Mike's Update "I'm Back"

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @BeyondtheRanch
    @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +374

    Hey all! So I had it in my mind that I would try to answer every comment tonight......with over 1000, that's not going to happen, but I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you, so this is going to have to do! Thank you for your support, prayers, and love. It's amazing to me, and so are you!

    • @terenalehr809
      @terenalehr809 9 месяцев назад +12

      We love you mike praying for you and your family ❤

    • @arnejahr3531
      @arnejahr3531 9 месяцев назад +14

      Hope to see you in more videos your going to do great

    • @finfinny73
      @finfinny73 9 месяцев назад +6

      Brother are you on instagram ??
      Stay healthy…

    • @carolmahaffey3085
      @carolmahaffey3085 9 месяцев назад +17

      You're gonna make it, you have lots of folks here counting on it. You are not alone! ❤

    • @lindagentile2380
      @lindagentile2380 9 месяцев назад +25

      Need a "JOIN" Button when you are sure the proceeds will go to YOU to rebuild for You & your Beautiful kiddos... I have PRAYED for McKenzie, Grace & Lincoln to find PEACE during this most difficult time...🙏💙💖💖💙🤗✝️

  • @deblawson1575
    @deblawson1575 8 месяцев назад +8

    Mike I can't do much to help y'all thru this hard time, but I did pray for You, Erin and the kid's. I went thru the same thing (divorce) 30 years ago the pain goes away and life goes on. God Bless Y'all please know there are many who are rooting for all of you.

  • @phoenixrising914
    @phoenixrising914 9 месяцев назад +224

    Hey Mike!!!! Good to see you!!!! Just a thought... See you next time as we explore life.... beyond the ranch...

    • @marieweber4579
      @marieweber4579 9 месяцев назад +42

      That is a perfect way to end the videos! "See you next time as we explore life.... beyond the ranch..."

    • @georgiecampbell5949
      @georgiecampbell5949 9 месяцев назад +20


    • @auntjanet2346
      @auntjanet2346 9 месяцев назад +22

      I like that! Mike definitely needs a closing line like that.

    • @deblarsen8528
      @deblarsen8528 9 месяцев назад +9

      Excellent closing for Mike's new videos! ❤

    • @Marlenesgardens
      @Marlenesgardens 9 месяцев назад +1

      One day at a time Mike. Put your shoulder to the wheel push forward.. Been there!

  • @victorriceroni8455
    @victorriceroni8455 9 месяцев назад +144

    Hello, Mike. I live and work on my family's 5th generation cattle ranch in Central New Mexico. You have been such a blessing and inspiration to us showing new solutions and practices to the challenges that being in agriculture brings. And more than that you have put a human face on the cattle business and shown people our way of life that we never could. We are heartbroken that you have to walk away from the epic amount of effort and elbow grease that you have invested. But I know that you just can't keep a good man down, and you are as good as they come. May you walk in the blessings of the Almighty and live in good health to the end of your days. A most heartfelt thank you. Hourglass Bar Ranch, Mountainair, New Mexico U.S.A.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +34

      Wow, thank you so much, I am at a loss for words

    • @Greasekind14
      @Greasekind14 9 месяцев назад +30

      As victor’s brother I second what he said, been watching you for years, and I’m here to continue following your journey. I had to learn on the fly after the sudden passing of our father, it’s been quite the struggle, then with the loss of our mother a few years ago, it’s sometimes difficult to keep putting one foot in front of the other. But watching you for years it was good to see we weren’t alone in our struggle.

    • @shaunroberts9361
      @shaunroberts9361 9 месяцев назад +9

      This was Outstanding..

  • @christinestephenson1742
    @christinestephenson1742 9 месяцев назад +207

    Mike, we all love you so much. I too, went through a divorce at age 45, by that time my older daughter was grown and out of the house, my younger daughter was 14. It was tough for me mentally but thank goodness I was the provider for my family anyway, I was an RN so in great demand. I was alone 3 years until I met my second husband and have been with him now 22 years. We have traveled and had a great time RVing. Sounds like your new job fits you perfectly, as you are a people person. I think it would be so much fun to follow you fixing up a house for you and the kids. I hope you can find something suitable! So happy to see you, please keep in touch with us. It's a shame the ranch will be lost. I don't think your wife can keep it up without you! God bless and guide you in your new life.

    • @terifrank7393
      @terifrank7393 9 месяцев назад +14

      Thx for your story! Same here and so happy now with my own 600 acre farm with 100 blk Angus cattle and my veggy gardens! Best to you , Ditto to Mike!

    • @sandyleonard1605
      @sandyleonard1605 9 месяцев назад +8

      Good to see you Mike. I’ve missed that voice. I know you’ll do well and look forward to following along. Guess you don’t have to wear a cowboy hat anymore. Unless I’m wrong, you prefer a cap to a cowboy hat, it’s the little things right? Be well and God bless..

