...you elect the people who indirectly control those organizations and even decide if they're going to do what they say or not. Also, for God, imagine (for example) a OMS controlled by stupid people and religious institutions instead of independent scientists elected by every government.
"If I redefine two contradictory terms to mean something that doesn't contradict, then there's no contradiction!" - This talk in a nutshell. Saved you 13 minutes.
Even smaller localism would be a better fit. More power to states, counties and towns. I would barely bat an eye at a local mayor enacting a form of communism here or there as it's easy to watchdog, tailor to suit the community, track results, and even end it when it proves not to work. People forget the word communism comes from commune and community. Giant heterogenous populations that don't interact with, live near or speak to each other are NOT 'communities'.
Well, the problem is that nationalism creates conflicts and hatred between people of different backgrounds. And that's no moral thing that a good person would normally want. Because war leads to deaths of both your loved ones and good people from the other nation-state. ...I acknowledge that issues between nations will always exist (unfortunately), but you need to defend your homeland against those who want to take something from her.
Crazy Greek Mathematician Nationalism does not inherently come with aggressive war. You're thinking of imperialism or colonialism. You can have a nationalist perspective when viewing every nation, not just your own, which leads to a deep respect of cultural differences and sovereignty. It simply means taking care of your own citizens. If we all did this, we would all prosper. Problem is, many nations don't. Your line of thinking is more along the lines of globalism as it would be the only path to take with the logic you explained. Globalism, obviously, is way too big of a structure to keep even remotely free from corruption and tyranny. Most importantly, the world is way too diverse in culture to all live the same way. In order for it to work you'd have to dilute the cultural pool so much, our diversities would all go away. This is where utopian ideals actually lead you to dystopia.
If you are reading this, be conscious that most of the comments will just make you feel worse. Why don't you just close this tab and go build the better place Wanis Kabbaj was just talking about?
It can only make you feel worse IF you don't understand the obstacles in front of you. Understand how useful the idea of globalization is for the purpose of control. Understand how viscious nationalism becomes when the people are losing control over their survival. Take the time to UNDERSTAND....you'll feel a lot better. (promise you)
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Because they know that nationalists (like some people I know) only thinks about themselves and push problems to other countries for them to solve it. That is one of the many examples why globalism has more pros then nationalism
@@someperson447 that would be israel that is mid genocide. Imagine if we canadians/american were still killing native people. well thats what jews are doing NOW
why is nationalism bad? As a canadian with canadian values I love anyone who embraces those values. No matter where you or your ancestors come from I welcome you. Now when our government is bringing people with anti-canadian values That is a problem. When we import people who believe women are inferior to men I say GTFO. I am intolerant of intolerant people
Nationalism and patriotism run hand in hand. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing. Us National Populists have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. But the fake news hides this fact and demonize us.
moral values come from cultures which evolves either because of the need to stay relevant in a ever changing world or because of changes in it's society from the inside
@@perlasandoval7883 Moral and culture comes from people's innate desires mixed with environment they live in. Culture isn't what decides the moral. Culture comes from people not the other way around.
Only thing that can produce our extinction is human stupidity. That has got nothing to do with any of the words you are using. Some people are stupid some are not. It is very simple but stupid people like to complicate things.
Zhu Bajie, .. Nationalism is merely recognizing or favoring nationhood and national independence. Not that one holds one's Nation or ethnicity in particularly high regard ..as 'better' or 'worse' than others about some criteria. Prescriptively it usually does favor the right of national independence (one's own & implicitly others') ..and thus opposes coerced empire.
carl1223, ...No, but they're close. Patriotism is usually the fondness or attachment many people feel for their nation. Nationalism is just recognizing the distinct nationhood of a people/nation ..and usuallly their right of national independence.
People claim that Nationalism causes wars, It doesn't. Bad Nationalism causes wars, there is good nationalism as well which is what most nations, good or bad have practiced throughout their history. The anti-nationalist arguments of today are as bad as the anti-urban arguments of the late 20th century where people argued that Urbanism causes crime, violence, civil disorder etc. but the truth is that the bad urbanism of America and Desegregation brought these issues, it was nothing inherent about Urbanism itself.
It's done much more than that. Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
You know looking at the title I didn't expect this to go over well, but this was a wonderful talk and I really loved it. I think we need more of this, I wouldn't consider myself a globalist or a nationalist since they are both loaded terms, but if you get to the true meaning of the words they aren't anything to be ashamed of, hopefully we can reach a time when we can be both.
One size does not fit all, as globalism would have you believe. Even in the U.S., we have a federalist Republic. BTW, America is not a democracy. So, federalism provides a giant lab with 50 different options. If one state has bad policies (i.e. CA), people can move to other more favorable states (i.e. TX). This system only works when people have a shared cultural or race or a common language. Even in America, we have lost the struggle to thoughtfully implement federalism. Instead, America has rebranded as a Democracy and a one-size-fits-all solution has been crammed down on the states by Washington D.C. Thinking you can have it all, have it both ways, is a pipr dream. The pendulum will always swing one way or another, and I am referring to America, a nationalist system. If try to have this on a global scale, it will inevitably lead to a breakdown of culture and social order. War and conflict will be the result until people reorganize along cultural or race or class lines.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
@@filipesugden1982 Extremally difficult to destroy humanity for the first...oh, at least two hundred of those centuries. And I'm not sure it's possible to destroy all of us now, we are tough creatures. We could come close though, maybe close enough to full on species genocide for something else to finish us off after we've done our best. Consider, once we fought shoulder to shoulder but now as far apart as communication and support will allow. Consider, one aircraft carrying one bomb destroyed one city sixty seven years ago but now one ICBM with three warheads can destroy three targets and there are many ICBM's in the world. Consider, 911 attacks when just a few people without extravagant funding delivered an extremally effective attack but what power will be available to such small groups in the future? For that matter, what power will be available to an individual person in the future? We are far more powerful now than we were 20, 000 years ago and our acquisition of grater and grater power is accelerating. So yes, I can postulate a time when many countries will have the power to initiate conditions that will destroy humanity. And not terrible long after that, I can see a time when a single person could do the same simply because that person was having a bad day.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Completely agree with this guy that all cultures/ nations are influenced by other cultures/ nations. The issue for me lies that in globalisation with some external pressure other than the benefit of humanity, such as dominance, leads to a culture developing in spite of what the people of that population may want. He said it himself, nationalists are afraid of greedy capitalists. I'm sure the millions who died to Marxism in China didn't agree to that influence on their lives, but now it is a part of the culture. In my personal context, I don't want a religious context developing in my country, with new waves of migration bringing fundamentally different view points on what is considered 'good', to the Eurocentric, Kantian/ enlightenment, view points of individuality and accountability. Ignorance to the reality of the world is being force upon European/ first world countries, in the name of compassion, which is to the direct benefit of those who don't care for compassion, the elite capitalists that will profit from it at the expense of a loss of the most technologically progressive culture the world has seen. It doesn't seem right.
How about the hundreds of millions who survived _because_ of it? Should we just ignore the fact that life expectancy more than doubled in both the Soviet Union and Maoist China? Yes, yes, because we have to hide facts when your feelings disagree with them, right?
@@amihartz yikes if building society off of the death of people is the ideal, then im sure you wouldn't mind being a slave building a road till death? That was meant to be the easiest point of my argument to swallow...
