience is the cognitive dissonance from split super ego injunctions fighting eac other - Richard Grannon😊

    • @wendell6020
      @wendell6020 5 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you for writing this out for us ..awesome 👌

  • @surose7506
    @surose7506 5 месяцев назад +9

    The "hellscape" is soo painful and so scary

  • @-ScapegoatDiaries
    @-ScapegoatDiaries 5 месяцев назад +15

    Makes sense. They may not know the psychological term 'cognitive dissonance' but I think they know this is what they are doing to us because they can give u that "don't make me bring out my Frankenstein" look

  • @allisfaith
    @allisfaith 5 месяцев назад +62

    I’m such a badass, I survived this (it’s been 8 yrs) and doing well

    • @daisyh8481
      @daisyh8481 5 месяцев назад +13

      Me too. But never dated again. Dating myself now

    • @traceyross8528
      @traceyross8528 5 месяцев назад +6

      I'm still's been 10 years. My bedroom is my safe place.

    • @nicoletalmadge7276
      @nicoletalmadge7276 4 месяца назад +1

      You are!! Surviving and thriving after this makes you a straight up warrior!

  • @rukhsanamirza4679
    @rukhsanamirza4679 5 месяцев назад +24

    You help us by telling the truth about the narcissist and about how we allow the abuse . Self accountability is a must to get rid of the narcissist and work on repairing and healing

    • @yah9489
      @yah9489 5 месяцев назад +3

      that has been the hardest part for me. Knowing I let it go on for so long. I was part of it.

  • @CarlyFaith15
    @CarlyFaith15 5 месяцев назад +3

    Richard, your explanation of the split brought to mind a visual memory. I hear his car pull up in the driveway and part of me says, he's home. I have someone to talk to and I feel safer. Immediately, my body reacts and I start to shake. He hasn't even opened the front door yet. The reality is that I don't know who is coming in the door. He may be completely dismissive. He may immediately begin yelling. He may even start pounding his fists on the counter and yelling about something that is almost meaningless. But, I love him. That's insanity!!! And yet, I couldn't tell there was no love there?
    You're an excellent teacher. Thank you for sharing. 🌿

  • @sheilaphifer6677
    @sheilaphifer6677 5 месяцев назад +4

    I’ve just come through the first year after he left. I couldn’t figure out why I was so exhausted. I once slept for almost four months…waking to eat and exercise, that is all. Thanks to you, I now understand why and got myself to a therapist asap. I’m coming out of it thank God

  • @annemariegodden
    @annemariegodden 5 месяцев назад +9

    Bless you, Richard. This is the best description of my experience I have heard

  • @Heatherhez1111
    @Heatherhez1111 5 месяцев назад +3

    I was sick all the time!!! I was called a hypochondriac by everyone, I was sick most of 20 years

  • @chiliart8056
    @chiliart8056 5 месяцев назад +3

    My mother do that still. She is killing me for decade's

    • @gracebe235
      @gracebe235 3 месяца назад

      @chiliart8056…..My mother died at 92, (that’s another story….the way she died), but all of the way to the end, she was a manipulative, conniving, snaky individual. I always thought that she would mellow, or learn to trust and quit being so defensively mean. But now I know that these individuals don’t change.
      I tried for years to understand why she was like this. Part of me thinks that it was hereditary…..she and my siblings weren’t just narcissists, they were also psychopaths……another part showed me that it was her way of protecting herself from what she perceived as a real threat. Which really hurt me, because I was not ‘out to get her’, yet she would treat me (and everyone else), like she needed to be on guard…..get you before you get her. It was terrible. She had a very sharp tongue…..just mean.
      It’s only been in recent years, after viewing many of these videos, that I have finally been able to understand the situation with her….and all of the other dysfunctional people in my life.