    • @susansmith3920
      @susansmith3920 9 месяцев назад +7

      Thank you for the update and congratulations on your new job. I don't like to hear about divorce but wish I had taken that move 10 years ago. I am in my 70's and agree with you that rent is out of the question. I am looking forward to following you Beyond the Ranch.

    • @dawnmariebetts6168
      @dawnmariebetts6168 9 месяцев назад +4

      God bless you mike

    • @shelleystory3692
      @shelleystory3692 9 месяцев назад +8

      Happy to see you doing your videos again!! Missed ya!

  • @jamieadisneyfan8317
    @jamieadisneyfan8317 9 месяцев назад +70

    Oh, and Mike, you need to get a new PO Box just for you. Some of us might like to send you a little something to help until everything gets better for you! May this channel keep growing!!! Just the way you are growing into new roles. Best wishes!

  • @hopemorrison2367
    @hopemorrison2367 9 месяцев назад +147

    It doesn't matter why your marriage messed up the important thing is that u pick yourself up and move on but you seem like u got it

    • @pdkrace
      @pdkrace 7 месяцев назад

      Kids dont matter

  • @hlarsen27
    @hlarsen27 5 месяцев назад +10

    You are the one who made our Wyoming life what it is today. It just isn't the same without you

  • @rasco81
    @rasco81 9 месяцев назад +72

    YES!!! Mike is back!
    Let’s do this Mike

  • @thriftcarter408
    @thriftcarter408 9 месяцев назад +81

    I found you on day one. Had lost my husband from cancer. You sir, was a hugh ESCAPE from the heavy grief in my life. I am in my 80's by the way. So happy you are still here. AND Shawshank is my favorite movie. I have only watched it 14, yes 14 times. I will be one of the thousands hanging with you. ❤

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +18

      We should watch it again tonigh! lol

    • @theresahawk9404
      @theresahawk9404 9 месяцев назад +14

      Mike I send you love and prayers and positive thoughts for living. I began to suspect something was up when people asked about Jeff coming back and the response that is still being decided was a big clue. Then the videos were different and further apart. Then your goodbye video. Your videos have been my dirty pleasure once I found the channel, I went back and watched them all. I laughed ,I cried I strained my arms gripping my chair as you were extracting calves. I grieved with you when #2 passed. For every thing there is a season. I pray your season is filled with joy, contemplation and hope. ❤

    • @robertcalzadillas8224
      @robertcalzadillas8224 8 месяцев назад

      There you go Mike another one you can mooch off of

  • @FarmerC.J.
    @FarmerC.J. 9 месяцев назад +173

    You’ve crossed my mind many times since I saw your farewell post on OWL…
    God is so very good ! He’s already righting your ship so you can sail.
    I’m happy for your new career! Hoping you find the perfect home to set in roots, again.
    Maybe feature the farmers on their products like you did with your other channel to get the word out to buy direct from farmers!
    Praying for the best for you, Erin and most importantly your children!
    God bless!

    • @phylliswilliams7103
      @phylliswilliams7103 9 месяцев назад +13

      Mike, you are so beloved. I hope you know that. I think you do. Just like you could never have guessed 15 years ago all the changes and innovations that would happen on the ranch, you can't imagine what the next few years will bring for you and your precious children. You are so inspirational. Thanks for sharing a part of your life with us. I pray for all of you.

    • @pibble3962
      @pibble3962 9 месяцев назад +6

      Very well and kindly said!

  • @zzyzx1947
    @zzyzx1947 9 месяцев назад +32

    A lot of us are here. I've never been involved in a divorce but I did lose my wife of 57 years a while back. I was one of the original subscribers to Our Wyoming Life and a Patreon Partner. I'm certainly going to miss you on the ranch but am totally looking forward to following you in the new chapters of your life. Your positive attitude is not only good for you but very good for a lot of us out here waiting to see what's next with you. Keep the videos coming. The more the merrier. So glad to see you have got busy living. God bless.

  • @FeatheredLife
    @FeatheredLife 9 месяцев назад +116

    In tears, so glad for the update. Mike you walk your steps one foot in front of the other, and if you stumble we gotcha ya cover friend. A small fixer upper is perfect. Gives ya something to do on those long nights. Again glad to see ya back bud. 👍👍👍👍

  • @cliftonshultz2253
    @cliftonshultz2253 9 месяцев назад +64

    "Wherever you may go, we will follow you."

  • @BabaLiber
    @BabaLiber 9 месяцев назад +60

    Rebuilding your life when it includes children isn’t easy. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.

    • @pibble3962
      @pibble3962 9 месяцев назад +1

      Amen. This is some of the toughest experiences for a parent.

