yeah just open ports from firewall or your pc/router/modem (google how to open ports and search your modem or router) then must open 44405,56901,56919 in TCP and use GLOBAL IP go to whatismyip websites and use that ip in server side connectserver,mapserverinfo and other files where you put your IP and in client serverinfo.bmd for client then if ports open and server running with global ip they can connect with client with serverinfo which have ur global ip
Obrigado por disponibilizar e realizar meu sonho e ver essas versões que não pude acompanhar, obrigado mesmo!
You are welcome =]
Grande Michi28
How can I share my server to my friends? Thank you
yeah just open ports from firewall or your pc/router/modem (google how to open ports and search your modem or router) then must open 44405,56901,56919 in TCP and use GLOBAL IP go to whatismyip websites and use that ip in server side connectserver,mapserverinfo and other files where you put your IP and in client serverinfo.bmd for client then if ports open and server running with global ip they can connect with client with serverinfo which have ur global ip
Rework DW ?
Like what u mean