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 5 месяцев назад +10

    .If you think they are the one that ' made' you feel then you are still under their control, you're still wrapped up in their neverending inner delusions/dar-k-ness, and you learned nothing. The truth is, you were loving YOURSELF the entire time you were interacting with them as they were doing nothing more than mirroring you at the start, there is nobody inside them in the first place, therefore there was nobody for you to love but yourself...(as they themselves are incapable of true empathy/love). ..
    Stating that they made you feel is like saying a robot made you feel, or an empty soda can made you feel. And in the same way it's completely ridiculous to think a Narc made you feel anything...As they were doing nothing more than mirroring you in the beginning...Based on a lie and you cannot truly feel for lies.
    They are completely incapable of processing their emotions, they don't know how to. And that is why when you state that you love them they greatly resent it, they turn you into an enemy and play their games. Because inside they ask themselves- " how can you possibly love this ? '
    Unless you get over these massive hurdles and understand the bigger picture of Universal spiritual truths in your relationships then you will never be the truly empathic powerful loving spirit being you truly are to love the world/heal the world. .. Much love !
    The above literature is from me and it's the total truth.. And -
    Furthermore, You must come to the realization that none of it was personal....Narcs don’t know how to love; they can’t afford to spare the energy to learn, because they’re always in a state of high emergency, cataloging potential threats and redoubling their defenses. When they claim to love you, it means nothing - they can’t feel it. They never attach to you or anyone else. Other people are paper cut-outs to the narcissist, like those cardboard figures of celebrities you pose next to for a selfie. Narcissists value their own children only as mirrors of themselves. Loads of them brag about being a good parent and seek compliments for that only to hide their masks.
    When they destabilize you or attack you, it means nothing....They are stuck in an endless conversation with themselves, in which you are an inanimate object, to be assigned their own faults and used as a surrogate punching bag for their hatred of themselves..
    When they toss you out, it’s no more meaningful than a junkie tossing away a needle; when they try to reel you back in, it only means that they tired of the new drug and need a hit of the old. None of this is personal....
    They’re too terrified to have close personal relationships, opting instead for extraction of admiration from a subservient partner whose range of action they strictly constrain. This is not personal. None of it....
    The narcissist does not know who you are - it doesn’t know how to know other people. Like the vampire or the chainsaw-wielding creature in the horror film, it’s from another world, bereft of the concept of human connection. . . - Cara Lee

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 5 месяцев назад

      @T_legram_chat-Richard_Grannon You have no clue how many people come to Ayahuasca ceremonies who've been completely traumatized by narcissistic abuse in their relationships (mostly men because false society has trumpeted the "modern woman" of being a cold, cruel, calculated parasitic snake as if they're some sort of endearing attributes, lol !). And in the ceremonies they get all the truthful answers and infinitely more than they were initially looking for (spiritually speaking). You're doing an outstanding job raising awareness ! Much love !!You're a Spiritual Warrior my friend !! :- )

    • @ethericfield9
      @ethericfield9 5 месяцев назад


    • @netta96
      @netta96 5 месяцев назад

      Wow. Hit the nail directly on the head. It was so hard to embrace this truth because I spent 25 years of my life believing a lie. What a big pill to swallow. It had nothing to do with me. Wow. Just wow.

    • @christineanderson4794
      @christineanderson4794 3 месяца назад

      Perfectly described.

  • @luxsend575
    @luxsend575 5 месяцев назад +5

    You a divine gift to humanity. Thank uou RG for help me on my journey

  • @jennypenny6502
    @jennypenny6502 4 месяца назад

    I have blocked out so much and was done being treated so poorly, been single for years now.... Then being bullied at work by older men and was so fed up I started to stand up to the bully's.. lost my job for it too but I'm free from that abuse now so it's a blessing in disguise.

  • @bethpage6696
    @bethpage6696 5 месяцев назад +8

    I'm 25 pounds underweight

  • @stevenhowe6677
    @stevenhowe6677 5 месяцев назад +2

    One issue with getting rid of the Narcissist is OFTEN financial

    • @sandracrandall4561
      @sandracrandall4561 5 месяцев назад

      OR you area child if the Narc & are forced by court to spend hrs with the AssHole walking the plank Everytime my grandchildren HAVE to go with him. He's Covert & Rages. HELP!!!!

  • @miriam3730
    @miriam3730 5 месяцев назад +2

    This is so spot on 💯 wow!

  • @BL-sd2qw
    @BL-sd2qw 5 месяцев назад +1

    I am economically trapped and I feel how they split me with their abuse and threats... It's truly maddening

    • @chiliart8056
      @chiliart8056 5 месяцев назад +1

      Me too

    • @BL-sd2qw
      @BL-sd2qw 5 месяцев назад

      @@chiliart8056 I'm sorry 😭🫂

  • @evapawlowska
    @evapawlowska 5 месяцев назад +2

    Cycle of abuse makes us unable to process reality

    • @scandinaviansunset
      @scandinaviansunset 5 месяцев назад

      For as long as you allow.
      Its cycle is finite.
      As sure as Christ conquered the gates of Hades. ☦️💜🕊️

  • @alariaesculenta8177
    @alariaesculenta8177 5 месяцев назад +4

    I don't understand what you mean by splitting..... makes no sense. It's not because my parents hated me or a significant other made me out to be evil, that I ever thought of myself as either all good or all bad. I always secretly knew they were completely wrong, either way.

