DEAD MALL UPDATE Citadel Epic Center HBO Righteous Gemstones Filming Location Target Charleston SC

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @SCICU2
    @SCICU2 Год назад +3

    I wish there were pictures online of what this mall originally looked like when it had a brown tile floor, sunken carpeted seated areas at each of the 3 “court” areas and the 3 huge fountains. The original fountains were incredible.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  Год назад +1

      Hi SC. Wow, I didn't know the about the mall. I assume this was the place to be back in the day before big box stores popped up. I still dig the entrance to the food court. If MUSC and Target didn't sign on at the mall, I guess it would probably be gone by now...

  • @HolyCity2012
    @HolyCity2012 2 года назад +4

    I've lived in Charleston for 44-years.
    For me, as a young boy (in the 80's & 90's), visiting Citadel Mall was a big treat.
    Across the street, was "Vans n Stuff Sk8 Shop" and "Manifest Music"

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Hi HC! Thanks for watching!!! Oh was the Vans shop actually a corporate branded store or a local? I assume a local mom and pop. While I had zero ability to skate, I was a huge third wave ska fan and went to several warper tours at the Stone Pony in NJ after Bradley passed away. Was Manifest now where Monster Music is located? Please stay tuned! More vids coming!

  • @BDBD16
    @BDBD16 2 года назад +2

    6:15 that looks like a Hot Dog on a Stick colors and tiles

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      I have never had hot dog on a stick... I have never heard folks mention that down her win South Carolina. I wonder if anyone in the comments knows if this actually was at this inline spot. It looks like a cookie or ice cream place, but the colors make me think pizza slices which probably was not the case.. Thanks for watching!

    • @SCICU2
      @SCICU2 2 года назад

      It never had a Hot Dog on a Stick but it did have a Corn Dog on a Stick in the southeast wing which has now been replaced by Planet Fitness.

  • @Mom2my4blessings
    @Mom2my4blessings 2 года назад +4

    My son had a homeschool co-op in here. Target is the only life in the mall. Lens Crafters has left. It was much more lively before Covid. I would say it’s a dead mall. There are small businesses and it’s now a mixed use facility. I don’t know what the epic center is. They have had the signs and basketball courts up since 2019-2020.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад

      Hi Mel! Thanks for watching! The basketball court seems whooped.. not sure why its still there unless they are doing clinics for kids. I think with Planet Fitness going in there is a chance things might get better. I have a feeling the "original" plans for the construction for what was supposed to be the Epic Center will happen at another time in the future (hopefully).... Please stay tuned for my upcoming vids.

  • @AddLoveTM126
    @AddLoveTM126 2 года назад +3


    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +3

      Yea, it seems pretty bare in several areas, but the anchors are really a beacon of light. Between MUSC having medical offices, Target, Belk, Dillards and Planet Fitness moving in, I think the smaller retailers will follow soon. It was looking VERY bad before MUSC moved in. Thanks for watching!

  • @arnaudb3784
    @arnaudb3784 2 года назад +2

    Ev'rything Is Awesome !!!

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching! Please stay tuned! I have some new videos posting soon.

  • @markstrouse3101
    @markstrouse3101 2 года назад +2

    Great video

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Thanks Mark! What Kmart location are you standing in front of in your pic?

    • @markstrouse3101
      @markstrouse3101 2 года назад

      @@charlestonpinballarcade Kmart on S. 4th Street in Allentown Pennsylvania

    • @markstrouse3101
      @markstrouse3101 2 года назад

      @@charlestonpinballarcade I went to over 177 Kmarts in the past few years

  • @NorthCdogg22
    @NorthCdogg22 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for tagging me in this video! Really loved this and subbed, and I hope to see more awesome content by you!

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +2

      Thanks so much! Your videos are awesome!!! I have been subbed to your channel for a while now. Great editing and commentary always. I really appreciate your level of talent in helping to keep documenting the dead malls. Have a great holiday!!

