New RC Track layout with the Traxxas Rustler Custom Build

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 9

  • @togetherwecanwin4
    @togetherwecanwin4 Час назад

    i love your traxxas builds and tuning vids

  • @Brennen_Nisporic
    @Brennen_Nisporic 29 минут назад

    That outro was sick!

  • @joeycarlson9589
    @joeycarlson9589 15 часов назад +1

    Another banger of a video, and a great reminder at the end!👏

    @NCMATT 8 часов назад


  • @NEO-RC
    @NEO-RC 5 часов назад

    You do excellent videos. I had bought a Arrma Senton last year to try to get into racing there at Big Dogs RC. Being very new to RC at all and trying to jump right into racing was bad decision I think so shelved it and concentrated more on crawling. Got pretty frustrated because I could barely get a single lap in without wrecking and some of the other guys there were getting frustrated with me as well. Only one guy offered much advice. Need to get that Arrma off the shelf and running again.

  • @JagImaging
    @JagImaging 4 часа назад


  • @GearWorksRc
    @GearWorksRc 13 часов назад

    I’m actually gonna pick up an original rustler and see if I can’t make it race ready but I’m hoping I have good luck with it all the parts are black all ready and won’t have to dye those grey parts black but loving the rustler project pretty cool.

  • @aguyinnc2865
    @aguyinnc2865 14 часов назад

    Got some parts to try on our Rustler. Which rims are you running?

  • @togetherwecanwin4
    @togetherwecanwin4 Час назад

    what battery do you run and where to buy?