Berserk | Eclipse

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @fitnessdicinyourmouth1438
    @fitnessdicinyourmouth1438 3 года назад +385

    I thought this was the twilight movie .... Jesus

    • @EliteNormie
      @EliteNormie 3 года назад +22

      came for twilight, probably left early because of the excessive gore and trauma
      congrats on your pin and in other news, I am incredibly early to this comment on a 1 and a half-year-old video

    • @myamdane6895
      @myamdane6895 3 года назад +26

      Yeah berserk is pretty heavy haha

    • @jakelockley7208
      @jakelockley7208 3 года назад +3

      @@Huey111 ??

    • @jakelockley7208
      @jakelockley7208 2 года назад +3

      @@Huey111 Ok, after one year I read this aaaand, you don't get the whole point of Berserk if you said that seriously. 😂

    • @StewardofAutumn
      @StewardofAutumn Год назад +2

      It is a lot less painful to watch, I assure you

  • @tannerstephens8541
    @tannerstephens8541 3 года назад +197

    R.I.P. to the. Legend for the master piece that was berserk

  • @turtniac
    @turtniac 3 года назад +290

    Berserk is so incredibly gut wrenching and heartbreaking.

    • @Coco-xq7zh
      @Coco-xq7zh 3 года назад +21

      No pun intended

    • @navyflyboy07
      @navyflyboy07 2 года назад +4

      And Both FFXIV and Lost Ark have classes as tribute to Guts

    • @celliotttt
      @celliotttt 2 года назад +2

      Tough to watch but I love it

  • @jo-jotarokujo678
    @jo-jotarokujo678 3 года назад +247

    RIP Judeau, one of my favorite character of Berserk

    • @justaguywithhisgrasseson5522
      @justaguywithhisgrasseson5522 3 года назад +22

      RIP Miura, my fav character of all time

    • @jakelockley7208
      @jakelockley7208 3 года назад +11

      No one with the brand of sacrifice will rest in peace.

    • @justinbrah627
      @justinbrah627 3 года назад +7

      @@jakelockley7208 Judeau and the rest of the OG band are roaming through that hellish abyss

    • @jakelockley7208
      @jakelockley7208 3 года назад +2

      @@justinbrah627 I know.

    • @gusfringberkman9598
      @gusfringberkman9598 3 года назад +6

      @@justinbrah627 judeau was a pretty cool dude

  • @Peanutjoepap24
    @Peanutjoepap24 Год назад +7

    “it’s strange… I can’t feel anything” is such a haunting line to end on, best Griffith amv

  • @Daughter-of-Palestine
    @Daughter-of-Palestine 5 лет назад +122

    wow, you really outdid yourself on this edit. This video is one of my favorites no doubt.

  • @hayleyhistorynerd2211
    @hayleyhistorynerd2211 5 лет назад +43

    Oh man! That moment when both Griffith cries out as he's becoming Femto and Guts cries out seeing Casca and having just lost his arm and eye, having them trail into each other like that...chills! Great work Mickey!
    Hayley ^_^

  • @stinkymrsnow..............
    @stinkymrsnow.............. 2 года назад +6

    one of the best amvs ever made

  • @lilchildsupport
    @lilchildsupport 5 лет назад +36

    *AW SNAP! ANOTHER ONE!* From The
    -Best Berserk Amv Maker, I know-

  • @sourcesymbiosismetamorphis2228
    @sourcesymbiosismetamorphis2228 5 лет назад +26

    This gave me chills. Damn.

  • @Swordfeather
    @Swordfeather 5 лет назад +63

    This was absolutely wonderful the editing was just stellar and I love how you meshed the original with the movies, like taking the audio from one and overlaying it over the new was wonderfully done. Have you ever considered doing a Griffith video like this to Song #3 by Stone Sour? It's the closest thing I think we could get to a character song from Griffith's POV.

  • @Thalanox
    @Thalanox Год назад +1

    Fantastic work here. To the eyes and ears of someone who knows Berserk, it captures the emotional journey of the characters as well as some of the monologues and stories by the unexpectedly populated corner of 40k storyteller community. I'd suggest the video "Joining the traitor legions" by Warrior Tier or the "Talos Valcoran Speech" by Chris Glass for similarly immersive experiences on the "trapped in a horrifying situation and continuing to adapt to your new environment despite the pain" feeling.
    I go way back with both Berserk and 40k. Remember when the rumours of what turned in to Berserk 2016 were that it was going to be rotoscoped? That would have been wild. Still could have been better than what we got, thanks to the director having too little experience, and in too different a genre of video content to be able to do real justice to the work.