  • @SIGINT007
    @SIGINT007 9 месяцев назад +25

    I’m on Team Mike. It was great to meet you and see the ranch last summer…and now I’m really glad it happened. Here’s to success in the new gig and a nice house moving forward.
    If you need a character reference, I’d be happy to provide it.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +8

      Thank you so much!

    • @parbatilakhan9159
      @parbatilakhan9159 9 месяцев назад

      I am definitely on team Mike .I was looking forward to seeing you on the ground calving again I love how you do your vloggs 😢😢😢😢.will miss that for sure please look after and speak to your kids and answer all there questions honestly. ❤❤❤.

  • @tammycox9789
    @tammycox9789 9 месяцев назад +58

    Hey, Mike so good to see you. How are you doing? We missed you so much. We all love you.

  • @matao87
    @matao87 9 месяцев назад +27

    I will miss the OWL channel. It will just never be the same without you. You inspired me to get into livestock beyond just the backyard chickens we had, and I've been raising sheep and selling lambs for 4 years. You're an inspiration and I will continue to follow the BTR channel as long as you put content on it.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +8

      That is awesome Matao87. Thanks for the compliment.

  • @vivianwinford3681
    @vivianwinford3681 9 месяцев назад +50

    Welcome back. Ill be here with you on your new journey. ❤❤❤

  • @7JanaLove
    @7JanaLove 9 месяцев назад +18

    Mike....get that tough Divorce Attorney...you deserve your fair share. Let the attorney be the bad guy, thats why they do what they do.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you:)

    • @7JanaLove
      @7JanaLove 9 месяцев назад +4

      You are welcome. Be true to thyself.

    • @Cynical1800
      @Cynical1800 8 месяцев назад

      @@janeskusal5368are you saying you deserved a portion of the oil company that was built by someone else?
      Sounds parasitical.

    • @ninaappelt9001
      @ninaappelt9001 8 месяцев назад +3

      ​@Cynical1800 he has put his blood, sweat, tears, and money into the ranch. He deserves something for his trouble.

    • @lisabraz1522
      @lisabraz1522 2 месяца назад +1

      Gee it sounds like you are getting the shaft. Having you remain on the farm in the air b&b would be great for the kids & that should be the priority. She took the channel & the air b&b. I agree get that lawyer. You deserve it.

  • @marka6719
    @marka6719 9 месяцев назад +49

    You are so right Mike. That’s a good line. So we will be here watching all the adventures….

  • @kimberlyk418
    @kimberlyk418 9 месяцев назад +24

    You’ve been missed. I will be 54 this year. I was married for 23 years and we were together a total of 25 years. I couldn’t take it anymore and finally got the courage and confidence to leave. I’m now married to a man that is amazing. My daddy and I had cattle together and had to sell several years ago because of his health. I really enjoyed and looked forward to your videos. I use to be a very active person. I was the victim of someone texting and driving. I’m now disabled and in pain 24/7. I’ve had neck surgery and multiple back surgeries. I always enjoyed watching you work with the animals. I hope that you will have some of your own again one day. You have a very calming and soothing voice. It’s always been a pleasure to watch and learn from you. I look forward to following along on your new adventures. I admire you staying close to your kids. I wish nothing but the very best for you and your kids as you start this new chapter of life together. May God Bless, comfort and guide you and your kids. Special prayers your kids during this time of change.

  • @shorthood359
    @shorthood359 9 месяцев назад +53

    Hi Mike. Glad to see you bounce back. You will have full support on your journey

  • @-m-k-r-
    @-m-k-r- 9 месяцев назад +16

    Bingo - I think you nailed it Mike - visiting other ranches, maybe helping them for a day or two on something and documenting it… I think that’s your calling!! Keep your chin up! I’m excited for the future!

  • @mthombenifrans
    @mthombenifrans 9 месяцев назад +51

    Yeeeeeee! Excited to see Mike again and hear his beautiful voice. Happy that you chose to “get busy living” than to “get busy dying!” - your top fan from Pretoria, South Africa 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

  • @michaelbok4034
    @michaelbok4034 9 месяцев назад +13

    Mike, I'm so glad to hear that you're choosing to get busy living! As my Aunt Mary always said as we left from a visit, "Success to you!"

  • @gryhze
    @gryhze 9 месяцев назад +119

    “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way anyway.” Mike G. 2019

    • @nickianderson1716
      @nickianderson1716 9 месяцев назад +7

      What's done is done. What's
      gone is gone. One of life's
      lessons is always moving on.
      It's okay to back back to see
      how far you've come but
      keep moving forward.
      ~Roy T. Bennett~

    • @bodhixxx1
      @bodhixxx1 8 месяцев назад

      walking away from a Ranch is worse then death many people do not understand that. Ranching is a whole different world

  • @lisabriscoe5000
    @lisabriscoe5000 9 месяцев назад +15

    I have never commented on a you tube channel before. I am sorry your family is going through hard times. It is good to see you back. I am praying for you all. I know your future videos will be as awesome as they have always been!

