The Manager Of La Manchaland! (Limbus Company Season 5 - New Target Extraction Overview)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @kaskozhuk4158
    @kaskozhuk4158  3 дня назад +35

    Alright, just to dispel the rumors; no I am not a time traveler. The fact that the season and canto numbers don't line up genuinely confuses me a lot of the time. The ID is not from Season 7.

  • @0knot488
    @0knot488 3 дня назад +41

    "First id to have unbreakable coins on her skills"
    Zwei ishamel: Am i a joke to you?

    • @EternalTheStormKing
      @EternalTheStormKing 3 дня назад +5

      Well, she’s the first to have them on their main skills.

    • @0knot488
      @0knot488 3 дня назад +3

      @EternalTheStormKing Zweis block has it at base but any of dons skills must be upgraded to get the unbreakables

    • @EternalTheStormKing
      @EternalTheStormKing 3 дня назад +7

      @@0knot488 point is that it isn’t just her defense skill that has unbreakable coin. These skills aren’t the first offence skills to have unbreakable coins because of both Yearning Mircalla, but they are the first that aren’t an E.G.O or defense skill that do.

  • @jamie-s7q
    @jamie-s7q 3 дня назад +36

    Sancho is a bird, bird good, Sancho good.

    • @Nautilusdeshelly
      @Nautilusdeshelly 3 дня назад +8


    • @PedroLucas-ix8tx
      @PedroLucas-ix8tx 3 дня назад +1

      Would that bird be apocaliptic by any sorts?

    • @Poke238s
      @Poke238s 3 дня назад +1

      Is the bird judgy perhaps?

  • @andrec.8208
    @andrec.8208 3 дня назад +17

    I love how you can see the ghosts of like barbar outis and the others when you mention her enhanced skills
    Very nice detail! 👍

  • @Simon-ur7bi
    @Simon-ur7bi 3 дня назад +18

    I would still say Barber Outis can be worth bringing in depending on the content. If you need to deal a lot of AoE damage, like in RR4 with all the Envy Peccatulas, being able to just drop a 3 coin, 3-4 atk weight AoE skill with high roll and huge multipliers on the last coin is worth losing access to Ring Outis. Plus Barber also brings her own AoE nuke skill.
    If you're facing a single enemy though, Ring is definetly better, though you CAN use Barber and still do well. Plus, you can always just double slot Don to let her print hardblood

    • @kaskozhuk4158
      @kaskozhuk4158  3 дня назад +12

      Barber is absolutely still a good ID and worth bringing. I realize that I didn't really emphasize that in the video, but my intention was never to suggest that she was bad.

    • @Masternumb-edd
      @Masternumb-edd 3 дня назад +2

      ​@@kaskozhuk4158No, It's fine to incentives not investing in Barber, She's sadly had to be the sacrificial lamb for the Bloodfiends archetype and giving Don 2 slot skill unironically buffs her than putting Outis to the team.
      And yes, i fell for the shills and still regret it since i could just go for Molar Outis

    • @bullet3417
      @bullet3417 3 дня назад

      just use EGO on envy peccatulas

    • @greetingsnvr6953
      @greetingsnvr6953 3 дня назад +2

      @@kaskozhuk4158 It really confusing of people to think that 000 ID is much worse than a 00 ID just because it had no support on realese

