I mean, if you're being a total dick about it? Yeah, some people will get on your case about it, but these people clearly had mics and Bubs was just going around them in circles. Nothing really dickish there.
That part. You’d think with mods on one of the greatest open world sandbox games of all time in Red Dead the possibilities could be endless. But instead they choose to stand around and be insufferable. It’s very fascinating to be honest it’s like we’re watching a virtual social experiment.
@@LeonidaGator Its because they restrict what you can do in the sandbox with stupid rules. You can't even be an outlaw in these servers without having a million rules on who you can kill and when
Dude have you ever heard of cops? They literally do this exact same thing in real life tbh. Its not that far off from reality. If you drive the speed limit they think its suspicious If you record in public they come to investigate you If they see you walking or riding the bike theyll do (welfare checks) like its none of their damn business jntil someone calls the police or emergency line imo. They should never be out harrassing civilians collecting our hard earned money
this one insane, this is the most tame ever hes been and they are literally freaking out. like how are you roleplaying with no tolerance. literally jus crouching and everyone is angry
I think bub is good faith but there’s no way that this is the sum of the interaction I feel like something has to be cut out because these people are literally psychotic
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow No they're really that desperate to shoot someone. Try dressing like that on any server and you get watched like a hawk.
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow this has been something i heard about the RP community for red dead, they are just for real the most brain dead stand still roleplayers of all time. If you want to have any real fun stay far away from these servers.
@@JordanWheeler1999 lol this dudes been posting RP troll videos for 5 years wtf does he do in his spare time? Shit he finds fun but won’t post bevause he’s scared to be made fun of so he just continues to do this 🤣🤣💀 the first couple I saw were funny. 5 years on dedication to this is mental health issues for sure.
It's sad that a man crouching raising his hands and lowering them over and over again is the most eventful thing to happen that the entire server shows up to watch
Well, these people are desperately trying to escape their true reality in a game. So, whenever someone comes and reminds them that they’re in a false reality, they feel as if their safe space is being crumbled.
@@mike3667 I've never given a good thought as to why players react with such hostility, but I feel as though this must be what is going on. You'll see the odd guy who finds the interactions funny, and I wish there were more of them.
@@tubasil8786bro didn't even act like an asshole in this video lmao. He was just acting like a strange homeless dude. Clearly they forgot about mickey from story mode 💀
I often play mouse videos for my cat to watch, and I laugh when he tries to attack the screen because the mice aren't really there. Now imagining these real people becoming genuinely angry over a little crouching man on the screen is even funnier.
just goes to show these people actually arent interested in genuine roleplay because a genuine roleplayer would actually be capable of improvising every situation such that their character would react naturally and realistically to it. instead the moment something "isnt supposed to happen" everyone begins immediately breaking character and becoming aggressive. roleplaying is a skill and none of these people have it
I really want him to unironically role play as a genuine paranoid schizophrenic and just pretend to not understand anything that is meant to be OOC. Getting banned for being too in-character would be so absurd.
Good ol' lead poisoning from drinking water coming from ancient water pipes, that drives you crazy oh good lord heajeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
The simp vibes were immediately recognizable. People like Matthias were just so evidently at the behest of the local female and had zero dignity outside of trying to please her
I didn't know this was a thing people were doing. Holy shit. These people really don't go outside. And as a Texan, even their "accents" are god-awful. You can't just say howdy and call it a day lmao. If you're gonna roleplay then fuckin roleplay. These guys sound like Italian mobsters using Texan words 😂
People may not realize this but what occurs in these videos is exactly what occured in the Stanford Prison Experiment. Volunteer prisoners and prison guards were set an experiment in a prison and ultimately the experiment had to get shut down because the humans who played the guards started to abuse their power and inflict actual bodily harm on the university students who were playing the role of the prisoners. This is why you see so many people power tripping on these vids - because they carry their own insecurities and EVIL into the game. The book is called The Lucifer Effect.
Should be called the "Mid-wit" effect. You can't give mid-wits authority. And college kids are the ultimate mid-wits. (Not smart, or stupid) 110IQ people will ABUSE authority to the highest degree. For leaders, you want the 160 IQ Genius, or the 80IQ idiot. Preferably the genius, but the idiot will suffice if options are lacking. Ideal social structure: McDonalds CEO/Executives: Genius McDonalds Managers and supervisors: Idiot McDonalds burger flipper/window worker: Mid-wit Military general: Genius Lieutenants & sergeants: Idiot Grunts: Mid-wits The special thing about idiots, and geniuses, is their ability to recognize individuality, Medum-IQ People DO NOT RECOGNIZE individuals, and make for dangerous leaders who try to rule mammal humans, like hivemind insects. Geniuses and Idiots understand that EVERYONE is unique.... Mid-wits not so much, they see people as numbers and statistics. NEVER give college kids power (Its why every government sucks, cause 95% of the employees are mid-wit college grads) Its why your court systems (Assuming your American) prioritize skin color/gender over content of character and crimes committed. Because all the judges and politicians who set it up that way are theater-kid college-grad NPC 110IQers. They never aged past "Jeremy pulled the fire alarm but we are all going to blame Ben cause Ben isn't in the cool-kids after-school club!" mentality. And now they run the government the same way. Ben isn't human to them, he is a prop that doesn't fit their theatre play so he can be discarded. No idiot or Genius would ever treat another human that way. Prison as a concept works. Prison ran by mid-wits doesn't work. (Now take this logic, and apply it to literally everything and you will quickly see where all the corruption in society comes from, lack of IQ-differentiation) Ban 95-125 IQ from EVERY form of authority in society... and corruption will disappear overnight. The Geniuses and Retards who take their place will handle their authority with care and attention to detail to avoid unnecessary discrimination. Because 80IQ and 160IQ people respect other people as homo-Sapien equals who they treat the same way they themselves want to be treated, not movie-props to be used at the protagonists will. 110 IQ people treat real-life like a video game and that's dangerous. The Stanford experiment was shutdown cause they thought it would be a good idea to use rats to bodyguard cheese, and not just eat it instead. For experiments...you gotta do better than college campus. Mid-wits either need to be the control group, or not allowed to participate. They CANNOT have authority, letting them make decisions instantly destroys any otherwise working concept. If you want geniuses you want rich people who dropped out of high school and didn't really on inheritance. If you want stupid people go bum-hunting on the New York City sidewalks. If you want a worker labor slave who just does what the smart/stupid people tell them to do, THEN you want a college campus. College kids are the most trustworthy with physical work...when enforced upon by the stupid people, on behalf of the smart people. You can use college kids, just don't give them leader/enforcer roles or else they will just power trip and start gaming everything.