My only problem with this is that most time this dilemma posed under the umbrella of financial and economic policies. When creating new tax laws or business reforms what should we prioritize the national good or the global good? This among others is the platform used by leaders when pushing for nationalism or globalism
Nationalism is the thing that drives you to do something for your country simultaneously for the humanity because you know that if you become successful you along with your country would be glorified . But in case of global problems we should try to solve it unitedly and for For that we already have a good institution named as UN .The meaning of globalization and Globalism should be restricted to business only ... Besides this what I have seen that when you try to disrupt and destroy a society with an evil intention you bring the concept of so called Globalism . I'm naming a person who is Currently doing such things in a massive scale in India is Dhrub Tatti . Be Nationalistic because if you are not then probably you are destroying your own nation Unknowingly.Jay HIND ...love every one from India ...
Agreed. However, even limited to business, it is not benign. When we redraw that economic pyramid to a global scale, you'll see the expansion greatly increases the impoverished, and it drastically changes employment markets. So while it's perfectly rational to allow it to flourish within business only, it does need to be checked by nationalist policies at home to protect citizens from global corporations playing unfairly in your pool. This goes for the production, importation of goods and services, as well as the employment market. So if a business wants a piece of your market, they have to play by your rules.
Well I'm from the U.S. and I think you have a great Prime Minister! Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
All I have to say is, as a citizen, it's fairly easy to show up to your mayor's house and ask for change, vs the impossible task of flying to a global entity's secured and surveilled iron gates asking for change. It's also a fairly small task to move out of a town if you disagree with policy, vs being unable to escape from a nation, let alone an entire PLANET if you disagree with policy. It's also a lot easier to go up against a small business than a mega corporation. Take your pick where you want the majority of power to lie... Locally, or globally. 😳 Globalization is also the new colonialism with regard to obliterating and watering down local cultures and customs. Only the opulent elite aren't after a nation or two this time, they're after the entire planet. The mere word 'community', or commune or communism can work fine on a very small homogenous population. Because when it comes time to divvy up the revenue raised, there's trust and a very easy way for citizens to make sure it is done right. A GIANT conglomeration can not be trusted to take care of each group fairly; the citizen can't track the change, nor can the citizen make change when it's done poorly or wrongly, nor can the citizens tailor the structure to THEIR community. What happens now is a total breakdown of local community. Again, do you want the power structure to be small and localized? Or a giant, untouchable, one-size fits all structure? Because once you hand over power, as history has shown, it's very rare you'll ever get it back.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Building liberal nations underpinned with respect for law and order, and democracy, and then importing illiberal people who do not share those values, is not a good idea.
Hence a requirement to limit the number and rate of new people who may be integrated in a way that will benefit both the national and international greater-good.
The illiberal people are not coming from outside, but rather from within the country. The globalism vs nationalism debate exists within the country irrespective of immigrants
@@mrroc2556 Ehhh...no... In Europe there are plenty of examples of immigrants from the Middle East who don't seem to like our liberal views on e.g. women and sexual minorities. Not all, of course, but sufficiently many to raise concerns.
@@colonelburak2906 actually the reason they're like that is partly because of nationalism. If all the world was rules by one government with respect of rule of law and human rights, those poor Arab countries would educate those people respect for women for example or LGBT. And then if they'd move in Europe it'd be way less of a problem. But when each nation decides that not respecting women for example is "culture" that's the problem. Which is what nationalism also is.
"How can nationalism and globalism coexist?" Education and intelligence helps. And what's missing? Yep...you guessed it: Education and Intelligence. Is there hope? Nope.
Education and intelligence does not mean wisdom. The post-Marxist ideologies pushed on students in educational institutions surely makes them educated, but dumb as rocks, unable of critical think. The NPC meme which the media and so on said was dehumanising actually went viral because of the increasingly robotic-ness of the far left. The far left dehumanised themselves.
everything is bad if you take it too far. I dont support globalism but if you take nationalism to the extreme then you're being proud for things you've never done and hate people you've never met
Love your neighbor as yourself. One cannot properly care for others when they do not care for themselves. Certain countries for far too long haven't not fully cared for themselves.
"You know, when you live in a democracy, you live with this idea that you government will always protect you, as long as you abide by the laws" maybe you should look up the definition of democracy
Brexit is about the British people electing a British parliament that controls British affairs. Borders law immigration business etc. Not global bodies. Unelected by us.
European Union isn't the world. Also the EU is democratic. Btw, all the British Affairs and borders thing is just populism. You just have to see reliable stadistics to realize that immigrants improve economy.
It is elected by you. What do you mean? I am aware the EU Commision is not perfect, but it is, too, appointed by (elected) govenments. And there is (directly elected) EU parlament too. So, what unelected bodies do you talk about?
There are always more options and it feels to me this talk is basing its whole argument or ideas on their only being 2 options Nationalist or Globalist. I think this called a black or white fallacy. Still an interesting video with interesting ideas.
If people had ultimate freedom to move between countries. Would we find ourselves living in a beautiful world where people with similar outlooks and lifestyles could all gather together and each group have its own little slice of land? Or would we just be throwing ourselves into a resource war? This is a question I think about a lot.
The TED comments section is SO toxic these days. Sometimes it seems like everyone is squabbling over things that we should be past by now. I think I was born 100 years too early.
Compromise can be good and has been occurring since the beginning because absolutes don’t really insure continuance or survival. Change and evolution are undeniable
If we just think of people like people, not Chinese, not Russian, not Australian, not American, French, British, Mongolian or any other country than peoples arguments about one “country” controlling all the others through a global government can all be thrown out the window, and our cultures should always remain respected in a Global Constitution
But we are different and that's a good thing, it gives diverse cultures etc. What's happening is national populism is sweeping across the western nations. The lefts continues attacks push people towards that direction. That's why we're starting to see a civil war within United States Democrat party. Its between the woke leftists and the corporate dems. They'll not be able to move forward until the publicly distance themselves from Marxists policies legislation and rhetoric. Im referring to the 1619 project, CRTheory etc.
Reading the comments after watching the video makes me realize that the definitions people have of nationalism and globalism are varied and seem to be affected by their personal biases. The whole point of this TED talk is moot in my opinion because Mr. Kabbaj defines the terms he employs using simple dictionary definitions, even though the phenomena are much more complex. To some commenters, nationalism can mean a white ethnostate (..?), the affirmation of one country's individuality (which is the definition I personally adhere to), or the interaction of distinct countries on the world stage (which matches my definition of globalism, but whatever). This is highlighted by the multiple people arguing that Kabbaj is talking about patriotism, not nationalism; what is a patriot? It also seems that, sadly, the debate is devolving into an immigration one. This is inaccurate, as some immigrants come to harbour a strong attachment to their country of adoption, while some "natives" exhibit a loathing towards it. Unless I'm mistaken, at this time on Earth, there is no "nationalist" government that favours entirely closed borders, and no "globalist" whose policies include completely open borders. Both ideas are demographic suicide. Are there some significant challenges brought on by immigration? Absolutely, it's foolish to deny it. But this is not the subject being discussed here. Moreover, dividing the emotions that people feel into binary camps is rather counter-productive as humans fall on an ideological spectrum, though I suspect Mr. Kabbaj did this because adherents to both ideologies can be closed-minded (though I'd wager it's a minority). Tl; Dr: this debate is too complex for a 13-minute talk. One last note: given the comment section, I'm pleasantly surprised by the like/dislike ratio. Ah, who am I kidding, no one is ever going to read this.
patriotism is inherently tied to nationalism. you can't be a nationalist without being patriotic. patriotism has no ties to globalism, since in your worldview you see things as a "global community". you may have pride in your home country, but that pride is shared throughout the global order which you want closer ties to. globalism is about centralization and consolidation of power. taking power from sovereign nations and shifting it into the hands of the global order.