  • @healthandenvironment2998
    @healthandenvironment2998 4 месяца назад

    I had gone through splitting. Its the worst. The psychosis and confusion from narcissistic abuse.

  • @reginamarisrodrigues1207
    @reginamarisrodrigues1207 5 месяцев назад

    Perfeito!!!!! Melhor explicação da vida!!!!! Ninguém chegou a esse nível de clareza!!! Faz todo sentido!!🎉🎉🎉

  • @tashastarling6573
    @tashastarling6573 5 месяцев назад +1

    Yes dialectics but to a level where you trusted someone to subvert yourself into their criticism. It's not proper.
    The point is to let go of the shell.
    It drops for me sometimes. And when it comes back I really really miss the feeling without it. Would like to learn this

  • @laurencorson4652
    @laurencorson4652 5 месяцев назад

    Wow..I feel safe here💔

  • @kristinvasquez
    @kristinvasquez 2 месяца назад

    Is it normal as the “rarget” to battle your mind from I miss him so much to this is a blessing?! It’s so very confusing to me how he was able to do this to me and just move on with his life as if I never existed.

  • @Snakey103
    @Snakey103 5 месяцев назад +2

    Fuck this is good

  • @FatimaAsadi
    @FatimaAsadi 5 месяцев назад +6

    How Richard? How to break the shell or spell?

    • @nakuruhike7991
      @nakuruhike7991 5 месяцев назад +1

      How I did it was to forgive myself. Once you have stepped into the light away from their dark force it can feel bare and lonely but embrace it and be kind to yourself with lots of treats and good reading, healthy eating etc. You will get there. 💖

    • @netta96
      @netta96 5 месяцев назад +3

      Definitely do not get with another narc. Take time to know yourself....what you like or dislike. And give yourself permission to be alone.

  • @dumbass3770
    @dumbass3770 5 месяцев назад +12

    After going through this and then leaving the relationship I can now see it in other people's relationships and I think it's funny that the abused person in the relationship defends the narcissist. You can try to point it out to them but they don't want to see the truth and or don't want to deal with it. Some I see that they stay because they don't want to be alone.

    • @yah9489
      @yah9489 5 месяцев назад +1

      That was me.

    • @oceansunset6147
      @oceansunset6147 5 месяцев назад

      So true, I've only just worked out what's going on. After 55 years

  • @thewoundedhealer4950
    @thewoundedhealer4950 5 месяцев назад +8

    Fragmented split ‘entities’ creating fragmented split ‘enities’. They take the whole of you, and ‘become’ you and pretend they’ve been you all along, and you’ve been them.

    • @storyofzero
      @storyofzero 5 месяцев назад +4

      oh this hits me right in the gut with the truth of it.

    • @ccm8620
      @ccm8620 5 месяцев назад

      Yes they are they vampires 🧛‍♀️ And once you remove yourself, they are forced to live in their shame and pain.

    • @netta96
      @netta96 5 месяцев назад

      After we broke up and realized I was with a narcissist, I would call him the Borg (from star trek). Destroy and assimilate. That's their goal.

    • @storyofzero
      @storyofzero 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@netta96 omgoodness that is exactly what I used to say to my ex!!!!

  • @Heatherhez1111
    @Heatherhez1111 5 месяцев назад

    I am so broken and lost! 20 years with him, left and went back and did that again. I put a knife thru my stomach!almost died and no memory of it. I don't even know who I am anymore

    • @WiseWoman-sk4ey
      @WiseWoman-sk4ey 5 месяцев назад +1

      You need to get out of that relationship.
      Get in touch with a Women's Refuge type place, they can help.
      To get the strength, pray to God to give you strength.
      You can do it, you won't be the first and you won't be the last person to break free.

    • @netta96
      @netta96 5 месяцев назад +1

      I almost unalived myself. I am only free because he discarded me for someone else. I feel your pain. Get help from someone who knows how to deal with a narcissist.