Even though it’s just a video game, you can definitely see an interesting bit of these people’s psychology on display. As you watch more of these videos you can tell how a lot of these people are using the RP as an outlet to channel their powerless frustrations in real life. I think in the GTA videos more of the people just get frustrated easily when trolled, but for whatever reason the RDR2 rp seems to harbor a lot of disturbed people. You especially see a lot of woman on these servers, and I would imagine a lot of them have very little societal power so they channel it in game.
That experiment has a lot of issues you can read about from those that peer reviewed it. The people doing the experiment weren’t impartial. They actively involved themselves in the experiment and told guards and prisoners what to do. They had a high degree of influence.
@@Rokaize So you trust the peer review papers over the actual experiment results itself? What was the point in doing the experiment if they are going to control every aspect of it. You need to use your critical thinking brain more
@@krusher181 It's a 1920s mobster accent, which is associated with Italian Americans. Don't be nitpicky, everybody else understood what they meant by that.
Ah yes, the corrupt law-woman is giving you a lawful order after being violently attacked and beat unconscious by a violent mob while admiring the miraculous craftsmanship of a wooden pole, truly a menace 😂
It's unwatchable. I wish bub could crash the server in some way tbh, get them to go outside and touch grass after their 14 hour in game standing session.
Absolute brain dead clowns for sure. Joining an RP server and hacking is the best experience ever. Putting power trippers out into the sea is funny af 😂
@Zanemob trust me man, I'm right there with you. It's sole purpose is having a bit of fun messing with these people and just other chesters who are power tripping. GTA V has some really bad power trippers out there. Everything else and one is off limits.
Ah yes, because back in those days the biggest crime you could've commited was walking in a public space. Killing and robbing are just minor inconviences, its just period specifc roleplay
Yeah literally. There's a reason some women hang around RP servers, they've probably got more facial hair than some of the guys on the server. They get treated like princesses virtually but in real life, they're just as lonely as the men.
Lol okay sure buddy. Like you have any idea what you're talking about. Clearly the video creator was trying to troll and break the rules. If that happens then no it should not be tolerated. You can have fun in RP but when people stop RPing then it takes the whole fun away
@@adrianshephard8704 that's the exact kind of slander that will get you kicked out of RP servers immediately. Go ahead buddy try that with me in the server I play on. Guarantee you won't last a minute
I just can't understand these people. They are sitting on their chairs just staring at the monitor in silence for hours under the name of "Roleplaying" and waiting for something to happen. And when something happens instead of playing along they get all aggressive and crybaby. Despite the fact that any roleplayer with little bit enthusiasm can make the most of every bizarre situation and can still roleplay. Edit: Not to mention they all sound like just they gave up their souls to devils with that bored and half-hearted tone. I mean cheer up and be a little more eager bro.
called that one female guard a "nice lady" and it changed her whole energy up with ya. "ay i talked to them, aint nobody pressing charges, yer free to go"
The most fun ive had in RedM is walking around as an englishman calling people "poors" This game has NO gameplay because everyone that plays it has no idea how people actually acted back then. Ive asked people to go for a drink, to play cricket, go fishing, hunting, LITERALLY ANYTHING. Theyll stand and tell you "im waitin on someone" or some BS like that, hit me, or stand around talking about doing stuff but not doing it. Even in game, just get a job... its not fun but if you want "accurate" roleplay then you bloody well must get on with it. Bub found something fun to do, and just like they did to me, they have a go at him.
@XRoyalStampedeX the sad thing is some are independent or grown adults. The fact they work 9 to 5 then come home to stare on a porch until they sleep till their next shift is wild
to hear that the local saloon had a man executed and thrown out for trying to get a drink and rest his scoliosis ridden spine... what has the world come to.
When you do nothing but move your character around but the so called roleplayers decide to kill you for it because you arent standing still on a porch like an npc like them.
This is one of the problems with roleplayers, they get mad wayy too easily. They stand around and act hard when you speak to them. They don't want individuality, they want everyone to act as "Morally grey cowboy #357"
Then they turn into a Megalomaniac when they hog tie you, At 10:00 you can hear in that ladies voice the sense of power coursing thru her veins,, Shes like "yup thats my fix,...Ahh the good stuff.."
Exactly, when soup sometimes genuinely tries roleplaying cops often have none of it. They get mad that youre roleplaying the way they dont want to. Like why is running away from a cop not roleplay? Do cops in real life not go on high speed chases? They have spike traps and can ram the car. They even have prison. But they always get pissy and call an admin to teleport a criminal on the run rp to jail bc you didnt roleplay the situation they wanted. Like how soups clothes cant be worn bc theyre not in line with ehat they eant even if he wants to roleplay a weird hippie banjo player.
I think it’s the complete starvation of control these people have. Every single interaction NEEDS to be some kind of flex of control and power. Really scary you can just run into these people in public irl
@@creamshotsoda then they wouldn’t be leeches on society cuz… imo that’s what these people are. Be really surprised if any of them have jobs or contribute at all
Red Dead rp, the true pioneers of the digital frontier. Spending hours standing on a porch, staring at virtual tumbleweeds, waiting for something to happen. It's almost like they’re auditioning for the role of human cactus riveting stuff. Nothing says Wild West adventure quite like not moving for hours and calling it immersive storytelling!