  • @sunsetrecords2548
    @sunsetrecords2548 2 года назад +2

    First off amazing video. And I did some research for you: So that supposed cookie place was a Great American Cookie Company. Secondly, the mall is actual owned by MUSC and the Epic center plan is to build up the parking lot with all kinds of different complexes one of these being a huge sports venue. The mall itself is going to be extensively renovated to host other medical offerings and along of all that a wide array of retail to accompany everything built on that site.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +2

      Thanks for the good words and thanks for watching! Yea, I have seen some of the articles about the plan for this place, but I think it was originally going to be partially demolished and then a mega complex built with current pieces. With Planet Fitness moving in, it seems like they are going not demolish parts and actually adapt to the changing markets and use the square footage to maximum ability. The building is very clean and well maintained. I really feel its on the upswing! Thanks for the research! My video on Northwoods here in Charleston should be up soon! Thanks again!

    • @sunsetrecords2548
      @sunsetrecords2548 2 года назад +1

      @@charlestonpinballarcade can't wait for Northwoods

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 2 года назад

      Sounds like a great plan. Hopefully, if they are smart, to peel the roof off the place and make it a "topless" mall which is more what people want. Has a mall been built out in Mt. Pleasant? That seems to be where the money is in this day and age.

    • @chandelure102
      @chandelure102 2 года назад

      The mall is owned by the guy that does flip this house

  • @idolhanz9842
    @idolhanz9842 2 года назад +1

    Charleston's changed so radically its like what happened to Rome....and in the end, there were no Romans, it was all outsiders and foreigners. Born there 1955. Left in 62, returned in 72, left for California on 1982! I flew for the USAF, so im always going there and my family is still there.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Yes, agreed. I am one of the northerners that made their way down here to Charleston luckily a few years before C19. Basically what is happening in Charleston is what happened to where I am originally from in central NJ. Overpopulation and traffic congestion. I love driving the back roads of SC visiting the old main streets and seeing how much opportunity to own land and start something special is here in SC... that type of opportunity left NJ decades ago. Thanks for watching! Please stay tuned for my upcoming vids.

  • @kennixox262
    @kennixox262 2 года назад +2

    I was stationed in the military in Charleston 1994-2005. Citadel Mall at the time was considered the premier mall in Charleston especially in the early days when the first part of the Mark Clark Expressway opened between I-26 to West Ashley. Once upon a time an old "fern bar" restaurant called Annabels was quite the thing. I have experience in Charleston prior to my time in the military and interesting that you bring up Northwoods Mall. Anyone old enough to remember when they build the addition? Probably not. One thing I see in your videos, gumboil machines. YUK, unsanitary for starters and the consumption of sugar in massive quantities. Anyways, at one time West Ashley was considered a more middle class area compared to North Charleston which was pretty disgusting - trust me on that.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад

      Hey Ken! I was over near the Citadel Mall a few hours ago, but did not go in today. I went over to Northwoods and it was NUTS! The parking lot was very full, people everywhere... but I did not see folks walking around with lots of bags. I think people are not spending money like they used to with all the downturn in the economy. The property values in West Ashley have skyrocketed... Even the neighborhood across from the mall behind the West Ashley SHoppes with houses rotting away is crazy expensive! No one is paying that unless theyre moving from NYC.

  • @SCICU2
    @SCICU2 2 года назад +2

    The restaurant with the brick facade just inside the southeast entrance (opposite Planet Fitness’ entrance) originally opened as Tuesday’s (no relation to Ruby Tuesday’s). The Campbell’s Soup Co. bought the Tuesday’s chain and renamed it Annabelle’s, a casual dining chain. Campbell’s divested Annabelle’s and all were closed. It then became Backstage Deli which relocated from a smaller space in the mall. After Backstage Deli it became Bull & Finch, then Palmetto Brickhouse, back to Bull & Finch, then King Street Grille and finally The Tattooed Moose. I believe MUSC currently uses it. The space has always been two stories and originally had an atrium style bar in the center with skylights above. King Street Grille extensively remodeled the space, demolishing the left upstairs wing to accommodate a relocated indoor outdoor bar with added patio access. In the process the stairwell to the upper level which previously existed just inside the entrance was moved to the rear and the bathrooms relocated from the left side of the building to the right. Sadly the King Street Grille renovation, which also included demolishing the windows in the brick facade along the mall concourse and replacing them with roll up garage doors really killed the unique design of the space. Ironically, King Street Grille broke a long-term lease and cleared out without warning under the cover of darkness after the dinner shift ended one evening. Rental trucks were seen backed up to the rear entrance removing kitchen equipment and fixtures.
    It was a great restaurant space that was unfortunately doomed by corporate closings, poor management and bad concepts that weren’t well-suited to a mall “family friendly” environment. It’d be a perfect space for the right concept.

