Brenda appears to be an extreme attention - seeker - which is rather silly, since she never really appears to have made any concrete bond with Jason or Jax and making an other woman jealous by mentioning she was helped by her husband is just making her out to be an insincere home wrecker.
Love Carly & Brenda scenes!=) Laura and Vanessa are amazing actresses!
i read on the t.v. a couple days ago that Carly tells Jax she wants a divorce, does anyone know what day it aired?
Brenda appears to be an extreme attention - seeker - which is rather silly, since she never really appears to have made any concrete bond with Jason or Jax and making an other woman jealous by mentioning she was helped by her husband is just making her out to be an insincere home wrecker.
flash forward 5 months and hes an ass! they should have stayed like this! its sad that it had to get to the point of him being just plain cruel!
Wow he lied to her face