Nationalism just means you want your nation to remain independent or gain independence I my self am a Texan nationalist but it dose not mean what most folk think it is
Exchange of culture will happen with nationalism to. We are less nationaliatic as a whole now than we have ever been before, still he is talking about all these things imported from other cultures. Globalism has never really been tested as nationalism has. I fear that by exchanging to much of our cultures too quickly will end up in one single culture. But that is not what a globalist wants, is it? Back in time some businessman that had traveled overseas could bring home a new kind of spice, and that later became a part of his country's culture. But I think that forcing too much of this new spice into another country will not be appreciated. Islam and christianity, for instance, is known for forcing their beliefs into another country and that was not appreciated in the short term. But in the long term it was accepted and eventually even forgotten. But now that we have so much extremely lethal weapons and terrorist groups, polarised countries etc. I dont think that we have the ability to get through the short term period of the extreme change. I got these thoughts when I watched a video from Sweden and a video from the UK where Islamists said to newcommers that "we can make this country Islamic" if we work together. I have feared for what my ancerstors would think about Sweden nowadays and that is why I have had these thoughts.
“Unification of the whole of mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching. Unity of family, of tribe, of city-state, and nation have been successively attempted and fully established. World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving. Nation-building has come to an end.“ ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha'i Faith
The global vision that I prefer is a world without Banksters or boundaries, where communities share their skills and resources for the benefit of all. If it's not good for everyone, then it's no good at all. Checkout the "One Small Town" RUclips video
So I was really curious about why he used different dictionaries when he defined the word Nationalism vs the word Globalism. So I googled the definition of Nationalism. This is the definition of Nationalism in most other dictionaries: nationalism: "The strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance. Also, the belief that a people who share a common language, history, and culture should constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination." Yeah. He's using the most edge-case definition of what is essentialy xenophobia in this speech. He's not actually talking about Nationalism, just pride in your own country. For people wondering why you can't actually work with Nationalists is because they don't want to work with you. They don't like you.
Patriotism is celebrating the ideals of America. Most countries believe their country is number 1. And America is the strongest country in the world. So yes in many ways if is number 1. But with being number 1 you have the responsibility of maintaining peace in the world. Helping countries in need to prevent a larger war
People are scared to lose cultures but internet has managed to conserve and preserve cultures. People learn many variety of culture in the world by that they learn to respect each other e.g Muslims they have mosque around the world and people acknowledge that
Totally agree. Nationalism & Globalism don't bring goods or bad only. Why force people to pick one, why can't we have both? Balance is always the crucial and difficult.
I agree but we excluded nationalism to the point of suffering for the poor folks who fall in a majority. Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
I really dont get this discussion, Globalism vs Nationalism. They are not opposite's they exist together at the same time. That we present them as being opposite to eachother comes from the agenda of the speaker not by fact. I admire his will of creating a better world but by making globalism work that can lead to the same violence levels nationalism can create. When will people allow eachother to believe or follow where their heart leads them instead of raising the finger of morality.
Globalism helps create a more equity. However, this doesn't mean equity on a national scale. It is equity on a Global scale. So if you're in China this works out as a positive, and if you're living in the US it means a reduction of quality of life.
great ideals, looks nice on paper, sucks when reality kicks in and not everyone cares about your well being. Your neighbors do not share your ideals and will rob you in your sleep
@@sophiesakura2719 It does suck, but tis to be expected if you're not concerned and communicating clearly with your neighbors on a consistent basis. Antisocial acts are from a lack of connection, not an abundance. Therein lies the solution.
There are many who are proud of their city or region and also proud of their country. They can be proud of a peaceful, orderly and sustainable world too.
My proof is the well researched and presented books of Hans Rosling and Steven Pinker which show the decline of violence, disease, hunger, discrimination and other bad things since WWII and when global economies began to integrate. The graphs point towards a continued improvement for humankind. Previous to this you can look in any accredited history book to see examples of white guys massacring each other in the World Wars, the American Civil War, The 30 Years War, the 100 Years War ... (if you're wondering books are those blocks of paper that you can open a flip through a bunch of words that say stuff. They're often found in long shelves in buildings called libraries. Ask around)
Not necessarily land for Nationalism. People are putting out videos about the distinction between Nationalism and Patriotism. From what I've learned, Patriotism has to do with one's duty to their country or land's LAWS, first and foremost. Nationalism doesn't have to be about LAND specifically. It can be about Ethnicity, Race, or religion or other factors related.
Does ' globalisation' mean colonialism too? Cuz that example at 10:28 re: cricket and India was a result of 400 years of British colonial rule, and not necessarily open migration or economic cooperation between governments of different sovereign countries that defines globalist policies today. There are loads of examples of culture that's been imported over the ages which local people now consider part of their identity. But let's not forget many were the result of mainly imperialistic Europeans conquering and oppressing natives, and even imposing their traditions on them giving the locals no choice but to adopt their foreign ways (whether food, religion, sport or music, etc.) and make them their own.
10:12 Origin of "Marxism-Leninism" (China's official ideology) is actually very interesting. Marxism is done by Marx and Engels, germans who escaped England. Then Lenin created Leninism, which is an authoritarian single party top-down ideology based on Marxism. Later Stalin created Stalinism, which he called "Marxism-Leninism" in his book with the same name, which promoted even more authoritarianism and strict command economy. Later Mao in China developed Maoism, a pro-peasant and more nationalist version of "Marxism-Leninism".
I believe in global unity, but I don't believe that it will end culture, it will not Culture and nationality are just like sport, new ones are made and old ones evolve Globalism is a good step for humanity, but we need a better government system for it to work As for nationality, I think calling ourselves proud Earthlings/Terrans is good inoff
another sheep, humans are not machines to live like that without sentiments, thats a dangerous scenario we never lived like that, but what you know, I bet you still trying to discovering yourself
One problem with the term national identity is that is often presented as something very unique and essential. But different people have different affections and national affections were often developed by inspiration from universal ideas
You're referring to such nationalisms as ethno nationalism which isn't a good thing. But us National Populist Republican in the U.S. have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. The fake news hides this and demonizes us.
The problem with globalism is that there is something called "radical islam" and other radacalist religions and that the country's culture gets polutueded.
One central aspect of Citizenship is you have the right to vote on someone who will try to change society in the direcion of your personal philospohy. But since (thankfully) there's yet to be a global goverment, I fail to see how you can be a citizen of the world.
It is reprehensible to call British colonization "A wave of globalisation". As a descendent of Arab invaders in Northern Africa, i'm not surprised he said it.
The content of the video does not match the title as it does not describe the "how", it simply gave examples. The question should be, how to strike a balance and the answer is simple, if not in practice... Homogeneous Cultural Values with the non agression principle recognized globally.
wow a smart comment for once. ur right, globalism has been fueled by big business in the way to create trade for the purpose of generating more wealth. Its the only reason why it has taken ahold and become the majority movement in the world. While globalism itself is as the host describes here, the one you see in the real world is much crueler and colder.
Personally, I think that we are giving ourselves a lot of credit considering we are talking monkeys that still kill over pieces of the ground. In the countries that are far removed from the fronts of third world nations where we dump our GMO crops and pat ourselves on the back while we enjoy our $2-3 dollar a gallon fuel... it is no wonder (sic) we have people with a large platform, with experience speaking publicly (persuasive speech for those who attended any post secondary education) to tell us how the world can be, should be or needs to be. This man thinks highly of himself. I love TedX, I have been very enlightened by speeches over the years, but I feel (not that everyone should) that bs needs to be called when it presents itself. Perhaps it's a flaw of being a realist, and I'll openly acknowledge that flaw, but it doesn't change what is actually being presented and the influence the presentation would like to have. This one in particular, from such a prominent stage; noone wonders what weather this speaker is under, he is making it perfectly clear.
