POLYGLOT chat with

  • Опубликовано: 21 июл 2024
  • I have been following Luca Lampariello since I started this channel and it was a huge honour to have him as a guest. I hope you are as excited as I am to get to know Luca's views, strategies and anecdotes :)
    Discover how Luca Lampariello uses AI to enhance his language learning method, what he thinks about ChatGPT or whether he feels like his method is boring at times (yes, I asked him hehe).
    00:00 - Why two parts?
    00:37 - Who is Luca Lampariello and what are his current projects
    02:53 - Thoughts on AI in language learning
    04:50 - How to use ChatGPT to learn a language
    07:27 - What should you focus on as a beginner?
    09:01 - Is Luca an analytical polyglot?
    10:53 - The weak interphase hypothesis
    12:07 - Is there just one way to learn a new language? How would you approach a new romance language?
    14:53 - Does Luca find his method boring at times?
    17:21 - How much can you learn in a year?
    Stay tuned for part 2, which will be published next week, also on Thursday.
    You can also go watch the chat we had at ‪@LucaLampariello‬'s channel here:
    • AI tools, Principles a...
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Комментарии • 39

  • @CouchPolyglot
    @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +8

    Thanks a lot for the collab, Luca! It was a lot of fun! 😎❤
    Guys, go check out the other video we did for Luca's channel here: ruclips.net/video/8BJHAN8VdHE/видео.html
    Hope you will like it, let us know your thoughts!😄

  • @LucaLampariello
    @LucaLampariello Месяц назад +16

    It was a pleasure to chat with you Laura! 🥰

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +4

      The pleasure was all mine, thanks a lot 😊

  • @teresita.lozada
    @teresita.lozada Месяц назад +6

    Luca es de mis políglotas favoritos. Siempre me ha fascinado cuando él habla español.

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Genial, aquí puedes ver la parte número 2 :)

    • @teresita.lozada
      @teresita.lozada Месяц назад

      @@CouchPolyglot Gracias, Laura!.

  • @alexanderchakhunashvili3817
    @alexanderchakhunashvili3817 Месяц назад

    Merhaba :). Molt xula la xerrada! I like the idea of breaking things down to better understand the basics. Before the real fun of learning begins... :D

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Que bé que t'hagi agradat, aquí tens la segona part :)

  • @tina-marino
    @tina-marino Месяц назад

    This is exactly what I have been looking for !! Thank you so much for this good and efficient content

  • @didiDanaila
    @didiDanaila Месяц назад +1

    Grande Luca, Ciao bella Laura

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Ciao 👋🙂

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +1

      Ecco la seconda parte :)

    • @didiDanaila
      @didiDanaila Месяц назад

      @@CouchPolyglot Grazie. Dopo me la guardo

  • @luisanazerpa1060
    @luisanazerpa1060 Месяц назад

    Very interesting about methods of learning that you can use to learn a language, look forward to the next video! ❤

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Thanks, Lu!! :)

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Here is part number 2 :)

  • @pauesteve2973
    @pauesteve2973 Месяц назад +1

    Gràcies...Salut i Terra Lliure

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +1

      Moltes gràcies, aquí tens la part número 2:
      ruclips.net/video/05otUOf-ChI/видео.html :)

  • @Eternal_Foreigner
    @Eternal_Foreigner Месяц назад

    Missed the chance to meet Luca in Portugal last time he visited, hope I get the chance next time.

  • @didiDanaila
    @didiDanaila Месяц назад

    In novembre sono 2 anni da quando openAI hanno rilasciato prima versione di chatGPT al pubblico.

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Wow non lo sappevo 😯

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Ecco la seconda parte :)

  • @Inkubak99
    @Inkubak99 Месяц назад

    What’s your first language, Laura?

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +1

      Catalan and Spanish (I always spoke Catalan with my family, so I guess Catalan is a bit stronger)

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      Here is part 2 in case you are interested :)

