HYPOCRISY in the church! 1 Peter 2:1-8

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Verse by verse through 1 Peter 2:1-8. Be blessed by the teaching of God's word. This challenging passage will confront us and issues we deal with while also encouraging us in God's wonderful call on our lives as living stones being built into the temple of God!
    Some other topics discussed are malice, Jesus being the chief cornerstone, evil speaking, envy, slander, and deceit.
    This study is with pastor Mike Winger of Hosanna Christian Fellowship in Bellflower, CA.

Комментарии • 67

  • @renaarmstrong2838
    @renaarmstrong2838 5 лет назад +29

    Praying fir your enemy to be saved is smart. God can fight better then I can. If my enemy gets blessed with the truth, he is no longer an enemy but a brother. Problem solved. I have ZERO right to hold on to grudges and want revenge. All that has been forgiven me!!!!... ummmm ... I’ll get out if God’s way and do what I’m supposed to do. Bless and do not curse. It’s not easy when my feelings are hurt but eventually I’m going to get it together and pray for my enemy. Who am I? My Father knows best.

  • @Gospelogian
    @Gospelogian 2 года назад +7

    “We draw the teaching from the word” - appreciate that so much!!

  • @keydowney7044
    @keydowney7044 4 месяца назад +1

    Watching this in 2024. Thank you for sharing the Word of God. My husband and I are deeply blessed and enriched by it.

  • @sissyjones5781
    @sissyjones5781 4 года назад +4

    Sound doctrine! Sound truth! Thank you Jesus!

  • @TheBusyBella
    @TheBusyBella 9 лет назад +12

    A little talking box, that will give me God's Word whenever I want...LOL😆 Thanks for sharing!!

    • @SincerelyHannah9
      @SincerelyHannah9 2 года назад +3

      It really puts into perspective how privileged we are!

  • @driftergrey
    @driftergrey 4 года назад +5

    "Plastic happy people living in our plastic steeple" LOOOOL

  • @troydunn6228
    @troydunn6228 6 лет назад +5

    I really appreciate you. I'm gonna have to start wearing my steel toe boots when I listen to your messages. ;-)

  • @joshuaphillips4958
    @joshuaphillips4958 Год назад

    Glad I found out what he stood for once he was in office. Now that everything is getting wrecked I see that we need him back

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    Oh my goodness. You are in my head.😂 Yeah it's exhausting. And hilarious. I'm so relieved to know that I am not the only one!

  • @endtimesareuponus8930
    @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад +1

    People always read and have Bible studies but continually refuse to do their best to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."
    That's hypocrisy.

  • @My2sense427
    @My2sense427 Год назад

    When we walk in the flesh we sin and we know the wages of sin leads to death. When we walk in the Spirit it keeps us from sin.

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад


  • @clobeta005
    @clobeta005 8 лет назад +4

    Thank you for the teaching of God's Word this morning we have been blessed in the hiring of His truth.

    • @clobeta005
      @clobeta005 8 лет назад +1

      +Frederick Humpal hearing lol

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    Unity with each other. And a United defence against evil.

  • @JoshuaSmithFamilyRobinson
    @JoshuaSmithFamilyRobinson Год назад +1

    Love the practical biblical advice you provide ❤

  • @ronnychristenjoyer6778
    @ronnychristenjoyer6778 3 года назад +1

    Amazing! God is so good!

  • @TheBlubunni
    @TheBlubunni 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you so much for this teaching Brother Mike. It truly blessed me today. God be with you and your family always in the Mighty Name of Jesus. All Praise and Glory to Our Father and Savior Jesus Christ. 🙌🏻❤🙌🏻

  • @josefschlintl7673
    @josefschlintl7673 3 года назад +1

    Greats from Austria/Europe.

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    So that, everyone has someone who is praying for them. I think it's about unity.

  • @pgreygoodness596
    @pgreygoodness596 5 лет назад

    thank you Mike for your insights as a believer I once used have doubts about some things one of them was could the possibility of some things be rewritten to say for example the king James version until god spoke to me saying would I allow that to happen so now I just accept everything in his amazing words

  • @My2sense427
    @My2sense427 Год назад

    Love you Mike....good stuff bro...

  • @PromisedJubilee
    @PromisedJubilee 6 лет назад +1

    Uniquely different, and we're supposed to be. Yes. Hey, nice to meet you, I'm the elbow of the body of Christ ;)

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 5 лет назад +1

    Please pray for me I need your intercession thank you 🙏

  • @craigtaylor115
    @craigtaylor115 2 года назад

    Thanks Mike

  • @inTruthbyGrace
    @inTruthbyGrace 6 лет назад

    @37:41 Kewadin Michigan on a tuesday, in Oct 2018

  • @sullym1867
    @sullym1867 3 года назад

    Thank you, Mike.

