This is the "stong meat" and "bone" of The Word of Faith, not the milk that has been dispensed for years. The teachings of The Word of Faith have followed one single track of "Name it, Claim it" for so many years that many believers didn't know that was still the "milk" level. There was no balance. Many people named and claimed but still were not getting. Many got discouraged and left the Faith. "I did all was taught, why didnt it work?" This question plagued many and led many to believe that God has "favourites" who it works for. Many questioned if God is really able as Faith Preachers teach. Apostle, thankyou for introducing the strong meat and bone of this central doctrine. Thankyou for this unique perspective that is unlike anything I have ever been taught on this subject. Session 1: The Substance of Faith - Tarrying with God until I get impregnated, by the witness of the Holy Spirit, with substance that is tangible and undeniable. Session 2: The Understanding of Faith - Securing the Ruach quickening of my inate spiritual senses to grasp my unique dealing and journey of faith which is different from another person's dealing and journey of Faith. Session 3: The Purpose of Faith - To please God not to please myself. FULL STOP. To please God, which was the path set by the ancients who walked this road before us. A path that many deviated from in search of self.
This message was highjacked by the Holy Ghost, instead of the life of Abel taught, God showed is Enoch in-depth, and a brief of Abel. Thank you Apostle for demonstrating yieldedness to the Spirit. The teaching part was very rich leaving an assignment as always. Thanks Pastor Poju Oyemade for this Platform to be bless in this first Minister's conference.❤️👍🤝
U can also pioneer d establishment of RCN in your country or place of sojourn. Apostle travels to d UK Ghana Cameroun I believe Anda South Africa too. So my dear, U don't have to travel to Makurdi the mountain,make the mountain come to U.. And by d mountain, I dont mean Apostle Arome in the flesh, I mean in the Spirit, that thing which God has put in him, he can also put in U or in any other willing vessel in your locality your community.
Such a deep man in the Faith he is, I must submit. You may observe he cut the message short because of the time he was given. What Light God has permitted this father(forget his physical age) to access and not only to access, but to bring people into. In a day where there are so many grey areas, it is refreshing beyond measure to hear a voice that has been critically stripped of the grey( the deceptive stench of flesh), his name is Arome. Please connect with him anyway you can dear.
Something very strange has happened to this man…. It takes a yielding heart and a spirit that is ready to accept to see the manifestation of God in the life of Apostle…, he Carrie’s such a strange powerful atmosphere… everywhere he goes he leaves a trade mark, a Godly trade mark… Kai… 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I love you sir 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I feel the presence of God like I am there present Kai.
Watching this 31st December 2024, couldn't go for crossover service due to an accident yesterday that God saved my life. Lord more of you in 2025. I yield to your Spirit oh Holy One
What kind of strange message is this? I thank God! Never saw Enoch 's walk with God like that before.!! Very insightful!! "Enoch did not have bible or any of the materials we have today yet he was able to trap down the little window of God he received, and used it to walk through out his life. That even when God wanted to go, he could not leave alone. He had to take Enoch along with him.."
Life does not end here, and many of us live like it will end here, that's why we have not taken our walk with God serious..... That's a strong point to ponder on
I just want to thank God for you man of God...Thank you God for apostle arome osayi,I pray that you make keep him and sustain him ,bless him with long life that generations may continue being blessed through him for the glory of your holy name 🙏
If Christianity was thought like this years ago, we wouldn't be in such decadence now. Thank you Pa Arome Osayi for sacrificing your life for God to use in a generation ❤
Baba Apostle Osayi I'm proud of you.... God is indeed still helping the upcoming generation with true Fathers of faith... I love you so much 😭Baba Osayi❤🇸🇱God gave you to me as a gift ❤
Kia😭😭😭 I need help.. I have known I have a call.. strange experiences, I can't even explain it. But then I run away from God every time. I am tired of this kind of life.. A traveller that has lost his map and therefore missed his way home.. 😭😭😭 it doesn't change and anytime I hear this apostle my heart races fast and I run from the voices I hear in my spirit... I hide myself in my own thoughts.. this boy is lost. Why is it those that hv the strangest of experiences that struggle the most.