@@Nate-bd8fg Well, you see, actually doing things like going on missions or hunting would just distract from the authentic porch simulator experience. Why shoot animals when you can perfect the art of leaning against a railing, contemplating your digital existence. I mean, who needs action when you can roleplay as the most dramatic loiterer in the West
Imagine if irl you were walking normally and taking some breaks because you are ill, and someone just because they think you are creeping start blasting you off and emptying their guns at you bruh😭😭🙏
Bro its so wild, like it's gotten to a point where Bub will just be a silly character (of course trolling) and do so little and it pisses them off. Even with the Scoliosis bit they were getting mad at him when he was like "Let me take a breather." HE'S IN CHARACTER COMMON PLAY ALONG!
These are the same people that voted for Kamala and Trump is a hateful racist bigot. Yet when these guys/girls roleplay you see the true hatred in their heart.
I was recommended this by RUclips today and found it completely hilarious lol. I even showed my brother and he loved it too. Great video! These players really take their role playing seriously I guess lol. It’s so easy to trigger them 😂
1:05 "you're clearly not following directions" This. This is what "serious" roleplayers want. They don't want dynamic interactions, or people behaving outside the norm, they want clean, clear cut "roleplay friendly" interactions with the rest of the boring people they sit around with. Every unique interaction is met with in game violence and harsh criticism, because you're not playing the way they want you to.
I personally hate RP servers, but I also hate football - that doesn’t mean I’ll go take their ball away if I see them playing They’re bloody harmless - there are much worse things they can be partaking in. Everyone here seems to have a herd mentality of the same sort they’re accusing these folks of.
@@yessam1460 🐑 blaaaaah @StnRamen gave a fkn polemic on how terrible RP players are, but no blah blah nah‽ bc you’re just as sad, but you need your wee clan to feel better 👏👏👏
brutally obvious how Bub is the only one bringing actual roleplay scenario to these otherwise afk wannabe roleplayers and they can't handle it. If it's not scripted or outlined in pages long rules these "players" don't know how to handle off the cuff roleplay.
my theory is that the longer you play the more things you can get away with, the reason why roleplayers can get away with homicide edit: theory expanded. the primary way to increase playtime is to afk on porches and the reason they get so apprehensive when a non-afker shows up is because theyre terrified they might get shot, disrupting their playtime farm
Also the more MONEY you put into the server, the more they'll let you get away with. They'll protect their pay pigs especially if they're women because these people are super simps.
@@JordanWheeler1999 you have so many comments on this video dude, i literally haven't found a comment you haven't replied too 😂😂 75 comments in one video?!?!?!
If the girl wasn't there - none of these guys would care. This is classic basement dweller simp behavior
The reality is they are all men and one of them has a voice changer and the others can't tell cause they haven't ever seen one in real life 😂
@@fragenstien males not men. True tho
@@lamson1990 fair point
I've never encountered this once in rdo. But I also don't play this way... I thought dude running at the end was funny, though.
It's fucking hilarious how all he does is walk around crouching and those adrenaline starved HEAVY ROLEPLAYERS jump in all hostile.
Amd I thought GTA role players were bad 😂
No roleplay to be seen
“Get off the porch!😠”🤣
simps detected
not even the Game itself NPC's are that agressive lol
They are like actual npcs that get angry if you look at them too long
just like the police from gta 5
@@lucianod98 No that's only if youre black unfortunately
Just like people in real life too, just don't test that one out please
The Hitman NPC's who bump into you and tell you to back off, then run to get help if you keep standing there.
@dietwaffles5907 yeah but it's a video game
Every girl in rp servers has a legion of white knights ready to serve lmao.
Because by themselves they are nothing lol and most men are simps lol. Sad and pathetic world we live in, really.
Yeahhhh they're probably brown tho😂
Just the same in real life; where single mommas raise their sons to be servile Simps to women.
Being a woman has to be so easy nowadays just imagine having an army of simps at your fingertips😂
Yup, that, and they talk in that cringey fake whisper tone, that makes them sound half asleep.
That porch is only for the most serious roleplayers
I wonder how long they were all there before bub showed up 😂
@owenkelsey6279 most importantly who decided it was the best decision to make it law to stand on the porch for all servers 💀
Porch standing, no-life Nerds 🤓
I hope their computers get Malware.
1:24 this should become a meme
very true, most of em failed the test
God forbid you interrupt their 7 hour virtual standing and typing sesssion
I mean, if you're being a total dick about it? Yeah, some people will get on your case about it, but these people clearly had mics and Bubs was just going around them in circles. Nothing really dickish there.
@@ttpbroadcastingcompany.4460go back
@@ttpbroadcastingcompany.4460 you wouldnt happend to be one of those standing on the porch
@@ttpbroadcastingcompany.4460they are just losers dude
@@strande7032 No, and I don't do RP on RDR2. Don't even have the game itself, to be honest. I RP on WoW, which is a lot better.
"Don't be shtrange.. It is a shimple conchept, guy" 💀Don't fuck with the discord mod's e-girl bro...
"Don't be shtrange" - Roleplayer on Red Dead RP
Lmao I heard “shimple” too. This guy has the rizz
Bro thinks he Arthur er sum
they're just intimidated by his sheer individualism
i actually like that guy hes funny lol
The god awful accents these people try to put on make me so mad, you’re a trooper bub
Kamala Harris was sheriff
What’s a bub ?
@@KennethStinson-g3u OMG it was, that dickhead won the election and she was just like "fuck it, its rp time"
It's insane how miserable everyone on roleplay servers are
@@BazinGarrey cringe
Fr no one sounds like there having fun i have been on rp servers before its so boring
That part. You’d think with mods on one of the greatest open world sandbox games of all time in Red Dead the possibilities could be endless. But instead they choose to stand around and be insufferable. It’s very fascinating to be honest it’s like we’re watching a virtual social experiment.
