Hello’my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in addind other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you,facbook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hello My facebook account has been locked and i cannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve thé lock problem. Thank you facebook support team
Hello, my Facebook account has been locked and I cannot get back in. Please help me add other options to verify my account.And solve the lock problem, thanks to the Facebook support
Hello. My facebook account has been locked and l connot get back in. Please help em add other options to verify my account. And solve the lock problem thanks to the facebook support
Hello,my Facebook account has been locked and l cannot get back in. Please help me add other options to verify my account. And solve the lock problem, thanks to the Facebook team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it, please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and salve the lock problem, thnk you, facebook support team
Hello my Facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve the lock problem. Thank you Facebook support team
Hellomy Facebook account has been locked andlcannot return toit.please help me in adding other options to confirm my account andsolve the problem.Thank you Facebook support team
Hello Dear Facebook Team My Facebook account is locked and there is a problem with Confirm Your ldentity and I have submitted your according all governent proof which is there, but I am not able to unlock my account. Please give me the option to get a code by email or get a code on your phone to get my account unlocked. Throughwhich I can unlock my account, thank you!
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and Icannot return to it. please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hellomy Facebook account has been locked andlcannot return toit. please help me in adding other options to conflrm my account andsolve the problem. Thank you Facebook support team
Hello Dear Facebook Team My Facebook account is locked and there is a problem with Confirm Your Identity and I have submitted your according all government proof which is there, but I am not able to unlock my account. Please give me the option of get a code by, email or get a code on your phone to get my account unlocked. Through which I can unlock my account, thank you!
Hello, my Facebook account has been locked and I cannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve the lock problem. Thank you, Facebook Support Team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked anf lcannoy return to it, please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and salve the lock problem ,thnk you, facebook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hello my Facebook account has been lockeed and lcannot return to it.Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve the lock problem. Thank you Facebook support team
Hello’my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
فتحت وحسابك ؟؟
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in addind other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you,facbook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
My facebook account has been locked and i cannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve thé lock problem.
Thank you facebook support team
Hello, my Facebook account has been locked and I cannot get back in. Please help me add other options to verify my account.And solve the lock problem, thanks to the Facebook support
Hello. My facebook account has been locked and l connot get back in. Please help em add other options to verify my account. And solve the lock problem thanks to the facebook support
Hello,my Facebook account has been locked and l cannot get back in. Please help me add other options to verify my account. And solve the lock problem, thanks to the Facebook team
انا عملت اول خطوه ... الخطوات الي بعد كدا مش بيظهر في البحث عنوانين الي قلت نكتبه في البحث بيطلع حاجات تانيه رجاء اعطينا الروابط الشغاله مباشرة
وايضا لم يظهر لى اى صفخات لتأكيد الهوية و طلب منى فتح الانستجرام الذى هوا كمان قفل امس ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it, please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and salve the lock problem, thnk you, facebook support team
طيب حسابي فتحته برقم تلفون مش بلبريد
Hello my Facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve the lock problem. Thank you Facebook support team
لوسمحت نسيت كلمه سرفتح. الجهاز وزرار البور بايظ والجهاز عليه داتا للشغل اعمل ايه
مهما شاهدت ماقدرت ارجعه صراحه لأنه لم تصلني رساله تفيد بأنه تم تعطيل حسابك علي البريد الإلكتروني ارجوك ساعدني
انا بعد الحساب ما بيفتح بيرجع يقفل تاني ويقول نفس الشئ لاحظنا دخول غريب ايه الحل وشكرا
نفس المشكله هل لقيت حل ؟
نفس المشكلة
البريد الإلكتروني حق الحساب ولا بريد إلكتروني لي التواصل
السلام عليكم اخوويه انا ناسي كلمة السر وفيسبوك يرسل لي لا نعرف جهازك وجهاز القديم مدمر لا يمكن الدخول منه
Hellomy Facebook account has been locked andlcannot return toit.please help me in adding other options to confirm my account andsolve the problem.Thank you Facebook support team
مش عايزه
تظهر لي كلمه بدايه الاستخدام
طيب رد على الناس تقول لك وين النص اللي ذكرتة
ممكن الكلام يلي في صندوق الوصف غير موجود
ممكن الكلام يلي كتبه في الوصف يلي فيه كتابات كثير وأنگليزيه❤😊
ممكن كلام يلي كتيو يل وصف
Hello Dear Facebook Team My Facebook account is locked and there is a problem with Confirm Your ldentity and I have submitted your according all governent proof which is there, but I am not able to unlock my account. Please give me the option to get a code by email or get a code on your phone to get my account unlocked. Throughwhich I can unlock my account, thank you!