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 2 года назад +2

      Yes, Annabell's for Charleston, quite the thing way back and usually on Sunday's Citadel Cadets, milling about the place in their uniforms. I always remember it as a bit of a "fern bar" type establishments, with gas lamps and whatnot. Around here, Las Vegas, the best malls are on the Strip and have some of if not the highest sales per square foot in the country, mostly The Forum Shops at Cesar's Palace. The other, The Fashion Show is quite successful but on my more recent trips, the second level in the Apple Wing towards Dillard's is starting to lack better shops and I would attribute that to being on the second floor and that wing being an addition is accessed via a flight of stairs and escalators, an odd addition in that regard. Malls as far as I am concerned are a thing of the past unless they can bring a different mix back to these establishments. Many malls nationwide lack a drugstore, a post office, and other day-to-day businesses. Clothing and fashion can not sustain a mall. Department stores are not helping with their limited lines of fashion. Was very happy to move away from Charleston when I did. After retiring from the military, I saw no point remaining there. A nice place to live, downtown in my case, but better to visit on occasion than become a part of "Southern Charm".

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад

      I love watching some of the Vegas RUclipsrs that show all the malls and local places... along with the casino shops.

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 2 года назад

      @@charlestonpinballarcade It is simply amazing what we have here from a Lica camera shop, Harry Winston, a beyond belief, jewelry store's Las Vegas location. Tom Ford, Chanel - you name it, we probably have it and people actually buy the items. Many of these places, the biggest sales are done in private, usually in a clients hotel suite or in their home. Northwoods Mall, now I remember that and shopped there as it was near the base and the only fairly decent mall without out going to West Ashley or "West of the Ashtray" as many called it.

  • @SCICU2
    @SCICU2 2 года назад +1

    LensCrafters was the only original tenant still in the mall since it’s 1981 opening (other than Belk & Chick-fil-A). Sadly LensCrafters just relocated to St. Andrew’s Center on Savannah Hwy.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Was Pearle Eye Center also down here in the south? We had them up north back in the day.

    • @SCICU2
      @SCICU2 2 года назад

      Yes, in fact Pearle Vision is just down from the mall at the corner of Sam Rittenberg Blvd and Orleans Rd. There are also locations in North Charleston, Summerville and Mount Pleasant.

    • @SCICU2
      @SCICU2 Год назад

      Oops! I forgot about Bath & Body Works. They were also an original tenant on opening day in 1981.

  • @LethaWolf30
    @LethaWolf30 2 года назад +5

    It’s not a dead mall but I wouldn’t call it thriving either. They seem to be doing just well enough to get by. I’m also pretty sure that “Hokus Pokus” was originally a Victorias Secret.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Ha! Yea, Hokus probably was a Victorias... the hooks pokus name made me think it was more of an adult themed clothing or magic retailer. How cool would a magic store be!!! Thanks for watching!

  • @atlanticrblx7784
    @atlanticrblx7784 2 года назад +3

    it looks exactly like cary towne center

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching! Please check out my latest video on Richland Mall and the redevelopment plans as I drive around the parking deck!!! HA!!!видео.html

    • @SCICU2
      @SCICU2 2 года назад

      Same original developer/owner, Jacobs, Visconsi & Jacobs.

  • @chandelure102
    @chandelure102 2 года назад +2

    Hocus pocus is a Costume shop

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +1

      AH! Cool. I was laughing a bit because I thought maybe it was a "adult novelties" store. HA!

  • @jamesjohnston3766
    @jamesjohnston3766 Год назад +2

    I've had pretzel twister and it's better than Auntie Anne's even though I do like Auntie Anne's I just think pretzel twister is better, you should give it a try!