  • @BillTheTractorMan
    @BillTheTractorMan 9 месяцев назад +109

    Please, everyone, remain positive and respectful in the comments. Be kind of Mike and Erin's situation as they struggle through this. Be especially kind, as their children and other people's children can see your comments. Negativity does no one good, especially the children's.

    • @thomaskohler4257
      @thomaskohler4257 9 месяцев назад +9


    • @prairieheart5984
      @prairieheart5984 9 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you Bill I was thinking the same thing

    • @gingerbanks-so2ev
      @gingerbanks-so2ev 9 месяцев назад +4

      It’s really really good to see that you and the weld gentleman are not abandoning Mike or Erin. You’re also not ‘choosing sides’, that’s the best way to be supportive! Yes, I have noticed. You two have been particularly encouraging to them both😊, you are being real, but you’re also caring, which is what friends do. You two rock!

    • @jillsimmons110
      @jillsimmons110 9 месяцев назад +4

      Dear Mike my husband and I could be your parents. We have enjoyed all your past videos AND we are here for more. Your sincerity touched my heart.today. our lovely.daughter moved in with us when she left her husband. They have 50/50 so we.get the benefit.of hugs and kisses from our grandchildren weekly.
      I understand much of what you are going through. We live in St George UT. We are here if you'd like to talk with us. Jill and Bob❤❤

    • @deblarsen8528
      @deblarsen8528 9 месяцев назад +4

      Well said Bill! Mike needs our Love and support, AND so does Erin, Kenzie, Grace and Lincoln! ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @FishyEngineer420
    @FishyEngineer420 9 месяцев назад +7

    Pullin for you Mike, we're all in this together.

  • @stephanieking1952
    @stephanieking1952 9 месяцев назад +63

    God bless you Mike. I appreciate you trying to be positive. I hope you can add your talents to the new job and other ranches. You have brought new insights and ideas as to how we can make our farms work. My family is no longer farming ,but the ideas still apply. You can do hard things. You already proved that . Keep going! We are here to support you I our small way.

  • @nadinelataille7462
    @nadinelataille7462 9 месяцев назад +10

    Every day I checked this channel in hopes of an update. I think and pray for you daily. I am here and looking forward to wherever life takes you.

  • @koutlan1
    @koutlan1 9 месяцев назад +57

    I’m so glad to see your face!! Look forward to seeing what you do beyond the ranch. I hope you have a great week too!! ❤

  • @kathleenwons4995
    @kathleenwons4995 9 месяцев назад +4

    Well i transfered over to your new channel Mike. You were Wyoming Life. I dont want to watch it without you. Loved your positivity if your everyday life there. I will miss your animals but i cannot watch it without you. You are an inspiration to many. May God Bless you in your new adventure. 🙏🏻 I'm very sorry!

  • @tammayragan1959
    @tammayragan1959 9 месяцев назад +44

    So glad to have you back Mike! We have missed you here in Southern Kansas! We are here to follow you on your new adventures. We miss the animals ( Bambi and Crackerjack)! We wish you good luck!

    • @thecman26
      @thecman26 9 месяцев назад +8

      Another southern Kansas person here! Definitely got his back!

  • @margotsmith3062
    @margotsmith3062 9 месяцев назад +9

    So good to see your update. One day at a time Mike, it's always about the journey and not the destination.

  • @lylesmith1949
    @lylesmith1949 9 месяцев назад +59

    Good to see you back Mike! Can't wait to see your next adventure. It sure would be great if you could find a little property for a homestead. God Bless!

  • @crazydays4444
    @crazydays4444 9 месяцев назад +6

    ….looking forward to what’s ahead. I love Wyoming, which is why I originally subbed. Now, with this change of pace, and the integrity I discern. Even the amicable (as possible) split, for the children, and of course your own mental health.
    Gonna get as busy living as allowed!!
    Thank you for not just dropping outta sight. Respect you much.
    From one man to another. Godspeed

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +5

      Thank you very much Crazy Days indeed

  • @Mario_Gillette
    @Mario_Gillette 9 месяцев назад +10

    I'm glad to see ya, Mike! Thanks for the update!

  • @JanesDough855
    @JanesDough855 9 месяцев назад +9

    My heart truly breaks for both you and Erin, regardless of the circumstances. In my humble opinion, your positivity is most important. I am so happy to hear you moving forwards and it sounds like you have an excellent plan in place. All I can advise is don't let life and its consequences beat you up, and it will try. You're one Tough Hombre, Mike! We're here to support you. Can't wait to see what is on your plate next. Much Love and Hugs from Wisconsin!