The Neighbor Slayer except globalism was initially pushed by Big Corporate America (i.e. capitalists) in order to exploit under regulated third world markets (e.g. cheap labor). Any modern push towards socialism is simply an over correction to the initial toxicity of globalism. Is either side correct? No! That doesn't mean globalism as a concept is bad, only that we haven't yet found the correct middle ground equilibrium that combines the best of both worlds. In other words, the solution to bad globalism isn't nationalism, it's a better form of globalism
@@francoisrd It is still pushed by multinational corporate conglomerates... primarily in fact. They even fund speeches like this. You could even say the Petro dollar pushed these third world nations into exploiting their own people, which profits the government heads of state, ie: socialism. This is a personal opinion of mine, but I think every country has the right to be proud of itself and the contributions it has given the world.
So much cultural relativism. Sure, national identities evolve over time... and sometimes for the worse. What are British people supposed to think about their biggest cities having already become by now mini versions of Pakistan??? What's good about making London the least British city in the whole UK??? What's good about having our communities divided by race, religion and culture??? It's good for a country to be open to the word, but to a limit. Immigration must be controlled, importing millions of people from the 3rd world and letting other millions more to come illegally is simply not a good idea. The real appreciation of cultural diversity is that which understands that every culture deserves to be conserved, and that's only possible if we have strong borders and controlled immigration. Btw white's culture deserve to be protected just like the rest. Because let's be honest, globalism is not about whites flooding into Africa, but the whole world flooding into white majority countries. I liked the video, but I think he is being too idealistic. Big error.
Society isn't something you can preserve in a glass jar. Its constantly flowing and evolving. To 'preserve' all societies would be to kill all societies, out of stagnation.
@@mauriciofuentes7638 Preserve in the sense of protecting them from unwanted influence. Besides, I have already acknowledge that national identities evolve over time, I'm not against change, learn to read.
@@seriekekomo "unwanted influence". Your words are contradicting themselves from my point of view. In your first post you said that you accepted change as part of society, and now you're saying that "unwanted influence" should end. Perhaps you should clarify.
@@mauriciofuentes7638 Haha that's not an ad hominem, but me telling you to pay close attention to what I have actually said. So, again wrong. Well, you tell me. Who voted in a referendum so to decide whether we should turn London into a mini version of Pakistan? What British citizen voted in favor of honor killings, genital mutilation and acid attacks in the UK??? The answer is simple, none, and that's why they have now voted to leave the EU. Mass migration is being imposed upon Europeans, that's why I say it is unwanted.
I understand why nationalism is important i just don’t understand why y’all don’t feel close with the rest of the world are you not proud of humanity as a whole do not want the world to better itself we need to push together yes we can have nationalism but we need globalism to be above it so we can all move forward
Most people's current understanding of the term "nationalism" is too narrow, and only embraces a limited range of concepts of nationalism e.g primarily identarian or ethnic nationalism. There are other forms of nationalism, and civic nationalism is the foundation of most liberal democracies. This is the framing of the values upon which a nation state is based, and does not have to be framed in terms of ethnicity or exclusionism, but can be inclusive and values-based; values of equality, justice, civil rights, sustainability, and fairness, embracing diversity and inclusion.
It’s one thing to share culture through interaction it’s another to be ruled by politicians not from your country, not elected, and not accountable.
That's part of the reason why I want Texas out of the U.S
Cram Husame That would be amazing
@@Trooper-tr6zi so that New York and California can dictate what the rest of the nation does?
...you elect the people who indirectly control those organizations and even decide if they're going to do what they say or not. Also, for God, imagine (for example) a OMS controlled by stupid people and religious institutions instead of independent scientists elected by every government.
@@fernandoestmoi Christians can be scientists
"If I redefine two contradictory terms to mean something that doesn't contradict, then there's no contradiction!"
- This talk in a nutshell. Saved you 13 minutes.
Where were you all this time!
He's a misinformation/propaganda agent. Wants us to believe in globalists' lies, to make globalism look like heaven and utopia
Thanks man
Brilliant summary. Thanks!
Minus the color, Amihart. Minus de color.
Nationalism is good! every country should practice Nationalism! If i go to Japan, i want to see Japan!
Even smaller localism would be a better fit. More power to states, counties and towns. I would barely bat an eye at a local mayor enacting a form of communism here or there as it's easy to watchdog, tailor to suit the community, track results, and even end it when it proves not to work. People forget the word communism comes from commune and community. Giant heterogenous populations that don't interact with, live near or speak to each other are NOT 'communities'.
Well, the problem is that nationalism creates conflicts and hatred between people of different backgrounds. And that's no moral thing that a good person would normally want. Because war leads to deaths of both your loved ones and good people from the other nation-state.
...I acknowledge that issues between nations will always exist (unfortunately), but you need to defend your homeland against those who want to take something from her.
Crazy Greek Mathematician Nationalism does not inherently come with aggressive war. You're thinking of imperialism or colonialism. You can have a nationalist perspective when viewing every nation, not just your own, which leads to a deep respect of cultural differences and sovereignty. It simply means taking care of your own citizens. If we all did this, we would all prosper. Problem is, many nations don't.
Your line of thinking is more along the lines of globalism as it would be the only path to take with the logic you explained. Globalism, obviously, is way too big of a structure to keep even remotely free from corruption and tyranny. Most importantly, the world is way too diverse in culture to all live the same way. In order for it to work you'd have to dilute the cultural pool so much, our diversities would all go away. This is where utopian ideals actually lead you to dystopia.
@@jcarter3238 Yeah, I agree, I think you shouldn't be globalist either
This fake news. 100 precent bullshit.
If you are reading this, be conscious that most of the comments will just make you feel worse. Why don't you just close this tab and go build the better place Wanis Kabbaj was just talking about?
You can't hide that's why
It can only make you feel worse IF you don't understand the obstacles in front of you.
Understand how useful the idea of globalization is for the purpose of control.
Understand how viscious nationalism becomes when the people are losing control over their survival.
Take the time to UNDERSTAND....you'll feel a lot better. (promise you)
Why not?: schadenfreude ;) It's an acquired taste - just like that for stinky cheese
I wish that I would have listened to you before reading the other comments...crying out loudㅠㅠ
Quick Fix - Thought Provoking Videos thank you. Done.
So if we call patriotism “nationalism” and then call free trade “globalism” then everyone is cool, right?
Sounds like a plan. I love word games.
Good. One thing we don't need to love is nihilism.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
I guess all us nationalists have been misunderstanding globalism all this time. 🙄
National Socialism Vs Judaism, after that there is nothing... A blackpill for you from a Latino
Judging by my experience, there is misunderstanding on both sides
@Hello Friend "national socialism = european heathenism"
*Going back to there roots
ftfy schhlomo.
A Pole understands the Polish best. A Japanese understands the Japanese best. Globalists are too thick headed to arrive to this truth.
@@Levitiy And A white Nationalist understands Europe the best.
On personal level, I have affections for Stockholm, Sweden, Europe and the world
Same for me; New Zealand, Oceania, Europe and the World.
Thats gay
But you really don't have much love for the Oxford comma. Why do you hate!?
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Its funny how the crowd laughed at the insults towards nationalist but not at the insults towards globalists
Because they know that nationalists (like some people I know) only thinks about themselves and push problems to other countries for them to solve it. That is one of the many examples why globalism has more pros then nationalism
@@someperson447 tell me those pros...