@@LeonidaGator Its because they restrict what you can do in the sandbox with stupid rules. You can't even be an outlaw in these servers without having a million rules on who you can kill and when
@@Twm532 and the amount of ass kissing with admins and lawmen
Red Dead RPers being talked to after 6 hours of being AFK
The amount of free time needed is incredible
Free time? I think you mean, time spend standing in a saloon for 3 more hours. Ye haw, the RP NEVER ends!
not even afk they just sit and watch their screen waiting for something to happen
least unemployed rdr2 rper
Not even talked. He just walked around lmao
"Don't play the victim" is bold when they're literally forming a mob to kick you out after some harmless exercise and conversation
@@Scadunc Israel after bombing another camp full of children.
Kinda time accurate though huh?
@@EugeneHerbsman u know whats also time accurate? women not having a say. but thats apparently something they dont value in these servers
@@adoc4015 they aren't actual women
Makes me wonder, are those people reflecting their real character through game. Something that they wish they could be irl.
That’s exactly what they are doing lollll
It seems like this game is the only thing in their life because of how serious they are
Dude have you ever heard of cops? They literally do this exact same thing in real life tbh. Its not that far off from reality.
If you drive the speed limit they think its suspicious
If you record in public they come to investigate you
If they see you walking or riding the bike theyll do (welfare checks) like its none of their damn business jntil someone calls the police or emergency line imo. They should never be out harrassing civilians collecting our hard earned money
this one insane, this is the most tame ever hes been and they are literally freaking out. like how are you roleplaying with no tolerance. literally jus crouching and everyone is angry
I think bub is good faith but there’s no way that this is the sum of the interaction
I feel like something has to be cut out because these people are literally psychotic
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollowno, roleplayers are just that unhinged.
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow No they're really that desperate to shoot someone. Try dressing like that on any server and you get watched like a hawk.
@Intensity_IV but I love being watched by the law 😂
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow this has been something i heard about the RP community for red dead, they are just for real the most brain dead stand still roleplayers of all time. If you want to have any real fun stay far away from these servers.
Getting mad over someone literally just walking around and crouching is crazy
Yep, it's getting really sad. You basically have to be dirt to not do anything because when you breathe the same air as him. He gets pissed
@@JordanWheeler1999 yea it seems like people literally can't do anything without someone getting mad for some reason
@@happymyers2515 really strange
It's cracking me up. It puts everyone on edge and makes them so angry. Why!?
I mean... smelling women's rear end while crouched in public gave me similar results tbh
Honestly these are so much funnier when you picture the people sat at their PC getting mad at a guy crouching in a game
Pro this is so true. Imagine getting this mad at this. I would legit be laughing my ass of if i was in this game. These guys ain't got no happiness.
@@hemsy797 24 hours of sitting around ruining a pc for what?
What does these people do outside of rp?
" I am going to give you 3 seconds🤬"
@@hi-iq7zdd 3 seconds for what?
@@JordanWheeler1999 lol this dudes been posting RP troll videos for 5 years wtf does he do in his spare time? Shit he finds fun but won’t post bevause he’s scared to be made fun of so he just continues to do this 🤣🤣💀 the first couple I saw were funny. 5 years on dedication to this is mental health issues for sure.
Those people are at the pinnacle of nerd-dom. Holy crap.
It's sad that a man crouching raising his hands and lowering them over and over again is the most eventful thing to happen that the entire server shows up to watch
that makes it so funny haha
And it's not curiosity or amusement, it's just straight to hostility.
Well, these people are desperately trying to escape their true reality in a game. So, whenever someone comes and reminds them that they’re in a false reality, they feel as if their safe space is being crumbled.
@@mike3667 I've never given a good thought as to why players react with such hostility, but I feel as though this must be what is going on. You'll see the odd guy who finds the interactions funny, and I wish there were more of them.
It always baffles me how they seem to be so miserable that they forgot how to have fun in a videogame
I love how no matter what he does people think they’re entitled to give him orders and get upset when he defies them
Yep. This is sad
Bub is an asshole but the fact that he does it to people who get drunk off of the tiniest fraction of power makes it okay in my books.
@@tubasil8786 Yup, and they somehow don't realize he is fucking with them.
“I’m giving you a lawful order”
@@tubasil8786bro didn't even act like an asshole in this video lmao. He was just acting like a strange homeless dude. Clearly they forgot about mickey from story mode 💀
someone crouching is probably the most action they've seen in a day
they are losers
@@aidonger42069 9 hours online, 2 hours of game play, type shit, terminally RPer without the RP.... sooo I guess.. just.. terminally? ya sounds right.
I often play mouse videos for my cat to watch, and I laugh when he tries to attack the screen because the mice aren't really there. Now imagining these real people becoming genuinely angry over a little crouching man on the screen is even funnier.
Bub is unironically a better roleplayer than all these people combined. That was a really good roleplay as an insane/drunk person.
imagine you crouch on an RDRP server, roleplay better than anyone else and then get banned for it.
just goes to show these people actually arent interested in genuine roleplay because a genuine roleplayer would actually be capable of improvising every situation such that their character would react naturally and realistically to it.
instead the moment something "isnt supposed to happen" everyone begins immediately breaking character and becoming aggressive. roleplaying is a skill and none of these people have it
Red dead roleplayers have to be the most miserable people on the planet
I really want him to unironically role play as a genuine paranoid schizophrenic and just pretend to not understand anything that is meant to be OOC.
Getting banned for being too in-character would be so absurd.
Good ol' lead poisoning from drinking water coming from ancient water pipes, that drives you crazy oh good lord heajeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
They LITERALLY just stand there. Wtf is rp about that
its more tryna find an e girlfriend via red dead roleplay servers is my guess, afk with a large group and then hope a girl talks on mic
Standing buddy. That’s the game
Standing around waiting for something to happen so they can finally have human interaction.