Because the devil fights those God want to use more than the ones that aren't threat. Have you not heard apostle life testimony before he became like this. God's calling is not bread and butter but there's always light at the end of the tunnel if we don't give up.
Thank you so much Apostle for this powerful message.❤❤❤. Am so glad that Pastor poju gave you people enough time unlike last year WOFBEC.😂 Glory be to God!
The grace of God that is manifested in Apostle Arome Osayi in the area of the teachings and demonstration of the Power of the Holy Ghost, Holiness, the place of Prayers, teachings on deliverance and somewhat ability to unvail the occult cannot be overemphasised. In these areas, your teachings are deep and such a blessing to the Body of Christ. All these are extremely good as they guarantee the deeper life of the believer in Christ Jesus to guarantee that unbelievers are drawn to the Kingdom and guarantee a quality and successful Christian life here on eatth and in the life to come. However, sir, I know you are sincere but sincerely not correct concerning the deepest and most significant mysteries of the Christ and the FINISHED works of the cross and the RESURRECTION of Jesus and His SESSION as touching the NEW Testament as against the OLD Covernant; which subject mastery is to guarantee that the Image of God is not mutilated as this is the target of the Antichrist in the end times: to mutilate the Image of God whose Image is a PERSON, i.e., Christ Jesus(Col 1:13-15; Heb 1:3). But the Likeness of God speaks of His makeup, i.e., God has one head, 2 eyes, 2 ears, e.t.c and man was created with one head e.t.c just like God. Man's physical form derives from God. This is what the Likeness of God represents. Until scriptures are put in the correct absolute perspective or CONTEXT, it will keep looking like the Apostle Paul was contradicting himself concerning the above matter in the 2nd paragraph. Please, sir, I am afraid, for instance, "saints of old were born again before the cross" as stated by you, is a SERIOUS TECHNICAL ERROR". The Lord Jesus is declared as the first BEGOTTEN from the dead, the Patterned Son. All the fathers from the Old Testament could not be born again hence their being trapped in Abraham's Bossom but were raised from that compartment under the earth during the resurrection of Jesus(Mathew 27:52-53). So, if they were born again before the cross, why were they all trapped under the earth in the Bossom of Abraham, the land of the righteous dead and couldn't go straight to heaven at their death? Every departed born again Saint in death in our day and age is in heaven and not in the Bossom of Abraham. There glorified bodies are only going to catch up with them at the resurrection in the last day, the rapture. Again, the Prophet Samuel was in the Bossom of Abraham under the earth which was why a familiar spirit of his could be summoned by the Witch at Edom. Abraham's Bossom represented a comfortable waiting place for all the Old Testament Saints as none could be born again as Jesus has not died and resurrected. The Old Testament Saints' sins were only forgiven and their righteousness and JUSTIFICATION were only a type or a shadow or pattern for the Lord's who was yet to come. It is the RESURRECTION of Jesus that brings to all, the AUTHENTIC and COMPLETE JUSTIFICATION which releases the Holy Ghost(after His Session on the right hand of the Majesty on High) to carry out the works of the Regeneration of the spirit of Men. No Old Testament Saints had their spirit regenerated and that included father Abraham. That's why with all of the faith testimony about Abraham in scriptures, he still had to be trapped in the 2nd Compartment under the earth as a waiting place that's comfortable for all the saints of old: exactly the facts referred to by the Lord Jesus in the parade of Lazarus and the rich man. So, it was why I said the faith testimonials of our fathers of old were a type of what the Lord Jesus was going to come and fulfil when he will die and rise from the dead. Jesus was born sinless before His death but became SIN personified on the cross so that the Law that states that Sin cannot be forgiven except there is the shedding of blood can be completely fulfilled when He shedd His