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +6

      Sending them right back to Wisconsin. Thanks

  • @paf950
    @paf950 9 месяцев назад +46

    Six months ago on September 26th my husband of over 50 years died in a single car crash about half a mile from our house. Everything changed in that instant. Nothing is the same. So I can identify with you in a way...we just keep moving on. One thing that changed was my ordering beef from OWL...it was always for him and he loved it. I am so glad he had that experience in his lifetime. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.

    • @jbweld6193
      @jbweld6193 9 месяцев назад +14

      I'm very sorry for your loss! 50 years.. wow.. that is amazing!

    • @Spoke76
      @Spoke76 9 месяцев назад +8

      I'm so sorry for your loss.💔

    • @lindagentile2380
      @lindagentile2380 9 месяцев назад +3

      Sending you PRAYERS of Peace & Comfort in ths loss of your husband...
      GBY & Your Family 🙏❤️✝️🤗

    • @christinestephenson1742
      @christinestephenson1742 9 месяцев назад +7

      I am SO SORRY for the loss of your husband and so abruptly too. It is hard with a huge hole in your heart but Jesus can help you. He will comfort and guide you in the days to come. It's so hard to lose your helpmate of 50 years...

    • @beverlygiroux2824
      @beverlygiroux2824 9 месяцев назад +6

      Oh my goodness, I am also a widow...have been for over 10 years. Its a totally new way of life, isn't it. I am so sorry for your loss......over 50 years, that is amazing. Sending prayers for continuing comfort for you, from our God. It is amazing to me, that so many of us have our own stories. And, in all these stories, there usually is heartache......But we forge on! Keep the faith.......Hugs, Bev in Maine

  • @sheilaharris6761
    @sheilaharris6761 9 месяцев назад +6

    Mike. You are the talent of Wyoming Life. Erin was never vested in the process. Her body language said it all. I truly believe you will excel in any endeavor you pursue. You shine, you have a fantastic personalty and certainly all the tale t. Best of luck.❤

  • @sharonbogard7720
    @sharonbogard7720 9 месяцев назад +12

    Yeah Mikes back!!!! Ive been waiting for this vid. There is so many directions this chsnnel can go and with your personality youll be successful. Ask us what we would like to see for ideas. Wecome back !

  • @Scotman7Up
    @Scotman7Up 9 месяцев назад +12

    July 8th we have been married 47 years.
    No divorces but my brother has been through 2 and I saw what it did to him.
    He was devastated both times!!!!!
    What I have always said is there are millions and millions of people gone through what you are and survived.
    You will too.

  • @jcc6357
    @jcc6357 9 месяцев назад +16

    My new favorite channel. I'm feeling a sense of loss for the animals on the ranch.

  • @aprilcomo5554
    @aprilcomo5554 9 месяцев назад +10

    Hang in there. It will get better. Stay positive! One day at a time. And we will be watching!

  • @cathymacdonald1469
    @cathymacdonald1469 9 месяцев назад +31

    Glad you are landing on your feet. Will continue to follow.

  • @Dgeppert
    @Dgeppert 9 месяцев назад +10

    I'm so sorry Mike! This just makes me ill. Please reach out to us if you need anything. Luv U
    Rick & Dawn

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +6

      Thank you very much, both of you! Hope you are enjoying Montana

  • @Deborah-z3k
    @Deborah-z3k 9 месяцев назад +29

    Hi Mike!!!! I am so glad to see you…. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you move on…..I will be looking forward to see you as you move on…I will follow you…

  • @dougdoris8622
    @dougdoris8622 9 месяцев назад +6

    Mike it’s so good to see you moving forward. I have been where you are now and it’s very hard. Time will pass and you will be successful. The goals of the channel are intriguing and I will be there watching. Good luck Mike! Lots of people are pulling for you.

  • @marilynrichardson340
    @marilynrichardson340 9 месяцев назад +18

    Best of luck to you buddy ,I will continue to follow you!

  • @jeffmcbride469
    @jeffmcbride469 9 месяцев назад +2

    Mike, I was so sorry to hear the news when you shared it. I hope you and Erin are able to keep it all friendly as it relates to your kids. Our Wyoming Live will NOT be the same without you. And probably Jeff? I’ll be watching to see your new content on this channel.

  • @janetshrieves3913
    @janetshrieves3913 9 месяцев назад +25

    Wishing you all the best in this next chapter.

  • @yoyoswift9926
    @yoyoswift9926 9 месяцев назад +6

    Wow im tearing up. I could tell this was a very hard video for u to make. Prayers for your whole family, but my biggest prayer is that you and Erin can at least one day be friends and be the absolute best parents your beautiful children can have.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you so much for your thoughts.

