I'm At My LOWEST Point In Life.

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Hey Gang! Let's talk. Giving you a current life update. I've done a lot of thinking and reflecting on my Birthday a few days ago, i came to realize a few things and revelations, even though, I am essentially in my "Great Depression" phase.

Комментарии • 53

  • @omerfarooq818
    @omerfarooq818 Год назад +6

    Salaam bro! Just came across your channel today from the Quran recitation of Chapter Taha which you reacted to and already I can relate to you so much, I will remember you in my prayers InshaAllah(GodWilling), may Allah remove hardships from your live and bless you and guide you to the straight path! Ameen!

  • @mohannadzaaza5162
    @mohannadzaaza5162 Год назад +8

    Bro, you got this. You will get out of it, stronger and more proud.
    Few months ago, I was at my lowest of my low. Now, I just feel i can conquer the whole world alone , with God help and guidance for sure.
    For more than a year, i was scattered, anxious, overthinking. I couldn't focus. Those started for many reasons. I just felt lonely, hopeless and in infinite loop 🔁.
    What i did to get out:
    - you have to know that our minds are thinking based on the experiences we had in the past. This implies that it is not necessarily what we think is an "absolute right". We tend to see the world from the lenses of our past experience. So, as first step, you have to take off those lenses and put them aside.
    - after that, you have to have a benchmark for your own self. For me, I couldn't find a better benchmark than Islam teachings. After reading history, I concluded that if people stick to islam teachings, many crises and wars could be avoided. Islam encourages working hard, encourages being nice with people, encourages justice. It just promotes prosperity to your soul, heart and mind.
    - third step: you have to admit that it is completely fine to get some downs throughout th journey. We, the humans, are weak in nature . So, when you fell down, it's fine! Just hold yourself together and stand tall and focus on your destination and goooo.
    - don't tell your self you nothing ! Or haven't achieved any thing or that golden age stuff! Romio, you got great morals, you got pure heart and that is the real currency and achievement. That's the real legacy a person shall be proud of. You have many great things to pass it for your kids. THEY WILL BE PROUD OF YOU.
    Sorry for the long reply. But i will end by recommending two books that will be a guidence for you; the subtle art of not giving a f*** and the seven habits of highly effective people. The second book was read by four American presidents and many executives and people around the globe.
    If you need support of any form we can talk or chat.
    My regards,
    Your friend Mohannad.

  • @ivonne22365
    @ivonne22365 Год назад +5

    Holaa habibi I'm on the same boat at the moment, I feel the exact same way. I'm looking forward to know about your life plans starting soon, and hopefully alot of us can benefit as well! God bless and happy birthday 🥳🤠🍰🎂🧁🥧🍨🍫

  • @breemo1991
    @breemo1991 Год назад +7

    We're cheering for you brother and I will keep you in my prayers. I crashed in 2020 and with an attitude of honesty and trust in God, it really does get better ❤️

    @MrFFSMAN Год назад +5

    Very touching video. You are a good man Rami you will bounce back inshallah 2023 will be your year!
    Take care brother!

  • @muhammadshabbir7844
    @muhammadshabbir7844 Год назад +3

    Asalamu alaikum, peace be upon you Ramey, Belated happy birthday to you, today i learned a big lesson from you, whenever I don't wanna go to gym , I will go, that's my motivation 👍🏽, these are the the million dollar words, really we use to find motivation to do any task but today i learned from you that if u start doing the task even if u r very lazy to do it, that's ur biggest motivation,
    Whenever I don't wanna do ,I will do that's my motivation 👍🏽

  • @chintazulkanain5694
    @chintazulkanain5694 Год назад +2

    Sir, I've stumbled upon your reaction vid (Surah Taha) yesterday. Thank you for the sharing.
    M goin thru quite a turmoil in my life & was at the lowest point myself. I won't pretend to understand what you're goin thru. But brother, each & everyone of us have our own path & journey (as a test) to take & make.
    Yes, it surely is difficult only because the test is design by God, for no-one else but us, individually. We might not be able to endure other people's test hence why their tests aren't given to us. God only test us with things that He knows we are able to handle, no more no less. God have Faith in you, so should you in yourself.
    He will test you with huge difficulties in life but that's only because the reward that awaits you is gigantic & enormous. Trust Him. He knows more than what we could ever imagine & He only wants what's best for us. You got this & most importantly, He got you! He has your back, brother.
    What i would normally do whenever i feel weak, etc, I'd usually listen to my fave surah, Surah Ar-Rahman (55). M not sure if you've heard it but i would suggest & invite you to listen to it.
    And i pray God to ease your hardship, pain & hurt.
    Don't ever lose hope dear brother.

