Surah Al-Ahzab | سورة الأحزاب | Omar Hisham | translation

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • Surah Al-Ahzab | verses 73 | Place of revelation Medina
    Subject and themes
    A careful reading of the theme and background shows that the sura is not a single discourse sent down in its entirety, but consists of several prescriptions, commandments and speeches sent down one after another in connection with important events. the events of that time, and then were combined into one sura. One part of it is clearly distinguished from the other:
    1. Ayatah 1-8 seems to have been sent down before the Battle of the Trench. Reading them with the historical background in mind shows that at the time of their exposure, Hadrat Zayd had already divorced Hadrat Zainab. The Holy Prophet felt the need to eradicate the notions, customs and superstitions of ignorance regarding the adoption of a son, and he also felt that the tender and deep feelings that people had for adoption relationships only on emotional grounds would not disappear. uprooted until he himself took the initiative to practically eradicate the custom. But at the same time, he hesitated and seriously considered that if he married the divorced wife of Hadrat Zayd, then the hypocrites, Jews and Mushriks, who were already mired in wickedness, would have a new reason to launch a propaganda campaign against Islam. This was the occasion for the revelation of v. 1-8.
    2. Ayatah 9-27 gave an assessment of the Battle of the ditch and the raid on the Bani Qurayza. This is a clear proof that these verses were revealed after these events.
    3. Ayatah The discourse contained in Art. 28-35 consists of two parts. In the first part, Allah gave a warning to the wives of the Holy Prophet who were impatient due to their hardships, in the sense: “Choose between the world and its adornments, and Allah, His Prophet, and the Hereafter. If you are looking for the first, you should openly say: you will not be detained in difficulties even for a day, but you will be released with dignity, and if you are looking for the second, you should cooperate with Allah and His Messenger and patiently endure. "In the second part, the first steps towards social reforms were taken, the need for which was felt by the very minds formed according to the Islamic model. In this regard, the reform was started in the house of the Holy Prophet himself, and his wives were ordered to avoid behavior and behavior in the pre-Islamic days of ignorance , to remain in their homes with dignity and to exercise great caution in speaking with other men This was the beginning of the Commandments of Purdah.
    4. Ayatah 36-48 refers to the marriage of the Holy Prophet with Hadrat Zainab. This section answers the opponents' objections to this marriage; the doubts that arose in the minds of the Muslims were removed; the Muslims were familiar with the position and status of the Holy Prophet; and the Holy Prophet himself was advised to be patient with the false propaganda of unbelievers and hypocrites.
    5. Ayat 49 states the clause of the law on divorce. This is a unique verse that was sent down for some reason, probably in connection with the same events.
    6. In Ayahs 50-52, the Holy Prophet has a special rule for marriage, which indicates that he is an exception to several restrictions that have been placed on other Muslims regarding married life.
    7. Ayats 53-55 take the second step towards social reform. It consists of the following injunctions: forbidding other men to visit the homes of the wives of the Holy Prophet; Islamic etiquette regarding visits and invitations; a law that only the closest relatives could visit holy wives in their homes; as for the other men, they could speak or question them from behind the curtain; the injunction that the wives of the Holy Prophet were forbidden to Muslims, as were their mothers; and no one could marry any of them after him.
    8. In Ayahs 56-57, a warning was given to stop criticizing the marriage of the Holy Prophet and his family life, and the believers were instructed not to indulge in nit-picking, like the enemies of Islam, but to call on the blessings of Allah for their Prophet; in addition, they were ordered to avoid false accusations against each other, even among themselves, not to mention the person of the Prophet.
    9. Ayat 59 takes the third step towards social reform. All Muslim women have been ordered to come out well-dressed in outer clothing and with their faces covered whenever they leave their homes in a sincere need.
    After that, and until the end of the sura, hypocrites and other stupid and vile people were reproached for the propaganda they conducted at that time against Islam and Muslims.
    @missionkoran #ahzab #alahzab

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