  • @thunderstruck777
    @thunderstruck777 5 лет назад +12

    This is such an amazing edit! i cant believe that it doesnt have more views! every berserk fan needs to see least twice

  • @naus6081
    @naus6081 5 лет назад +8

    Superb editing Mickey; fantastic coloring use and key audio dialogue interlaced seamlessly.
    It just sends chills up my spine. I didn't think your editing could improve much from your other Golden Age work, but this proves that notion wrong. Berserk is such a beautiful masterpiece.

  • @Teee-heee
    @Teee-heee 5 лет назад +6

    Liked it before I even finished watching it. I already knew it was going to be amazing. I was not wrong

  • @my_girl_seraphine5294
    @my_girl_seraphine5294 Год назад +1

    The animation is so beautiful

  • @slivercrazy2616
    @slivercrazy2616 3 года назад +5

    This is one of the best berserk amv I’ve seen great build up ⬆️ how long have I been watching an eternity sometimes it just feels like a moment

  • @bramvanderbolt4943
    @bramvanderbolt4943 3 года назад +1

    This is hands down your best work

  • @Logan-y2b
    @Logan-y2b 8 месяцев назад

    Had to watch this again due to the April 8th Eclipse. It still gives me the chills.

  • @LostxDestati
    @LostxDestati 5 лет назад +10

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. Always amazing work again, your videos are 100% always on the money.

  • @RJ-gz9lv
    @RJ-gz9lv 2 года назад

    owww myy dayszzzzzz this is the best berserk edit so far no doubt man this is amazing, fabulous, astonishing and stunning

  • @MAG-lj2st
    @MAG-lj2st 3 года назад +10

    This is Actually mind blowing .
    keep making AMV's from the most powerful parts of different Anime's and your channel will explode .
    2:37 best part.

  • @tyreviews6774
    @tyreviews6774 Год назад

    I love the Schindler's list style of editing

  • @redeath_
    @redeath_ 2 года назад

    easily the best Berserk AMV together with "im still here"

  • @soggywaffle1200
    @soggywaffle1200 3 года назад +1

    This would make a kickass trailer

  • @kurelgolbez3109
    @kurelgolbez3109 5 лет назад +14

    Interesting choice of music. 28 days later. I enjoyed how everything was building up together. The music, drama, struggle, and anger slowly building up together, very nicely done. I am sad though about the ending. I felt it stopped to quickly. No fade, no slow end, just a sudden end. Just creative criticism, but you could have a few ending slow chimes of music with Guts and the Hawks in a heap of waste as Griffith just look upon the hopelessness that is them.... just a though, but please keep up the great work. I always look forward to your videos. Thank you

  • @Mau365PP
    @Mau365PP Год назад

    Miss these type of edits 😪

  • @udon_
    @udon_ 3 года назад +2

    What a masterpiece. This is so underrated

  • @jdawg7110
    @jdawg7110 5 лет назад +3

    Top class as always Mickey!

  • @GiorgosGrg
    @GiorgosGrg 4 года назад +1

    I got chills that was amazing good job

  • @MyWorldMyLife21
    @MyWorldMyLife21 5 лет назад +11

    I'm so sorry for the late comment djdkkd but omg I'm so glad you finally uploaded the video!!! God Mickey you edit berserk so well I love you videos so much! I especially love this one! I really love how detailed you went with the voiceovers and how they paralleled with eachother!! Also I realized the song was from that zombie movie 28 weeks later LOL it really fit the theme of this video though. I always love it when you edit just instrumental music with added voicoevers you always edit them so damn well! Also I really love how you used the sin city coloring effect too!!! You portrayed the whole eclipse so well too!! I think this was the best part of the entire berserk series imo because of how much emotion and angst went through it! Especially when guts and the rest of the Hawks realized Griffith's true intentions. It was just so heartbreaking!!! But such a beautiful job like always!!! This one gave me chills but I love it so much!!! ❤️❤️

    • @Mickeybeast
      @Mickeybeast  5 лет назад +2

      Oh Worldie your comments always breathe life into me, as dramatic as that sounds. I just really look forward to them. You are so sweet! Thank you!

  • @Casca_berserk
    @Casca_berserk Год назад

    I found it. I saw this video long ago. I finally found it. And I’m so happy to see that it was you that did it

  • @eagleofbrittany7231
    @eagleofbrittany7231 5 лет назад +3

    Whooooooo! More Berserk!

  • @saidguko
    @saidguko 5 лет назад +3

    Absolutely fantastic!

