Big Ole Pine Log

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @CuriousEarthMan
    @CuriousEarthMan 3 года назад

    that was great! I just realized the head saw was cantilevered! I must not have been paying attention. that was fun to watch Patton!

  • @sharonromer6606
    @sharonromer6606 4 года назад +1

    1st time watching, look forward to seeing more.

  • @jameswhetstone8111
    @jameswhetstone8111 6 лет назад +7

    Enjoyed your video. Suggest you measure and square cut the ends of your logs before placing on the mill. Reduces the chance of hitting the sawmill with chainsaw and gives you a good square end to work with. Enjoyed watching. Couple sawhorses would let you stack slabs to Esther resaw or cut into smaller lengths. A hand held metal detector is a good investment to check log after removing steel you can see, so is a good brush.

  • @falllineridge
    @falllineridge 6 лет назад +7

    Dude, that mill is nice! And your shed is a work of art. Just subbed!

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  6 лет назад +2

      Fall Line Ridge thanks a lot! I sure appreciate that. I’ve been watching your channel for a while and you have really good videos

    • @falllineridge
      @falllineridge 6 лет назад +1

      Patton Woodworks Thanks!

  • @outdoorjay1385
    @outdoorjay1385 5 лет назад

    that's awesome
    also like the barn your working in.

  • @slhasebroock
    @slhasebroock 6 лет назад +1

    Nice log! Interesting to see how you get the log to the W-M.

  • @practicallyIndependent
    @practicallyIndependent 6 лет назад

    Nice looking wood. Nice mill.

  • @Donnie9by5
    @Donnie9by5 5 лет назад +1

    Keep up the great work you will be glad working for yourself is fantastic!

  • @stephenrussell1766
    @stephenrussell1766 6 лет назад

    I heard about you from Northwest Sawyer. Great Job!!

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  6 лет назад

      Stephen Russell he is a super nice guy! Thank you I appreciate that

    • @Plumpplumberbalding
      @Plumpplumberbalding 6 лет назад

      Same here. He said he appreciates that you're goin' at it. He also said that you change your blades bare handed.

    • @kermitmyers4572
      @kermitmyers4572 3 года назад

      I did to that was an awesome plaque you made for him.

  • @jimauger6274
    @jimauger6274 6 лет назад

    Did you let the logs sit for awhile? What did you use for the water mixture and setting for pine? I have a lot 40 and am still learning. Thanks

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  5 лет назад

      Jim Auger I had them sit for a few weeks after they were cut down. I just use water mixed with a little dish soap to run on the blade. The soap just helps the blade stay clean and go through the log better

  • @floodedcar123
    @floodedcar123 2 года назад

    Is that eletric?

  • @peaceraybob
    @peaceraybob 3 года назад

    That toy tractor is so KYUTE!
    I would strongly recommend getting yourself a metal detector, in case of inclusion.

  • @keithlawlor9993
    @keithlawlor9993 4 года назад

    Can you get those blades resharpened or do you have to buy new everytime?

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  4 года назад

      You can send them back to Woodmizer to get them resharpend. I used to do thst but I just buy new ones now it seems to work better for me

  • @sinksalot8860
    @sinksalot8860 4 года назад

    Nice setup!

  • @aporter701
    @aporter701 4 года назад

    If you haven't already, get you a drywall scraper to remove sawdust...better than roughing up your hand!

  • @stereolababy
    @stereolababy 6 лет назад +1

    do you get the blades resharpened or are they toast?

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  6 лет назад

      wastegate I get them resharpend. I am on my second time having them sharpened and none have broke yet and they are still cutting perfect

  • @NorthwestSawyer
    @NorthwestSawyer 6 лет назад +1

    Bare-Handed blade change? You're a bigger man than I! Nice work!

  • @galanjones8123
    @galanjones8123 4 года назад

    Looks like good lumber I don't like to find metal in a log you got to get it out or you screw up a good blade right.

  • @tonybaleno2138
    @tonybaleno2138 6 лет назад +2

    Nice video. Good looking pine slabs for your customer. Good thing you found the hardware in the log...could have made a good day turn bad real quick. My good friend and neighbor has an LT40 and has it set up in a mill shed like you. Do you haul your mill around to cut or keep the logs coming to you? My buddy has decided to not move his mill around because of the hassle. He seems to get plenty to cut right at his mill. He also tells his customers who bring logs that they own the blade if there is hardware in the log that he can't detect with his wand. I try to get over to help him when I can. Keep up the good work!