  • @christinahart6823
    @christinahart6823 5 месяцев назад

    This was my 1 and hopfully last narcissist relationship and its so hard watching these viseos. Im watching and Im like omg hes talking about me. Except for the physical abuse and the screaming at me it was total text book behavior. Im not dumb why didnt I see it, Why did I allow it to go that far. Why would someone hurt another that bad? So many questions that I know I will never get answers for. I know that he will never give me a sincere apoligy for what he did, I dont think that hes capable of feeling for anybody but himself or even think about it

  • @justsomeguy5417
    @justsomeguy5417 5 месяцев назад

    Richard the ONLY thing you missed on is the idealization and devaluation is a constant cycle throughout the relationship and yes i experienced the splitting but it was think of the idea of him doing it all intentionally and i literally FELT and saw (from the inside) my eyes going dark. I HATED him. I TORE into him. It was awful. Then he would say something like "please...stop hurting me" and id snap out of it. It was....insane. i had to demolish my mind and reconstruct it brick by brick

    • @justsomeguy5417
      @justsomeguy5417 5 месяцев назад

      At that moment i said "omg i understand what you're experiencing!" It was sad

    • @netta96
      @netta96 5 месяцев назад

      Me too. Welcome back.

  • @francinehorner2792
    @francinehorner2792 3 месяца назад

    Hi Richard
    Can you do a video about the grief from CPTSD and Narcissistic Abuse
    I realised that I had not individuated and the love I was looking for: all consuming, merging and feeling connected was something I should have got from my mother ( but had traumatic birth and childhood operations aged 2and 4) Through narcissistic abuse I took the need to rely on a parent away from my father and placed it on the Narcissist
    When he dumped me I thought I would die!
    Like being a child and knowing if your dad disowned you you may die
    So now I somehow have to accept that the all consuming love I was searching for and never felt can no longer be given by anyone And it is the wrong thing to aim for in a relationship where someone looks after me and I trust them with my life The pain of this realisation has left me shocked and blank like I don’t know what to want?!?
    I don’t think I’ve been in a relationship with a man where I didn’t aim for us to look after each other! (I know dual mothership!) I’m really not clear on how it’s meant to feel?!?
    Any insights would be marvellous 🙏🏻xx

  • @MaryMura-p5u
    @MaryMura-p5u 5 месяцев назад

    Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am i to disagree?...

  • @monique-y6o
    @monique-y6o 2 месяца назад

    6:25 🧩🙏🏼

  • @sfkeepay
    @sfkeepay 5 месяцев назад

    There’s so much about your channel that’s insightful and genuinely helpful. But you’re simultaneously divorced for so much truth.

  • @noturbo
    @noturbo 5 месяцев назад +7

    pretty sure i was split before i meet her but it sure hasn't helped its just added another layer of trauma i need to wade thru

  • @barebonesbrisco3954
    @barebonesbrisco3954 5 месяцев назад


  • @SeanSolo605
    @SeanSolo605 5 месяцев назад

    Sour grapes

  • @ReflectorCara
    @ReflectorCara 5 месяцев назад


  • @Vanessa-dv8ce
    @Vanessa-dv8ce 5 месяцев назад

    Trojan Horse!!

  • @seattlerunner
    @seattlerunner 5 месяцев назад +1

    Is he a narcissist?

  • @zx81qw
    @zx81qw 5 месяцев назад +12

    "When someone shows you who they are, believe them"
    -- Maya Angelou

  • @ConnieBrown-x9b
    @ConnieBrown-x9b 5 месяцев назад +22

    Geez, I am more messed up than I thought 😂

  • @Xyzxyz-pl1jv
    @Xyzxyz-pl1jv 5 месяцев назад +6

    That is why it is extremely essential to have a very strong moral compass and the skill of being able to know right from wrong without doubting yourself.

  • @brendaplunkett8659
    @brendaplunkett8659 5 месяцев назад +14

    I am learning internal boundaries. A geofence around your core of self love. An inoculation against being so raw and easily hurt by comments of others taken to heart , no matter who they were.

    • @brendaplunkett8659
      @brendaplunkett8659 5 месяцев назад +3

      Jerry Wise has a great video on internal boundaries and differation of self. A Bowen Family Systems approach. Especially if you have kids.

    • @WiseWoman-sk4ey
      @WiseWoman-sk4ey 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes trying not to take it all to heart is so hard.

  • @brusselsprout5851
    @brusselsprout5851 5 месяцев назад +9

    It was done to me by a medical group and a NPD hired by them while I was on psych drugs that I should have never trusted them to take. They fucked me up badly, and during their process fucked my mind too. It wasn't a relationship but it fucked me up, forever, on purpose. So the damage is done. How we are programmed to give full trust to medical people who are not worthy of it and do not reciprocate in trust is almost blasphemy. Now I understand why it came to be for me towards some of them it's been hot or cold, black or white. No warm, no gray. And that was not part of my personality before. I am overcoming that, but am not regaining trust in people and am now ridiculously distrusting, almost paranoid, of anything and anyone corporate ... for very proper reasons.