blood. To become born again or regenerated(since our sin was laid upon Him on the cross and thus became SIN for us all) He had to be reborn, i.e., born again by His resurrection from the dead: meaning, that's how He became the 1st Begotten from the dead and all the righteous saints of old could(mathew 27:52-53) experience same rebirth by their resurrection from the dead. If this cannot be understood, there's no way scriptures can be put in perspective or proper CONTEXT to understand that the FINISHED works of the cross and the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus and His RECOMMISSION[ at the right hand of the Majesty that is on High; where the Christ has now become a compound figure with Jesus the head and the Church His Body(Body of Christ and Jesus the Head of the Body: hence now Christ Jesus)] guarantees the believer's ETERNITY AND GLORIFICATION; all made possible by Grace and not works lest any man should boast. If works were needed for the GLORIFICATION of the believer, i.e., Salvation of the believer's BODY, then the righteous saints of Old wouldn't have been resurrected from the dead, i.e., become born again and gone to heaven only after Jesus was raised from the dead and left with their company at His ascension. Their faith and works would have also guaranteed that after their death before the time of Jesus, they go straight to heaven. But none could because Jesus hasn't come and gone to the cross nor raised from the dead and had had to leave with them to heaven. It is in this light that scriptures are fulfilled in the old saints' case when the scriptures say that the Lamb of God had been slain from the foundation of the world but in a shadow or type when Adam(the Figure of Jesus: Jesus being the real McCoy and Adam just shadowing the REALITY of what Jesus was going to come and do in the future) was put to sleep, i.e., "slained or died" when Jesus in His Pre-incarnate Manifestation in the Garden of Eden was going to create the Woman. So, since Adam was raised from the dead as it were after the creation of the woman, Jesus was sure to rise from the dead: Adam only foreshadowing Jesus's resurrection reality. If our salvation and glorification is not by Grace, the Lord would have without any ambiguity told us that we are saved by works. The Law and the Prophets were captured by Moses and Elijah standing side by side with the Lord Jesus Christ on the mount of transfiguration. When the 3 musketeers stood and watched, what they heard from the Father in response to their counsel was, "this is my beloved SON. Hear He Him". This experience was a pointer to the future where all of the saints of old(from Adam to Enoch to Noah to Abraham) as typified by Moses and Elijah must now submit to the revelation of the knowledge of the SON OF GOD in the FACE of JESUS. So, the rapture, that is the GLORIFICATION of the bodies of the believer's, saints of old and us, is not conditional but Graciously Mandatory as long as the person is sincerely born again thereby removing the entire TRUE Body of Christ from the face of the earth to usher in the revealing of that Man of Sin, the Lawless one who is the Antichrist. Christ Jesus is still physically present on earth as long as the Body of Christ, the Church is still present and as such, the Antichrist cannot be revealed if as much as one member of the Body of Christ is still present on earth because it will mean Christ Jesus is still physically present on earth and both Christ Jesus and the Antichrist cannot be on earth at the same time. So, it is of necessity that the entire Body of Christ must be raptured to give way for the appearing of the Antichrist( 2nd Thessalonians 2:7): He(the Holy Ghost corporately present in the Body of Christ) who letteth will let until it(the Body of Christ) be taken out of the way(from the earth). In conclusion, these are just synopses of my understanding of scriptures concerning the 2nd paragraph where my real concern started as time will not allow me start addressing those seemingly CONTRACTDICTING Epistles of Apostle Paul concerning the once saved always saved Salvation reality of the believer. Please, sir, If you ever see this and feel led to engage me further on the above, I will be very glad to share. Thank you very much, sir.
