Russian diction tutorial of Rachmaninov - "Spring Streams" (Vesennie Vody) op. 14 №11

  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
  • Russian language and diction tutorial of Rachmaninov - "Spring Streams" (Vesennie Vody)
    op. 14 №11
    lyrics by Tyutchev
    Support me on Patreon: / russianlanguageforsingers
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    Ещё в полях белеет снег,
    А воды уж весной шумят --
    Бегут и будят сонный брег,
    Бегут, и блещут, и гласят...
    Они гласят во все концы:
    «Весна идёт, весна идёт!
    Мы молодой весны гонцы,
    Она нас выслала вперёд.
    Весна идёт, весна идёт,
    И тихих, теплых майских дней
    Румяный, светлый хоровод
    Толпится весело за ней!...»
    The fields are still covered with white snow.
    But the streams are already rolling in a spring mood,
    Running and awakening the sleepy shore,
    Running and gliterring and announcing loudly.
    They are announcing loudly to every corner:
    "Spring is coming, Spring is coming!
    We are the messengers of young Spring,
    She has sent us to come forward,
    Spring is coming, Spring is coming!
    And the quiet, warm May days
    Follow her, merrily crowded
    Into the rosy, bright dancing circle."

Комментарии • 2