    • @brusselsprout5851
      @brusselsprout5851 5 месяцев назад

      The negative reaction to the Ambien made me see some people as demons, harboring demons inside. Maybe it's those shadows Jung speaks about? But ever since the psych drugs, which I call the portals to Lucifer, I see into people. Navigating that is stressful on my trip to returning to who I was before the G.P. quack began dumping garbage into me because he wanted to pretend he was a psychiatrist like his corrupted State psychiatrist Daddy. Smh. With that doctor there is no back & forth. There is just full on hate for what he has done to me, and I am not ashamed to say it.

    • @don-eb3fj
      @don-eb3fj 5 месяцев назад +4

      That "distrust of anything corporate" doesn't sound like paranoia or an unhealthy effect of narcissistic abuse to me at all, more like a heightened awareness of the very real shape of things behind the glitter and glamour. Of course I've been through the mill too, so a social conformist who hasn't consciously shared that experience would dismiss that assessment as cynicism, paranoia, or outright delusion. Ignorance is bliss, for some, until they can't live in denial any longer. Sorry for your bad experiences, I hope you find ways to recover. I've been living with the fundamental inability to trust since age 5 or before, I know how little it leaves in life.

    • @SuperBlakes2
      @SuperBlakes2 5 месяцев назад +2

      Ive had a similar experience. Truely terrifying.

    • @juliepratt4621
      @juliepratt4621 5 месяцев назад +1

      Me too. The worst is that the family believes all the lies because that's what the Dr said.

  • @FatimaAsadi
    @FatimaAsadi 5 месяцев назад +10

    How do you reintegrate

    • @ccm8620
      @ccm8620 5 месяцев назад +2

      I need that answer as well. It’s been 2 years out, I’m much much better but still not truly myself. I’ve done a lot of healing ❤️‍🩹 And never will see a human the same again.

  • @WiseWoman-sk4ey
    @WiseWoman-sk4ey 5 месяцев назад +4

    Yes, even after they have died you may still hear their criticisms and put-downs in your head.
    I experienced that until I decided no, I wasn't letting those thoughts in and made a conscious decision to imagine that person saying kind and loving things to me. The critical voice soon stopped. I guess I reprogrammed it.

  • @yah9489
    @yah9489 5 месяцев назад +7

    You are really helping but I'll never understand it all. I left him 3 months ago and I'm so happy to be free. I never want another mate or even friends again. I feel very sorry for him because of the terrible pain and abuse he must have suffered in his childhood to make him a narcissist. But sometimes I feel like 2 people. And I'm talking to myself. But I don't care. I'm so happy to be free my face hurts from smiling so much. I was walking around Walmart yesterday just smiling at nothing. And I hate going to Walmart. I guess I must be getting over the self loathing for letting him damage me so much.

    • @MizrahiChick
      @MizrahiChick 5 месяцев назад +5

      You were decieved . Anyone can be decieved. They drag us into the water an inch at a time and we don't realise we are going to be drowned. I am sorry you were put through so much.

    • @santoparfano1910
      @santoparfano1910 2 месяца назад

      I'm in a 26 year marriage with my narcissistic wife. Everything you say I can relate. I fantasize about getting away. I almost left her but she got privy to my plans and created a hellscape of smear campaigns, projection etc so I relented and stayed. During that time,, I caught her throwing out some of my valuables including a titanium watch. Found a number of my valuables hidden in her nightstand too. She denied seeing these items when I had inquired. I became aware at that point that when things go missing its likely bc she throws them out or hides them like a good psychopath. Then she gaslights me saying I must have "misplaced" them. The thjngs these psychopaths do is unconscionable and unbelievable. Trust me, I will have a permasmile on my face when I leave her bc I will be free. God bless!!

  • @TheGurlsohappy
    @TheGurlsohappy 5 месяцев назад +8

    Holy shit 😮thx 😊

  • @maxreinsch
    @maxreinsch 5 месяцев назад +6

    Fucking brilliant - cheers

  • @natashabrennan92
    @natashabrennan92 5 месяцев назад +2

    Great info ! Would love a podcast on how female narcs treat other women. There’s so much about how they control men/partners but very little about how they treat other women like friends/sisters in law that they are jealous of etc and how to respond to them.