  • @barbaraberrier8840
    @barbaraberrier8840 9 месяцев назад +27

    Glad you're back.
    So glad you were able to find a job nearby so you can stay close to your kids.
    You will continue to help others because that's the kind of guy you seem to be.
    Prayers for you as you move on living.

  • @arthenry498
    @arthenry498 9 месяцев назад +8

    GREAT to see you Mike!! YOU, and the kids, are gonna make it. And make it FINE!! Lotta changes and adaptations coming, but it can and will be done and it gets easier every day. My wife and I found ourselves in this position round 1974-75 ish. I was overseas in the military. With her and two kids when things went sour. So, my kids and I started a new life right there. It was a shake up at first (did not have to job hunt though) but WE made it. No one believed I was going to keep my children and raise them myself. We became a tighter, tougher family, and life went on. Even better. I feel yours will too. Best of luck to you and yours Mike. Sometimes it ain't easy, but it CAN be done. Blessings on all of you.

  • @hopemorrison2367
    @hopemorrison2367 9 месяцев назад +27

    Hey Mike I am so happy to see you hope u will have your ranch soon

  • @DDL2728
    @DDL2728 9 месяцев назад +9

    Mike, I hope you feel the love we're all sending you!! God is carrying you through these days & obviously blessing you, & you deserve it!! We're praying for you & your kids, & we'll be watching your videos! 👍♥️🙏

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +5

      I appreciate that and yes, I can feel it

  • @jdl0812
    @jdl0812 9 месяцев назад +41

    You got this Mike! I can’t wait to see where this new season of your life takes you and I can’t wait to see your new content. I love to see how other people run their farms/ ranches and definitely interested in learning about co-ops ❤

  • @hutchpack5243
    @hutchpack5243 9 месяцев назад +10

    I dont know how to express the sadness i feel about the whole tuing. All i can suggest to you is how i taught my oldest son, pitch by pitch. He now incorporates that into his life. Deal with life, pitch by pitch. I explained to him as a pitcher, which he was for years, that he controls the game. Now, pitch by pitch has a whole new meaning for his life. Praying for you and your story brother. Bless.

  • @4559april
    @4559april 9 месяцев назад +22

    Glad your back omg we missed you.

  • @roygilmore2968
    @roygilmore2968 9 месяцев назад +5

    Good to hear from you! Looking forward to seeing how this channel grows as well as seeing you on your next steps.

  • @almaquintero2404
    @almaquintero2404 9 месяцев назад +18

    Hi Mike, so good to see you . We will be here on your new journey .

  • @janetcoon130
    @janetcoon130 9 месяцев назад +7

    Welcome back Mike. We missed you and yes, we love you. Congrats on the new job. Best of luck ... i know you will do well.

  • @jeffmeans894
    @jeffmeans894 9 месяцев назад +23

    Great to hear from you! I’ll be praying for you all. God Bless

  • @RIPPER334
    @RIPPER334 9 месяцев назад +2

    I know what "I'll never say it wasnt partly my fault, but there's nothing that can be done to fix it..." means. I think we all do...
    You're being a lot nicer through this than I could be... God bless you for that.

    • @Danielle33384
      @Danielle33384 8 месяцев назад +1

      God yes!! He’s being extremely kind and I don’t know if I could be the same way.

  • @theavandenberg6876
    @theavandenberg6876 9 месяцев назад +19

    Can't wait to follow your journey Mike! All the Best.

  • @old3ddad402
    @old3ddad402 9 месяцев назад +2

    When the ranch needed you most you stepped up through tough times you learned and built it to the success it is now. You should be proud and I hope you get another chance in ranching, you a natural! BE PROUD!!

  • @maggiemakedo
    @maggiemakedo 9 месяцев назад +12

    We are glad you are back!! You will do great!!

  • @genewileyopa
    @genewileyopa 9 месяцев назад +12

    Great to see you back. Been thinking about you often. God does play a big roll in our lives. For you Mike, now more than ever. He's waiting to hear from you and help. As are we your subscribers. Mike I've watched you for several years and enjoyed the channel bunches. Glad you got a job close to the kids. If I were there I'd give you a hug. We have never met before, but I can say I love you like a brother, keep marching on and I'm waiting for the next video. Blessings your way. Gene in Iowa

