
  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Parashat Ba'Halotach is the third parashah in Sefer Bamadbar, the fourth book of the Torah. The parable describes events and instructions that happened during the Israelites' journey in the desert. Here is a summary of the main topics:
    1. Lighting the Temple Menorah: The passage begins with the mitzvah for Aharon to light the Temple Menorah in the Tabernacle. He commands to light the menorah from the beginning of the day until the evening, in order to offer light always before God (in Midbar, chapter 8, verses 24).
    2. Second Passover: In the passage, it tells about people who could not offer the Passover sacrifice at the time due to their impurity, and they ask Moses to give them another opportunity to offer the Passover sacrifice. Moshe accepts their request and orders the people to sacrifice the Passover in the second month (Iyer) on the first day of the month (Bamadbar chapter 9, verses 11-13).
    3. The journey in the desert: In the parasha the journeys of the Israelites in the desert are described, especially the uprising of the camp and the journey between journeys. It is written about how they carry and prepare the ark of the covenant for the journey, and how they park and travel with a cloud covering the tabernacle and the fire leading them (in Midbar chapter 9, verses 15-23).
    4. In the parasha, Karah Datan and Aviram are mentioned, who rebel against Moshe and Aharon in the desert. They are trying to remove Moshe and Aaron from their leadership positions (in the wilderness, chapter 16, verses 1-4).
    Parshat B'Halotach contains more instructions and stories that present the journeys and camp of the Israelites in the desert. It is possible to learn from the Parsha values such as the grammar of mitzvot, the principles of leadership and belief in Israel's heritage.

Комментарии • 4

  • @hidabrootTVChannel
    @hidabrootTVChannel  3 года назад +1

    פרשת בהעלותך
    וַיְדַבֵּר יְהוָה, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה לֵּאמֹר. דַּבֵּר, אֶל-אַהֲרֹן, וְאָמַרְתָּ, אֵלָיו: בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ, אֶת-הַנֵּרֹת, אֶל-מוּל פְּנֵי הַמְּנוֹרָה, יָאִירוּ שִׁבְעַת הַנֵּרוֹת. וַיַּעַשׂ כֵּן, אַהֲרֹן--אֶל-מוּל פְּנֵי הַמְּנוֹרָה, הֶעֱלָה נֵרֹתֶיהָ: כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהוָה, אֶת-מֹשֶׁה. וְזֶה מַעֲשֵׂה הַמְּנֹרָה מִקְשָׁה זָהָב, עַד-יְרֵכָהּ עַד-פִּרְחָהּ מִקְשָׁה הִוא: כַּמַּרְאֶה, אֲשֶׁר הֶרְאָה יְהוָה אֶת-מֹשֶׁה--כֵּן עָשָׂה, אֶת-הַמְּנֹרָה. (חומש במדבר, פרק ח, פסוקים א - ד).

  • @stealy9753
    @stealy9753 8 лет назад +2

    פששש כמה חידושים חזק וברוך לכבוד הרב!!

  • @hidabrootTVChannel
    @hidabrootTVChannel  9 лет назад +3

    הרב מאיר אליהו, פרשת בהעלותך | תשע"ב / Rabbi Meir Eliyahu, Parashat Behaalotcha | 5772 ✡