  • @georgetsekouras8292
    @georgetsekouras8292 Год назад +7

    Bro, blessings are heading your way! Learning to dance in the rain is how you gain the edge. We believe in you!

  • @RecitimHumeid
    @RecitimHumeid Год назад +4

    ramio ur much stronger then u can imagen brother!
    what ever comes at you will pass and you will flouris from its expiernces!
    take comfort from the surah of the quran were Allah comforts our prophet (peace be upon him)
    and the surah goes like this
    ''by the morning blaze!
    and the night when it covers with darkness!
    Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you].
    (meaning we will have our Good days and our dark days But that does not mean our lord has forgotten about us or hates us)
    then it goes on to say:
    Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?
    And He found you lost and guided [you],
    And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.
    (meaning our lord ALWAYS was there in our lowest place in life and he was the one that stood by us and helped us! so this time will be no diffrend!)
    then it finishes off by saying more or less;
    to help the orphan feed the poor and count the blessing of our lord! meaning: doing Gods work on earth will give us the true purpose in life. and count the blessing of our lord is crusial cause that means we always look the bright sight, we always look for the positief in life we always are gratefull.

  • @tahamohamed8617
    @tahamohamed8617 Год назад +3

    أسأل الله ان يهيئ لك من أمرك رشدا

  • @aaronpareja5931
    @aaronpareja5931 Год назад +3

    Hey Ramio! I understand how you feel. I'm going through tough times right now, too, and it can be like a roller coaster. Just remember that you still have so much to live for, but promise yourself that you will always keep moving forward. Always keep fighting the best you can and try to keep your chin up. Better days will come to you! Keep praying! 🙏😎🤙

  • @captaincusto5857
    @captaincusto5857 Год назад +2

    The shittuation is harsh.... Gambling is not easy to get rid of. Need dedication on another level. You can't run or hide from it. Just know your enemy as your enemy has their KYC.

  • @imbored1179
    @imbored1179 Год назад +7

    Allah promised us and said so twice to punctuate with "hardship comes ease" I was at low points myself and indeed the promise of Allah is true. Trust me you'll find relief in your heart soon In this world and If your greatful for that eternal contentment and happy in the next

  • @ranifirmansjah
    @ranifirmansjah Год назад +10

    Allah confirms verse 155 in Surah Al Baqarah that the various trials given by Allah include trials of fear, trials of hunger, trials of losing property, trials of leaving family or loved ones, trials of failed agricultural or plantation businesses.
    Allah will not give a test beyond the limits of our ability. HE gives trials not because HE does not care about us, but rather a reflection of God's love and justice for HIS faithful servants.
    Allah is not willing to inflict a painful punishment in the hereafter, so HE replaces it by inflicting various trials in the world which also serve as an expiation for our sins.
    Stay patient, steadfast, strong and have faith

    • @bluejaym237
      @bluejaym237 Год назад +1

      Why make this about religion? Lol

    • @imbored1179
      @imbored1179 Год назад +2

      @@bluejaym237 because this individual is interested in religion? Why are you speaking for him

    • @ranifirmansjah
      @ranifirmansjah Год назад +3

      @@bluejaym237 This is not about religion. @Ramio1983's father is a Muslim while his mother is non-Muslim.
      I think, even though maybe a little, at least he understands about Islam after he often reacts to reciting the Qur'an.
      I just want to give him encouragement so that he remains steadfast, strong and patient because of the test he is facing

  • @imagogettaaa
    @imagogettaaa Год назад +4

    We’re all here you! you’re my brother in Islam. I pray you come out of this stronger and wiser. On the bright everything is temporary in this duniya so don’t worry. May Allah give you strength to keep shining..aameen

  • @WHque
    @WHque Год назад +4

    So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.” [3:139]
    “And let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, honor [due to power] belongs to Allah entirely. He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [10:65]

  • @alzee4667
    @alzee4667 Год назад +3

    You got this bro respect the honesty. I’m in a similar boat. I miss being happy internally I’ve been lost for 4 years now Suffering from back pain which has really made me lose motivation in everything. no money in my name, keep gambling every single penny. I hope one day I can be happy again and make better choices instead of always being so disappointed in myself. It’s nice to hear other people’s perspectives on their struggles. Inshallah allah will help us and guide us and gives us the strength to do better for ourselves we deserve it.