  • @frankiebluej6902
    @frankiebluej6902 9 месяцев назад +29

    I started watching your videos last year during my very long stay in the hospital. Open heart surgery and 3 emergency surgeries was exhausting and I don't like TV shows very much anymore. Boredom somehow led me to your channel. I watched a few current vids then decided to start at the beginning and watch them all. I've nearly done that. Plan to continue doing that. I will probably even start over again when finished. The RNs started saying, "Is that the farming channel you mentioned?" every time they saw me on my phone! lol!!
    I loved your videos because your voice was soothing and your attitude was calming. I had trouble with panic attacks for 4 months due to these surgeries (try sitting fully upright to sleep for 4 months... ugh!!) and I would dive into your families vids to calm me down when I wasn't listening to my Bible Readings. So many people have such aggressive voices. I never noticed that before surgery. Loved the vids you made. Loved Erin's crop vids, seeding vids and especially her recipe and cooking vids. The kids in these vids always made me smile. Smiling after surgery is very helpful to recovery in my experience.
    To be totally honest with you, the closest I like to get to a cow and a farm is from my side of the computer and phone screen. But I certainly enjoyed them all. Even the 'gross' ones! Sooooo NOT a country girl. I just happen to love my worn in Goodwill blue jeans. You can't beat $1 for jeans.
    I don't know you. You don't know me. But my heart broke for your family, especially the kids. I will keep you all in my prayers.
    Keep going. Keep moving. And keep living. Even when (especially when) any of you may not want to - keep going, keep moving and keep living. 'Love one another' is one of the greatest commands in the Bible. That means everyone. And is helpful with our own growth in this life.
    That's my advice, if you want to take any of it. It's free! :)
    I give all credit to God for my life and health - that doesn't mean others were not involved and it doesn't mean I'm not working my hind end off to get better - He strengthens me and I give Him all credit and Praise.
    Have a Blessed Day to all of you.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +6

      Thank you so much Frankie, really means a lot to me when I know that I can make a difference

    • @TheRancherAndTheWife
      @TheRancherAndTheWife 9 месяцев назад +1

      Your RN will learn a lot about cattle! haha, Very cool.

  • @SherryILL
    @SherryILL 9 месяцев назад +4

    My husband and I have enjoyed watching you on the farm and now we will come along for the ride with you in your new adventure.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +1

      Wonderful! I will try not to disappoint!

    • @deblarsen8528
      @deblarsen8528 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@BeyondtheRanch Mike, There's no way you will ever disappoint us! I am keeping You, Erin, Kenzie, Grace and Lincoln in my daily Prayers! 🙏 You do what's best for you and your children and we will be here right behind you, along side you and maybe in front of you too! 😉😊❤

  • @TwistinTops1
    @TwistinTops1 9 месяцев назад +18

    Glad to see that smile on your face! 💜

  • @othmarvohringer
    @othmarvohringer 9 месяцев назад +7

    With your experience in ranching and how you turned it into a money making business gives you a great opportunity to serve as a consultant to other ranchers within your state and all over America. Our agriculture sector faces big changed and you could be a vital part in helping others in these changes. I always admired you in your videos with your git'r done attitude and will follow you here too. Best of luck Mike.

  • @lindalambe7252
    @lindalambe7252 9 месяцев назад +13

    So happy to see you again!!!

  • @strutable
    @strutable 9 месяцев назад +7

    Great to see you moving forward , have watched all of your videos, some many times, I wish your entire family all best in life, but your content I'm a fan which will follow you wherever you land. Onwards and upwards.

  • @robinjchambers845
    @robinjchambers845 9 месяцев назад +16

    Good positive attitude, you’re determined and that’s a strong character.

  • @lisaellis5213
    @lisaellis5213 9 месяцев назад +4

    Good to see you back Mike! I’ve been worried about you. Sending a hug from across the pond.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +4

      Sending it right back :) catch it!

  • @rj7411
    @rj7411 9 месяцев назад +14

    Thanks for the update Mike🙏❤️

  • @genelegear5418
    @genelegear5418 9 месяцев назад +7

    Good luck Mike, take care of the Kids and be a great dad....RT

  • @billb3487
    @billb3487 9 месяцев назад +13

    Just one step at a time and one day at a time. So glad to see you and hear your voice again. Just hang in there we are all pulling for you

  • @ronfontenot4534
    @ronfontenot4534 9 месяцев назад +9

    Mike - Thank you for your update. Please keep making videos. I hope your new job will allow you to travel and continue to tell the story “Where Our Food Comes From.” With the national cattle inventory decreasing, it is important to advocate supporting our local farmers and ranchers. You have the voice and experience to tell that story. Best of luck my friend.

  • @quick_draw__7652
    @quick_draw__7652 9 месяцев назад +9

    Keep your head up brother we are all behind you

  • @prepper1013
    @prepper1013 9 месяцев назад +4

    Mike, I hold no judgement on any of you. I love you all equally and the same. I'm so truly sorry for what you all are having to go through. We're here for you guys. I've been watching you for many years now. You were a big part of my decision for my family and I to uproot our lives from California, and to relocate here in, Wyoming, 2 years ago. Stay strong my friend, stay strong. God Is Good. God Is Great.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +3

      Thanks Prepper1013. Hope your enjoying your new home.

