音園 Oto Zono Festival Day 1 - Keiko Uenishi
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- Keiko Uenishi is a sound art-i-vist, socio/environ composer, and a core member of SHARE.nyc since 2001.Uenishi is known for her works formed through experiments in restructuring and analyzing one's relationship through aural memory/perceptions in sociological, cultural, and/or psychological contexts. Her in-progress research project, Partitions: Dividers,
Connectors, Gray-zones, Neighbours in Aural Space, is an exploration of
a “para-sphere” where auditory stimuli sneak over other perceptions,
while de-stabilizing relationships, memories, space recognitions, and
time. Her other works include: Car décalé (légèrement), SOUNDLEAK:
TheROOM (Simulation of neighbours) at Medien Kultur Haus, Wels,
Austria, performative interpretation of Christian Marclaysʼ object score,
Sixty-Four Bells and a Bow at Whitney Museum of Art. Uenishi is a co-
creator of the project LandFilles with Katherine Liberovskaya, in which
they investigate the usability of recyclable trash through artistic social
actions and live performances. She also launched a project: Place
Reimagined through Aural Memory in Taipei at Taipei Artist Village
Treasure Hill and Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei, Taiwan, sponsored by
Residency Unlimited that has continued to develop in Lido, Venice, Italy
and in Andore Village, Rajasthan, India. Uenishi also is in a collaborative
feedback unit "Emí no Izu" with Darryl Montgomery-Hell.