SCAM ALERT: This is to inform you that We NEVER offer money or ask for money in exchange for subscribing to our channel. We have noticed that there is a SCAM going in Turkey, India and other countries via WhatsApp and Telegram using our brand name. Since we do not offer money in exchange for subscribing to our channel, people who visit our channel for money be aware that your are a part of a CYBER SCAM already. So please report those WhatsApp numbers and telegram numbers to the POLICE or Cyber Crime Center in your country. Our previous SCAM Alert is here for your reference >>
is it right? Many people visit Maxico and continue to go through US. They say it's Easy to go US and cost less . Last several months ,thousands of people passed through that border and get to US weekly. But I don't know how much it cost .
Never pay taxi with any kind of cards. They wrongly charge more amount and your bank wont help you in getting back as you swiped the card manually. Take all receipts wherever you buy anything with your card. In Cancun airport, request Uber or DiDi from Terminal 2 or 3 and avoid Terminal 4 and don’t listen to what taxi people say. Just use free shuttle to transfer between terminals.
SCAM ALERT: This is to inform you that We NEVER offer money or ask for money in exchange for subscribing to our channel. We have noticed that there is a SCAM going in Turkey, India and other countries via WhatsApp and Telegram using our brand name. Since we do not offer money in exchange for subscribing to our channel, people who visit our channel for money be aware that your are a part of a CYBER SCAM already. So please report those WhatsApp numbers and telegram numbers to the POLICE or Cyber Crime Center in your country. Our previous SCAM Alert is here for your reference >>
My favorite country in americas and also my top ten favorite countries in the world , Viva Mexico from Armenia 🇦🇲🤍🇲🇽🙏✝️
Que hermoso es nuestro México.
Mexico is poised to be the most vibrant the most exciting the best economy country on earth ❤❤❤
Desde Morelia Michoacán México envío saludos ❤
It's beautiful
Viva Mexico.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐👌
Que bonito paisaje gracias por el video me gusto mucho 😊😊❤
Muy diverso de los lugares para visitar
Beautiful ❤
Great job
nice video 😍
Really nice work. Good quality video. What platform did you use to create this?
Good job 👍
Que pisaje tan hermoso me gusto mucho
is it right?
Many people visit Maxico and continue to go through US.
They say it's Easy to go US and cost less .
Last several months ,thousands of people passed through that border and get to US weekly.
But I don't know how much it cost .
Never pay taxi with any kind of cards. They wrongly charge more amount and your bank wont help you in getting back as you swiped the card manually.
Take all receipts wherever you buy anything with your card.
In Cancun airport, request Uber or DiDi from Terminal 2 or 3 and avoid Terminal 4 and don’t listen to what taxi people say. Just use free shuttle to transfer between terminals.
Would Mexico like to join BRICS?
Soy a la única a la que le dijeron que me iban a pagar dinero si me suscribía y daba like ?
No, you are not. Its a SCAM. Don't be a victim of a Cyber SCAM.
वी ते घ म घ च भ वी मी वान जग घ मह भ
Comprando seguidores pues 😂😂
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