    • @WiseWoman-sk4ey
      @WiseWoman-sk4ey 5 месяцев назад

      From my jealous younger sister, since childhood and into our 50's I have experienced:
      Phusical violence, Verbal abuse, criticism about my appearance, home, capabilities, lifestyle.
      In return, she bigs up her home, her job, her capabilities etc.
      As an adult was told I smell (not true) am boring (not true) disorganised (not true).
      I have heard the narcissitic rages, she also went no contact for 5 years.
      I have tried to be sympathetic as she has had a rough life, is is morbidly obese, has a lot of health conditions, is on her 3rd husband as the other two were awful, one a drug addict and one a jailed paedophile.
      Parents with abusive behaviour - verbal, emotional, physical.

  • @colleenbucks4385
    @colleenbucks4385 5 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you - this helped answer many questions

  • @devovray
    @devovray 5 месяцев назад +3

    A fox was following me around everywhere I went in my dream the other night. I think I'm finally unpacking my narc and understanding that I still carry that sly fella around with me everywhere I go even two years on. Gotta get rid! Thank you Richard for helping to get me here. ❤

    • @devovray
      @devovray 5 месяцев назад

      @T_legram_chat-Richard_Grannon Aww shucks. 🤩

  • @SuperBlakes2
    @SuperBlakes2 5 месяцев назад +4

    So true. Brilliant.

  • @Mark-cx5vl
    @Mark-cx5vl 5 месяцев назад +4

    More…. More

  • @mjm5081
    @mjm5081 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you again for sharing your wisdom and expertise!

  • @danitaoliver264
    @danitaoliver264 5 месяцев назад +1

    ❤ How do we Destroy the Shared Fantasy Space?????😢

  • @jamescoburn6789
    @jamescoburn6789 Месяц назад

    Luckily my childhood abuse filled my toolbag with the right skills to outsmart the little leeches, and to discard them without any serious damage. Although at the time I was bleeding out badly with no understanding where the shots were coming from. I walked away and within a week of the fog lifting a was able to put everything together. I started with the narcassism that was a nearly emerged trait during my two year absence. She also added a riduculous hypersensitivity to any percieved critique. I picked up disdain as well. I had worked with this woman for 3 years and thought we were soul mates but I didn't recognise the new character. I discovered the covert narc pattern and it fit without needing a trim. It fit the mother of my son too, which blew my mind. How did I not notice they were the same person? They both did the 3 month rug pull. Once the rug is pulled, if you dont tell them to flip off, you're in the web. The cold person in front of you is their real self. Don't waste any of your life chasing the love bomber. She will never be seen again.

  • @mateuszmazurek7991
    @mateuszmazurek7991 5 месяцев назад +1

    Good dude and a great man! Richard you're the BOSS!

  • @rooserroo
    @rooserroo 3 месяца назад

    What do you do when you're afraid to leave? I fantasize about leaving, it's been 24 years and he just absolutely hates me and I've let him physically, emotionally, psychobiology, and verbally abuse me and cheat on me and I hate myself for it. I'm afraid to stay, I'm afraid to go. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy. I'm afraid he'll hurt me, whether I stay or go. How do you get the courage to just leave?

  • @марысьв
    @марысьв 5 месяцев назад

    Здравствуйте уважаемый Ричард. Будут ли переводы ваших лекций на русский ? Спасибо

  • @alcor6814
    @alcor6814 5 месяцев назад

    So... I was actually psychotic in my teens and I now severely compartmentalise physical pain from my body to hang on while living with my parents. What am I perpetuating? I wasn't ever treated, I was homeschooled at the time and my parents just exorcised me instead of taking me to a doctor...

  • @ellasofiejohansen7051
    @ellasofiejohansen7051 4 месяца назад

    I. order. you. an. apology for a comment, one week ago, It was. about. your. proffesoin linked to an affairs with tre. narcissists. I. Totally misunderstood your video and. write a. stupid
    cerely, R

  • @deliamariaalandetemanotas4931
    @deliamariaalandetemanotas4931 5 месяцев назад +7

    Richard, one of your best videos

  • @wateroflife63
    @wateroflife63 5 месяцев назад +1

    How applicable is this when the narcissist was a parent

  • @unknownentrappment_ed3522
    @unknownentrappment_ed3522 5 месяцев назад

    When I was 11/12, two men one woman?
    At school?.....Richard!

