"I consent to pay my semester tuition fees in one or two installments according to the university's schedule." "If I don't get the government scholarship, I agree to be enrolled as a self-sponsored. " I am confused with these check boxes. Why they make us check in these boxes if we are government-sponsored applicants?
Addis Abeba university is first in Ethiopia to be self administered.so they have new rules and regulations.but in their portals the have email address.through which you can also contact them directly.
Pls malslgn register argiyalahu gn slke lay alseram blogn computer bet naw yamolahut ena smola tiket yamilaw aykeftm nebar ena ahun slkachew lay yamolu ljoch ticketun agigntewal ena mn larg pls
Sele kfyaw mnm alalkem bro btngrachew teru new
Endet new
Paymentu acholarun lemayamualu new
remedial Yalfen Sewoch Mndenw Menargwe Pls
Admission number ye zare 5 amet endet enastawsalen lela amarach yelewm benath
ባህር ዳር ያለን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ተጉዘን ነው ፈተናውን የምንወስደው?
እሱን ግልፅ አላደረጉም ምናልባት በኦንላይን እዛው ባህር ዳር ዩኒቨርስቲ ልትፈተኑ ትችላላችሁ
1 Self sponsored be amet sent bew emenkefelew 2 fetenawen alefen self sponsore kehonen yefelegenewen field magegnt enchelalen 3 uat tefetenen benewedek self sponser hunen megebat anchelem 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Remedial yalefn sewochs ayhonm
Yichalal yemalefiya netib kametachihu🙏
So esun endat new portalu lay yememezegebew
እርግጠኛ ነህ ብሮ እኔ በጣም ፍላጎቱ አለኝ ይሄ ብቻ በቂ ነው????
Video ይጨመራል ጠብቅ ዛሬ
ኧረ አይሰራም አደሚሽን ከተነካ በኋላ አይመጣም ።
degagmh mokir
"I consent to pay my semester tuition fees in one or two installments according to the university's schedule."
"If I don't get the government scholarship, I agree to be enrolled as a self-sponsored. "
I am confused with these check boxes. Why they make us check in these boxes if we are government-sponsored applicants?
Addis Abeba university is first in Ethiopia to be self administered.so they have new rules and regulations.but in their portals the have email address.through which you can also contact them directly.
remedial Yalfen Sewoch Mndenw Menargwe Pls