  • @anonjohn9760
    @anonjohn9760 2 дня назад +2

    Once more you do a good job of exploring and highlighting an ID's kit, which is especially helpful given how _wordy_ Manager Sancho's is.
    Concerning teambuilding, there could be arguments made for benching Princess Rodion if you want the Counter freed up for perpetual zero-cost Bleed Count use. Assuming you just spam it until you get an Empowered S3 it can inflict 12 Bleed Count over one cycle of Skills while also letting you dodge your Enhanced S1 - S3 as needed to preserve Hardblood. Giving up her *fantastic* kit is a hard sell, though...
    From the discussions I've heard on the Barber Outis vs Ring Outis and the little playtesting I've done, both are perfectly fine to use in all contexts. Barber favors unFocused Encounters, where you have free slots for Don and friends to ramp harder, while individual Boss favor Ring more if said boss doesn't have a bunch of annoying adds. Barber also represents + 2 Hard Blood per turn for Manager Sancho, which is good for getting to her Empowered Skills by Turn 2 - 3.
    As for the small rant on Dev Sinclair... I think you're glossing over the fact that his Count application is very _conditional_ , and in the worst ways possible. His S1 , S2, and S3 only go Count Positive or Neutral at and above 15 Trunks, which he gains *slowly* if you are not double slotting him. He gains 3 Trunks per turn, and a max of 2 Trunks per S1, so assuming only Single Slots for a Focused fight it'd take 3 Turns for him to ramp up enough to better contribute to Rupture Count stacking. Couple that with the 15/3 conditional that WILL destroy almost any stack and the fact he has a limited amount of time on the field before he explodes or retreats and it's not difficult to see why people overlook him in favor of ol' reliable Talismans. PM dropped the ball on Dev Sinclair's entire Status portion of his kit when they had the potential to go whole hog without worrying about Tailsmens with him - he didn't need to be _better_ than that, but simply a overall *good* and *sustainable* alternative.

    • @kaskozhuk4158
      @kaskozhuk4158  2 дня назад +1

      The big thing I was trying to say was that, if you want to lose one of the IDs, it should be Barber in most scenarios. That said, she's still a very powerful ID in terms of raw damage.
      Using the counter that often doesn't feel as desirable because it has to clash to be used, meaning any Bleed Count it inflicts would be lost before you could inflict it. You would need a team designed around Bleed to make the best use of it regardless.
      I have already seen people make Devyat Sinclair teams designed to inflict Rupture and have them work just as effectively as ones with Talisman.

  • @ITAndroMedian
    @ITAndroMedian 3 дня назад +12

    It's fine to listen to a rant. After listening to some shrimp for however long, it's refreshing to see someone recognising value of team building.

    • @bullet3417
      @bullet3417 3 дня назад +1

      "if you have 5 ID's EGO gift works" team bulding of all time

    • @ITAndroMedian
      @ITAndroMedian 3 дня назад +1

      @@bullet3417 True, but putting rarer criteria for said ID's would also work, like N Corp already does.

  • @oatmeal3919
    @oatmeal3919 3 дня назад +18

    You forgot an important detail: Skill 1 gives 1 hardblood per 5 bloodfeast, up to 10 at once. Every other skill consumes 10 bloodfeast per hardblood and can only give 5 at once. Skill 1 is an important skill for resource generation.

    • @kaskozhuk4158
      @kaskozhuk4158  3 дня назад +9

      I actually did not realize this until day 3 of editing so... yeah, my bad.

  • @ShadeLord-py6wr
    @ShadeLord-py6wr 2 дня назад +1

    the fact that you pit your code so we can use the ID is is...

  • @Spoizae
    @Spoizae 3 дня назад +5

    I do agree that the newer ids as of late haven't really had much depth (past bloodfeast maybe, which I've seen people call it bleed charge). However I feel as though (at least for the bloodfiends they've released until now) that this lack of individual depth is understandable, given thet the new seasonal IDs paved the way for options in team building, even if its just for one status effect.
    What comp out there really has multiple options for team building? For most statuses or archetypes, you get a team of 6 and you're done, you have the archetype's strongest. At best maybe tremor with tremor types, but a lot of people would argue that you'd still go back to reverb and everlasting to close out fights, making it so it really goes back to being a reverb comp. However, bleed is one of (if not the first) status comp where you can build various teams catering to what you think you'll fight.
    You can build pre season 7 bleed teams, you can build count heavy comps, minimum count, all without bloodfiends. With the new IDs though, it feels as though they prioritize damage, making it so you actively weigh whether you want faster or more reliable bleed affliction by not running full bloodfiends (if any), or high clashing, raw damage that can overwhelm bosses through the bloodfiends.
    And even then, something like the bloodfiend comp has variations depending on what enemy you fight. You fight multiple mobs/waves? Barber Sancho and dulcinea have access to aoe without needing ego (although, itll require some ramp). Fight a boss but still need bloodfiends? Replace barber with ring outis or another count applier and stack stack stack. A boss that does both (i.e. dulcinea)? Use barber for her support passive so don can apply count every now and then.
    Sure as individuals, new ids are lackluster (which I hope changes soon). But with the IDs they placed so much attention to, they at least provided the opportunity to be flexible with a team, instead of just letting the optimal move be fielding the best 6 of an archetype you have every single fight.

