It's recommended that honey should not be extracted at the same time as splitting the hive because it damages the hive too much and gives the bees too much work to repair the damage. It's far better to split the hive and give it some weeks for the bees to repair the damage, before then extracting honey. I have tetragonula hockingsi.
Nice hive and the honey was very full great job to the bees , since this video i asume you got rid of the knife and got a much safer hive tool to work with, the split was awsome to nice work , hope everything is going great in 2021.
You squashed d brood ma men!
It's recommended that honey should not be extracted at the same time as splitting the hive because it damages the hive too much and gives the bees too much work to repair the damage. It's far better to split the hive and give it some weeks for the bees to repair the damage, before then extracting honey. I have tetragonula hockingsi.
honey and pollen is mixed up because you put too many holes on your devision board
That was a terrible nasty split I held my breath all the way gave me anxiety! Poor bees please learn how to do this more kindly for the bees 😲😪
Worst split ever!
sorry word is very loosely used every time they were getting crushed
Nice hive and the honey was very full great job to the bees , since this video i asume you got rid of the knife and got a much safer hive tool to work with, the split was awsome to nice work , hope everything is going great in 2021.
Very fine harvast..
After harvest 1year is it perfect
What kind of bees are those?
Tetragonula carbonaria
Man you destroyed the brood. Why do you split like that? 🤧 Poor bees. Please find a better and gentle way of splitting a colony.
Salam satu hobi 🐝 semoga sukses
Mm കൊള്ളാം 😌
This type of bee is the same as in indonesia
Where in indonesia are you? i m in aceh starting with apis cerana and trigona.
not really, the species here is Tetragonula carbonaria which is endemic to southeast Australia
Horrível, tem muito que aprender.
Que triste, la verdad destruiste todo, no tuviste cuidado en nada. Mataste media colmena. Investigue más y aprenda a tratar las abejas.