  • @youwase
    @youwase 4 года назад

    This is THE best Berserk AMV

  • @redeath_
    @redeath_ Год назад

    I always return to this vídeo, its just so good

  • @stickinthemudd4533
    @stickinthemudd4533 3 года назад +2

    Holy shit this is my favorite edit ever

  • @onurerdogan1078
    @onurerdogan1078 5 лет назад +5

    Another God-like Berserk amv. It even has lyrics that isn't used by other channels, such an original video...
    You're awesome.

  • @toga1801
    @toga1801 2 года назад

    this is perfection.

  • @Mr.Eminem
    @Mr.Eminem 3 года назад

    Seen many asmv.. But this guy made best asmv on berserk... I love your all berserk asmv bro.... Dark and chills... Keep it up

  • @loyalty333
    @loyalty333 3 года назад

    This is surely the most awesome edit ever

  • @prod.MRBLOXY
    @prod.MRBLOXY 3 года назад

    this is insane

  • @Spedkitty
    @Spedkitty 5 лет назад +1

    Amazing as always Mickey 🥀

  • @sanamono8186
    @sanamono8186 3 года назад +1


  • @redaassiakhi7788
    @redaassiakhi7788 3 года назад

    that's literally the best content about berserk u killed it man🖤🖤

  • @fivecent1413
    @fivecent1413 2 года назад

    best amv i ever seen

  • @offende1425
    @offende1425 5 лет назад +12

    OMGGG you used this song??? Haha I've seen the movie and 28 months later I think it was called pretty good soundtrack and it really fits the atmosphere of the video. Nice work like always 👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @TallicaMan1986
      @TallicaMan1986 5 лет назад +2

      Offende yeah, its called In The House in a Heart Beat. One of my favorite songs for a movie.

    • @Pitbulljor
      @Pitbulljor 5 лет назад +1

      Ye it's from 28 weeks later

  • @crimsonphucker4629
    @crimsonphucker4629 5 лет назад +2

    You rock man, keep it up

  • @fitterhappier2666
    @fitterhappier2666 3 года назад

    the dub is amazing so is this amv, thank you for this video and thanks mr miura for your art

  • @sajibmahmudshoeb2698
    @sajibmahmudshoeb2698 3 года назад +2

    Background music from 28 days later? I loved it man.

  • @vanpiisu88
    @vanpiisu88 3 года назад

    Excellent video! RIP Miura-san T_T....

  • @crimsonphucker4629
    @crimsonphucker4629 5 лет назад +2


  • @funnymoment7632
    @funnymoment7632 5 лет назад +7

    Is that wyald i hear, btw amazing video as always

    • @Mickeybeast
      @Mickeybeast  5 лет назад +1

      just some guy sadly no wyald. They just used someone else to say his lines.

  • @protox97
    @protox97 5 лет назад +2

    Man you got talent I was catched. And I love this music "the house"

  • @slivercrazy2616
    @slivercrazy2616 3 года назад

    This one a great amv gots my blood pumping

  • @darkmasterchief227
    @darkmasterchief227 5 лет назад

    Quality work as always chief

  • @alexgarciasosa2749
    @alexgarciasosa2749 4 года назад

    i dont suscribe in Amv's Channels, but here i am, your amvs is more than excellent and underrated...

  • @thenaluchannel
    @thenaluchannel 5 лет назад +2

    I LOVE THIS OMG!!! YESSSS!!!! ♡♡♡🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 so many emotions! Brings back the feels!

  • @ozzzzz3388
    @ozzzzz3388 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you sharing this outstanding video

  • @reyluna0
    @reyluna0 3 месяца назад


  • @Pitbulljor
    @Pitbulljor 5 лет назад +3

    keep em coming thats all im gonna say

    • @Pitbulljor
      @Pitbulljor 5 лет назад +2

      I really hope that someday they make a live action movie of berserk with this song in it. Its so good and it really made 28 weeks later a masterpiece in my humble opinion.

  • @victorial3588
    @victorial3588 5 лет назад +1

    *YES* !!!! This is just amazing👏👏👏

  • @musafir1782
    @musafir1782 5 лет назад

    You make one of the best amv videos

  • @BeefyBabyBoi2
    @BeefyBabyBoi2 5 лет назад

    Hey man, your videos are awesome. Please keep it up.

