【東方Progressive Epic Metal】 Night Festival of Ten​-​Thousand Demons 「Holmgang Ov Gensokyo」

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @Kappashiro
    @Kappashiro  4 года назад +72

    The hypest Touhou metal album of 2020 is here folks! An international collaboration filled with unique and evocative arrangements. It stands as an important step forward for Touhou music as new musicians bring modern and up-and-coming styles and experimentations to the table and make something that goes beyond "great by fandom standards" and becomes just great.
    And also this epic circle, HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO is an international extreme metal collaboration between musicians and arrangers from across the globe. It's a project that in it's heart holds a candle to both the Touhou metal scene that inspired the foundation of this collaboration, and the Touhou community as a whole for being the infectious melting pot of creativity it is. Inspired off of a previous Touhou Project metal arrange sampler "BARRAGE AM RING", they are here this year, and the next, to share with you their sounds. Touhou. Metal. Forever.
    HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO は、世界中のミュージシャンとアレンジャーの間の国際的な極端なメタルコラボレーションです。このコラボレーションは、このコラボレーションの基盤になった東方メタルシーンと、創造性の伝染的なるつぼである東方コミュニティ全体の両方にろうそくを燃やすプロジェクトです。以前の東方プロジェクトのメタルアレンジサンプラー「BARRAGE AM RING」からインスピレーションを得て、今年も来年もあなたのサウンドと共有します。 東方。金属。永遠に。
    Which means as usual; you dearly doujin music enthusiasts want to listen to more arrangements of this kind from international Touhou doujin music circles or arrangers for instance in this case, Holmgang Ov Gensokyo, or by other non-Japanese artists that produces Touhou music from all over the world, then of course it is important to show your support and reward their hard work by purchasing their works online!
    The digital download of this album is available on a pay-what-you-like basis from Bandcamp and the album is free to download to all fans all around the world! It's possible to get high quality flac/mp3 digital copy of this album by going to e-download link below:
    一 holmgangovgensokyo.bandcamp.com/album/15-night-festival-of-ten-thousand-demons
    Also don't forget to check out Holmgang Ov Gensokyo's other works in his bandcamp too!
    一 holmgangovgensokyo.bandcamp.com/
    The rest of their works are also highly recommended to listen if you are into metal music stuff!
    ☆ [ ArmpitMaiden ]
    一 (Twitter)→ twitter.com/ArmpitMaiden
    一 (Soundcloud)→ soundcloud.com/otakuro
    一 (RUclips)→ ruclips.net/user/ArmpitMaiden
    ☆ [ Realm Weaver ]
    一 (Twitter)→ twitter.com/Realm_Weaver
    * Producer: Rabin Miguel 「Neviah」
    ✧ Credits
    April 17, 2020
    ○ Song Title : Night Festival of Ten-Thousand Demons
    ○ Theme : 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object / / 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires
    ○ Originals:
    ⇨ 平安のエイリアン / Heian Alien (Extra Stage Boss - Nue Houjuu's Theme)
    ⇨ 妖怪裏参道 / Youkai Back Shrine Road (Extra Stage theme)
    ⇨ 佐渡の二ッ岩 / Futatsuiwa from Sado (Extra Stage Boss - Mamizou Futatsuiwa's Theme)
    Have A Great Day Everyone!
    /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\ฅ 彡♬ ♩ ♪ ♩ Enjoy The Epicness!

    • @arodnapeosd1224
      @arodnapeosd1224 4 года назад +2

      They're pretty good at the job くコ:彡

    • @spiritbomber9359
      @spiritbomber9359 4 года назад +1

      Rock on Kappa

    • @arsenijspoga
      @arsenijspoga 4 года назад +5

      Was waiting for someone to upload this to RUclips.
      The ArmpitMaiden also has a youtube channel ruclips.net/channel/UCogazpSz44KTIjk9z2YiufQ. Please give him a follow, he deserves it and look for the further releases!

    • @marspotato
      @marspotato 4 года назад

      why cant i see your subscriber count? :/

  • @realmweaver8090
    @realmweaver8090 4 года назад +52

    Hello to everyone! Realmweaver here. Since Armpit did their say, I wanted to do mine as well. First off, thanks so much for all the amazing reactions. Means a lot from Kappa's subs, who don't even necessarily listen to metal. Secondly, a BIG and sincere thanks to the scene for welcoming me. I have not made a lot of music yet, but the reception in general has been amazing and it feels like I've been welcomed with open arms. Maybe in time I can become part of what I've looked up to for years. Big love.
    As for the track, we wanted to go for something new, grand, and special. A piece that would hopefully shake up the scene. Together with co-weaver ArmpitMaiden I had the honor of attempting this feat. Night Festival of Ten-Thousand Demons is an epic, a story, a technical nightmare and an overall monstrosity. I hope everyone will think as fondly of this piece as we do.
    I also want to share that there is a Realmweaver twitter now. In the not so distant future there will be updates on new work. Besides that I'm trying to make RUclips a thing as well. Hope to interact with you all!