استاذ ممكن تساعدنا وتفك حسابي تعبت وانا احاول
مرحبا الكلام الي حطيتو في الموضوع مش موحود بل وصف ممكن
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and Icannot return to it. please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
اتواصل معاي الله يرحم والديك
انا عندي رقم هاتف في حسابي شو اعمل ؟
😢اخي والله مفهمت حاجة ارجوك تواصل. معي
ممكن الكلام اللي كتبته بالوصف
طيب والحسابات المعطله
Hellomy Facebook account has been locked andlcannot return toit. please help me in adding other options to conflrm my account andsolve the problem. Thank you Facebook support team
هو عمل آيه
كيف ننسخ
طب الاكونت بقالو 39 يوم مقفول اي الحل
عملت اى خطوات و كان اى المشكله ؟؟
@seranekalback لسا مفتحش بقالو 66 يوم
وانا كل اللي عملتو شلت 3024 صديق مره واحده
والله مليت او ميفتح عندي انطوني حل
كلام يلي بالإنجليزية غير موجود برضو
حساب الفيسبوك مقفول هل تظهر جميع منشوراتي للاصدقاء والمتابعين او لا خلاص الصفحة انقفلت عن الجميع؟
انت تعمل كلو القالو ده اكتب علي قوقل تكتب م كز الحساب
الصفحة الثانية ماظهرت
الرجاء إرسال رابط يتعذر علي تسجيل دخولي لاني ما قادر الاقيه
وانا كمان وحتى مش ملاقي ربط الابلاغ عن مشكلة بالتحقق من حسابك😢
وين صندوق الوصف
فين الكلام الانجليزي لو سمحت
Hello Dear Facebook Team My Facebook account is locked and there is a problem with Confirm Your Identity and I have submitted your according all government proof which is there, but I am not able to unlock my account. Please give me the option of get a code by, email or get a code on your phone to get my account unlocked. Through which I can unlock my account, thank you!
تفضل خويت
بدلو عربي من المساعده
غين الكلام بالانجليزي
Hello, my Facebook account has been locked and I cannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve the lock problem. Thank you, Facebook Support Team
الله لا يسامحك لانك عملت في الناس كدا
ايش عمل
تواصل please 🙏
حساب الفيسبوك مقفول هل تظهر جميع منشوراتي للاصدقاء والمتابعين او لا؟
لا كأنك مو موجود اصلا
يعني لا يوجد حاجة الى حذف المنشورات لأن هية لا تظهر لأي شخص صح؟ @@bianco12
@@zahozaho3952 نعم حساب فيسبوك مقفل كأن حسابك لا وجود له على فيسبوك حتى ينفتح
ممكن ترجعولي حسابي
فين الكلام اللى فى الوصف
Hello'my facebook account has been locked anf lcannoy return to it, please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and salve the lock problem ,thnk you, facebook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hello'my facebook account has been locked and lcannot return to it. Please help me in adding other options to confirm my accunt and solve the lock problem. Thank you, facebook support team
Hello my Facebook account has been lockeed and lcannot return to it.Please help me in adding other options to confirm my account and solve the lock problem. Thank you Facebook support team