@@someperson447 that would be israel that is mid genocide. Imagine if we canadians/american were still killing native people. well thats what jews are doing NOW
Feeling proud of your country or having national satisfaction doesn’t make you a nationalist. You’re talking about patriotism.
why is nationalism bad? As a canadian with canadian values I love anyone who embraces those values. No matter where you or your ancestors come from I welcome you. Now when our government is bringing people with anti-canadian values That is a problem. When we import people who believe women are inferior to men I say GTFO. I am intolerant of intolerant people
Nationalism and patriotism run hand in hand. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing. Us National Populists have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. But the fake news hides this fact and demonize us.
No real solutions
Nice chemistry analogy! In all seriousness, I agree.
You just listed positive things about borrowing cultures. While ignored the fast difference in moral values that different cultures have.
moral values come from cultures which evolves either because of the need to stay relevant in a ever changing world or because of changes in it's society from the inside
@@perlasandoval7883 Moral and culture comes from people's innate desires mixed with environment they live in. Culture isn't what decides the moral. Culture comes from people not the other way around.
His nationalism is patriotism. Don't get the two mixed up. It is a difference that could produce our extinction.
Only thing that can produce our extinction is human stupidity. That has got nothing to do with any of the words you are using. Some people are stupid some are not. It is very simple but stupid people like to complicate things.
Zhu Bajie you don't seem to know what your talking about
Zhu Bajie, ..
Nationalism is merely recognizing or favoring nationhood and national independence. Not that one holds one's Nation or ethnicity in particularly high regard ..as 'better' or 'worse' than others about some criteria.
Prescriptively it usually does favor the right of national independence (one's own & implicitly others') ..and thus opposes coerced empire.
carl1223, ...No, but they're close. Patriotism is usually the fondness or attachment many people feel for their nation. Nationalism is just recognizing the distinct nationhood of a people/nation ..and usuallly their right of national independence.
People claim that Nationalism causes wars, It doesn't. Bad Nationalism causes wars, there is good nationalism as well which is what most nations, good or bad have practiced throughout their history. The anti-nationalist arguments of today are as bad as the anti-urban arguments of the late 20th century where people argued that Urbanism causes crime, violence, civil disorder etc. but the truth is that the bad urbanism of America and Desegregation brought these issues, it was nothing inherent about Urbanism itself.
Globalization made economic equality larger within counties and regions but smaller between countries and regions
It's done much more than that. Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
You know looking at the title I didn't expect this to go over well, but this was a wonderful talk and I really loved it. I think we need more of this, I wouldn't consider myself a globalist or a nationalist since they are both loaded terms, but if you get to the true meaning of the words they aren't anything to be ashamed of, hopefully we can reach a time when we can be both.
One size does not fit all, as globalism would have you believe. Even in the U.S., we have a federalist Republic. BTW, America is not a democracy. So, federalism provides a giant lab with 50 different options. If one state has bad policies (i.e. CA), people can move to other more favorable states (i.e. TX). This system only works when people have a shared cultural or race or a common language. Even in America, we have lost the struggle to thoughtfully implement federalism. Instead, America has rebranded as a Democracy and a one-size-fits-all solution has been crammed down on the states by Washington D.C. Thinking you can have it all, have it both ways, is a pipr dream. The pendulum will always swing one way or another, and I am referring to America, a nationalist system. If try to have this on a global scale, it will inevitably lead to a breakdown of culture and social order. War and conflict will be the result until people reorganize along cultural or race or class lines.
You're either a globalist or a nationalist, you cannot be both.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
I don't see how humanity can survive without being united.
ahahah 20,000 years of tribalism and ethnocentrism ,but still "I don't see how humanity can survive without being united."
@@filipesugden1982 Extremally difficult to destroy humanity for the first...oh, at least two hundred of those centuries. And I'm not sure it's possible to destroy all of us now, we are tough creatures. We could come close though, maybe close enough to full on species genocide for something else to finish us off after we've done our best. Consider, once we fought shoulder to shoulder but now as far apart as communication and support will allow. Consider, one aircraft carrying one bomb destroyed one city sixty seven years ago but now one ICBM with three warheads can destroy three targets and there are many ICBM's in the world. Consider, 911 attacks when just a few people without extravagant funding delivered an extremally effective attack but what power will be available to such small groups in the future? For that matter, what power will be available to an individual person in the future?
We are far more powerful now than we were 20, 000 years ago and our acquisition of grater and grater power is accelerating. So yes, I can postulate a time when many countries will have the power to initiate conditions that will destroy humanity. And not terrible long after that, I can see a time when a single person could do the same simply because that person was having a bad day.
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Completely agree with this guy that all cultures/ nations are influenced by other cultures/ nations. The issue for me lies that in globalisation with some external pressure other than the benefit of humanity, such as dominance, leads to a culture developing in spite of what the people of that population may want. He said it himself, nationalists are afraid of greedy capitalists. I'm sure the millions who died to Marxism in China didn't agree to that influence on their lives, but now it is a part of the culture. In my personal context, I don't want a religious context developing in my country, with new waves of migration bringing fundamentally different view points on what is considered 'good', to the Eurocentric, Kantian/ enlightenment, view points of individuality and accountability. Ignorance to the reality of the world is being force upon European/ first world countries, in the name of compassion, which is to the direct benefit of those who don't care for compassion, the elite capitalists that will profit from it at the expense of a loss of the most technologically progressive culture the world has seen. It doesn't seem right.
How about the hundreds of millions who survived _because_ of it? Should we just ignore the fact that life expectancy more than doubled in both the Soviet Union and Maoist China?
Yes, yes, because we have to hide facts when your feelings disagree with them, right?
@@amihartz yikes if building society off of the death of people is the ideal, then im sure you wouldn't mind being a slave building a road till death? That was meant to be the easiest point of my argument to swallow...
@@amihartz try to be practical. globalism is not practical. your comment is not practical.
My only problem with this is that most time this dilemma posed under the umbrella of financial and economic policies. When creating new tax laws or business reforms what should we prioritize the national good or the global good? This among others is the platform used by leaders when pushing for nationalism or globalism
Nationalism is the thing that drives you to do something for your country simultaneously for the humanity because you know that if you become successful you along with your country would be glorified . But in case of global problems we should try to solve it unitedly and for For that we already have a good institution named as UN .The meaning of globalization and Globalism should be restricted to business only ...
Besides this what I have seen that when you try to disrupt and destroy a society with an evil intention you bring the concept of so called Globalism . I'm naming a person who is Currently doing such things in a massive scale in India is Dhrub Tatti . Be Nationalistic because if you are not then probably you are destroying your own nation Unknowingly.Jay HIND ...love every one from India ...
Agreed. However, even limited to business, it is not benign. When we redraw that economic pyramid to a global scale, you'll see the expansion greatly increases the impoverished, and it drastically changes employment markets. So while it's perfectly rational to allow it to flourish within business only, it does need to be checked by nationalist policies at home to protect citizens from global corporations playing unfairly in your pool. This goes for the production, importation of goods and services, as well as the employment market. So if a business wants a piece of your market, they have to play by your rules.
Well I'm from the U.S. and I think you have a great Prime Minister! Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
All I have to say is, as a citizen, it's fairly easy to show up to your mayor's house and ask for change, vs the impossible task of flying to a global entity's secured and surveilled iron gates asking for change. It's also a fairly small task to move out of a town if you disagree with policy, vs being unable to escape from a nation, let alone an entire PLANET if you disagree with policy.