Apostle carries substance indeed. Should I say His depth in the Word is too deep to teach shallow messages. You need to pay much attention to understand for until he ends his message you are handicap of knowing the end by guessing
Someone should interpret this for me, I had a dream yesterday night I saw my two old friends trying to give me money but something told me not to collect and i later on realized that they wanted to use me for money rituals so I went and gather people to catch them,the moment I saw my friends I realized those people I gathered were gone leaving only one person.
"How to please God?" Does God actually talk to you and tell you He is pleased? Where and when does He do this? Or are you hearing God in your head (like a mental patient)?
@@God1stStudios The bible is a book written by men who never even met the people they wrote about (many many years after). It is also heavily edited by a church that had a power and politics agenda, eliminating a number of chapters. In addition, there isn't just one Christian bible - there are at least three with different numbers of chapters. There exists no provable, fact-based evidence to support any of the supernatural (spiritual) events in it. Thus, it is pure human belief - a human emotion and dependent on as many human thoughts as there are humans. To believe without factual evidence is like saying a court case should be determined by only hearsay or a feeling. It's hard to think God wouldn't hold humans to a standard that they hold themselves.
@@manonfire7675 "Spirit to spirit communication?" How then did you have to use You Tube to communicate with me? Do you not have enough spirit or is your spirit too good to communicate with someone who doesn't have enough? And when you say "spirit to spirit" doesn't that preclude the idea that God's spirit is within you? Your description indicates that there is God's spirit and there are 8 billions of other spirits on earth, not to mention the other 117 billion that have left earth. And I presume that is only person -to-God communication, not person-to-person.
This is the "stong meat" and "bone" of The Word of Faith, not the milk that has been dispensed for years.
The teachings of The Word of Faith have followed one single track of "Name it, Claim it" for so many years that many believers didn't know that was still the "milk" level.
There was no balance.
Many people named and claimed but still were not getting.
Many got discouraged and left the Faith. "I did all was taught, why didnt it work?" This question plagued many and led many to believe that God has "favourites" who it works for. Many questioned if God is really able as Faith Preachers teach.
Apostle, thankyou for introducing the strong meat and bone of this central doctrine. Thankyou for this unique perspective that is unlike anything I have ever been taught on this subject.
Session 1: The Substance of Faith
- Tarrying with God until I get impregnated, by the witness of the Holy Spirit, with substance that is tangible and undeniable.
Session 2: The Understanding of Faith
- Securing the Ruach quickening of my inate spiritual senses to grasp my unique dealing and journey of faith which is different from another person's dealing and journey of Faith.
Session 3: The Purpose of Faith
- To please God not to please myself. FULL STOP.
To please God, which was the path set by the ancients who walked this road before us. A path that many deviated from in search of self.
Thank you for this exquisite summary 🙏🏽.
Good summary
This message was highjacked by the Holy Ghost, instead of the life of Abel taught, God showed is Enoch in-depth, and a brief of Abel. Thank you Apostle for demonstrating yieldedness to the Spirit. The teaching part was very rich leaving an assignment as always. Thanks Pastor Poju Oyemade for this Platform to be bless in this first Minister's conference.❤️👍🤝
good obsevation
Very correct!
What a message by the Spirit..❤
If I'm to fly to any country that will be Nigeria, Markudi. At the heart of RCN. THE HEART OF REVIVAL❤
This made me tear 😢 I have so much love for him too… can’t describe it…. So much of a man. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 God is truly with him
Why the "if"?
U can also pioneer d establishment of RCN in your country or place of sojourn. Apostle travels to d UK Ghana Cameroun I believe Anda South Africa too. So my dear, U don't have to travel to Makurdi the mountain,make the mountain come to U.. And by d mountain, I dont mean Apostle Arome in the flesh, I mean in the Spirit, that thing which God has put in him, he can also put in U or in any other willing vessel in your locality your community.
Such a deep man in the Faith he is, I must submit. You may observe he cut the message short because of the time he was given. What Light God has permitted this father(forget his physical age) to access and not only to access, but to bring people into.
