백종원이 인정한 영천시장 달인꽈배기/ 어마어마한 무쇠튀김기 Amazing skill of Making twisted doughnuts, Korean street food

  • Опубликовано: 16 дек 2024
  • 백종원이 인정한 영천시장 달인꽈배기/ 어마어마한 무쇠튀김기 Amazing skill of Making twisted doughnuts, Korean street food
    #streetfood #스트리트푸드 #kfood #한국음식 #맛집 #amazing #delicious #영천시장 #맛집 #꽈배기 #달인
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    Food Journey can make your eyes and ears happy with
    a variety of street food That's what I'm introducing!
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    We would like to inform you that this video does not include
    paid advertisements.
    💌 촬영 요청 및 제보(Request for filming and report)
    food Journey contact E-mail : elinco73@naver.com

Комментарии • 1

  • @FoodJourney990
    @FoodJourney990  5 месяцев назад

    꽈배기 사러갔다가 두번이나 허탕치고 온 달인꽈배기 3시전에 완판하고 퇴근하는집