  • @mikelelola86
    @mikelelola86 4 года назад +36

    I've been listening to Demetori non stop this week, so I'm kinda obsessed with Touhou metal arrangements rn. And you just happen to upload this amazing arrangement today!!!
    Couldn't have asked for a better timing, thank you very much ^^

  • @YataTheFifteenth
    @YataTheFifteenth 4 года назад +56

    Okay definitely did not expect nufal's art to be here. What a rare sight.

  • @chickennuggets1990
    @chickennuggets1990 4 года назад +6

    0:00 ACT 1: 妖怪裏参道 ~ Youkai Back Shrine Road
    5:43 ACT 2: 平安のエイリアン ~ Heian Alien
    10:19 ACT 3: 佐渡の二ッ岩 ~ Futatsuiwa from Sado

  • @bioaffect
    @bioaffect 4 года назад +9

    Now that was an experience of a song. Really loved the last act with that relaxing opening to energetic blood pumping metal again. Kinda like readying yourself in town, ascending to the boss, then fighting it. Quite the ending to an album I'd say.

  • @Auruora
    @Auruora 4 года назад +12

    Usually don't listen to metal, but it's always enjoyable to hear the many different arranges and styles from people all across the globe!

    • @Kappashiro
      @Kappashiro  4 года назад

      Same and that was the reason i wanted to share this lovely arrange on my channel and plus gotta love some quality metal arranges like this even tho i am not into the genre itself!

  • @3lneln95
    @3lneln95 4 года назад +61

    Therapist: “It’s okay, Nue can’t hurt you.”
    Me: *Lifts head from arms to look around*
    Nue: * 👁👄👁

    • @3lneln95
      @3lneln95 4 года назад

      @@archduke0000 No >:D lol It is the internets duty to drag a joke through the mud, surely you know this? (Also Its a joke, lighten up)

    • @3lneln95
      @3lneln95 4 года назад

      @@archduke0000 There really wasn’t any cringe, but okay. I’m not attacking you, just saying that its true that jokes usually get dragged through the mud online :/

  • @scarletmarauderx4284
    @scarletmarauderx4284 4 года назад +50

    Don't wanna be that kind of guy but Nui's face isn't making me feel so good.....

    • @Kappashiro
      @Kappashiro  4 года назад +25

      She made you so uncomfortable that u spelled her name wrong :D

    • @scarletmarauderx4284
      @scarletmarauderx4284 4 года назад +14

      @@Kappashiro n u e
      I still don't feel good

    • @Subpurgamer
      @Subpurgamer Год назад +1


  • @MaxX500
    @MaxX500 4 года назад +6

    Yooooooooooo!!! This was such an EPIC way to end the album! I was able to attend the first 15 minutes of the listening party and finished after I got off work. Awesome arrangements and HEAVY AF. If your ear and eyes and brain haven't exploded, idk what's wrong with your freak-of-nature self ._.
    P.S. Much love and many thanks, Kappa-sama! This truly means a lot to H.O.G. and the brutal Touhou community

  • @extrnalsorce4974
    @extrnalsorce4974 4 года назад +6

    Oh wow, NaufalDreamer is actually in a discord I’m in with another music producer Karasu! Glad to see their great art is being used. I thought I recognized the art, and I did.

  • @higanren5781
    @higanren5781 4 года назад +7

    Man, I have listened to this so many times since the album dropped. The Heian Alien section always gives me goosebumps, especially the bit at 7:04.
    I've said it in a couple of different places, but hats off to the HOG crew. Y'all have done some absolutely mindblowing work, and I CANNOT wait to hear what the future has in store.

    • @Caved_Johnson
      @Caved_Johnson 4 года назад +1

      That's my favorite part as well ^^

  • @MasterOfHelium
    @MasterOfHelium 4 года назад +11

    I'd actually love to see more long Touhou arranges like this one, I'm genearlly accustomed to songs more than 8 minutes long and this just is my fill!

    • @ArmpitMaiden
      @ArmpitMaiden 4 года назад +5

      Tfw all the arrangements I'm working on are 5-8+ minutes, along with others in HoG lol. I recommend giving the album a go as it starts off with an 8 minute Atmoblack track by Crimson Quietus!
      Though also in the scene if you're craving longer arrangements, STRATIOTES and ELECTRIC RED are some great ones to go for

  • @stellerseider270
    @stellerseider270 4 года назад +9

    before i switched over to mostly listen to Touhou arrangements, i mostly listened to metal, nearly exclusively even. Ironically, i had a hard time getting into Touhou metal at first. This Album finally closes the circle, I'd say. It satiates my hunger for good (standalone) metal and also provides some sweet touhou tunes aswell.
    All in all it definitely has a place among my favourite touhou albums. Incredible work

    • @Kappashiro
      @Kappashiro  4 года назад +1

      Super happy to hear that you loved to listen their works mate. Thanks for sharing your comment!

