let's all take these Commanders and four star generals and all the rest of the wackos by their hands and tell them what's right or wrong are you kidding me that's why they were put in them positions because they should know right from wrong
I HATE violence. HOWEVER...I think liars ahould be back handed. But, hey...just listen to a 3 star that was STRIPPED of his 4th and trying to get it back; because he's truthful.
what is he referring to this time
Defund the military.
let's all take these Commanders and four star generals and all the rest of the wackos by their hands and tell them what's right or wrong are you kidding me that's why they were put in them positions because they should know right from wrong
I HATE violence.
HOWEVER...I think liars ahould be back handed. But, hey...just listen to a 3 star that was STRIPPED of his 4th and trying to get it back; because he's truthful.
Matty’s hair stripe matches his stinky leadership.