  • @suzanne7277
    @suzanne7277 Год назад +4

    Hi Ramio, it’s so nice we can all come together here and lean on one another as I’ve also hit rock bottom. I’ve started reading a book by Allen Carr called The Easy Way To Stop Gambling. It’s been recommended by many on a quit gambling site I go on. I pray and hope that this book along with information you share on your journey can help me find a better path. Stay strong, peace & blessings 🙏❤️
    P.S. It’s so good you opened up to your dad. My dad is also the one person I can talk to any time for support and advice. We must remember we are never alone, parents and friends are there for us, and supporters that have gone through the same

  • @ammnur5882
    @ammnur5882 Год назад +3

    Alsalamu alikum bro. Allah says in surah Al-Imran (And when you have decided then rely upon Allah. indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon him.) And Allah says surah At-Talaq (And whoever relies upon Allah then he is sufficient for him.) And persist on the Qur'an the Qur'an is source of happiness may Allah bless you ❤️

  • @skytravel4556
    @skytravel4556 Год назад +5

    2 : 268 - Le Diable vous fait craindre l'indigence et vous recommande des actions honteuses; tandis que Dieu vous promet pardon et faveur venant de Lui. La grâce de Dieu est immense et Il est Omniscient.

  • @Arabian_Gulf_Angler
    @Arabian_Gulf_Angler Год назад

    Everyone eventually hits rock-bottom! It's part of our test in this life where Allah will put us through different situations financially and socially so hang in there friend.
    Just remember to be a good person while going through these tests so when you remember this later you will feel proud of yourself and know what you're made of.
    Good luck friend.

  • @WamsyAmsy
    @WamsyAmsy Год назад +3

    You got this, dude!! 👊🏻

  • @hushabyehum4805
    @hushabyehum4805 Год назад

    I truly believe more ppl need meds nowadays because of depleted nutrients or toxins in our water and food or whatever. My kid needs meds, hardcore meds, just to not have seizures, i need them, his dad (anti anxiety) these things kick start. Good luck on screenwriting..Good luck and keepvyour sense of humoir.


    Most definitely I'm in same boat right now. Thanks for sharing. Our golden days are coming 🤞🏼😊

  • @Pablo-ds4ki
    @Pablo-ds4ki Год назад +2

    You have a gambling problem, take action to solve it or it will never go away. Go to G.A , do not manage money. Day by day 24hs at a time. , no more excuses , no more shame , do it...DO IT!

    @NGTAPOUT Год назад +1

    stay strong brother life is short and this is a test

  • @hushabyehum4805
    @hushabyehum4805 Год назад

    Meds might help. Wellbutrin helps me. It helps me with everything. Also date water and niacin and Zam Zam water. I use ot on my kid too (bar the wellbutrin) and his Seizures went down to almost nothing whereas before it was probably over 100 a day (minor and major). We need family to help us as we would help them, we have to be alongside each other always, that's a fact no matter what society expects nowadays.

  • @georgetsekouras8292
    @georgetsekouras8292 Год назад

    Hey brother, just checking in. Hope you are doing well. You are motivating so many people with your story. You are helping so many. Don’t give up. You got a positive shift coming in your direction.

  • @jsjdjjsjdj4050
    @jsjdjjsjdj4050 Год назад +1

    كل الاحترام والتقدير لك يا اخي العزيز اتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح والسعادة والفرح الدائم لنا من متابعيك شكرا لك يا اخي الفاضل