  • @xbolt90
    @xbolt90 4 года назад +4

    16 minutes of epic Touhou metal. DAAAAAAAAANG GURL

  • @spiritbomber9359
    @spiritbomber9359 4 года назад +5

    Nice, I always love me some Heian Alien
    Wait a second, this is 16 minutes long, hell yeah

  • @liamholt5623
    @liamholt5623 2 года назад

    As a true Norwegian Metal Head - I approve very much

  • @NoBody-gl3xu
    @NoBody-gl3xu 4 года назад +1

    my sweet jesus that solo around 8 minutes in kills me every time

  • @prduckmansuikascereal
    @prduckmansuikascereal 3 года назад +1

    Phoenix, for the past week and a half, this has been the only video that has been on RUclips's recommended for me, I think RUclips is telling me I need to listen to it, but idk how to explain to RUclips I've listen to this already like 28 times (not counting the times I've put it on loop) lmao, but ngl this one is a banger

  • @transcendentalmetaphysics666
    @transcendentalmetaphysics666 4 года назад +3

    This is the good stuff, the arrangers are incredibly skilled!

    @MSDK_DARKDRAGON 4 года назад +6

    UwU qPax Senpai uploaded something AWESOME! 💙

  • @Starstrike21
    @Starstrike21 4 года назад +4

    very cool, really enjoy this

  • @deroy_1956
    @deroy_1956 4 года назад +2

    16 minutes of epic metal

  • @-_Quetzalcoatl_-
    @-_Quetzalcoatl_- 4 года назад +4

    When you playing games at 3am and you hear your moms footsteps getting closer

    • @Kappashiro
      @Kappashiro  4 года назад +3

      I relate to that lol

    • @-_Quetzalcoatl_-
      @-_Quetzalcoatl_- 4 года назад +3

      @@Kappashiro She entered my room unexpectedly and saw me and a Egyptian pose in the bed 😂🤣

  • @Caved_Johnson
    @Caved_Johnson 4 года назад +6

    Amazing work here !

      @MSDK_DARKDRAGON 4 года назад

      Indeed ^^

    • @Caved_Johnson
      @Caved_Johnson 4 года назад +3

      @@MSDK_DARKDRAGON I mean, I thought I would drop mid listening since it's so long, but they managed to make dynamic enough so I wasn't bored even though metal (and its subgenres) is not my favorite genre at all.
      Anyways good job @ArmpitMaiden your music is improving everytime and I had a blast listening to this with my friends.

      @MSDK_DARKDRAGON 4 года назад +2

      @@Caved_Johnson I like metal but only if there is no male voice in it (some unique songs are still very good ^^)

    • @ArmpitMaiden
      @ArmpitMaiden 4 года назад +1

      @@Caved_Johnson Like all music it depends on the artist and how they handle it. This track is rooted in quite a few influences, but can be mostly routed through the lenses of Technical Death Metal / Progressive Death Metal / and of course by the end an open armed embrace of Power Metal / Folk Metal. It was by far the most challenging thing I've ever tackled or been apart of, yet. I am writing other Touhou epics now and in the future, with a bit more traditional structures (Epics from bands like Aether Realm - The Sun, The Moon, The Stars and every epic from Whispered's perfect discography). This was definitely a test and I'm happy people enjoyed it despite metal not being the most heard of genre in the modern Touhou scene now. I hope to continue to push arrangements like this (quality, not length wise lmao) in the future.
      Also in general thank you for always being around these comment sections for my work over the years, it means a lot.

    • @ArmpitMaiden
      @ArmpitMaiden 4 года назад

      @@MSDK_DARKDRAGON Harsh vocals in metal definitely need to grow on some people, it takes time! That being said if you want stuff that'll definitely ease you in more, as metal and it's subgenres hosts some of the best compositional / lyrical work I've heard, I'd recommend
      Whispered - Metsutan
      Aether Realm - Tarot
      Unleash the Archers - Apex
      Rivers of Nihil - Where Owls Know My Name
      Fallujah - Dreamless
      Twilight Force
      Mortanius - Till Death Do Us Part
      Devin Townsend - Ziltoid

  • @MercyPerson
    @MercyPerson 4 года назад +2

    .o. I've never heard remixes from any of these songs- Yay

  • @nightrain2711
    @nightrain2711 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for the upload!