  • @olddawgdreaming5715
    @olddawgdreaming5715 6 лет назад

    You make it look so easy. Thanks for sharing the videos.

  • @rosariomazzotta3917
    @rosariomazzotta3917 4 года назад

    Vorrei sapere il prezzo

  • @iliketobuildstuff7013
    @iliketobuildstuff7013 6 лет назад +1

    how old is that mill? i work with a 2015 wood-mizer sawmill and we have had no end of reliability issues with the electrical system to the point that we have given up repairing some of the stuff ( blade guide movement, carbide bark remover etc) we have been trying to maintain it as best as possible but when not stored in a barn outdoor use only...

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  6 лет назад

      iliketobuildstuff it is almost a year old. I have 210 hours on it so far. I’m sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with yours. I haven’t had hardly anything go wrong with this one yet. I’m guessing yours is a lt40 or bigger with having the hydraulic blade guide arm. I have heard with the computer on those mills have had some issues

  • @lostnation5348
    @lostnation5348 6 лет назад

    Looked like a nice pine log. What will those slabs be used for? Thank you for sharing.

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  6 лет назад

      Lost Nation Thanks. Not for sure yet but hopefully table tops, bar tops, counter tops, something like that.

  • @genewoody7187
    @genewoody7187 5 лет назад

    What kind of pine is that? Doesn't look like pine to me at least any that I have been around.

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  5 лет назад

      Gene Woody it was a white pine tree out of a yard. There is lots of different types of pine trees, I’m in Missouri so they are probably different than what you have

  • @lorandlayton1756
    @lorandlayton1756 6 лет назад +2

    Hard on blades dragging the logs them through the rocks ?

  • @Farmall450
    @Farmall450 6 лет назад +1

    Nice, subbed. From Sawyer

  • @bendavidson3198
    @bendavidson3198 6 лет назад

    I would think some log handling equipment would be a good investment

  • @kenparnell4297
    @kenparnell4297 5 лет назад +2

    If you're worried about metal then by yourself a metal detector you can wave over the log. A good one will run between a hundred and a hundred and a half, but if it saves one blade, it's paid for itself.

  • @jeffblackwell2817
    @jeffblackwell2817 6 лет назад +1

    Hello Patton sawmill nice wood
    At mill tell your dad hello for

  • @dannyb3903
    @dannyb3903 5 лет назад

    Q buen equipo tiene ?***

  • @freeusa3808
    @freeusa3808 6 лет назад

    nice operation, you take orders 1 by 10 and such or what ever ??????

    • @pattonwoodworks
      @pattonwoodworks  6 лет назад +1

      free usa yes I do mainly custom orders of red cedar lumber for decks, siding, and fences. I also do a lot of live edge stuff for table tops and such. These pines will most likely be for a table top or something of that nature

  • @oldtrio1
    @oldtrio1 4 года назад

    Big Lol

  • @SB-cm7db
    @SB-cm7db 6 лет назад

    Your so close to 1000 subs!

  • @Rick-tb4so
    @Rick-tb4so 5 лет назад +1

    There has to be an easier way of removing the boards, some kind of conveyor system..

  • @robertgraham6588
    @robertgraham6588 6 лет назад

    Why so thick ?

  • @michaeltarasenkoop2389
    @michaeltarasenkoop2389 5 лет назад +1

    I take it back most saw mill operators do it all by them selves

  • @pneumatic00
    @pneumatic00 2 года назад

    You really should wear some hearing protection. 30 years from now, your ears can thank my corpse cuz I won't be around. Otherwise you're doing great!

  • @edcannon6392
    @edcannon6392 2 года назад

    Can not hear

  • @robertg8875
    @robertg8875 4 года назад +2

    Hand held metal detectors

  • @raule1128
    @raule1128 4 года назад

    El fabricante debe estar furioso contigo¡, tu poca habilidad para manejar este equipo desalienta a comppradores

  • @Blessings.429
    @Blessings.429 6 лет назад

    Well all we really know is it’s a big old pine, a little disappointed so unsubscribed 😩

    • @allhopeabandon7831
      @allhopeabandon7831 6 лет назад

      Thanks for letting us all know that. PUNISHMENT noted for your disapproval...and NO, I do not know this guy...I just always comment when I see someone take their sub away and broadcast it in the comments.

  • @swamprat69er
    @swamprat69er 6 лет назад

    I see a couple of bar tops in those slabs.