Bruh NPCs are more interesting to watch than them
They rp as trees
I love how they just sit around in an empty game and wait for any reason to shoot or start a social conflict lol.
Oh but don't you know, those people HATES interactions
Probably for the benefit of the world that theyre stuck inside playing on rp servers
@@ChronicBonir agreed
Unironically just like twitter
@ilikeshiba can't have fun 😞
At first I was like, "who's the bigger loser here". But after seeing how upset they get over a guy crouching, it's definitely them.
There may be a lower life form than a simp in a role-playing video game, but I can’t think of one.
Step away from the digital lady sir!!!
The simp vibes were immediately recognizable. People like Matthias were just so evidently at the behest of the local female and had zero dignity outside of trying to please her
I didn't know this was a thing people were doing. Holy shit. These people really don't go outside. And as a Texan, even their "accents" are god-awful. You can't just say howdy and call it a day lmao. If you're gonna roleplay then fuckin roleplay. These guys sound like Italian mobsters using Texan words 😂
people just got no respect for wooden pole inspectors anymore 🙄
They're the essential workers that hold up society and are treated so badly
People are mad because he has job security
Only savages and heathens do not appreciate a beautiful wood grain. Smh.
For some reason when he called it a Wooden bar i cracked up
“I like the grain.”
You should hide near a group and keep playing the trumpet, it really sets them off
hahahahah WE NEED THIS
this should be top comment
@@SenatorBanana *pinned comment
@@JordanWheeler1999 true that
People may not realize this but what occurs in these videos is exactly what occured in the Stanford Prison Experiment. Volunteer prisoners and prison guards were set an experiment in a prison and ultimately the experiment had to get shut down because the humans who played the guards started to abuse their power and inflict actual bodily harm on the university students who were playing the role of the prisoners. This is why you see so many people power tripping on these vids - because they carry their own insecurities and EVIL into the game.
The book is called The Lucifer Effect.
Should be called the "Mid-wit" effect.
You can't give mid-wits authority. And college kids are the ultimate mid-wits. (Not smart, or stupid)
110IQ people will ABUSE authority to the highest degree.
For leaders, you want the 160 IQ Genius, or the 80IQ idiot. Preferably the genius, but the idiot will suffice if options are lacking.
Ideal social structure:
McDonalds CEO/Executives: Genius
McDonalds Managers and supervisors: Idiot
McDonalds burger flipper/window worker: Mid-wit
Military general: Genius
Lieutenants & sergeants: Idiot
Grunts: Mid-wits
The special thing about idiots, and geniuses, is their ability to recognize individuality, Medum-IQ People DO NOT RECOGNIZE individuals, and make for dangerous leaders who try to rule mammal humans, like hivemind insects.
Geniuses and Idiots understand that EVERYONE is unique.... Mid-wits not so much, they see people as numbers and statistics.
NEVER give college kids power
(Its why every government sucks, cause 95% of the employees are mid-wit college grads)
Its why your court systems (Assuming your American) prioritize skin color/gender over content of character and crimes committed. Because all the judges and politicians who set it up that way are theater-kid college-grad NPC 110IQers.
They never aged past "Jeremy pulled the fire alarm but we are all going to blame Ben cause Ben isn't in the cool-kids after-school club!" mentality. And now they run the government the same way.
Ben isn't human to them, he is a prop that doesn't fit their theatre play so he can be discarded. No idiot or Genius would ever treat another human that way.
Prison as a concept works. Prison ran by mid-wits doesn't work.
(Now take this logic, and apply it to literally everything and you will quickly see where all the corruption in society comes from, lack of IQ-differentiation)
Ban 95-125 IQ from EVERY form of authority in society... and corruption will disappear overnight.
The Geniuses and Retards who take their place will handle their authority with care and attention to detail to avoid unnecessary discrimination.
Because 80IQ and 160IQ people respect other people as homo-Sapien equals who they treat the same way they themselves want to be treated, not movie-props to be used at the protagonists will.
110 IQ people treat real-life like a video game and that's dangerous.
The Stanford experiment was shutdown cause they thought it would be a good idea to use rats to bodyguard cheese, and not just eat it instead.
For experiments...you gotta do better than college campus. Mid-wits either need to be the control group, or not allowed to participate. They CANNOT have authority, letting them make decisions instantly destroys any otherwise working concept.
If you want geniuses you want rich people who dropped out of high school and didn't really on inheritance.
If you want stupid people go bum-hunting on the New York City sidewalks.
If you want a worker labor slave who just does what the smart/stupid people tell them to do, THEN you want a college campus. College kids are the most trustworthy with physical work...when enforced upon by the stupid people, on behalf of the smart people.
You can use college kids, just don't give them leader/enforcer roles or else they will just power trip and start gaming everything.
Even though it’s just a video game, you can definitely see an interesting bit of these people’s psychology on display. As you watch more of these videos you can tell how a lot of these people are using the RP as an outlet to channel their powerless frustrations in real life. I think in the GTA videos more of the people just get frustrated easily when trolled, but for whatever reason the RDR2 rp seems to harbor a lot of disturbed people. You especially see a lot of woman on these servers, and I would imagine a lot of them have very little societal power so they channel it in game.
@ovichggat well put. I agree
That experiment has a lot of issues you can read about from those that peer reviewed it.
The people doing the experiment weren’t impartial. They actively involved themselves in the experiment and told guards and prisoners what to do. They had a high degree of influence.
@@Rokaize So you trust the peer review papers over the actual experiment results itself? What was the point in doing the experiment if they are going to control every aspect of it. You need to use your critical thinking brain more
The bartender is confused. He's doing a 1920s Italian accent. What a dork
I was waiting for him to ask Bub to "make like a tree" or something lol
How do you even get mafia and cowboy mixed up
The New York accent? I don’t hear any Italians
@@krusher181 It's a 1920s mobster accent, which is associated with Italian Americans. Don't be nitpicky, everybody else understood what they meant by that.