  • @r.bishop1127
    @r.bishop1127 Месяц назад

    3 years out of 12 year covert bs. Met two more. Idk how to heal anymore

  • @lee_s1487
    @lee_s1487 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this. Don't have the money to get the course yet. ❤

  • @exurbandoglife
    @exurbandoglife 5 месяцев назад +1

    Can we just stop for a second to admire how beautiful Richard Grannon is!?! 🎉

    • @scandinaviansunset
      @scandinaviansunset 5 месяцев назад

      More so, amplified is the centeredness one asserts, as the information imparts…as you allow radical acceptance, radical forgiveness, radical gratitude…know thy self…🎉❤️‍🩹👑✌🏻🕊️

  • @SpecialAgent666
    @SpecialAgent666 2 месяца назад +1

    The Narcissist is the one who is Split though. An Empath is least likely to split personality due to being mentally stable. Empaths would more develop a method of coping and dealing with a split person.

    • @SidneyWells
      @SidneyWells 2 месяца назад +1

      Dont think so. Empathy is a double edged sword, not something super human ability.
      Through empathy you acknowledge, relate and feel, the other. When you are exposed to such a distorted reality, it infects you because you are invested in the other and you are emotionally available and willing to go with the other to places where he/she use to go illiterally. This means you are taking part of their reality as well, and will resonate with them. Meanwhile this helps you to connect with others, through this connection you let in others into yourself.
      If an empath ever can resist this kind of abuse, it ia not because of empathy, it is because he/she is highly trained in the subject and can read signs and navigate through them, before he/she gets damaged.
      Empathy actually IS the channel, where they can infect you through. If you had no empathy, they cant really hurt you to begin with.
      I is the reason narcs hunt empaths and codependent people in the first place. They are the easiest to manipulate and the most they can get, unless they are trained against them.

    • @SpecialAgent666
      @SpecialAgent666 Месяц назад

      @@SidneyWells But guess what? You are not split. By becoming one through your empathy with them, it's all a part of your ride. Your are still you. The Empath just absorbed a piece of them, which you can filter out.

    • @SidneyWells
      @SidneyWells Месяц назад

      @@SpecialAgent666 dunno, I think I became split. Thats the cognitive dissonance. The love and hate are fighting in me. I also got intrusive destructive thoughts and still having after more than half year. It is even hard to tell which one is the real me.
      Yeah you are right about absorbing the other, and can be filtered out.
      But I had to destroy myself to zero and build up myself again, I think thats what happened with my therapist.
      But it does mean I think I became split. No wonder it is said, to be able to heal, a part of you have to die. Because you have to reborn. You have to relearn stuff and rebuild yourself and for it, you have to destruct yourself to the core.
      Most mentally challenging thing I have ever done.

    • @SpecialAgent666
      @SpecialAgent666 Месяц назад

      @@SidneyWells TRAGIC 😥 but what you are describing sounds like a Narcissist or Other personality type trying to change.

    • @SidneyWells
      @SidneyWells Месяц назад

      @@SpecialAgent666 what do you mean by other personality type trying to change?

  • @Dame21
    @Dame21 4 месяца назад

    I don’t know who I am anymore.

  • @ackermankellylee
    @ackermankellylee 4 месяца назад

    How does one fix the split?

  • @evapawlowska
    @evapawlowska 5 месяцев назад

    Splitting - seeing objects as altogether good or bad - is that not what narcissists do? Maybe that’s the way they plant the seed

    • @WiseWoman-sk4ey
      @WiseWoman-sk4ey 5 месяцев назад

      I think they compliment you and put you down so that you think they must be telling the truth as they seem to have a balanced view. If it was all bad you wouldn't believe them as you know you have some good points.

  • @sugarfree1894
    @sugarfree1894 5 месяцев назад

    Richie, can you talk again about the Samangat? I remember that from 2015 or so on your content and it's meant a fair amount to me over the years, perhaps it could help people? Thanks!

  • @USvlogs12
    @USvlogs12 5 месяцев назад

    I can't express the gratitude I feel..after listening to the healing words coming out of your mouth... Allah bless you Richard.. Allah bless

  • @The_Bat_Wolf
    @The_Bat_Wolf 5 месяцев назад

    Richard has such a great handle on how all this works

  • @asiawilk
    @asiawilk 4 месяца назад

    I just left my partner of almost 11 years. Been realizing hes a narcisist. I have been really struggling with the fact tht i didnt leave sooner ( i did try many times..) I had never heard abt the forgetfullness the abuse can cause. i have been noticing even myself the past few years that my memory is so bad, I blamed it on covid brain fog, which could have been a mix of both but still. That was so validating. I also recently re-read our last messages together after I had made him leave our home, and I really felt like I was reading it all for the first time and i was so confused, and angry. The way he spoke to me is disgusting. But It was like i was reading it for the first time? I was sad and heartbroke initially after leaving. Then a few weeks pass and I dont know why I re-read that stuff and i was thinking what is this garbage? How could I even be heartbroken when this is how he treats me? It's scary that I forgot

  • @RedEric79
    @RedEric79 5 месяцев назад

    Love this and wish I saw this 2 years ago. I kinda figured out the parent thing being the absolute reason I have codependent traits and had to have a 12 year relationship with a pwbpd and narcissistic traits (diagnosed professionally) for me to face my own traits.