  • @skytravel4556
    @skytravel4556 Год назад +3

    {Le diable vous fait craindre l’indigence et vous commande des actions honteuses ; tandis qu’Allah vous promet pardon et faveur venant de Lui. La grâce d’Allah est Immense et Il est Omniscient }
    Ibn Abi Hâtim rapporta, selon Abdillah ibn Mas’oud, que le Messager d’Allah (Prières et bénédictions d’Allah sur lui) dit : « Satan a un effet sur l’enfant d’Adam et l’ange aussi. L’effet de Satan se concrétise par le mal et le rejet de la vérité, quant à celui de l’ange, il se traduit par le bien et la croyance en la vérité. Celui qui trouve ce dernier, qu’il sache qu’il provient d’Allah et qu’il remercie Allah pour cela. Celui qui trouve le premier, qu’il cherche refuge auprès d’Allah de Satan ». Ensuite le Prophète (Prières et bénédictions d’Allah sur lui ) récita ce verset : « Le diable vous fait craindre l’indigence et vous commande des actions honteuses ; tandis qu’Allah vous promet pardon et faveur venant de lui. La grâce d’Allah est immense et Il est omniscient ». [Ibn Abi Hâtim : 3/1090] Rapporté aussi par At-Tirmithi et An-Nasâï dans leurs Sounan. [Touhfatoul-Ahwathi : 8/332, An-Nasâï : 6/305]
    « Le diable vous fait craindre l’indigence » afin que vous teniez à ce que vous avez et de vous empêcher de dépenser pour la satisfaction d’Allah.
    « Et vous commande des actions honteuses » Satan vous interdit de faire la charité en s’appuyant sur la fausse crainte de devenir pauvre et en vous guidant vers la voie du mal, des péchés et de la conduite immorale.
    « Tandis qu’Allah vous promet pardon » c’est à dire le contraire du mal que Satan vous promet,
    « et faveur venant de lui » c’est à dire le contraire de la pauvreté dont Satan use pour vous faire peur.
    « La grâce d’Allah est immense et Il est omniscient »

  • @jesusloveisthegreatestpower
    @jesusloveisthegreatestpower Год назад

    lots of respect for you, being so public with your struggles. I am in the same situation.

    • @ramio1983
      @ramio1983  Год назад +1

      Thank you, yes, just me being human, sometimes its great, other times it sucks. Best of guidance in your journey.

    • @jesusloveisthegreatestpower
      @jesusloveisthegreatestpower Год назад

      @@ramio1983 I feel your pain Ramio. Take care of yourself, one day at a time. You'll conquer this addiction in no time.

  • @t.s3485
    @t.s3485 Год назад +3

    اللهم اني لما انزلت الي من خير فقير.
    Some ingredients to success,
    Allah forgive me im your weak servant. (a lot)
    Allah keep me steadfast in my decision and your right path (a lot)
    I seek refuge in allah from the devil and the evil of your creation. (a lot!)
    If you want something truthly ask allah to remind you of your goal. And ask him to make you successful in what you know will please him.
    (worked wonders for me and iy will do right by you inchalah)

  • @aqil767
    @aqil767 Год назад +1

    allah say indeed after hardship comes easy,
    he test us financially, through our kids and other means to see at the end do we turn to him and live in this world by limit set by him

  • @islambhai2242
    @islambhai2242 Год назад

    My dear brother you pary to Allah Allah salp all your problem inshallah don't wory brother

  • @islambhai2242
    @islambhai2242 Год назад

    My dear brother Allah Sand you paradise insa Allah

  • @user-tx5bp6lx1e
    @user-tx5bp6lx1e Год назад +3

    اللهم اني أسأل الله أن يهديك إلى الإسلام ويدخلنا وإياك الجنه

  • @saafifilms762
    @saafifilms762 Год назад

    Best man 💥

  • @peterlee3016
    @peterlee3016 10 месяцев назад

    do you still live at home?

  • @ClassyRyan
    @ClassyRyan Год назад

    Where are you at now ayri?

    • @ramio1983
      @ramio1983  Год назад +1

      I'm at Ayriville, next to Ayritown on the corner of Ayri Highway. In other words, not great haha

    • @ClassyRyan
      @ClassyRyan Год назад

      @@ramio1983 nah bro that was very nasty of me to write, I was in a bad mood I was watching your video for a reason. How are things now anyway? I apologise for my comment

    • @ramio1983
      @ramio1983  Год назад

      @@ClassyRyan You're all good man, i understand. We all go through our rough patches and when i am in a bad mood, i ain't very nice either. Things are okay man, really not where i should be yet, but hopefully good news for us soon. Apology accepted.

  • @islambhai2242
    @islambhai2242 Год назад

    My dear brother this is your test from Allah

  • @shawnsuave5694
    @shawnsuave5694 Год назад

    Just get a real job champ and you'll be ok

  • @deankareem7872
    @deankareem7872 Год назад

    Come to Islam.. your life will change

    @NGTAPOUT Год назад

    brother i mesaged you on instagram 2 years ago but you ignored me after some time?