Nope he’s Jew maxing
Ah yes, the corrupt law-woman is giving you a lawful order after being violently attacked and beat unconscious by a violent mob while admiring the miraculous craftsmanship of a wooden pole, truly a menace 😂
have you seen that grain?
Not to mention there were no law-women back in those days, especially not black law-women. FAIL ROLEPLAY!
"if you get too close to my videogame character ill hit your videogame character"
Dude back off!
“Quit playing games during our game!”😂
That's kind of how RP works, yes.
@@sh0werp0werlol are you one of the huge L's in this video getting mad over someone crouching? That comment kinda suggests it..
“I can’t let you get close!”
12:20 dude this feels like a scene out of a western, this was probably the most excitement these roleplayers had all day
8:44 "Don't play the victim"The crime being going to a bar, crouching and emote putting your hands up. Real outlaw shit
yeah, laughed at that part. he is being the actual victim and they say don't play the victim, like wow
My favorite videos are the ones where he does literally nothing and everyone gets progressively more and more angry at bubs
Ikr 😆 it's generally funny!
Red dead RP is probably the perfect place to witness this type of interaction
Man walks into town, chaos ensues. This is the plot of Rambo First Blood.
why you pushin me
Rango works too
Haha so right 😅 "Its a long ro...leplay" 😅
They drew first blood😂
This sentence is gold.
1:25 "Don't be schtrange, it is a sc himple conshept" man is pretending to be a cowboy for probably 6 hours a day🤓
what an absolute basement dweller is lol
that is definitely not a "cowboy" accent. that is someone trying to mimic a "chosen peoples'" accent which makes it 10x more hilarious
In the comments for exactly this lol it’s almost sad
that is exactly not how any cowboy or south westerner in all of history speaks
These people infuriate me a way that Gmod admins could never
It's unwatchable. I wish bub could crash the server in some way tbh, get them to go outside and touch grass after their 14 hour in game standing session.
Gmod has a sense of exaggerated cartoonish-ness.
These people want to act like this in real life
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow I don't think it feels real life.
It feels like a dream but in hell
It's because they're empty shells of people who are boring as hell
sometimes in gmod the people know he's joking, they play along, it all turns into chaos, but in this, they're too far gone
A bunch of power trippers playing god in their little video games lol
Absolute brain dead clowns for sure. Joining an RP server and hacking is the best experience ever. Putting power trippers out into the sea is funny af 😂
@@Hollow_Autumn I despise malicious cheaters in games but that sounds cathartic.
@Zanemob trust me man, I'm right there with you. It's sole purpose is having a bit of fun messing with these people and just other chesters who are power tripping. GTA V has some really bad power trippers out there. Everything else and one is off limits.
Power tripping without power. Imagine that
Probably what cops do with their time off
0:31 "I like the grain on it" 😂😂😂
Ah yes, because back in those days the biggest crime you could've commited was walking in a public space.
Killing and robbing are just minor inconviences, its just period specifc roleplay
ye but if u will try to role play a robber they will just kick you bec u cant do that xD RP for them its only what they want to do
@hussar4472 but being a robber is acceptable because they allow you to but anything else is bad 😆
Mirrors on the walls so you could see if the local town drunk wasnt standing straight up or God for bid looking at a wall, thems the real threats.
“Just say the word and I’ll kick his arse out” discord mod had to repeat himself since he thought the 200kg egirls didn’t hear him
Yeah literally. There's a reason some women hang around RP servers, they've probably got more facial hair than some of the guys on the server. They get treated like princesses virtually but in real life, they're just as lonely as the men.
@@Brandon_J am sorry dude but those were not women, the voice gives it away 💀
@@BasedOverflow Even if they aren't women, 200kg is still incredibly light for this large land breed
200 kg is around 440 pounds. This is not equivalent to the physique of one of these players. You would have to add about 200 more kgs.
ughnf now im just thinking about huge women 😎
Red Dead RPers are actually insanely mental, you go and crouch next to them and they start getting pissed off like u shot at them
Lol okay sure buddy. Like you have any idea what you're talking about. Clearly the video creator was trying to troll and break the rules. If that happens then no it should not be tolerated.
You can have fun in RP but when people stop RPing then it takes the whole fun away
@@mph38found the porch roleplayer
@@adrianshephard8704 that's the exact kind of slander that will get you kicked out of RP servers immediately. Go ahead buddy try that with me in the server I play on. Guarantee you won't last a minute
@@mph38 Which server is taht
@@CrusiobTV do you actually want to know so you can play properly or are you just going to come in there and try to troll
The power trips are crazy lol. I love watching these kind of video's because it's a good social experiment
I just can't understand these people. They are sitting on their chairs just staring at the monitor in silence for hours under the name of "Roleplaying" and waiting for something to happen. And when something happens instead of playing along they get all aggressive and crybaby. Despite the fact that any roleplayer with little bit enthusiasm can make the most of every bizarre situation and can still roleplay.
Edit: Not to mention they all sound like just they gave up their souls to devils with that bored and half-hearted tone. I mean cheer up and be a little more eager bro.
RDR2 RP players on their way to do nothing for hours
Just a bunch of jobless losers 🤡🤡
Wdym, nothing ever happens chud...
@@Draxsem alright femcel
called that one female guard a "nice lady" and it changed her whole energy up with ya.
"ay i talked to them, aint nobody pressing charges, yer free to go"
I noticed that too
about as "female" as the blonde one from the bar lmaoo
@@parknich081 troonies are cringe
theyre getting the approval on red dead online their parents never gave them
The most fun ive had in RedM is walking around as an englishman calling people "poors"
This game has NO gameplay because everyone that plays it has no idea how people actually acted back then.
Ive asked people to go for a drink, to play cricket, go fishing, hunting, LITERALLY ANYTHING. Theyll stand and tell you "im waitin on someone" or some BS like that, hit me, or stand around talking about doing stuff but not doing it. Even in game, just get a job... its not fun but if you want "accurate" roleplay then you bloody well must get on with it.