  • @Nyaaruko9266
    @Nyaaruko9266 3 дня назад +4

    Always give her 2nd slot because if you can use empowered S3 then s1 in the same turn, she will have 10 hardbloods back. Thus making her has 0 downtime in MD wherein you can switch s2 to s3 (s2 has horrible bleed application anyway)

  • @KuroiShiAnimu
    @KuroiShiAnimu 3 дня назад +11

    I get why you would kick out Barber but I'm not sure if the 30 potencial Hardblood is actually even worth going for. She really doesn't need the offense level as she clashes completely fine and she won't get hit enough to require the defense levels either. Speed is cool though. I've been replaying railway with Barber in the team (bloodfiends + ringsang + rhino) and bleed count was never a big issue. In fact if you wanna play optimally with ringsang you will need to get hit every turn or two just to proc Rodya's Hexnail passive for easy 3 debuffs + free potency from Thorns and bloodfiends can absolutely outheal the damage they take. Barber even has a counter that applies bleed count and her S3 can heal for up to 60 hp. I've been theorycrafting and this way to play the bloodfiend team is actually incredibly fun and they even fuel most EGO pretty well. It made me realise how underapreciated EGO passives are most of the time

    • @KuroiShiAnimu
      @KuroiShiAnimu 3 дня назад +1

      Makes me wish for 60+ wave fights so you have time to activate all EGO passives and there's like a miniboss as the 30th enemy and a big 5k+ boss as the last enemy that would be so sick

    • @kaskozhuk4158
      @kaskozhuk4158  3 дня назад +5

      The big reason that I wouldn't want to have Barber in the team is because I'd rather not spend the Hardblood when I can already gain AOE without spending it. As I say in the video, the Empowered skill is better, I just don't think it's better to a degree so large as to warrant spending your Hardblood for an effect that the base version already gets without spending anything.

    • @greetingsnvr6953
      @greetingsnvr6953 3 дня назад

      It's much easier. Just bring Barber in fights with multiple enemies and don't with Bosses. Even if we have something like Dulcinea with 3 minions, the 3 attack weight is enough and a second slot for Don will help to quickly gain Bloodfeast from enemies or to place a different bleed ID if talk about single boss fights

  • @Trulythesasichone
    @Trulythesasichone 3 дня назад +3

    Very cool video, thank you dear kazhoskuk

  • @ComputerGamingg
    @ComputerGamingg 3 дня назад +5

    I love you ESGOO 2

  • @casualrobingamer535
    @casualrobingamer535 3 дня назад +2

    4:13 i got this effect while fighting dad don it was just white square

  • @namelass4099
    @namelass4099 3 дня назад +2

    Gonna be completely transparent, this is mostly because I like barber Outis and feel like people undervalue her a lot, but, to say that the games ID's have gotten to much text in them, and that they have become to complex, just to then dismiss what is probably the 000 with the least text in this season, like you're signaling that she needed more stuff to be worth it.
    I also feel like some of the "depth" in older ID's that you talked about is not exactly there. For example, talisman Sinclair's mechanics is building up exact amount of talisman and then inflicting it and that's it, there's depth to getting to that point but afterwords he just stops doing anything really. Liu Ish I honestly don't see it, she just seems like put burn - deal damage - profit, Dieci Rodion's "deepness" feels like it comes from the discarding mechanic more than anything else, W Yi Sang feels less deep than the Multicrack ID's that, instead of just holding charge, have you considering losing hp to make the gain of charge in the long run stronger, bullet Outis just has a problem with getting magic bullets in my opinion to the point of being frustrating and I have nothing to add to middle Don I do think she works really well.
    I wouldn't say that these ID's are anymore or less interesting than Wild Heath witch has you working on trying to use his skill 3 as much as possible and trying to get kills.
    I do think there is a problem with the "compartmentalization" of mechanics, I think they should've just given the bloodfiends one status effect that they all interact differently with instead of having "unique" statuses that really are mostly the same, and then Don guests the uber wordy lots of text ID because it is the big attraction at the end of the Canto.
    But mostly I do think that in terms of depth and ways of using ID's we have gotten a lot of good stuff, they just should work on transmitting that information in a better way.