In a day where there are so many grey areas, it is refreshing beyond measure to hear a voice that has been critically stripped of the grey( the deceptive stench of flesh), his name is Arome.
Please connect with him anyway you can dear.
Been there. I didn't want to leave. Kai. RCN Makurdi
Something very strange has happened to this man…. It takes a yielding heart and a spirit that is ready to accept to see the manifestation of God in the life of Apostle…, he Carrie’s such a strange powerful atmosphere… everywhere he goes he leaves a trade mark, a Godly trade mark… Kai… 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I love you sir 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I feel the presence of God like I am there present Kai.
They are too many ministers here. God please protect our great Apostle Arome Osayi that he will not be contaminated and pursue riches and pride.
I don't know why one hour listening to Apostle Arome looks so short....? Cheyy God , what did you do to this man...?? ❤❤
Honestly, so short. I can listen to him for hoursss
Wow! You noticed the same thing.
It was so short for me, am yearning for more
Even when I was at the conference live his session use to be short for me than other ministers
It is always like that. It is because he sucks you in with his delivery and the Spirit of The Holy One walks with him.
Apostle always coming with fire 🔥 I just love this man.. mightily used by God
Please how can I get Apostle's email address?
My dear if I have his email address I will be so grateful myself 😀
It's well sis
I was there live 😍 its was a great privilege to be under papa ministration
This man is a concentrated Apostle from thick wilderness
I want to please God in 2024 and the rest of my life.
May The Mercy of God locate you IN JESUS NAME, AMEN.
Watching this 31st December 2024, couldn't go for crossover service due to an accident yesterday that God saved my life. Lord more of you in 2025. I yield to your Spirit oh Holy One
What kind of strange message is this? I thank God! Never saw Enoch 's walk with God like that before.!! Very insightful!!
"Enoch did not have bible or any of the materials we have today yet he was able to trap down the little window of God he received, and used it to walk through out his life. That even when God wanted to go, he could not leave alone. He had to take Enoch along with him.."
Life does not end here, and many of us live like it will end here, that's why we have not taken our walk with God serious..... That's a strong point to ponder on
Amen to the 10th power beloved 🙏🏿
I just want to thank God for you man of God...Thank you God for apostle arome osayi,I pray that you make keep him and sustain him ,bless him with long life that generations may continue being blessed through him for the glory of your holy name 🙏
In the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, Amen
Keep representing Jesus dear Apostle Arome.heaven is proud of you...
It's always a great joy to listen to my mentor.
If Christianity was thought like this years ago, we wouldn't be in such decadence now. Thank you Pa Arome Osayi for sacrificing your life for God to use in a generation ❤
Apostle Sir,I love you.
Arome osayi can take you where rhema dwells
Baba Apostle Osayi I'm proud of you.... God is indeed still helping the upcoming generation with true Fathers of faith... I love you so much 😭Baba Osayi❤🇸🇱God gave you to me as a gift ❤
*My heart is full of heaviness, Lord, please renew me and take me in your hands where there is rest and peace 🌈🤲*
I love Apostle's attire❤, thanks for yielding to God
Kia😭😭😭 I need help.. I have known I have a call.. strange experiences, I can't even explain it. But then I run away from God every time. I am tired of this kind of life.. A traveller that has lost his map and therefore missed his way home.. 😭😭😭 it doesn't change and anytime I hear this apostle my heart races fast and I run from the voices I hear in my spirit... I hide myself in my own thoughts.. this boy is lost.
Why is it those that hv the strangest of experiences that struggle the most.
Because the devil fights those God want to use more than the ones that aren't threat. Have you not heard apostle life testimony before he became like this. God's calling is not bread and butter but there's always light at the end of the tunnel if we don't give up.
Run back to Jesus
Proverbs 1:23
Step into the pool! My little shall become a thousand!
The Glory of His Presence is too much here! Glory to JESUS!!!