Bub found something fun to do, and just like they did to me, they have a go at him.
Forreal, these guys put a bad name on roleplay.
wow almost like they are acting like themselves in real life with the never doing activities part
@@hiddenguy67lmao 🤣
"Role play" and the role theyre playing is serial loiterer
Want to play some cricket
all they do is stand in silence and act tuff when someone stands on 'their porch'😭😭
Dude that 1 simp constantly "you just give me the word I'll throw him out" even when he's in the bar and she walked up to HIM talking
Makes me wanna RP on those servers as a Simp Hunter. One whiff of simpin' and I'm dumping em in the swamp.
@@Bodmw01I'll team up with ya bro
And the other guy on the porch lmao "bro she doesn't want you looking at her a$$" 🤓🤓🤓
@@Bodmw01hell yeah we could all be the Big dick bandits.
@@Bodmw01 Let's do it guys lmao I'd love to wrangle me some simps.
Actual losers. Imagine being angry cause you used the in game crouch function.
Imagine the mario jump is illegal to use in smash bros 😆
loooooool full on losers.
I refuse to believe they’re actual human beings
they are blobs of lard sitting in their parents basement
theyre failed human beings
@XRoyalStampedeX the sad thing is some are independent or grown adults. The fact they work 9 to 5 then come home to stare on a porch until they sleep till their next shift is wild
"I'VE got scoliosis"
God Bless you ALL!
to hear that the local saloon had a man executed and thrown out for trying to get a drink and rest his scoliosis ridden spine... what has the world come to.
Worlds gone
These people… wtf man 😂
Covid Cowboys.
Bub: (breathes)
RDR players: _And I took that personally_
this is not 2018
too much reddit 100 chungus!!!!
When you do nothing but move your character around but the so called roleplayers decide to kill you for it because you arent standing still on a porch like an npc like them.
@@storm___ 😂
@@skarlyman725 grow up we do not care lil guy
The delivery of that line "That's no way to treat a troglodyte?" Lollll 🙏💜
This is one of the problems with roleplayers, they get mad wayy too easily. They stand around and act hard when you speak to them. They don't want individuality, they want everyone to act as "Morally grey cowboy #357"
Then they turn into a Megalomaniac when they hog tie you, At 10:00 you can hear in that ladies voice the sense of power coursing thru her veins,, Shes like "yup thats my fix,...Ahh the good stuff.."
There is no Roleplay they just being themself power hungry loser who can't interact simple convesation. worse than gmod dark rp
Exactly, when soup sometimes genuinely tries roleplaying cops often have none of it. They get mad that youre roleplaying the way they dont want to. Like why is running away from a cop not roleplay? Do cops in real life not go on high speed chases? They have spike traps and can ram the car. They even have prison. But they always get pissy and call an admin to teleport a criminal on the run rp to jail bc you didnt roleplay the situation they wanted. Like how soups clothes cant be worn bc theyre not in line with ehat they eant even if he wants to roleplay a weird hippie banjo player.
“Don’t be strange” says the guy putting on a voice to fake role play 😂
I think that specific comment was in good humor, but I can't speak for the rest of the interactions 😅
These women sound like they're 300+ lbs and smoke cigs
Walmart women
break out the Walmart scooters
10000% 😭
Sounds hot
I thought they were men doing female voices
Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that I myself am not that much of a loser
when faced with a real roleplay situation, a roleplayer will promptly fall apart and take it personal.
in calling the admin on this comment
Red Dead RP players when their 24 hours of doing nothing gets ruined
unfunny adaptation of a stolen joke
@@Petrol_Sniffa Found the roleplayer
@@Petrol_Sniffa Awww did that hit ur unspecial Red Dead RP nerve, sooo cute
@@Petrol_Sniffa Yeah mate you have a porch to stand on stopping lazying about in a comment section
He is right tho. This is just the top comment of an other video with different words.
Idk why this video legitimately peeves me more than the usual.
I think it’s the complete starvation of control these people have. Every single interaction NEEDS to be some kind of flex of control and power.
Really scary you can just run into these people in public irl
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow not really scary to run into them irl
theres a reason they need a powertrip in videogames
@@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollowi doubt that you can find these people outside in the real world
@@icantread1058Yea i'll soon put them in their place the second I meet em. 😅
@@GazDaLad calm down
That porch is full of the saddest bunch I’ve ever witnessed
This is so depressing oh my god imagine if they put this energy into literally anything else
Yeah you can't move in a walking simulator
Im pretty sure they live off twinkies and soda. This is the most out door activity they get
@@creamshotsoda then they wouldn’t be leeches on society cuz… imo that’s what these people are. Be really surprised if any of them have jobs or contribute at all
All they do is "roleplay" all day and put their energy into it and yet somehow suck majorly at it. I doubt theyre good for anything.
6:17 ‘he’s from Australia he was sniffing women’
Why do I get the feeling Bubs has heard this in real life aswell
God forbid a man has hobbies
That's called foreplay in Australia
I heard thats a big thing in Australia
Bro "sniffing women" is a crazy accusation all he did was crouch around
A guy crouching and raising his arms up and down is the most interesting thing they've seen all week, no wonder they always crowd around you
combining: nice, stubbon and stupid, is the most fantastic trolling i've ever watched :D
Red Dead rp, the true pioneers of the digital frontier. Spending hours standing on a porch, staring at virtual tumbleweeds, waiting for something to happen. It's almost like they’re auditioning for the role of human cactus riveting stuff. Nothing says Wild West adventure quite like not moving for hours and calling it immersive storytelling!
Why don't they go on missions and hunt and stuff?
@@Nate-bd8fg Well, you see, actually doing things like going on missions or hunting would just distract from the authentic porch simulator experience. Why shoot animals when you can perfect the art of leaning against a railing, contemplating your digital existence. I mean, who needs action when you can roleplay as the most dramatic loiterer in the West
They realise cowboys travelled alot they didn't just stand in one town and that was it
he has managed to make REAL human beings seethe by just crouching. a mechanic in literally near every single game of all time.
