@@wshmdiecasts dont matter. if you like a game, then by all means, you have every right to enjoy everything it has to offer you. like, im enjoying red dead redemption 2 even though im a car girl.
1:00 2jz kick be like vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I have that red supra hotwheels. I am a mad supra fan. Seeing you defeat a Bugatti with the supra really made my day. P. S: RUclips recommended this just today after like months.
Question of the day: *What is the ultimate drag car in your opinion?*
Nii-San R35
69 mustang
Love it alreaddy
Like sheesh
Literally the ‘BOYS!’ never gets old!
But his comment got old already
Sooo true thoo
nice original comment, totally don't see this in every video
And it will never get old
Agreed bro
7:40 Remember this well again boys: "Don't mess with Goosiest"
That's what I thought
7:40 why is no one talking about his guns tho😳
Bro they are BIG
ik bro
Goose is ripped
He is the real chad of sim drifting lmao
Ayo you meant to upload this absolute SLAUGHTER?
Ye boy!
Goosiest u r the best RUclipsr in terms of gaming lots of respect
@@wshmdiecasts so? you cannot stop people from enjoying the games they enjoy.
@@youtubeisracistx exactly
@@wshmdiecasts dont matter. if you like a game, then by all means, you have every right to enjoy everything it has to offer you. like, im enjoying red dead redemption 2 even though im a car girl.
@@Random_Dude17506 i know some people put money into these kinds of games. my sister plays genshin impact and she's put $100 into the game.
1:16 i love how he said scooby-doo
3:48 he was in rocket mode ;D
7:42 sheeeeeeeeesh boi
Y’all are a perfect collab. I wouldn’t mind watching more of this
Cheers bro
do they have the same editor or is he just copying goosiest? because of the "boys" and they use the same font
@@swmedianz I don’t know but either way goosiest doesn’t seem to care
@@swmedianz they have the same editor and they r friends.
You know it's a good day when goosiest uploads
4:19 Your not a loser your our master of goose remember that buddy!
Yo! Goosiest's guns are powerful!
7:40 holly! 🤌
Everything goes great when you two always collab.
This guy brightens up my day so much with his cheery attitude 👍
1:00 2jz kick be like vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Nice video to watch before sleep!
Good night
@@Goosiest thx same
1:25 Nothing can beat the Supr-
“Boys welcome” best phrase ever
The chad comarades are back at it again glad to see them both drag race with complete mischief
Ayo in the ending goosiest is built different that arms sheeeeesh boyyy
7:39 those guns tho hehe
Love your vids I began watching your vids 1 year ago and I have never stopped watching to this day I still watch your vids.
jeezus them guns. pretty sure you set them force feedback to maximum😂
@Ariel Schebor no it's not ur jut jealous lol
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes another forza video 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🔥🔥😎🔥😎🔥😎🔥
for the reverse drag race, you could tune your car's final gear to speed. That makes your reverse speed from around 56 MP/H to around 73 MP/H.
Goosiest! The last Honda race was INSANE (btw ur epic)
This was actually a fun video to watch, you should do more
Ghoosiest sus😳😳😳 3:29
You are not a loser... you are a pro!
We all love theese collab videos!
Never gets old man
the bijbilebij was so funny 🤣🤣
Goose your ripped my guy I had to play that back to make sure it was your arm
Boiiiisss😀😂😂😂cool...sideway.... funny... and with friends cool drive...
1:25 lol wtf waz dat?? 😳 Like for this vid, funny as always dude 👍
Don't worry your not a loser, in my mind your a winner!
Yoo so nice video bro,who don't like it 💩
I'm like it🥴
I wanna see those who don't like it
@@Keimlbb1 me too😂
i love your vids brp keep up the good work
Goose:wins the race
Mocks forzarizon
Forzarizon:wins the race
Goose says "You're cheating."
I have that red supra hotwheels. I am a mad supra fan. Seeing you defeat a Bugatti with the supra really made my day.
P. S: RUclips recommended this just today after like months.
I love watching your drag race vids😁
i love how he just put FORGOT CAM LOL that was really funny
You’re not a loser you’re a Legend.
~Ioxwx 2022
Bro goosiest is like super chad of sim racing
eventually it all snapped into place and I started learning how to add all the effects, titles, motion text. It was pretty cool to see my
Goose : rams him
Nothing happens
Forzarizon:Rams goose
Goose gets angry
The way he said Scooby-Doo had me dying.lmfao
the BOYSSS never get old man
Man love you your videos are so fire and good keep it up man ❤️❤️❤️❤️
5:46 you were in 2 gear lol🤣🤣
Here's prove 5:36 pause and look at gears
bruh well this confirms that Goosiest is modern Dominic Torreto
Definitely been my favorite subscription this year that I’ve made dude. Binge all your videos for the BOYS!
Nice video! No front but you really quacked up that Sesto start😆👍
7:40 dayum hes strong cuz of the wheel makes him exercise lol-
love your vids thank you for your time😄
Glad you like them!
The BOYS never gets old
Your vids the highlight of my day
Instantly subscribed, King! ✨
I love his voice
Every goosiet video in 1second Boys!!!
Whenever rizon win goosiest is like "your cheating"
Goosiest got the best guns
Nice vid goose! Best youtuber ever
The steering wheel slow very cool I wish I had both of them
You made my day goose!!!
The goose is RIPPED
We need more carx drag race 🏁!!!!!
You hear 'Boooys!' and you know it'll be good :D
Yo the side by side wheel cam is cool😈
the mystery van with the mystery motor🥶
I love this videos❤️❤️🔥
Goosiest= gamer + athlete
More power to you boss 💪🏼
Alright Goosiest the fastest racing youtuber! 👏👏👏 GGs!
Very Nice Bro Keep It Up
i like the way that goosiest is getting alot of subs rly quickly
Good luck on 1mil!
Gooiest is a fantastic vloger
Man’s really be built differently
I love the "you little weasel"
This man got pack in his hand 👌
Starting a drag race in 3rd gear is priceless
Holy crap ur muscles 💪💪
Goosiest is jaaaaaaacked
Your never a lose with the fam
Goosiest bro ur videos make my day bro 😀
Thank you so much 😀
@@Goosiest 🤍💪
My imaginasion Supra will be on the show!!!!!
And i was jealous about ur muscle, Gooseeee!!!😂
He is ripped! 💪
That "bljbljbli" got me
Best youtuber great vids
Wow, thanks!
BOYS! Luv your content🦆❤
Goose: (vroom)
Rizon: ⬅️
You have to do more of these I love this series!
Now I under stand how you can drift you got the muscles, you make my day man every day I look forward to watching your vids