Deep calls for deep! Lord I am available! I want to please you like never before
You are indeed a great teacher
I want to be a follower of this ministry
I want to please God in 2024 and the rest of my life
Same here may God give us grace in Jesus Mighty Name
God's mouthpiece speak through him Holy Spirit, work miracles, signs and wonders through Your Apostle Oh God. Thank you our Father. Amen
Behold! A teacher.
Utterance !🔥
Thank you Lord
Apostle Arome Osayi...... I listen to him if I want to go deeper.
Spiritual men of integrity. More grace Apostle Arome Osayi
Powerful words uttered by the Holy Spirit through His servant, Apostle Arome. GOD BLESS YOU, Sir.
Help me lord
Oh Jesus make us understand that's love does not end here
More grace to apostle arome, father help me, I want to please God.
This was really a blessing
I want to please God
ooooo , I feel fire of the Holy spirit
Depth. Depth. Depth. Thank you sir.
Thank you so much Apostle for this powerful message.❤❤❤.
Am so glad that Pastor poju gave you people enough time unlike last year WOFBEC.😂
Glory be to God!
God bless Apostle. Thank you for obeying God.
You are indeed a great man of God may almight God protect and give you long life.
Oh Apostle
Lord thank you for increasing my rank
Amen. I Thine save me. I ask for Grace to please You Jehovah. Amen
God must be sought out
My God 🙇🏽♀️😭😭😭
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah. I want to please God. Holy Ghost help me in Jesus mighty name 🙏
Real Meat...
First here…love you sir❤more grace
Spiritual knowledge
Exactly what am going through now….many reasons to argue out my point and God is not pleased 😢😢😢😢😢
My apostle
Glory to God. 🙌🏾 Thank the Lord for my Christ-Kingdom Father in the Lord.
More grace sir 🙏
The grace of God that is manifested in Apostle Arome Osayi in the area of the teachings and demonstration of the Power of the Holy Ghost, Holiness, the place of Prayers, teachings on deliverance and somewhat ability to unvail the occult cannot be overemphasised. In these areas, your teachings are deep and such a blessing to the Body of Christ. All these are extremely good as they guarantee the deeper life of the believer in Christ Jesus to guarantee that unbelievers are drawn to the Kingdom and guarantee a quality and successful Christian life here on eatth and in the life to come.
However, sir, I know you are sincere but sincerely not correct concerning the deepest and most significant mysteries of the Christ and the FINISHED works of the cross and the RESURRECTION of Jesus and His SESSION as touching the NEW Testament as against the OLD Covernant; which subject mastery is to guarantee that the Image of God is not mutilated as this is the target of the Antichrist in the end times: to mutilate the Image of God whose Image is a PERSON, i.e., Christ Jesus(Col 1:13-15; Heb 1:3).
But the Likeness of God speaks of His makeup, i.e., God has one head, 2 eyes, 2 ears, e.t.c and man was created with one head e.t.c just like God. Man's physical form derives from God. This is what the Likeness of God represents.
Until scriptures are put in the correct absolute perspective or CONTEXT, it will keep looking like the Apostle Paul was contradicting himself concerning the above matter in the 2nd paragraph.
Please, sir, I am afraid, for instance, "saints of old were born again before the cross" as stated by you, is a SERIOUS TECHNICAL ERROR".
The Lord Jesus is declared as the first BEGOTTEN from the dead, the Patterned Son. All the fathers from the Old Testament could not be born again hence their being trapped in Abraham's Bossom but were raised from that compartment under the earth during the resurrection of Jesus(Mathew 27:52-53). So, if they were born again before the cross, why were they all trapped under the earth in the Bossom of Abraham, the land of the righteous dead and couldn't go straight to heaven at their death? Every departed born again Saint in death in our day and age is in heaven and not in the Bossom of Abraham. There glorified bodies are only going to catch up with them at the resurrection in the last day, the rapture.
Again, the Prophet Samuel was in the Bossom of Abraham under the earth which was why a familiar spirit of his could be summoned by the Witch at Edom.