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  Год назад

      Hey James! I will try twister next time I see one. HOT SAM was actually my childhood mall pretzel place. It was the tiniest inline slot at the BRunswick Square Mall in NJ. It was literally 6 feet wide next to a Florsheim shoes. The mix of leather and pretzel scent was quite unique... HA. Thanks for watching! Happy new year!

  • @295g295
    @295g295 2 года назад +2

    3:58 - This reminds me of the Epi-Center at Manalapan New Jersey. ... Built where the Manalapan Mall had been.видео.html Epi Center on US-9

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +2

      Thanks for watching! I am originally from central NJ and used to go to the old Bradlees and Two-Guys on the the corner of 9 and Craig. Its nice to have a Wegmans there now with the Epicentre, but the over construction of the 1, 9 and 18 corridors has been crazy. Please stay tuned! I have more videos on the way from down here in the SC area.

  • @chandelure102
    @chandelure102 2 года назад

    Lens crafters moved out

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад

      I remember maybe doing pearle at my local mall as a kid and then we used visionworks about a decade ago. Other than that, we always use a local doc for glasses and lenses. Thanks for watching! Happy holidays!

  • @MichaelCKJ
    @MichaelCKJ 2 года назад +2

    I was at this mall a year and a half or two years ago. They had the mall setup in the wing where the church is with a bunch of stuff for filming. The sign above the church was actually a Kmart sign. I haven't watched the show either so not sure how everything comes together. I think I got some decent shots but I never got around to putting anything together for health reasons. After I got done shooting indoors we went to leave. We got in the car then I decided I wanted to take a shot of the entrance. As I was taking the shot I think it was the mall manager that came out and scolded me for shooting video. Accused me of being thrown out before for filming. I had never filmed at this mall before. Told me they don't allow video or pictures to be taken on premises. Thing is there are no signs saying so. I will relook at the video I have and see if I can throw anything together.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад

      I am not sure why some staff at some malls feel the need to stop people from taking pics and filming. I understand they don't want people to maybe know its a dead mall, but opinions are opinions. Thanks for watching and sharing the info on the property! The Righteous Gemstones were filming some kind of parking lot scene last week in West Ashley. They had the lot all marked off and had cars flipped over. I still need to actually watch the show.... Thanks for watching! See you in the next vid!

  • @PinkAgaricus
    @PinkAgaricus 2 года назад +2

    Though that one positive (Target) is showing a negative (the mall entry door gate being down and acting as a wall to the interior of the mall which probably took away a lot of traffic from the mall and is keeping it to Target themselves). Any store (especially junior and senior anchors) doing that is a bad sign for the interior. Since I mentioned it keeps the store traffic inside the store, but also keeps the mall traffic within the mall preventing comingling of the store and mall's traffic, which in turn would make the mall AND store very busy.
    I have a feeling at some point in the history something went wrong inside that would cause an anchor to seal off the mall entrance. I'm going back to watching, but I wanted to point that out. The mall entrance of Target being sealed like that is an oh no/uh oh (as is true with other anchors doing that). I wonder how many sealed off mall anchor entrances we are going to see sealed off, either by the gate being closed or walled off.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад +2

      Luckily there is a small entry/exit doorway on the right side of that Target wall. I can understand them not having a full open doorway like normal anchors with the possibility for theft. I know a Target in the SOuth Hills Village Mall in Pittsburgh that also has the same "smaller" entry into the mall to maybe cut down on theft. Thanks for watching!

  • @WhittyPics
    @WhittyPics 2 года назад

    I would say this mall is dying if it isn't dead. Does that Target have an entrance to the mall? Many times these big box retailers close off the mall entrance to dying or dead malls.

    • @charlestonpinballarcade
      @charlestonpinballarcade  2 года назад

      Yes, you can enter target but its a smaller sliding door. I assume they do this to prevent easy walk off shoplifting. Thanks for watching! Have a great holiday!

    • @scottgfx
      @scottgfx Год назад

      I visited this mall Saturday, April 1. I was looking for the Camino coffee place. It was already gone. Someone inside the mall told me it was only open for a few weeks. I then went inside the Target to their Starbucks. Not a dead mall, but certainly not doing great.