1:37 The Birth and Death of the Day 8:32 Catastrophe and the Cure 17:12 Logic of a Dream 23:12 With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept 36:42 Colors in Space 43:57 Disintegration Anxiety 49:44 The Only Moment We Were Alone
I immediately knew you would comment like such a tryhard when I saw those dots over the o in your surname .. don't try so hard Douglas it's pretty obvious that you're not Scandinavian :/ wanker.
1:37 The Birth and Death of the Day
8:32 Catastrophe and the Cure
17:12 Logic of a Dream
23:12 With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
36:42 Colors in Space
43:57 Disintegration Anxiety
49:44 The Only Moment We Were Alone
Think you missed the 4 key on Tired Eyes
So. Beautiful. Ending with "The Only Moment We Were Alone" brings me to tears nearly every time
It'd be a dream come true to see their live performance
Saw em on my birthday last year. Fantastic. Not as loud as I would've hoped, but fantastic.
I love Explosions in the Sky so much.
Best Post-Rock band ever. The kings of POST-ROCK!!!!!
@@MyBeautifulDarkTwistedFantasy6 yeah your right. Over the years I’ve listen to more MOGWAI and they are beast.
They killed it at Sound On Sound Fest in Austin, TX.....so powerful.
Saw them in Northhampton, MA !!
54:42 first lift off is always the favorite
Just wonderful. Still.
best selist i've seen from them
No opinion on how it sounded?
Guitars and drums sounded great. i didn't like how they mixed the bass and keys though.
Yeah I don't really give a shit .. it was just a lame joke @ 4am but thanks anyway :D
One word ....Powerfull
Still love see Munaf Rayani double drum xD
epic ending
I was there 😮
Gusti, iki enak tenaaaan
@@barorka2699 kapan ya mas doi ke indo
@@renalbagas4291 wingi nduk omahku
@@yusa4467 sampean wong ndi mas
@@renalbagas4291 purworejo kulon e jogja
The ads…. THE F@cKInG ADS!!!
Fensizor - bromem social Scene - superconnected
Look, the explosion in the sky's fan don't use their phone on concert, true music lovers
can someone please help me out and let me know the name of the song at the 32 minute mark?
With tired eyes, tired minds, tired souls, we slept
yes that song slays
Still the same song that starts at 24:13. Awesome outro tho. Very powerful album.
when y'all uploading T Terje's set tho?
The day after hell freezes over.
setlist please?
Song right in the beginning in intro?
fensizor The birth and death of the day
Thank you, but i meant the one that was in intro
Broken Social Scene - Almost Crimes
***** Thank you very much!
I guess you lost the recording files and have to use the phone recording version to replace.
bad audio
Check the NPR Full Concert video, it's 100 times better than this one
this soundmix is pretty weak, way better being there, second time seeing them and although captivating this sound doesn't do it justice
mettetecela n'altra publicità dio bono
Insopportabile, credo finirò col boicottare youtube!
honestly didn't think these guys would look like such tryhards live
I immediately knew you would comment like such a tryhard when I saw those dots over the o in your surname .. don't try so hard Douglas it's pretty obvious that you're not Scandinavian :/ wanker.
Nah, he's right. Calm down mate, it's just a band.
Hipster Rock
it seems very uncomfortable to strum a guitar in such a fashion
watch your concert and watch other band concert like Linkin Park or System of a down the feeling pretty much same..cause you'll different