"Hanzala al-Saghir" the white cartoon character is created by the Palestinian caricaturist Naji al-Ali. The cartoon, drawn in 1973, depicts Hanzala al-Saghir as an icon of Palestinian wealth. He symbolizes the young child who turned his back and will remain small until his country is liberated and he can grow up freely like other children. Additionally, the children behind him represent those who have already been martyred, and we know the stories of their martyrdoms. For example, there's the kid in a graduation gown named Youssef. His mother was searching for him in the hospital, describing him as having curly hair and being a sweet little boy. Another child, with a broken hand, was crying and calling for his brother Kamal, who died under the rubble. The girl in the colorful shirt is called Reem; she was also killed, and her grandpa said that she was the soul of the soul. Each one of the kids behind him has a story.
Each time I see it I can't stop crying as if the stolen homes are mine, I can't imagine how would I feel when Palestine is finally free I will be the happiest, I will feel home again and I'm Egyptian not even a Palestinian Can't imagine how Palestinians would feel
"Hanzala al-Saghir" the white cartoon character is created by the Palestinian caricaturist Naji al-Ali. The cartoon, drawn in 1973, depicts Hanzala al-Saghir as an icon of Palestinian wealth. He symbolizes the young child who turned his back and will remain small until his country is liberated and he can grow up freely like other children. Additionally, the children behind him represent those who have already been martyred, and we know the stories of their martyrdoms. For example, there's the kid in a graduation gown named Youssef. His mother was searching for him in the hospital, describing him as having curly hair and being a sweet little boy. Another child, with a broken hand, was crying and calling for his brother Kamal, who died under the rubble. The girl in the colorful shirt is called Reem; she was also killed, and her grandpa said that she was the soul of the soul. Each one of the kids behind him has a story.
لفته جميله منك أنك بتكتبى كده فكل فيديو ربنا يجزيكى خير❤
Thank u ❤ god bless u
Each time I see it I can't stop crying as if the stolen homes are mine, I can't imagine how would I feel when Palestine is finally free
I will be the happiest, I will feel home again and I'm Egyptian not even a Palestinian
Can't imagine how Palestinians would feel
Free Palestine 💪🏼❤️
فلسطين حرة
اعملولو لايك خلوا العالم يشوف ويعرف كيف يكون اشكالهم في نظرنا "
المشكلة الموسيقى...
Free Palestine فلسطين حره عربية 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤❤❤❤❤😢
In fact, this ad is remarkable
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
ستنتصر فلسطين على الظالم الصهيوني وتعود لغزة عزتها ونفرح كلنا بعودة الحق لأصحابه ،فهذه إبادة وهذا ظلم ولله لا يرضى بذلك لعباده ،
We will return 🇵🇸🗝
Without question 🇵🇸❤️❤️
😢😢Only the voice of the language you understand
This is perfect
Я не понимаю что он говорит
Но этот парень ведущий очень симпатичный❤
يوجد ترجمه في الاعدادات😊
✌🏼✌🏼 🇵🇸🇵🇸
روح الروح
يوسف شعرة اشقر وابيض وحلو
Free palestain
Free Palestin 🇵🇸
Free palestine❤
Free Palestine
free Palestine 😭😭😭🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
nice video
Free palestine 🤲🏻🇵🇸
free palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Free palestine