Abraham's Bossom represented a comfortable waiting place for all the Old Testament Saints as none could be born again as Jesus has not died and resurrected. The Old Testament Saints' sins were only forgiven and their righteousness and JUSTIFICATION were only a type or a shadow or pattern for the Lord's who was yet to come. It is the RESURRECTION of Jesus that brings to all, the AUTHENTIC and COMPLETE JUSTIFICATION which releases the Holy Ghost(after His Session on the right hand of the Majesty on High) to carry out the works of the Regeneration of the spirit of Men.
No Old Testament Saints had their spirit regenerated and that included father Abraham. That's why with all of the faith testimony about Abraham in scriptures, he still had to be trapped in the 2nd Compartment under the earth as a waiting place that's comfortable for all the saints of old: exactly the facts referred to by the Lord Jesus in the parade of Lazarus and the rich man.
So, it was why I said the faith testimonials of our fathers of old were a type of what the Lord Jesus was going to come and fulfil when he will die and rise from the dead.
Jesus was born sinless before His death but became SIN personified on the cross so that the Law that states that Sin cannot be forgiven except there is the shedding of blood can be completely fulfilled when He shedd His blood.
To become born again or regenerated(since our sin was laid upon Him on the cross and thus became SIN for us all) He had to be reborn, i.e., born again by His resurrection from the dead: meaning, that's how He became the 1st Begotten from the dead and all the righteous saints of old could(mathew 27:52-53) experience same rebirth by their resurrection from the dead.
If this cannot be understood, there's no way scriptures can be put in perspective or proper CONTEXT to understand that the FINISHED works of the cross and the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus and His RECOMMISSION[ at the right hand of the Majesty that is on High; where the Christ has now become a compound figure with Jesus the head and the Church His Body(Body of Christ and Jesus the Head of the Body: hence now Christ Jesus)] guarantees the believer's ETERNITY AND GLORIFICATION; all made possible by Grace and not works lest any man should boast.
If works were needed for the GLORIFICATION of the believer, i.e., Salvation of the believer's BODY, then the righteous saints of Old wouldn't have been resurrected from the dead, i.e., become born again and gone to heaven only after Jesus was raised from the dead and left with their company at His ascension. Their faith and works would have also guaranteed that after their death before the time of Jesus, they go straight to heaven. But none could because Jesus hasn't come and gone to the cross nor raised from the dead and had had to leave with them to heaven. It is in this light that scriptures are fulfilled in the old saints' case when the scriptures say that the Lamb of God had been slain from the foundation of the world but in a shadow or type when Adam(the Figure of Jesus: Jesus being the real McCoy and Adam just shadowing the REALITY of what Jesus was going to come and do in the future) was put to sleep, i.e., "slained or died" when Jesus in His Pre-incarnate Manifestation in the Garden of Eden was going to create the Woman. So, since Adam was raised from the dead as it were after the creation of the woman, Jesus was sure to rise from the dead: Adam only foreshadowing Jesus's resurrection reality.
If our salvation and glorification is not by Grace, the Lord would have without any ambiguity told us that we are saved by works.
The Law and the Prophets were captured by Moses and Elijah standing side by side with the Lord Jesus Christ on the mount of transfiguration. When the 3 musketeers stood and watched, what they heard from the Father in response to their counsel was, "this is my beloved SON. Hear He Him". This experience was a pointer to the future where all of the saints of old(from Adam to Enoch to Noah to Abraham) as typified by Moses and Elijah must now submit to the revelation of the knowledge of the SON OF GOD in the FACE of JESUS.
So, the rapture, that is the GLORIFICATION of the bodies of the believer's, saints of old and us, is not conditional but Graciously Mandatory as long as the person is sincerely born again thereby removing the entire TRUE Body of Christ from the face of the earth to usher in the revealing of that Man of Sin, the Lawless one who is the Antichrist.