  • @Deborah-z3k
    @Deborah-z3k 9 месяцев назад +23

    I’m sure you will do good in whatever you do…. I’m hoping for you to find a new residence….Again glad to see you back..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @PapaPalps84
    @PapaPalps84 9 месяцев назад +5

    Hi Mike. It's good to see you back. Sorry for the news, I know it can be hard for everyone involved so wish you and the family all the best. I've been avidly watching your videos since Covid hit and although you are are a world away from my life here in the UK, you have taught so many of us many things and it's been a privilege getting to know you all. I will continue to support you all and look forward to what the future may bring

  • @elizabethbradley7621
    @elizabethbradley7621 9 месяцев назад +18

    I am glad you are back. ❤❤❤

  • @davidspam1899
    @davidspam1899 9 месяцев назад +4

    Glad to see you back! I wish you all the best. You are amazing and an inspiration!

  • @jbweld6193
    @jbweld6193 9 месяцев назад +27

    NEVER thought I see a Mike video and the Shawshank in the same video! Ha ive used that very line many many times!

    • @gingerbanks-so2ev
      @gingerbanks-so2ev 9 месяцев назад +3

      It’s really really good to see that you and the tractor man have not abandoned Mike or Erin, and not ‘choosing sides’. I have noticed. You all are particularly encouraging and even though you are keeping it real, you’re fully supporting both of them in your comments. We can see who their friends are in the comments. You all rock!

    • @jbweld6193
      @jbweld6193 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@gingerbanks-so2ev not abandoning either one!

    • @deblarsen8528
      @deblarsen8528 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@jbweld6193 Yes! If we truly Love Mike we will support him, Erin and his children! I think we ALL have enough Love in us to support them ALL! ❤

  • @larryberger9095
    @larryberger9095 9 месяцев назад +5

    Thanks for the update. I know you will make it. You got the heart for doing it.

  • @cinfullladyg707
    @cinfullladyg707 9 месяцев назад +5

    There was never a question for me that would follow you channel. You are the reason that I watched you for the last four years.

  • @nancypreston9926
    @nancypreston9926 9 месяцев назад +5

    So very good to see you, and very thankful my prayers for you are being answered. I will miss seeing Miss Bambi. She holds a special place in my heart. Thanks for keeping all of us as your friends. We love and support you.

  • @KA5IVR
    @KA5IVR 9 месяцев назад +22

    Mike, Just wanted to Thank You...
    I started watching Our Wyoming Life back toward the beginning. Your videos inspired me, found some ranch property, and started my own small Cow/Calf & Hay operation. Not near the size of yours, but started with 6 mamas and now up to Way to Many. I appreciate the time and effort you took to share the Learning Curves of ranch life. It really helped when I faced some of the same challenges.
    Wish you well with your new challenges ahead! Hopefully with your new job, you can continue to help ranchers and those who enjoy experiencing the ranch life.

  • @twomilesuphill
    @twomilesuphill 9 месяцев назад +6

    I don't have any sage advice. Been there and done that and it sucks until it doesn't and that will happen. On the bright side, next time it gets really cold you won't be trying to figure out how to get something unfrozen during the wee hours of the morning. The love of animals will never leave you. I'm fifty years away from the mud, the blood, and the poop but I have many fond memories still. Was a nice suprise to get an update from you.

  • @lynnmischloney3020
    @lynnmischloney3020 9 месяцев назад +18

    Glad to see you and hear your voice; congratulations on your new job. You and your family are in my prayers.

  • @michelerambo4340
    @michelerambo4340 9 месяцев назад +3

    Good to see you Mike. I don’t usually comment on stuff, but your videos helped get me through a pretty hard time last year. They were a comfort at a time when I wasn’t sure where I was going to land. I have now landed in a really good place. I hope you do too. We’re all supporting you.

    • @BeyondtheRanch
      @BeyondtheRanch  9 месяцев назад +2

      Glad to hear it Thank you Michele

  • @botodeov57
    @botodeov57 9 месяцев назад +13

    You seldom learn from Success...you always learn from failure...i am sure Mike you'll bounce back....and i wish the best for you in the years to come....i can say "been there,done it"..got the T-shirt....and learned alot from the experience...remember life is a journey with many directions.....not a destination....you'll bounce back bud...your a winner..and life marches on.!!

  • @donnachilders3566
    @donnachilders3566 9 месяцев назад +4

    I wish you all the best, Mike. I'm so glad to hear you found something that sounds just up your ally. Looking forward to see down the road. God bless and hang in there.

    @RebekahTOUCHEDBYYARN 9 месяцев назад +15

    Mike, you will get through this I told you that I would support you and no matter what happens

  • @lauriej9418
    @lauriej9418 9 месяцев назад +4

    Mike, many blessings for you in the future. I hope you can work this thru for yourself. I have been there and its not always easy. Life goes on tho, take care and I am looking forward to seeing more from you at beyond the ranch.