Red Dead Rp players aren't people
They almost turned on one of their own for crouching in solidarity
@@chc2650 Its actually insane
3:25 gotta love with people approach YOU, pull YOU aside. Then tell YOU to stay away from. Them.
These people are so special
Their parents must be so proud 😂 please keep up the good work 🫡 these people deserve it
Roleplaying as Patches in Red dead redemption rp
Imagine if irl you were walking normally and taking some breaks because you are ill, and someone just because they think you are creeping start blasting you off and emptying their guns at you bruh😭😭🙏
And when the police arrests you and sentence you to life or death penalty.
What did he expect 😆
Bro its so wild, like it's gotten to a point where Bub will just be a silly character (of course trolling) and do so little and it pisses them off. Even with the Scoliosis bit they were getting mad at him when he was like "Let me take a breather." HE'S IN CHARACTER COMMON PLAY ALONG!
Guy cant even sound italian. He just sounds like polish jew.
9:35 Apalling how cruel these people are to a poor wretched disabled beggar.
These are the same people that voted for Kamala and Trump is a hateful racist bigot. Yet when these guys/girls roleplay you see the true hatred in their heart.
Unironically that is probably the closest thing to reality these dorks do.
Knocked out for standing, arrested for moving
I love the subtle trolling of "stop doing X" and "im not doing X" while doing it, also how you barely do anything and STILL get people mad somehow
I was recommended this by RUclips today and found it completely hilarious lol. I even showed my brother and he loved it too. Great video! These players really take their role playing seriously I guess lol. It’s so easy to trigger them 😂
Stop!! you've violated my cowboy rolplay! stop crouching near me or ill remove you from this porch!
Lmao 😆 🤣
3:05 the lawful order to stop running, but not to stop beating a random dude on a porch 10 seconds earlier.
I really like this gameplay of you being completely normal and polite just to get met with violence
11:50 Bub has the ability to create a legit western standoff from just threatening to take a step onto a single stair
That chick missing several shots point blank was hilarious 10:14
She lost like -1000 aura from that
She wouldn't last in a early 2010s CoD lobby with that kinda shooting skills without the entire lobby laughing and making fun of her.
mouse fell off her hello kitty mousepad
"Don't be strange it's a simple concept guy☝️🤓"
my dude my guy you chud inshel☝🤓
I would of said "don't be angry that someone is crawling around in front of you, how would you handle a baby, madame" 😉
Bub's bed made out of Australian Orb Weavers is the only thing getting him through the upcoming summer nights
the sheriff not breaking rp to ask him questions actually makes me so happy bc someone is humoring him
2:18 the way he looks up at her and says "thats no way to treat a troglodyte" while smiling is hilarious 😂
1:05 "you're clearly not following directions" This. This is what "serious" roleplayers want. They don't want dynamic interactions, or people behaving outside the norm, they want clean, clear cut "roleplay friendly" interactions with the rest of the boring people they sit around with. Every unique interaction is met with in game violence and harsh criticism, because
you're not playing the way they want you to.
I personally hate RP servers, but I also hate football - that doesn’t mean I’ll go take their ball away if I see them playing
They’re bloody harmless - there are much worse things they can be partaking in.
Everyone here seems to have a herd mentality of the same sort they’re accusing these folks of.
@@TheGonzogibby yap yap bro
@@yessam1460 🐑 blaaaaah
@StnRamen gave a fkn polemic on how terrible RP players are, but no blah blah nah‽ bc you’re just as sad, but you need your wee clan to feel better 👏👏👏
@TheGonzogibby it's understandable why people make fun of this tho
@@TheGonzogibby Quit saying stupid shit.
brutally obvious how Bub is the only one bringing actual roleplay scenario to these otherwise afk wannabe roleplayers and they can't handle it. If it's not scripted or outlined in pages long rules these "players" don't know how to handle off the cuff roleplay.
Dude i don't play this game but your channel literally makes me laugh out loud..
i didnt think it could get worse than gmod these are fully grown adults that cant handle someone standing next to them in a video game
There self esteem really gets hurt when it gets broken when a fly 🪰 comes by
- "I am giving you a lawful over🤓"
- Knows nothing about law
"lawful order" a phrase right out of the 2000s and this "role player" thinks anyone in 1901 knows wtf that means
should probably have googled your facts before commenting. Lawful orders have been in effect since the 17th & 18th century
I'll give her credit. She tried to RP, even if she wasn't very good at it.
The famous lawful order "don't step on the porch"
even the wild west has simps 😿
Not even medieval times and so many white knights 😢
Who would u simp for, Calamity Jane or Annie Oakley?
@@Stoned2daBone-r4g artur morgan obv
@@WunderWulfe 🤣🤣🤣
Half the people wouldn’t even say shit in real life. They live their fantasy’s online
my theory is that the longer you play the more things you can get away with, the reason why roleplayers can get away with homicide
edit: theory expanded. the primary way to increase playtime is to afk on porches and the reason they get so apprehensive when a non-afker shows up is because theyre terrified they might get shot, disrupting their playtime farm
They get their playtime up by standing on a porch for hours on end.
@@storm___ yep
Also the more MONEY you put into the server, the more they'll let you get away with. They'll protect their pay pigs especially if they're women because these people are super simps.
@@JordanWheeler1999 you have so many comments on this video dude, i literally haven't found a comment you haven't replied too 😂😂
75 comments in one video?!?!?!
@@godlesspothead6258 some ppl like to stand on a fake porch for hours this guy just responds to bub games comments
I love that if you did ANYTHING that didn't go their way they would instantly become violent
Bub: *crouches*
Community: > : |
No body crouches in REAL LIFE!
The “girl” at 8:26 is 100% not a girl
thats probably like 60% of them in reddead rp😂