Christ Jesus is still physically present on earth as long as the Body of Christ, the Church is still present and as such, the Antichrist cannot be revealed if as much as one member of the Body of Christ is still present on earth because it will mean Christ Jesus is still physically present on earth and both Christ Jesus and the Antichrist cannot be on earth at the same time. So, it is of necessity that the entire Body of Christ must be raptured to give way for the appearing of the Antichrist( 2nd Thessalonians 2:7): He(the Holy Ghost corporately present in the Body of Christ) who letteth will let until it(the Body of Christ) be taken out of the way(from the earth).
In conclusion, these are just synopses of my understanding of scriptures concerning the 2nd paragraph where my real concern started as time will not allow me start addressing those seemingly CONTRACTDICTING Epistles of Apostle Paul concerning the once saved always saved Salvation reality of the believer.
Please, sir, If you ever see this and feel led to engage me further on the above, I will be very glad to share.
Thank you very much, sir.
God what did you do to Apostle
Very awesome teaching bless you Apostle it takes us afar ❤
Hallelujah to the God who has seen me,and manifested Himself through my life
Thank you Jesus for Apostle Arome
Glory be to God
Chartered Apostle ❤
I want to please God😢enough of myself, lord show me mercy😢
Oh my I want to please God
Kindly share this massage as much as you can, let it reach many souls, shalom
My Father My Father
Always blessed listening to this God General!
I receive my spiritual gifts
Apostle Apostle...we thank God for your life!
God bless you 🙏
This is deep! 🔥🔥🔥
Amen Apostle🙏
I receive healing In Jesus name
❤ powerful
My apostle ❤
Enoch was a scribe of righteousness 🙏🏾🔥❤️🔥
Apostle carries substance indeed. Should I say His depth in the Word is too deep to teach shallow messages. You need to pay much attention to understand for until he ends his message you are handicap of knowing the end by guessing
I am thankful to the redeemer and my saviour
Thank you Jesus 🙏
Someone should interpret this for me, I had a dream yesterday night I saw my two old friends trying to give me money but something told me not to collect and i later on realized that they wanted to use me for money rituals so I went and gather people to catch them,the moment I saw my friends I realized those people I gathered were gone leaving only one person.
Why do I think he spoke about the TB Joshua documentary. Anyone else feels this way?
Is it not 05 01 2024
Where is this place
Covenant Nation in Lagos state pioneered by Pastor Poju.
Covenant Christian Center, Iganmu Lagos Nigeria
"How to please God?"
Does God actually talk to you and tell you He is pleased? Where and when does He do this? Or are you hearing God in your head (like a mental patient)?
Go and study the scripture
@@God1stStudios The bible is a book written by men who never even met the people they wrote about (many many years after). It is also heavily edited by a church that had a power and politics agenda, eliminating a number of chapters. In addition, there isn't just one Christian bible - there are at least three with different numbers of chapters. There exists no provable, fact-based evidence to support any of the supernatural (spiritual) events in it.
Thus, it is pure human belief - a human emotion and dependent on as many human thoughts as there are humans. To believe without factual evidence is like saying a court case should be determined by only hearsay or a feeling. It's hard to think God wouldn't hold humans to a standard that they hold themselves.
It is a spirit to spirit communication. You will know when you learn to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. God bless you.
@@manonfire7675 "Spirit to spirit communication?" How then did you have to use You Tube to communicate with me? Do you not have enough spirit or is your spirit too good to communicate with someone who doesn't have enough? And when you say "spirit to spirit" doesn't that preclude the idea that God's spirit is within you? Your description indicates that there is God's spirit and there are 8 billions of other spirits on earth, not to mention the other 117 billion that have left earth. And I presume that is only person -to-God communication, not person-to-person.
Ask God yourself and wait for the answer if you’re sincere He will show up
God bless Apostle Arome ♥️
powerful 🙏
More Grace sir