  • @luanh25
    @luanh25 5 лет назад

    holy shit, that was awesone

  • @chaosfountain9550
    @chaosfountain9550 3 года назад

    Absolute chills

  • @ominae1
    @ominae1 5 лет назад

    Great job, this go to my favs

  • @elisaquinale2695
    @elisaquinale2695 5 лет назад +4

    Every berserk vid of yours is pure art. I totally love your work.
    Can I just ask a question? In which anime episode/movie we can hear the voice which talk about Griffith?

    • @Mickeybeast
      @Mickeybeast  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you!
      Are you talking about at the beginning? That was in the 1997 anime episode 23

  • @bain8726
    @bain8726 5 лет назад

    Holy hell! This is amazing!

  • @MGSisboss
    @MGSisboss 5 лет назад

    Wow man. Impactful

  • @pinuzzotrismegisto3348
    @pinuzzotrismegisto3348 3 года назад +2

    Addio Maestro 😢

  • @Stahlmann99
    @Stahlmann99 3 года назад

    Thank you

  • @jonnysith
    @jonnysith 2 года назад

    Theres been no manga thats hit me on this deep of a level ever. And probably never will. The story ended when Miura died and everything else will be fan fiction if they do continue it.

  • @sectual
    @sectual 4 года назад

    great job it reminded me of a movie trailer

  • @aleksandrajabczynska9603
    @aleksandrajabczynska9603 5 лет назад +3

    I'm not so good in english, but I'll give a try. Your AMVs are always amazing, but this one is one of my favourite from Berserk, but the rest of them are made by You too!
    I love this quality, wonderfull scene-cut (?), how You compose it and make every part into one piece of good video. Music, picture and narration. I really love what I seen.
    Greeting from Poland.

  • @Lukeicht19
    @Lukeicht19 2 года назад

    28days later theme music damn befitting

  • @maninblack5328
    @maninblack5328 5 лет назад

    I feel so disturbed for liking this

  • @ASOtheprO
    @ASOtheprO 3 года назад

    “In exchange for his flesh and blood”

  • @griffitheternity4908
    @griffitheternity4908 5 лет назад


  • @2wuc
    @2wuc 2 года назад

    i slept for 14 hours after finishing it and still woke up depressed

  • @SupermanPrime-vb2un
    @SupermanPrime-vb2un 3 года назад

    In loving memory of Kentaro miura. U will be missed.

  • @jovane2298
    @jovane2298 3 года назад

    shivered, shivered all over me

  • @crisfuentes3001
    @crisfuentes3001 5 лет назад

    Jesus Christ. Bro you fuckin just. Wow. Blew my fuckin mind. Please please always more. I’m sharing this like wild fire.

  • @elpapu815
    @elpapu815 Год назад


  • @alirezashahbazi7196
    @alirezashahbazi7196 4 года назад


  • @kurelgolbez3109
    @kurelgolbez3109 5 лет назад +1

    28 days after Guts leaves...

  • @pepperet5216
    @pepperet5216 3 года назад


  • @эмм-х5х
    @эмм-х5х 3 года назад +2


  • @喜助浦原-t5y
    @喜助浦原-t5y 5 лет назад +1

    fucking amazing

  • @benspencer7022
    @benspencer7022 3 года назад

    I told myself how 28 days later would fit with the eclipse...well how right i was

  • @keefsnow
    @keefsnow Год назад

    even guts died that day… just differently

  • @peekohermit6789
    @peekohermit6789 5 лет назад


  • @1231Eliboy
    @1231Eliboy 5 лет назад

    Goose fucking bumps mickey. Jesus

  • @sanicwwd532
    @sanicwwd532 3 года назад

    This is godtier but lacks the guts scream to top it off

  • @btloov
    @btloov 5 лет назад

    I have no idea what's going on but it sure looks fun

    • @btloov
      @btloov 5 лет назад

      but the editing is 6/5 once again

    • @Mickeybeast
      @Mickeybeast  5 лет назад +1

      Well I always appreciate you watching!

    • @abcdef71167
      @abcdef71167 5 лет назад

      It sure look like you're going to get into Berserk now , right?

  • @Cinabrio-rex
    @Cinabrio-rex 4 года назад

    Blood: THE AMV

  • @knova7597
    @knova7597 4 года назад

    The voice actor declaring the Hawks death has to be cell from dbz weird because Gaston is voice by Sean schemel

  • @nicolasborges7905
    @nicolasborges7905 Год назад

    RUclips is deleting some amvs... I thought they deleted this one! Good thing I was wrong.

  • @slivercrazy2616
    @slivercrazy2616 3 года назад

    It’s strange I can’t feel anything!

  • @nojikotangerinelady
    @nojikotangerinelady 5 лет назад +1