  • @RogerRamos1993
    @RogerRamos1993 Месяц назад +2

    Sure, here's a more advanced trilingual dialogue at the B2 level in Romanian, Catalan, and French, without a table format:
    Romanian: Salut! Cum te descurci în ultima vreme?
    Catalan: Hola! Com et va últimament?
    French: Salut! Comment ça se passe ces derniers temps?
    English: Hi! How have you been lately?
    Romanian: Destul de bine, mulțumesc. Tu?
    Catalan: Bastant bé, gràcies. I tu?
    French: Plutôt bien, merci. Et toi?
    English: Quite well, thank you. And you?
    Romanian: Am fost destul de ocupat cu munca, dar mă descurc.
    Catalan: He estat força ocupat amb la feina, però me'n surto.
    French: J'ai été assez occupé par le travail, mais je m'en sors.
    English: I've been quite busy with work, but I'm managing.
    Romanian: Ce faci în weekendul acesta?
    Catalan: Què faràs aquest cap de setmana?
    French: Que fais-tu ce week-end?
    English: What are you doing this weekend?
    Romanian: Plănuiesc să merg la o cabană la munte cu câțiva prieteni.
    Catalan: Tinc pensat anar a una cabana a la muntanya amb alguns amics.
    French: Je prévois d'aller dans un chalet à la montagne avec quelques amis.
    English: I plan to go to a cabin in the mountains with some friends.
    Romanian: Sună extraordinar! Ai fost vreodată acolo?
    Catalan: Sona fantàstic! Hi has estat abans?
    French: Ça a l'air fantastique! Y es-tu déjà allé?
    English: That sounds fantastic! Have you been there before?
    Romanian: Nu, va fi prima dată. Abia aștept să explorez împrejurimile.
    Catalan: No, serà la primera vegada. Tinc moltes ganes d'explorar els voltants.
    French: Non, ce sera la première fois. J'ai hâte d'explorer les environs.
    English: No, it will be my first time. I can't wait to explore the surroundings.
    Romanian: Ce pasiuni ai în afară de drumeții?
    Catalan: Quines aficions tens a part del senderisme?
    French: Quelles passions as-tu à part la randonnée?
    English: What hobbies do you have besides hiking?
    Romanian: Îmi place să gătesc și să călătoresc. Recent, am fost în Italia.
    Catalan: M'agrada cuinar i viatjar. Recentment, he estat a Itàlia.
    French: J'aime cuisiner et voyager. Récemment, je suis allé en Italie.
    English: I like cooking and traveling. Recently, I went to Italy.
    Romanian: Ce locuri ai vizitat acolo?
    Catalan: Quins llocs has visitat allà?
    French: Quels endroits as-tu visités là-bas?
    English: What places did you visit there?
    Romanian: Am vizitat Roma, Florența și Veneția. Toate au fost uimitoare!
    Catalan: He visitat Roma, Florència i Venècia. Totes van ser impressionants!
    French: J'ai visité Rome, Florence et Venise. Tout était incroyable!
    English: I visited Rome, Florence, and Venice. All were amazing!
    Romanian: Care a fost partea ta preferată?
    Catalan: Quina va ser la teva part preferida?
    French: Quelle a été ta partie préférée?
    English: What was your favorite part?
    Romanian: Cred că Veneția mi-a plăcut cel mai mult pentru atmosfera sa unică.
    Catalan: Crec que Venècia em va agradar més per la seva atmosfera única.
    French: Je pense que Venise m'a le plus plu pour son atmosphère unique.
    English: I think Venice was my favorite for its unique atmosphere.
    Romanian: Mi-ar plăcea să aud mai multe despre călătoriile tale. Putem să ne întâlnim la o cafea săptămâna viitoare?
    Catalan: M'agradaria sentir més sobre els teus viatges. Podem quedar per prendre un cafè la setmana vinent?
    French: J'aimerais en entendre plus sur tes voyages. On peut se retrouver pour un café la semaine prochaine?
    English: I'd love to hear more about your travels. Can we meet for a coffee next week?
    Romanian: Desigur! Sună bine. Hai să stabilim o zi.
    Catalan: És clar! Sona bé. Anem a fixar un dia.
    French: Bien sûr! Ça me va. Fixons un jour.
    English: Of course! Sounds good. Let's set a day.
    Romanian: Perfect. Pe curând!
    Catalan: Perfecte. Fins aviat!
    French: Parfait. À bientôt!
    English: Perfect. See you soon!
    Romanian: Pe curând!
    Catalan: Fins aviat!
    French: À bientôt!
    English: See you soon!

    • @RogerRamos1993
      @RogerRamos1993 Месяц назад +1

      That's what ChatGPT does in less than 5 seconds.

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад

      That is really something else!!! :O
      In case you are interested, here is part number 2 of the video with Luca:

    • @RogerRamos1993
      @RogerRamos1993 Месяц назад

      @@CouchPolyglot I watched it already, being the simp that I am.
      On a serious note, I also have a hard time with ChatGPT. It can do so much, I feel like I'm in an amusement park and don't know what to play. "Teach me some lingala" "Teach me a2 swahili and kimbundu side by side" "10 sentences in Bengali". So, I am trying to stick to books. If I can spend 2 or 3 hours a day reading literature or studying books, nothing will be boring to me. But if you have something specific on your mind, ChatGPT is great. I got one paragraph in French and asked it to translate to Italian, then Spanish, German, and so on. So in a matter of 10 minutes I practiced about 8 languages. And if it's a language like German (that I'm a beginner) I ask for it to provide word for word translation right beside each word, which looks like this:
      Ich (I) liebe (love) Sprachen (languages) lernen (to learn).

  • @JordiRosell
    @JordiRosell Месяц назад

    M'he sentit molt identificat amb això del Harry Potter. Ara que aprenc alemany m'estic pensant de tornar a Harry Potter altre cop 😂

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  27 дней назад +1

      Tota excusa és bona per rellegir Harry Potter 😁

  • @UnShredded
    @UnShredded Месяц назад +1

    And there it is again, the "dictatorship of fun", why should learning a language be fun?
    Is it even realistic to impose that expectation upon an endeavor that entails mechanic spaced repetition, confusion, memorization, social anxiety, drill after drill? But why?
    "Fun" can be assessed.
    I'm having a hard time imagining "fun" being a valid assessment criterium for language proficiency at the Defense Language Institute, or for trying to survive in a hostile environment like jail, enemy lines, homelessness, etc.

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +3

      We actually mentioned that a system is even more important than motivation/passion/fun, cause a system keeps you consistent. I do think that if you have fun, it will be easier to stay consistent though.
      I remember I was quite bad at history in school, cause the method used was so boring, it was just about learning by heart. I studied and passed cause I had to, but I am sure if it had been taught differently, I would have enjoyed it AND would have had better grades. Later in life I started enjoying history when reading historical novels and felt motivated to find out more.
      The same happens to me with exercising, if I find a way to enjoy it, I will stay a lot more consistent than if I force myself to do it "cause I have to" or "cause it is good for my health".
      I would argue that most polyglots do have fun when learning cause... what is the point of spending so many hours on something you don't enjoy?

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +1

      @@vogditis that is very interesting, thanks a lot for sharing :)

    • @CouchPolyglot
      @CouchPolyglot  Месяц назад +1

      thanks for sharing your experience!
      In case you are interested, here is part 2:
      We actually talk about our experience in school regarding language learning, so it might be interesting!