    • @Kappashiro
      @Kappashiro  4 года назад +2

      Thanks for the listen!

  • @DanielRenardAnimation
    @DanielRenardAnimation 4 года назад +19

    I totally misinterpreted Mamizou's head on the face-in/pan. Thought it was a lumpy forehead, looking directly right, a very pointy nose with an open-mouth smile and a weirdly placed eye... but no, those are all just tufts of hair, once the image is in full view. ᗒ⩊ᗕ💦 Ran and Flan also seem to be making an appearance.
    I don't listen to a lot of metal, but this is an exceptional good arrange of these various themes, tied together. ꉂ \ⓛ⩊ⓛ/

    • @afraidbysnow3895
      @afraidbysnow3895 4 года назад

      I agree with you, metal is not my type as well but this sounds impressively nice ! Didn't expect you to see there Daniel Renard I love your animations too :D

    • @ArmpitMaiden
      @ArmpitMaiden 4 года назад

      Holy crap! Thank you! I've been following your work since high school lol. Keep at it! We'll definitely be watching

  • @zmapp4732
    @zmapp4732 4 года назад +1

    This is good. Love HoG, they deserve it.

  • @gugalaxy7772
    @gugalaxy7772 3 года назад +1


  • @shpongledkane
    @shpongledkane 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for the upload! :D

    • @Kappashiro
      @Kappashiro  4 года назад

      Thanks for taking your time and giving a listen too!

  • @teteuscot5098
    @teteuscot5098 4 года назад +2

    ○ 妖怪裏参道 (Meaning "Youkai Back Shrine Road".) / Stage 1 Boss - Rumia's Theme
    heeeh Rumia's theme in ten desires?
    ...wait, what?

  • @phonggun
    @phonggun 4 года назад +6

    Nue's face in the pic is kinda nightmare fuel...

  • @veliest1886
    @veliest1886 4 года назад +1

    its great!

  • @missingretrospections8736
    @missingretrospections8736 4 года назад

    Great work!

  • @arodnapeosd1224
    @arodnapeosd1224 4 года назад +5

    I never felt so bad ass while eating ice cream

  • @Грузовик-Сан-и3е
    @Грузовик-Сан-и3е 4 года назад

    Horikawa is so brutal... I guess, i fall in love... again...

  • @Zero_Has_Returned
    @Zero_Has_Returned 4 года назад +1

    Quality music :)

  • @tunakann7629
    @tunakann7629 4 года назад +6

    Everywhere I look... I see that face...

  • @jasoncurran6199
    @jasoncurran6199 4 года назад

    Great job on the video 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟👍👍👍

  • @Nixolas_Zinn
    @Nixolas_Zinn 4 года назад


  • @TouhouTrashcan
    @TouhouTrashcan 4 года назад +4

    That derpy nue tho

  • @Santsuya-san
    @Santsuya-san 4 года назад +3

    Wow so epic❤

  • @zerotwo2.0
    @zerotwo2.0 4 года назад +3

    💙 Nice baby 💙

  • @SpecialKapson
    @SpecialKapson 4 года назад +3

    Nue be like 👁👄👁

  • @Fun-n-sun
    @Fun-n-sun 4 года назад +5

    Is that Koishi I see in the top left!

  • @maks-arr525
    @maks-arr525 4 года назад +1

    Well, you sold me their albums...

  • @biodell6846
    @biodell6846 4 года назад

    туудудудудудудудуууу дудудудудуу ду дууу

  • @mcid47
    @mcid47 4 года назад

    ah yes its been a while since i've heard Djent/Prog Metal touhou arrange

  • @Shadrake
    @Shadrake 4 года назад


  • @dimas152mm
    @dimas152mm 4 года назад +3

    aye, it's naufal's art lol

  • @kannaaa3
    @kannaaa3 4 года назад

    omg pog

  • @brettmcclain9289
    @brettmcclain9289 4 года назад +6

    Did the poor illustrator stroke out before he did nue’s face or did he stroke out after he say what he made?

  • @AyakaruJuuhachi
    @AyakaruJuuhachi 4 года назад +1

    I was looking so weirdly at the girl on the left. I thought her nose was her chin and the lock of hair her mouth. It just looked do darn weird

    • @Seperaklance
      @Seperaklance 4 года назад +3

      Holy shit. I can't unsee it.

  • @chickennuggets1990
    @chickennuggets1990 4 года назад


  • @BakedBanana
    @BakedBanana 4 года назад


  • @undefined5323
    @undefined5323 4 года назад

    I subbed 5 minutes ago what the hell

  • @dj.kei1095
    @dj.kei1095 4 года назад +5

    Mmmm i dont like that face. Thats really uncomfortable to look at all