3 of September 2024, Tagging of pilotes whales in Fuglafjørður

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Today, our dedicated volunteer crew documented the tagging of a pod of pilot whales at Fuglafjørður, Faroe Islands.
    Tagging animals - especially dolphins - is hugely invasive and the procedure should never be undertaken lightly. There must always be a strong scientific reason that sufficiently outweighs the negative impacts that tagging has on both the individual animal tagged and the other pod members.
    Last year, a pod was killed in a tagging gone wrong when the weather conditions made it difficult to drive the animals out.
    Today’s tagging saw children playing in the water, touching the pilot whales, playing with calves. This could have gone horribly wrong and made the interaction much more stressful for the pod that it already was. Not to mention the risk of injury to the children or the ability for disease to pass from humans to pilot whales or vice versa.
    Whilst the knowledge that a pod containing an animal with a live tag will theoretically protecting from being killed in a grindadráp, that is not reason enough to tag. It’s a reason to end the grind.
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