It's also a lot easier to go up against a small business than a mega corporation.
Take your pick where you want the majority of power to lie... Locally, or globally. 😳
Globalization is also the new colonialism with regard to obliterating and watering down local cultures and customs. Only the opulent elite aren't after a nation or two this time, they're after the entire planet.
The mere word 'community', or commune or communism can work fine on a very small homogenous population. Because when it comes time to divvy up the revenue raised, there's trust and a very easy way for citizens to make sure it is done right. A GIANT conglomeration can not be trusted to take care of each group fairly; the citizen can't track the change, nor can the citizen make change when it's done poorly or wrongly, nor can the citizens tailor the structure to THEIR community. What happens now is a total breakdown of local community.
Again, do you want the power structure to be small and localized? Or a giant, untouchable, one-size fits all structure? Because once you hand over power, as history has shown, it's very rare you'll ever get it back.
im not religion but AMEN
Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Building liberal nations underpinned with respect for law and order, and democracy, and then importing illiberal people who do not share those values, is not a good idea.
Hence a requirement to limit the number and rate of new people who may be integrated in a way that will benefit both the national and international greater-good.
The illiberal people are not coming from outside, but rather from within the country. The globalism vs nationalism debate exists within the country irrespective of immigrants
@@mrroc2556 Ehhh...no... In Europe there are plenty of examples of immigrants from the Middle East who don't seem to like our liberal views on e.g. women and sexual minorities. Not all, of course, but sufficiently many to raise concerns.
@@colonelburak2906 actually the reason they're like that is partly because of nationalism. If all the world was rules by one government with respect of rule of law and human rights, those poor Arab countries would educate those people respect for women for example or LGBT. And then if they'd move in Europe it'd be way less of a problem.
But when each nation decides that not respecting women for example is "culture" that's the problem. Which is what nationalism also is.
"How can nationalism and globalism coexist?" Education and intelligence helps. And what's missing? Yep...you guessed it: Education and Intelligence. Is there hope?
"Where there is Life there is Hope" - Marcus Tullius Cicero ... I believe this to hold True.
@@cavv0667 me too. I just hope that humanity survives its hopelessness. 😔
Why don’t you read books from Richard Nisbett about intelligence growth, and Neil Postman about education reform?
"if only peeople wer smart as me theyd understand xDDDD" le IQ 90001
Education and intelligence does not mean wisdom. The post-Marxist ideologies pushed on students in educational institutions surely makes them educated, but dumb as rocks, unable of critical think. The NPC meme which the media and so on said was dehumanising actually went viral because of the increasingly robotic-ness of the far left. The far left dehumanised themselves.
Globalism is a cancer upon mankind.
everything is bad if you take it too far. I dont support globalism but if you take nationalism to the extreme then you're being proud for things you've never done and hate people you've never met
Νationalism all the way, baby.
Mixed economies, senpai!
Word Salad, but one fascinating omission, no imagery for Globalists, I wonder why!
Not even a Soviet Union flag. How many nations did it rule?
@@Levitiy quite a lot and if you included the countries under it's sphere of influence then it's gonna be a lot more
Love your neighbor as yourself. One cannot properly care for others when they do not care for themselves. Certain countries for far too long haven't not fully cared for themselves.
It’s really refreshing to see people’s opinions on both sides in the same comment section
Freedom is the best path forward.
Facts are agreeable. Well done. Have a great day, senpai.
I hear his next TED talk is on how to successfully mix oil and water without any emulsifiers.
"You know, when you live in a democracy, you live with this idea that you government will always protect you, as long as you abide by the laws"
maybe you should look up the definition of democracy
So many of these TED talks are people with no concept of reality.
Brexit is about the British people electing a British parliament that controls British affairs. Borders law immigration business etc. Not global bodies. Unelected by us.
European Union isn't the world. Also the EU is democratic. Btw, all the British Affairs and borders thing is just populism. You just have to see reliable stadistics to realize that immigrants improve economy.
It is elected by you. What do you mean? I am aware the EU Commision is not perfect, but it is, too, appointed by (elected) govenments. And there is (directly elected) EU parlament too.
So, what unelected bodies do you talk about?
@@something3395 ahahha yes yes you control all of it
Make globalists scared again🐸
Who's here watching because of their module???😉
Ey yooooo lezgo
Good speech.
Watch before commenting.
Dysputant no
@@Parker-us4ci Yes
I listened, this guy doesnt understand the difference between nationalism and patriotism.
Am I allowed to read the comments before watching?
Wonderful talk, a message we need more people to hear
Yes, but what about the nationalist elephant in the room? How do you deal with that in the meantime?
@@matthewjackson9615 you don't, stop trying to find excuses to punish people for loving their culture and Homeland.
There are always more options and it feels to me this talk is basing its whole argument or ideas on their only being 2 options Nationalist or Globalist. I think this called a black or white fallacy. Still an interesting video with interesting ideas.
I like how most people in the audience are smiling deeply.. They are really enjoying him speak..
Just as I am too..
If people had ultimate freedom to move between countries. Would we find ourselves living in a beautiful world where people with similar outlooks and lifestyles could all gather together and each group have its own little slice of land? Or would we just be throwing ourselves into a resource war? This is a question I think about a lot.
AWESOME TALK! Thankyou for imparting sanity and hope.
I have no words to express my happiness watching the presentation.
The TED comments section is SO toxic these days. Sometimes it seems like everyone is squabbling over things that we should be past by now. I think I was born 100 years too early.
Ugh why won't the bigots just go extinct already so we can take over their countries and turn them into homogenised industrial zones?
@@ParticleJesus I can't wait for the world to be one big homogenised industrial zone where trees and sunshine are illegal.
@J P I don't know why you think that but I'm about as pasty pale white as they come :)
Wanis Kabbaj! Standing ovations to you.
We need to establish with our own governments that the people have a right to decide if they want to be globalist or not.
Nationalism is the way to go, whilst also adopting some of the 'socialist' principles like that of mutual economic cooperation.
Compromise can be good and has been occurring since the beginning because absolutes don’t really insure continuance or survival. Change and evolution are undeniable
no one will be able to stop change
I like this ted talk and I think it is far better than all the blinded think happy ted talks, it has some depth and something new to offer
The coexistence is the very hard to do
If we just think of people like people, not Chinese, not Russian, not Australian, not American, French, British, Mongolian or any other country than peoples arguments about one “country” controlling all the others through a global government can all be thrown out the window, and our cultures should always remain respected in a Global Constitution
But we are different and that's a good thing, it gives diverse cultures etc. What's happening is national populism is sweeping across the western nations. The lefts continues attacks push people towards that direction. That's why we're starting to see a civil war within United States Democrat party. Its between the woke leftists and the corporate dems. They'll not be able to move forward until the publicly distance themselves from Marxists policies legislation and rhetoric. Im referring to the 1619 project, CRTheory etc.
I agree with this video maybe 100%. That's relatively rare.
It can coexist, but people disagree about what comes first.
Reading the comments after watching the video makes me realize that the definitions people have of nationalism and globalism are varied and seem to be affected by their personal biases. The whole point of this TED talk is moot in my opinion because Mr. Kabbaj defines the terms he employs using simple dictionary definitions, even though the phenomena are much more complex. To some commenters, nationalism can mean a white ethnostate (..?), the affirmation of one country's individuality (which is the definition I personally adhere to), or the interaction of distinct countries on the world stage (which matches my definition of globalism, but whatever). This is highlighted by the multiple people arguing that Kabbaj is talking about patriotism, not nationalism; what is a patriot?