  • @jiasdfadfdeygshjklsIlgs
    @jiasdfadfdeygshjklsIlgs 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you, Richard. It's the wording that you use to convey ideas, my god it's so perfect, I've never seen anyone so verbally brilliant and precise on the topic. That is what sets you apart from many other experts in the field. You are doing a fantastic job 💪

  • @MyValki
    @MyValki 5 месяцев назад

    I think you are right that the memories are stored in different areas. I got over mine really quickly, as in 2 seconds and this was more than a year ago, your theory fits some 'rehabitation' problems I faced suddenly

  • @johnwrickel
    @johnwrickel 5 месяцев назад

    🦄 Dolt by John Rickel 🦄

  • @youtubingbabs
    @youtubingbabs 5 месяцев назад

    Came hear from the sv smear campaign. How appropriate

  • @rhiawilson3618
    @rhiawilson3618 5 месяцев назад

    You are helping me so much and I’m greatful

  • @unamurray4279
    @unamurray4279 5 месяцев назад

    Brilliant. Good luck everyone. U x

  • @1o1carolina53
    @1o1carolina53 5 месяцев назад +4

    Can't believe I have to wait 2 hours for this...... Sigh

  • @greentree730
    @greentree730 5 месяцев назад

    In defending them, sometimes we see something is wrong with someone. And its not as simple as they are monsters. NPD can be combined or mistaken for ADHD and bi-polar. You can also see something is just wrong with them. Especially when seeing a sister is messed up somehow, not romantically involved. You can observe better.

  • @fightswithspirits915
    @fightswithspirits915 5 месяцев назад +2

    Most recent girl was masterful. Dated her knowing what she was to see if my growth resulted with any benefit. Turns out I’m BPD and she was a soccer mom innocent and predator. Have never seen anything like it. Wonderful. Of course I had to force her to split me before she started phase II Also wonderful. . Took 3 weeks to break up with her. Had to make her do it. One month was an eternity. Our combined comorbidity is off the charts. She still can’t let go. Time to ignore her. That will be extremely unpleasant for her. Wonderful. Her adding predator to the script is straight up vicious. She knows what she is doing.

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 5 месяцев назад +3

    You have no clue how many people come to Ayahuasca ceremonies who've been completely traumatized by narcissistic abuse in their relationships (mostly men because false society has trumpeted the "modern woman" of being a cold, cruel, calculated parasitic snake as if they're some sort of endearing attributes, lol !). And in the ceremonies they get all the truthful answers and infinitely more than they were initially looking for (spiritually speaking). You're doing an outstanding job raising awareness ! Much love !!You're a Spiritual Warrior my friend !! :- )

    • @Ishtar2419
      @Ishtar2419 5 месяцев назад

      Does it help them at all?

    • @Catinthedesert
      @Catinthedesert 5 месяцев назад +1

      Especially men? Hardly. Who’s in jail for DV and SA very narcissistic behavior. Look at the statistics. You really believe all the victims were gaslighting?

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 5 месяцев назад

      @@Catinthedesert roberts my husband.he's a ayahuasca shaman and spiritual master. he's right. i'm a woman and women mostly hate and criticize each other. like he says: during the 1980s notice how most people got along and men could approach any woman and they'd be cool you can talk to them about anything and they wouldnt feel offended it was like they were one of the guys. there was only one pop diva at the time. madonna. now there are hundreds of pop divas and they are all boring and sound the same. 80% of the songs from poop divas today are about CONTROL and hating on and controlling men. that never happened b4. and he's right

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 5 месяцев назад

      @@Ishtar2419 roberts my husband.he's a ayahuasca shaman and spiritual master. he's right. i'm a woman and women mostly hate and criticize each other. like he says: during the 1980s notice how most people got along and men could approach any woman and they'd be cool you can talk to them about anything and they wouldnt feel offended it was like they were one of the guys. there was only one pop diva at the time. madonna. now there are hundreds of pop divas and they are all boring and sound the same. 80% of the songs from poop divas today are about CONTROL and hating on and controlling men. that never happened b4. and he's right

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 5 месяцев назад

      @@Catinthedesert why do most women spend $700 of their hardworked money to get their hair and nails done?