  • @farzin_k
    @farzin_k 3 дня назад +11

    I personally think this ID is really bad because there is no synergy with Bloodfiend Faust.
    oh wait... there is no bloodfiend Faust

    • @Trulythesasichone
      @Trulythesasichone 3 дня назад

      @@farzin_k L

    • @WeebyKyoki
      @WeebyKyoki 3 дня назад +1

      Sasha was technically a bloodfiend
      they should make crack Faust a bloodfiend

  • @enitsu-142
    @enitsu-142 3 дня назад +1

    Outis’ skill 3 gives bloodfeast on kill if the target was a sewing target.

  • @Rhobeni
    @Rhobeni 3 дня назад +1


  • @mfgrobin9657
    @mfgrobin9657 3 дня назад +2

    Adding to this.
    While barber is the least prefered bloodfiend to stay in one should consider that ex s2 while looking similar hits like a truck because people forget to take coin values and damage multipliers into account. tbf it is far more worth doing it at hardblood 3 rather then 2.
    While once again people complained about Bleed count. Pagoda at uptie 3 causes 4 count just on its own. using simple fueled ego like hex nail to put nail on the enemy as well and it really isnt much of a problem even if one does not use RMeursault.
    Saying all this its sad how people seem to lack any resolve to weight pros and cons. On another hand am i a little sad about dondons kit too. i would have prefered a more flexible copy cat kit with changing damage types even if i had to trade in coin power and damage. also wasting original dons la sangre animation . could have used that to make it a flexible nuke for aoe or individuals. responsibility seems hardly worth it and i think her having less health then barber is actually worse because rodya doesnt buff barber who needs it most.
    Easy fix could have been Don burning through more self bleed with S1 but starting with more hp and you buff her once she is at 10 hardblood and can use greg to heal up more or just uses different skills that heal less.
    i guess i am a little petty but alas. Its still a great Id.
    P.S. they need to put a warning in front of those id backstories man

    • @mfgrobin9657
      @mfgrobin9657 3 дня назад

      oh i forgot another thing. you cant even blow barber up with fell bullet at any time as it wants a lower life target usually. she really is bricky as heck lmao.

  • @Raidsage
    @Raidsage День назад

    Where do I get the other la macholand ids

  • @mapledaz3353
    @mapledaz3353 3 дня назад +1

    While i think shes incredible she ironically made bleed archetype worse. She wants blood fiends in the party and while thats fine all blood fiends have serious bleed count issues and the blood fiend team takes 4 out of 6 slots. And to make it worse the one of the blood fiends is outis who had a decent 2 🌟 id for bleed count that's not a blood fiend. Of course you could just say screw it im using ring outis over barber outis but that depowers one of don's skills. I really wish PM would just make I'd that are bleed and rupture count friendly.

    • @shadymann9468
      @shadymann9468 3 дня назад

      Or you know you can be smart and save up the skills that inflict count and dump it all on the enemy at an appropriate time.

    • @kaskozhuk4158
      @kaskozhuk4158  3 дня назад +4

      I think you may be overvaluing Bleed compared to the amount of raw damage you're doing.

  • @QWERTY708100
    @QWERTY708100 2 дня назад


  • @AlterFear
    @AlterFear 3 дня назад +2


  • @lumiere6402
    @lumiere6402 3 дня назад +5

    She is the worst ID ever worst than the umbrella hobo in raincoat (I fail to pull her after 123 pulls, rip walpurisnatch)

    • @judehanma
      @judehanma 3 дня назад +2

      terrible id(gatekeeping)

  • @awanama4565
    @awanama4565 3 дня назад


  • @matt4200
    @matt4200 3 дня назад

    SEASON 7????

  • @bugged7802
    @bugged7802 3 дня назад +2

    Are you living at future bruh? What kind of "7 season" do you have?

    • @DonQuixote-f2m
      @DonQuixote-f2m 3 дня назад +1

      I was just about to say the same thing😂😂