It also seems that, sadly, the debate is devolving into an immigration one. This is inaccurate, as some immigrants come to harbour a strong attachment to their country of adoption, while some "natives" exhibit a loathing towards it. Unless I'm mistaken, at this time on Earth, there is no "nationalist" government that favours entirely closed borders, and no "globalist" whose policies include completely open borders. Both ideas are demographic suicide. Are there some significant challenges brought on by immigration? Absolutely, it's foolish to deny it. But this is not the subject being discussed here.
Moreover, dividing the emotions that people feel into binary camps is rather counter-productive as humans fall on an ideological spectrum, though I suspect Mr. Kabbaj did this because adherents to both ideologies can be closed-minded (though I'd wager it's a minority).
Tl; Dr: this debate is too complex for a 13-minute talk.
One last note: given the comment section, I'm pleasantly surprised by the like/dislike ratio.
Ah, who am I kidding, no one is ever going to read this.
Just because they can doesn't mean they should, Patriotism is not the same as Nationalism.
Good Video, Good Message.
@Brother Ares. Did you not get a thing from the talk??!
patriotism is inherently tied to nationalism. you can't be a nationalist without being patriotic.
patriotism has no ties to globalism, since in your worldview you see things as a "global community". you may have pride in your home country, but that pride is shared throughout the global order which you want closer ties to. globalism is about centralization and consolidation of power. taking power from sovereign nations and shifting it into the hands of the global order.
Look up the definition of nationalism you’ll be surprised.
Nationalism just means you want your nation to remain independent or gain independence
I my self am a Texan nationalist but it dose not mean what most folk think it is
I wathced this on TED app. It was insightful. I am waiting to see further discussion after this lecture. Thank you for sharing knowledge.
You got is wrong sir, Buddhism is originally from Lumbini, Nepal- The birthplace of Lord Buddha
I care...Buddha was born in nepal
Who vote?
Exchange of culture will happen with nationalism to. We are less nationaliatic as a whole now than we have ever been before, still he is talking about all these things imported from other cultures.
Globalism has never really been tested as nationalism has. I fear that by exchanging to much of our cultures too quickly will end up in one single culture. But that is not what a globalist wants, is it?
Back in time some businessman that had traveled overseas could bring home a new kind of spice, and that later became a part of his country's culture. But I think that forcing too much of this new spice into another country will not be appreciated.
Islam and christianity, for instance, is known for forcing their beliefs into another country and that was not appreciated in the short term. But in the long term it was accepted and eventually even forgotten. But now that we have so much extremely lethal weapons and terrorist groups, polarised countries etc. I dont think that we have the ability to get through the short term period of the extreme change.
I got these thoughts when I watched a video from Sweden and a video from the UK where Islamists said to newcommers that "we can make this country Islamic" if we work together.
I have feared for what my ancerstors would think about Sweden nowadays and that is why I have had these thoughts.
Exchange of culture is a myth. I don't speak Chinese because I bought something made in China.
This is one galaxy brain of a title....
“Unification of the whole of mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching. Unity of family, of tribe, of city-state, and nation have been successively attempted and fully established. World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving. Nation-building has come to an end.“ ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha'i Faith
globalists were not electect, they have no authority
The global vision that I prefer is a world without Banksters or boundaries, where communities share their skills and resources for the benefit of all. If it's not good for everyone, then it's no good at all. Checkout the "One Small Town" RUclips video
never follow an ideology and have your own opinion on everything instead
The speach that has to be heard by aeach and every modern politician in the EU
So I was really curious about why he used different dictionaries when he defined the word Nationalism vs the word Globalism.
So I googled the definition of Nationalism. This is the definition of Nationalism in most other dictionaries:
nationalism: "The strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance. Also, the belief that a people who share a common language, history, and culture should constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination."
Yeah. He's using the most edge-case definition of what is essentialy xenophobia in this speech. He's not actually talking about Nationalism, just pride in your own country.
For people wondering why you can't actually work with Nationalists is because they don't want to work with you. They don't like you.
Self determination is not xenophobia. You will not erase my culture. Visca Catalunya!
People like to forget what nationalism has done for the world. Ingrates
Fantastic insight!
Great message! but wouldn’t Patriotism be the better word for your definitions of nationalism??
Patriotism is celebrating the ideals of America. Most countries believe their country is number 1. And America is the strongest country in the world. So yes in many ways if is number 1. But with being number 1 you have the responsibility of maintaining peace in the world. Helping countries in need to prevent a larger war
People are scared to lose cultures but internet has managed to conserve and preserve cultures. People learn many variety of culture in the world by that they learn to respect each other e.g Muslims they have mosque around the world and people acknowledge that
Totally agree. Nationalism & Globalism don't bring goods or bad only. Why force people to pick one, why can't we have both? Balance is always the crucial and difficult.
I agree but we excluded nationalism to the point of suffering for the poor folks who fall in a majority. Globalism has lead to wokeness which is Globalist socio-fascism. I'm a civilizationist nation Populist U.S. Republican. We're forging a new international alliance to democratize the rising Western Civilization State. This was all theorized by prized author and Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington! As National Populists we have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing.
Are there only two options? I don't believe so.
Great talk!
I really dont get this discussion, Globalism vs Nationalism. They are not opposite's they exist together at the same time. That we present them as being opposite to eachother comes from the agenda of the speaker not by fact. I admire his will of creating a better world but by making globalism work that can lead to the same violence levels nationalism can create. When will people allow eachother to believe or follow where their heart leads them instead of raising the finger of morality.
One cannot really love a country as a biological person. But one can have affections for a country as on basis of freedom and human rights
This talk is more opinion than fact. Social "scientists" wouldn't know a frequency distribution if it came up and bit them on their alpha level :)
Did I miss his answer?
Balance is the Key
Globalism helps create a more equity. However, this doesn't mean equity on a national scale. It is equity on a Global scale.
So if you're in China this works out as a positive, and if you're living in the US it means a reduction of quality of life.
uh china is richer than the USA....
Bharat maa and mother Earth 👍❤️🌎 🇮🇳
I’m sorry but glocalization is not a new concept? That has been thrown around since 1990’s.
probably older than that
prejudice will miss this message, nor will watch the video
great talk..
great ideals, looks nice on paper, sucks when reality kicks in and not everyone cares about your well being. Your neighbors do not share your ideals and will rob you in your sleep
@@sophiesakura2719 It does suck, but tis to be expected if you're not concerned and communicating clearly with your neighbors on a consistent basis. Antisocial acts are from a lack of connection, not an abundance. Therein lies the solution.
There are many who are proud of their city or region and also proud of their country. They can be proud of a peaceful, orderly and sustainable world too.
My proof is the well researched and presented books of Hans Rosling and Steven Pinker which show the decline of violence, disease, hunger, discrimination and other bad things since WWII and when global economies began to integrate. The graphs point towards a continued improvement for humankind. Previous to this you can look in any accredited history book to see examples of white guys massacring each other in the World Wars, the American Civil War, The 30 Years War, the 100 Years War ...
(if you're wondering books are those blocks of paper that you can open a flip through a bunch of words that say stuff. They're often found in long shelves in buildings called libraries. Ask around)
Not necessarily land for Nationalism. People are putting out videos about the distinction between Nationalism and Patriotism. From what I've learned, Patriotism has to do with one's duty to their country or land's LAWS, first and foremost. Nationalism doesn't have to be about LAND specifically. It can be about Ethnicity, Race, or religion or other factors related.
Does ' globalisation' mean colonialism too? Cuz that example at 10:28 re: cricket and India was a result of 400 years of British colonial rule, and not necessarily open migration or economic cooperation between governments of different sovereign countries that defines globalist policies today.