  • @goesthadistance
    @goesthadistance 2 года назад

    Thank you.

  • @cynthiaterry961
    @cynthiaterry961 Год назад

    Yes and Amen!

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    We should all want the evil one to get no one

  • @jenniferwalsh1731
    @jenniferwalsh1731 2 года назад

    My boys are 13 and 15 and they’re my world! I’m a blessed mama, thank you God 💜

  • @Surfermario
    @Surfermario 4 года назад +2

    So do you do nothing when a person breaks into your house with the intent to not only steal but also, maybe, destroy and kill your family? I'm willing to give you leeway on if an old person breaks into my house he is most likely confused and senile, but if it's anybody else...well i don't know what the motivation is for breaking into my house but im going to assume it is for hostile reasons and act accordingly.

    • @judylloyd7901
      @judylloyd7901 2 года назад +5

      Don't be daft. You're missing the point. Mike didn't say that you should *do nothing!* He said it was good to want evil to be stopped.
      But that doesn't mean that you want to kill the person! Mike is talking about the desire and the plan for the intruder's death. That's malicious.

  • @pursuing222
    @pursuing222 9 лет назад +1

    great study man!

  • @joshuasalcedo3630
    @joshuasalcedo3630 6 месяцев назад


  • @kimjasmine7767
    @kimjasmine7767 4 года назад

    You never get that kind in the church. A tooth for the tooth, an eye for an eye, that is what you you see. So when you have learnt their ways and apply the same to them, you will see hell break loose. When they do wrong, you never hear an apology, never, perhaps just 1 or 2 out of
    100, 000. They expect new believers to give in to their fault. Why? Because they are the 'respectful' leaders, how dare you go against them.

  • @Nunu-_985
    @Nunu-_985 4 года назад

    South Africa

  • @johnbarnette1815
    @johnbarnette1815 3 года назад

    Aghast so if I have a problem or better said he has a problem with me. I pray for the the guy but that’s not enough? Thank you love this channel

  • @jamesjahavey1681
    @jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад

    Mike How many gates are there to the temple and how many stones? can all Christians today be the Temple that comes down from heaven? Who are allowed to enter and leave the temple by its gates? Have you ever wondered what the seven spits of the Almighty God are?
    Revelation 3:1 .To the angel of the congregation in Sardis write: These are the things that he says who has the seven spirits of God .

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    What makes the amplified Bible amplified?

  • @mitchmonteith6468
    @mitchmonteith6468 5 лет назад

    Do you still note vote for people you can't trust Mike Winger? Or was that something you felt then but may feel differently?

  • @jamesjahavey1681
    @jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад

    Which church is there that is not full of weeds? What is God's judgement towards the weeds?

  • @endtimesareuponus8930
    @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

    There's more hypocrisy than anything else.

  • @lindaprimm667
    @lindaprimm667 Год назад

    They do travel in pacts

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    Someone? Please and thank you

  • @nancyswass119
    @nancyswass119 Год назад

    Pastor this teaching to me describes normal people. Sadly there an endangered species

  • @Myjesus-1
    @Myjesus-1 Год назад

    Hypocrites claim a belief in Jesus, but they don't follow him.
    Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." The majority of his followers contradict him.
    Some even mock at the command that he gave us to live by.
    Jesus did not make mistakes in the language he used, yet countless Christians feel that it is their duty to correct him. They will even use his own bible scriptures against him to try and prove him wrong.
    It takes a lot of arrogance to challenge his authority, and those who do will be counted among his enemies. Those who reject his word reject him.
    Romans 1:28-32
    And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

  • @Redmd1
    @Redmd1 5 месяцев назад

    1 Cor 3:13 as you closed speaking that ‘we’ are the temple of the Holy Spirit- in context it is individual and not collective as he is speaking to each man’s work and don’t you know you are the temple. Why are you speaking of the body of Christ there? Maybe I misunderstood?

  • @My2sense427
    @My2sense427 Год назад

    You said we are all sinners? 1 John 5 :18

  • @aservant2287
    @aservant2287 5 лет назад

    Good word Mr. Mike. Donkeys don't talk!? LOL

  • @ibelieve3111
    @ibelieve3111 Год назад


  • @snippletrap
    @snippletrap 6 лет назад

    Why is ‘salvation’ omitted from the end of verse 2?

    • @leighscott5408
      @leighscott5408 5 лет назад

      Hi Mike, have you done a sermon on 1 Timothy 2?

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 2 года назад

      Because it isn't in all of the Greek manuscripts.

  • @canabiss8297
    @canabiss8297 2 года назад

    5:50 It's disingenuous to use the two examples you gave as if deadly force would be used in those situations. A robber who wants to take your livelihood and hurt your family though?