There are loads of examples of culture that's been imported over the ages which local people now consider part of their identity. But let's not forget many were the result of mainly imperialistic Europeans conquering and oppressing natives, and even imposing their traditions on them giving the locals no choice but to adopt their foreign ways (whether food, religion, sport or music, etc.) and make them their own.
10:12 Origin of "Marxism-Leninism" (China's official ideology) is actually very interesting. Marxism is done by Marx and Engels, germans who escaped England. Then Lenin created Leninism, which is an authoritarian single party top-down ideology based on Marxism. Later Stalin created Stalinism, which he called "Marxism-Leninism" in his book with the same name, which promoted even more authoritarianism and strict command economy. Later Mao in China developed Maoism, a pro-peasant and more nationalist version of "Marxism-Leninism".
#Nationalists✌️ favor selected international cooperation.
I believe in global unity, but I don't believe that it will end culture, it will not
Culture and nationality are just like sport, new ones are made and old ones evolve
Globalism is a good step for humanity, but we need a better government system for it to work
As for nationality, I think calling ourselves proud Earthlings/Terrans is good inoff
Thank you for explaining it!
utopia nonsense.
another sheep, humans are not machines to live like that without sentiments, thats a dangerous scenario we never lived like that, but what you know, I bet you still trying to discovering yourself
One problem with the term national identity is that is often presented as something very unique and essential. But different people have different affections and national affections were often developed by inspiration from universal ideas
You're referring to such nationalisms as ethno nationalism which isn't a good thing. But us National Populist Republican in the U.S. have overlappiings with inclusive liberal/civic nationalism. The fake news hides this and demonizes us.
The world is not black and white but endless shades of grey.
Facts on point.
We WILL DESTROY the Globalists Evil Plan for One World Government and mass migration
they shall all suffer
The problem with globalism is that there is something called "radical islam" and other radacalist religions and that the country's culture gets polutueded.
One central aspect of Citizenship is you have the right to vote on someone who will try to change society in the direcion of your personal philospohy. But since (thankfully) there's yet to be a global goverment, I fail to see how you can be a citizen of the world.
Graph at 6:30 does not tell much about extreme poverty rates.Things that can be bought with $1.90 in 1990 and in 2013 were not close.
ÖMER AYAR It is in constant dollars adjusted for inflation.
It is reprehensible to call British colonization "A wave of globalisation". As a descendent of Arab invaders in Northern Africa, i'm not surprised he said it.
Well it was in a way
The content of the video does not match the title as it does not describe the "how", it simply gave examples. The question should be, how to strike a balance and the answer is simple, if not in practice... Homogeneous Cultural Values with the non agression principle recognized globally.
He didnt touch on alot but i liked the message over all
Highly Insightful
If globalism wasn't a front for socialist economics, they could exist but this isn't the case.
Socialism is already integrated in our society. We are a mixed economy and will always have a mixture of capitalism and socialism.
wow a smart comment for once. ur right, globalism has been fueled by big business in the way to create trade for the purpose of generating more wealth. Its the only reason why it has taken ahold and become the majority movement in the world. While globalism itself is as the host describes here, the one you see in the real world is much crueler and colder.
Personally, I think that we are giving ourselves a lot of credit considering we are talking monkeys that still kill over pieces of the ground.
In the countries that are far removed from the fronts of third world nations where we dump our GMO crops and pat ourselves on the back while we enjoy our $2-3 dollar a gallon fuel... it is no wonder (sic) we have people with a large platform, with experience speaking publicly (persuasive speech for those who attended any post secondary education) to tell us how the world can be, should be or needs to be. This man thinks highly of himself. I love TedX, I have been very enlightened by speeches over the years, but I feel (not that everyone should) that bs needs to be called when it presents itself. Perhaps it's a flaw of being a realist, and I'll openly acknowledge that flaw, but it doesn't change what is actually being presented and the influence the presentation would like to have. This one in particular, from such a prominent stage; noone wonders what weather this speaker is under, he is making it perfectly clear.
The Neighbor Slayer except globalism was initially pushed by Big Corporate America (i.e. capitalists) in order to exploit under regulated third world markets (e.g. cheap labor). Any modern push towards socialism is simply an over correction to the initial toxicity of globalism. Is either side correct? No! That doesn't mean globalism as a concept is bad, only that we haven't yet found the correct middle ground equilibrium that combines the best of both worlds. In other words, the solution to bad globalism isn't nationalism, it's a better form of globalism
@@francoisrd It is still pushed by multinational corporate conglomerates... primarily in fact. They even fund speeches like this. You could even say the Petro dollar pushed these third world nations into exploiting their own people, which profits the government heads of state, ie: socialism. This is a personal opinion of mine, but I think every country has the right to be proud of itself and the contributions it has given the world.
moderate globalism is not an issue but excessive uncontrolled globalism is a great problem.
So much cultural relativism. Sure, national identities evolve over time... and sometimes for the worse. What are British people supposed to think about their biggest cities having already become by now mini versions of Pakistan??? What's good about making London the least British city in the whole UK??? What's good about having our communities divided by race, religion and culture???
It's good for a country to be open to the word, but to a limit. Immigration must be controlled, importing millions of people from the 3rd world and letting other millions more to come illegally is simply not a good idea. The real appreciation of cultural diversity is that which understands that every culture deserves to be conserved, and that's only possible if we have strong borders and controlled immigration.
Btw white's culture deserve to be protected just like the rest. Because let's be honest, globalism is not about whites flooding into Africa, but the whole world flooding into white majority countries.
I liked the video, but I think he is being too idealistic. Big error.
Society isn't something you can preserve in a glass jar. Its constantly flowing and evolving. To 'preserve' all societies would be to kill all societies, out of stagnation.
@@mauriciofuentes7638 Preserve in the sense of protecting them from unwanted influence. Besides, I have already acknowledge that national identities evolve over time, I'm not against change, learn to read.
@@seriekekomo ad hominem i see ;)
@@seriekekomo "unwanted influence".
Your words are contradicting themselves from my point of view. In your first post you said that you accepted change as part of society, and now you're saying that "unwanted influence" should end. Perhaps you should clarify.
@@mauriciofuentes7638 Haha that's not an ad hominem, but me telling you to pay close attention to what I have actually said. So, again wrong.
Well, you tell me. Who voted in a referendum so to decide whether we should turn London into a mini version of Pakistan? What British citizen voted in favor of honor killings, genital mutilation and acid attacks in the UK??? The answer is simple, none, and that's why they have now voted to leave the EU.
Mass migration is being imposed upon Europeans, that's why I say it is unwanted.
I understand why nationalism is important i just don’t understand why y’all don’t feel close with the rest of the world are you not proud of humanity as a whole do not want the world to better itself we need to push together yes we can have nationalism but we need globalism to be above it so we can all move forward
Culture is not a rulebook that people have to live by, it is a representation of how people are living.
Most people's current understanding of the term "nationalism" is too narrow, and only embraces a limited range of concepts of nationalism e.g primarily identarian or ethnic nationalism. There are other forms of nationalism, and civic nationalism is the foundation of most liberal democracies. This is the framing of the values upon which a nation state is based, and does not have to be framed in terms of ethnicity or exclusionism, but can be inclusive and values-based; values of equality, justice, civil rights, sustainability, and fairness, embracing diversity and inclusion.
@Francesco Salvatore "not real nationalism" FACEPALM.
"values of equality, justice, civil rights, sustainability, and fairness, embracing diversity and inclusion" gay